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45 Cards in this Set

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Political, social, economic effects of the Black Plague (6pt)?
Political- Feudal system is dismantled; the legislative bodies and the courts are abandoned
Social-the feudal system breaks down, of social order; anti-Semitism develops
Economic- labor shortage; landowners and creditors lose money
Outcomes of the Council of Trent
- Tightened discipline clergy
- Reaffirmed the church teachings the Protestants rejected
- Banning the sale of indulgences
Palestine before the Crusades
- The Jews and Christians could practice their religion freely
1. Because they paid taxes
2. Followed Muslim regulations
The Triangular Trade
1. 1st stage of the system merchants shipped (ON FINAL)
1.Cotton goods
- To Africa in exchange for slaves or gold

2. 2nd stage of Triangular Trade is called
Middle passage
- was the shipment of slaves across the Atlantic to the Americas
- Traders sold the slaves for produce from the plantations

3. 3rd -To complete the triangle:
- Merchants sent to the plantations products to Europe, where they were used
- Where they were used to buy manufactured products to be old in the Americas
Middle Passage brutal and dehumanizing effect on the slaves.
- Harsh conditions
- there was spread of disease
- and others were forced food because they didn’t want to eat
- he wants to get as many people as he can to get the goods in return
greatest Muslim warrior, he used intrigue and war to eliminate his rivals
Richard the Lion-Hearted
He was a courageous soldier, defeated the Muslims near Arsuf, made a truce with the Muslims in 1192
Ignatius De Loyola
Was a Spanish soldier, he got hurt and had time to think about Jesus and the Saints, he founded the order of Jesuits
Amerigo Vespucci
discovered America, America is named for him
1521 went around the world, died in the Philippines and fought with islanders; I named the Pacific Ocean
Christopher Columbus
believed the earth was round, thought he could reach Asia by sailing westward
Francis Bacon
English philosopher; rejected the idea that you could deduce knowledge from self evident principles.
Rene Descartes
Rene’ French philosopher, believed that you should question everything or all assumptions before accepting them; developed or wrote Discourse on Method.
Huldrych Zwingli
religious reformer around Martin Luther’s time, and he and Luther met and disagreed on the use of images and worship but agreed on doctrine.
Isaac Newton
He wrote a book about laws of motion and gravity, studied movement of objects on earth
Pope Leo X
He rebuild Saint Peter’s square by selling indulgencies; used a monk in northern Germany to raise money
Johannes Kepler
Brilliant Mathematician who tested Copernicus theory many times until he got it right
Juan Sebastian Del Elcano
Famous for being one of the last members of the crew that sailed around the world for Spain; I finished the trip
Galileo Galilei
Was an astronomer that disproved the geocentric theory, and wrote a book and the named it Dialogue on the Two Great Systems of the World.
Bartholomew Diaz
sailed around the Cape of Good Hope in 1488 and found the route to the Indian Ocean
founder of the Knights Templar
Saint Bernard of Clairvoux
Humanist believed in the need for (ONLY ONE YOU NEED TO KNOW)
Involvement in practical affairs
Martin Luther’s writes his 95 theses and he criticizes three important things (ONLY ONE YOU NEED TO KNOW)
Extreme wealth of the Church
three motivations of the crusades (ONLY ONE YOU NEED TO KNOW)
Under the feudal system, kings and powerful nobles granted land to other
Loyalty or royalty
Astrolabe applies astronomy and geometry allowing sailors to determine the
relative height of stars and planets
European’s ideas about the Universe come from the
Greeks and Romans
favorable balance of trade is achieved by
selling more goods than a country buys
Village priests were likely to engage in all the following activities except
Village priests did not recommend charms to keep misfortune away
lives of monks were regulated by a set of standards called the
Benedictine Rule
pope urban II goal in the first crusade
Unite European Christians in a common cause
The seeking of rational explanation of things
Disenchantment of the World
came from Asia and were early converts to Islam
Seljuk Turks
responsible for Portugal interest in exploration
Prince Henry the Navigator
A system of laws based on judges decisions rather than on a code of statues like Roman Law
Common Law
economic theory that states that there is only a fixed amount of wealth in the world and a country’s government should do everything they can to increase wealth in its country.
Pope Paul IV wrote the Index of Forbidden Books
Index of Forbidden Books
name given to the German princes who protested against the church for suppressing Luther’s reforms
They were neither clergy nor did they have the financial means to live a pious life, to obtain salvation
Poor Laymen
A church sanction on an entire region, no church services could take place putting people in danger of damnation
Reason the second crusade is considered a failure
Commit Lawless Acts
individual merchants joined resources to form companies to sell stock
Joint Stock Companies
counter reformation
Aggressive Campaign against Protestantism
what women in villages felt that caused them to protest
Impact of food shortages and taxes
byzantine preservations enabled the Italians to
interact with Greek/Roman teachings-