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19 Cards in this Set

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Chest Pain DDx
1. ACS
2. Aortic Dissection
3. Pulmonary Embolism
4. Pneumothorax
5. Pericarditis / Tampanode
6. Esophageal Rupture
- Vasospasm (Prinzmetal angina, cocaine)
ACS Presentation
- Substernal chest pressure, tightness, or heaviness
- Radiation to jaw, shoulders, back, arms (esp. both arms)
- +/- dyspnea, nausea, diaphoresis
- Atypical symptoms in women, DM, elderly (e.g. dyspnea w/out chest pain)
- S3, hypotension
- Not reproducible by palpation, not positional, not sharp/stabbing (pericarditis)
- Sudden onset sharp / stabbing
- Radiates to trapezius
- Worse w/ inspiration, lying flat
- Alleviated by leaning forward
- Friction rub in >85%
- Diffuse ST elevation + PR depression (specific, not sens)
Friction Rub
1. Atrial systole
2. Ventricular systole
3. Ventricular diastole
Aortic Dissection
- Sharp, tearing CP
- Radiating to back / abdomen
- Pulse differential
- AI murmur
- Widened mediastinum on CXR
1. Egophony (E-A transition)

2. Bronchophony (99)

ROS Constitutional
1. Fever
2. Chills
3. Sweats
4. Weight / appetite change
5. Malaise
6. Weakness
7. Dizziness
ROS Eyes
1. Blurry vision
2. Diplopia
3. Photophobia
4. Discharge
5. Vision Loss
6. Pain
1. Hearing loss
2. Tinnitus
3. Sore Throat
4. Sinus Drainage
5. Dental pain, tooth loss, dentures
6. Nosebleeds
ROS Respiratory
1. SOB
2. Cough
3. Sputum Production
4. Pleuritic CP
5. Hemoptysis
1. Orthopnea
2. Nocturnal dyspnea
3. DOE
4. LE edema
5. CP
6. Syncope
7. Palpitations
8. Venous insufficiency
9. claudication
1. n/v/d
2. Regurgitation, heartburn
3. Odynophagia
4. Dysphagia
5. Abd pain
6. Constipation
7. Abd swelling
8. Hematemesis, melena, BRBPR
9. Pus / mucus w/ stools
10. Tenesmus
11. Incontinence
1. Urgency / frequency / incontinence / hesitency
2. dysuria
3. hematuria
4. Post-void dribbling
5. Penile d/c, impotence, testicular masses
6. Vaginal d/c, dyspareunia, bleeding, menstrual hx
ROS Endo
1. Polydipsia / polyuria
2. Heat / cold intolerance
3. Tremor
4. Menstrual irregularity
5. Changes in hair / skin / nails
6. Loss of libido
7. Abnormal body hair
ROS Skin
1. Rashes
2. Itching
3. Pressure sores
1. Arthralgias
2. Myalgias
3. Muscle weakness
4. h/o fracture
5. Kyphosis
ROS Heme
1. Bruising / excessive bleeding
2. h/o clots
ROS Neuro
1. HA
2. Focal weakness
3. Difficulty walking / talking / swallowing
4. Memory loss / comprehension deficits
5. Vision loss
6. Seizure
7. Tremor
8. Incoordination, falls
9. Paresthesias
10. Vertigo
ROS Psych
1. Sleep
2. Interest
3. Guilt
4. Energy
5. Concentration
6. Appetite
7. Psychomotor
8. Suicide

- Anxiety, panic attacks, hallucinations (aud/vis), delusions