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106 Cards in this Set

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The main reasons for the fall of the Han dynasty

Court Intrigues increased

Rich and poor gap grew and taxes raised

One of the most important ideas of Confucianism concerning family

Filial piety

The most prized manufactured product of the Han dynasty


How Chandragupta ensured a strong, centralized gov’t in India

Arthasasrta- a book that called for strict state control, use of spies, and assassination

How Chandragupta divided his empire

Districts with people to rule

Why Ashoka is considered one of India’s greatest rulers

The Mauryan Empire reached its peak under him

Who promoted Buddhism in India


Shi Huangdi

Qin ruler

First emperor of China


Greatest Han ruler

Peaked under his rule

Ban Zhao

One of few female Confucian scholar and writer

Silk Roads

Network of trade routes from China

Who was Chandragupta Maurya

Founder of India's first empire (Mauryan)

Who was Chandra Gupta

Founder of the Gupta Empire

Who was Kalidasa

Gupta writer (poet and playwright) who wrote Sakuntala

Chapter 9

The reason religious pilgrims came to Mecca at the time of Muhammad’s birth


The reason Muhammad left Mecca

(His uncle died) He and his followers weren't safe

The 5 pillars of Islam

1. Profession of faith

2. Performance of five daily prayers

3. Giving of alms (charity)

4. Fast during Ramadan

5. Hajj- Journey to Mecca

What Muslims must do during Ramadan

Fast from dawn to dusk

The significance of the martyrdom of Husayn

Marked Sunni and Shia split

The Muslim scholar who wrote a history of the world

Ibn Khaldun

The reason there are few (human or animal) figures in Islamic art

Idol worship is a sin


Faith Muslims follow


Believed Muhammad's descendants should be in charge


Stone monument in Mecca


Sacred text of Islam

5 Pillars of Islam

Acts of worship



Harun al-Rashid

Abbasid caliph who helped bring Muslim culture to great heights

Ibn Sina

(AKA Avicenna)Persian doctor

Chapter 10

The most important resource in most Bantu societies by AD 900


The reason for Aksum’s rise by AD 100


The king know for building impressive Christian churches carved out of solid rock

King Lalibela

The one thing that made Ethiopia stand out in terms of religion from other East African people

They weren't Muslim, they were Christian

The reason Islam began to be practiced along the East Africa coast

Muslim foreign traders

The way Ghana’s kings ensured the price of gold remained high

Only they (the kings) could posses gold nuggets. Other people could only own gold dust

How life in Mali under Mansa Musa can be generally described



Open grassland

Great Enclosure

Wall from The Great Zimbabwe


Led Mali's rise to power

Mansa Musa

Mali reached height under

Askia Muhammad

First Muslim Songhai ruler


Stone monument


Africa's chief center of education, religion, and culture

Chapter 11

The correct sequence of Chinese ruling dynasties (4 of them) from 206 BC to AD 1279

1. Han

2. Sui

3. Tang

4. Song

The only woman to hold the title of emperor in Chinese history

Wu Zhao

The Tang or Song invention that eventually spread & revolutionized printing

Movable type

What “Pax Mongolia” meant

Mongol Peace (peace caused by Mongols)

The name of the dynasty Kublai Khan created

Yuan Dynasty

The 2 most important water trade routes (straits) in Southeast Asia

Malacca Strait

Sundra Strait

The way Hinduism, Buddhism, & Islam spread in Southeast Asia

Indian and Chinese traders and missionaries


First Sui ruler. Ended Period of Disunion


Tang ruler. Expanded empire the most out of Tang rulers

Movable type

Blocks with letters/characters that can be re-arranged


Genghis Khan


Large island chain

Prince Shotoku

Regent to Japanese empress. Responsible for sending missions to Tang China


Pagan's first great king

Chapter 12

What Emperor Heraclius did to Roman traditions in the Eastern Empire

Ended them. Incorporated Greek culture into Eastern Empire

The reason some Christians objected to the presence of icons in churches

Too close to the non-Christian worship of idols

What the schism of 1054 did

East Orthodox Church

West Roman Catholic

The method Yaroslav used to successfully deal with western Europe

Maintained good diplomatic and trade relationships

The reason Cyril & Methodius were successful in converting many Moravians to Christianity

They spoke the Slavonic language

The goal of the Teutonic Knights in attacking the Russians

Force Russians to abandon Orthodox Church and convert to Roman Catholicism

The man responsible for the successful introduction of Christianity to England


The man instrumental in spreading Christianity to Ireland



Justinian's top general who recaptured lost lands in northern Africa and Italy

Justinian’s Code

Corpus Jurius Civilis


Brother of Methodius who converted Moravians to Christianity

Vladimir I

From Kiev. Converted to Christianity

Prince Alexander

Prince of Novgorod who encouraged Russians to not rebel against Mongols, this caused less destruction to Novgorod

Alfred the Great

King of Wessex who est. a system of schools that educated adults and children



Chapter 13

The most influential family in the expansion of the Franks


Charlemagne’s views about education

Encouraged education

The reason the Vikings began raiding northern Europe

They needed new sources of food and wealth

The first European country to develop a strong central gov’t


The king who drove the Vikings north of London

Alfred the great

The name of the period when the Christians drove the Moors out of the Iberian Peninsula


The reason the Pope was so influential during the Middle Ages

Series of clever and capable popes dedicated to reforming the papacy came to power


Charlemagne's family

Leif Eriksson

Viking who reached the Americas (Canada)


Land given to a knight for his service

Manorial system

Economic System

William the Conqueror

Duke of Normandy who conquered England

Domesday Book

Survey of England(Census)

Leo IX

Pope who helped reform church, also caused the schism

Chapter 14

The number of organized Crusades that set out from Europe between 1096 & 1291


The goal of all the Crusades

To take Jerusalem and the Holy Land

(claim or protect)

The reason the Pope excommunicated all Crusaders taking part in the 4th Crusade

They attacked a Christian City

The reason merchants asked the king for special charters for towns

They didn't want to pay high taxes

The reason it was difficult for journeymen to become masters

guild restrictions

The end result of the Wars of the Roses

a new era of English history

The (economic) end result of the Black Death

Ended manorial system

Pope Urban II

Inspired Crusades


Muslim leader during third Crusade

Hanseatic League

Northern German cities working together to promote trade and protect it

Dante Alighieri

Wrote The Divine Comedy


Legal procedures. Judged heretics


Members of new religious order for Christian education to combat heresy

Joan of Arc

Young peasant girl who led French army