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28 Cards in this Set

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women in psychology
-before 1980's women were present but there were very few

-from 1975-2000 women went from 30% to 70% of new PhD's in Psychology

Aesara of Lucania
-pre-modern thinker

-lived between 425 BC and 100 AD

-wrote "book on human nature"

-proposed 3-part soul like aristotle

St. Hildegard of Bingen
-pre-modern woman thinker


-theory of health/disease - based on bodily fluids

-practiced forerunner of psychotherapy

Mary Whiton Calkins

-mid 1800's-1900's

-studied under William James at Harvard, but was refused PhD

-APA president un 1905, 1st woman

-Known for:

1. paired associate memory task

2.trying to integrate structuralism (introspection) and functionalism

Margret F. Washburn
-1871-1939 USA - 10 years after Calkins

-studied at cornell under Titchner

-1st woman to be granted in PhD in psychology (1894)

-APA president in 1921

-Known for:

1. studies in comparative psychology-compares different organisms

2.defending concept of consciousness in face of behaviorism (during presidency)

Functionalism & Women
-male variability hypothesis:

--women have less variation on the average in all cognitive areas

--assumption that with men, some are much smarter than most and women wont stand out as much

-both Caulkins and Washburn remained unmarried: may have had to choose between scholarship and family

Anne Anastasi
-1908-2001 USA

-APA president in 1972

-Known for:

1. work in psychometrics

2. challenging traditional interpretation of IQ tests

Mamie Phipps Clark
-1917-1983 USA

-worked closely with husband Kenneth Clark

-Known for:

1. doll studies suggesting internalization of racism in African American children (desegregation of schools was impacted by this)

Elizabeth Loftus
-1944-present USA

-cognitive psychology

-known for:

1. research on malleability of memory

2. research demonstrating that false memories can be formed

Marsha Linehan

-clinical psychologist

-known for:

1. developement and empirical validation of dialectic behavior therapy (DBT) - 1st used with depression and borderline personality disorder

-- mindfulness -forcing yourself to focus on the here and now and being non-judgemental about it

-- challenging thoughts - evidence of thoughts

Francis C Smuner
-1895-1954 USA

-1st African American PhD - under G. Stanley Hall at Clark University in 1920

-known for:

1. started psych department at Howard University (historically black)

2. research in many different areas

3.translating international research sumaries for Psychological Abstracts

Claude Steele
-1946-Present USA

-Social sychologist

-known for research on stereotype threat

Martha Bernal
-1931-2001 USA

-1st latia to recieve PhD

-Known for:

1. empirically based intervention with children with conduct diorder

2. research on minority mental health and ethnic identity developement

the Sue Brothers
-David, Derald, and Stanley

-Clinical and counseling psychologists

-Known for:

1. scholarly work on mental health in and counseling of asian Americans

2. Derald known for research on microaggressions

Ethnic Societies
-American Black Psychologists- 1st ethnic group

-Division 35- women

-Division 45- society for psychological study of culture, ethnicity and race

Karl Marx and Marxism
- 1818-1883 Germany, France, England

-political/economic philosopher

-developed theory called dialectical materialism (history isprocessof opposites reconciling)

-Russia and China have been profoundly influenced by versions of Marxism

Basics of Marx's philosophy
-economic relationships drive human culture and history

-a persons fundamental identity is based in their work

-a persons main bargaining chip in society is their labor

-property owners exploit the labor of the working class

-at some point the working class will realize this and"revolt"

-revolt leads to society in which ultimately: everyone shares means of production and profits are distributed according to need

Marxismin Russia and China
-Leninism (Russia)

1. takes name from Vladmir Lenin

2. believed "professional revolutionaries" could impose socialism

3. skipped capitalist stage

-Taoism (China)

1. takes name from Mao ZeDong

2. strongly influenced by Leninism

Psych in Russia pre-1917
-late 1800's

-historical context

-Tsarism with anti-Tsar movements

-church subordinate to the state

-large peasantry

Ivan Sechenov

-"father of russian psychology" and physiological psych

-worked with Helmholtz and Mendeleev (periodic table)

-best known for work on central inhibition:

1.parts of the brain, as well as the spinal cord itself, can inhibit reflexes (all reactions)

2. cannot contribute this to fatigue

3. inverse of what happens during excitation

Controversy regarding books
-Sechenov published books in 1863 & 1866 - he was accused of materialism

-Dosteovsky Crine and Punishment released in early 1866

-April 4 1866: Dmitry Karakozov tries to kill Tsar Alexander II - some implicated Sechenov's materialism as a cause

Vladmir Behktorev

-neuropathologist and psychiatrist

-studied under Wundt and Charcot

-Known for:

1. opening 1st experimental lab in Russia

2. reflexology: study of stimulus-response reactions, and arguing against pavlov

3. identified the hippocampal role in memory

-may have been poisoned by Stalin

Psych in Rusia after 1917-context
-Lenin and his Bolshevik party take over russia in 1917

-9 million deaths as a result of revolution and ensuing civil war

-ultimately: tight state control over everything

-20 million deaths under stalin (1924-1953)

-after WWII "thaw" in Cold War regarding sciences

Lev Vygotsky

-dev. psychologist and educator

-developed cultural historical psychology:

1. higher-order psychological processes develop via social interactions

2. internalization: theseprocesses move from external socio-cultural world to inside person

-Vygotsky circle: scholars who trace intellectualheritage back to vygotsky

-work was suppressed after death because he thought conscious was still relevant and was strongly influenced by Gestalt psychology

Alexander Luria


-student and colleague of vygotsky

-known for:

1.pioneering cross-cultural studies in USSR

2.studies on brain damage ( result of WWII)

3. developed theory of brain function that serves as basis for 2 major psychological tests:

-Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological Battery

-Kaufman Assesment battery for children

Psych in re-modern China


-Confucious 551-479 BC

-provided social insights

-set of social values that lead to nobility (or character)

-importance of upbringing, education, and self-awareness

-Lao Tzu 500's BC

-Tao=the way

-oppositional forces in world: nede to find integrated, middle way, yin/yang

-influenced by carl jung

Psych Testing in China- Civil Service Exam
-content: knowledge and analysis of Chinese classics in philosophy and lit.

-system began no later than Sui dynasty (581-618)

-various purposes:

1.limit the aristocracy

2.equal opportunity


4. motivation to go to school