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105 Cards in this Set

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Niccolo Machiavelli
-The Prince: discourses
-discourses on the history of living (wars)
-believes in more rights for the people
-wants a militia: if successful they will be benefited (he wants to give the people something of what they really want)
Christian humanism
-ethics: does it make you a better person?
-Desiderius Erasmus
-Julius II Exclusus
-Novum Testamentum
Desiderius Erasmus
-from Holland
-knows a lot of different languages
-In Praise of Folly (1509): irony, criticizes the church and institutions

Some people say that Erasmus laid the egg that Luther hatched
Johann Gutenberg
(1453) : need to spread news fast
-movable type
---used for church abuses: indulgences (most famous abuse: buys a paper statement that says they are forgiven of their sins)
Martin Luther
-abused child
-dad wanted him to become a lawyer and gets him into a school so he can learn
-Luther joins the priesthood instead
-justification by faith alone
-95 thesis
-diet at worms
-translate Bible from greek to latin
Martin Butzer
-any peasant that made it up there, he made sure they were fed and taken care of
-had love
John Calvin
-Institutes (book) of the Christian Religion (church organizations)
--writes in Latin and French
--"city on a hill" =believes in the community, it can be seen
--double predestination: 1st-at birth, Lord chooses, 2nd-some are chosen for salvation
--some are chosen by God to be damned
Leipzig Debate
-Luther wanted it, that's why he put up the 95 thesis
-Luther vs. Johann Eck
(Luther: goes by St. Paul; the scriptures, Eck: "if you're right, how come no one agrees with you!"
St. Teresa of Avila
-comes from Spain
-well known for intimate commune with the Lord
-barefoot carmelites
St. Ignatius Loyola
-from Spain
-was a soldier when he was young (tough)
-injured his knee, permanantely disabled
-goes to University of Paris to get degree and Calvin was there...
Council of Trent
1545-7, 1551-2, 1562-3
-2 different theories: pope of council decides
-Luther did not attend
-Vulgate: a problem with what Bible should be used
-followed scriptures and kept some traditions
-indulgences are gone, but donations were accepted
-education: very important, church is the most important place to teach kids...emphasizing church doctrine
Witch Craze
-pact with the Devil
-educated were more likely to believe
-worse by half century (1500-1650): scapegoats misfortunes, loss of social services
--don't like heretics, Jews, the weak (single older women)
-women seen as evil: sex and the devil
-moles: entrance for demons
Nicholas Copernicus
-from Poland
-looks at solar system
-Wrote "on the Revolution of Heavenly Bodies" but waited to make it known until he was on his death bed
-solar system lines up around the sun
Francis Bacon
-inductive method: make information and then do experiments to come up with a conclusion
-wrote "The New Atlantis"
---if understood how things worked, you can manipulate things (scientific relationship)
Renes Descartes
-Motion, clockwork, doubt
-"matter in motion"
-all matter are mechanisms, but each have different functions
-hypothetical model
-universal doubt: we should do everything

"Cognito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am)
Galileo Galilei
-falling bodies
-took 2 objects and dropped them: fell at the same rate
-invents thermometer: expansions of liquids
-church is concerned because it is something totally different
-thinks pope will help, but doesn't: taken away...
-worked on his experiences the rest of his life
Issac Newton
-brings together physics
-universal gravitation: all objects with mass move (but he can't explain what gravity actually is)
-invented the reflecting telescope
-shines light through a prism
-writes book called "optics" book in physics
Columbian exchange
exchange of plants and animals
-Plants make the BIGGEST IMPACT
-to America: rice, wheat, sugar cane, coffee
-from America: corn, potatoes, squash, beans, tomato
(corn: high yield, low work, Potato: feeds twice as many as wheat)
Bartholomew Diaz
-Portuguese explorer
-first European to travel around the southernmost point of Africa
-discovered the Cape of Good Hope
Vasco da Gama
-departed from Lisbon and traveled to India by going through the Cape of Good Hope
-came back with a load of spices
Henry the Navigator
-promoted voyages of exploration in west Africa
-goals: enter gold trade, discover profitable new trade routes, Christianity
-developed under the order of Henry the Navigator
-small ship, created by the Portuguese, used for long voyages of exploration
Ptolomy's Geography
-manuscripts and maps of geography and cartography
-very influential
-columbus: found inspiration for the size of Asia for his expedition
-sails that were very maneuverable and could catch winds from the sides as well as from behind
-used on European ships
Navigational equipment
-very important
-used to locate and predict positions of the sun, moon, planets, and stars
-determine latitude by measuring angles of the sun above the horizon
John II
-restored policies of Atlantic exploration
-Portuguese explorations were his main priority in government
-pushed people to discover India
Alfonso de Albuquerque
-commander of Portuguese forces in the Indian Ocean during the early 16th century
-sought to control Indian Ocean trade by forcing all merchant ships to purchase safe-conduct passes and present them at Portuguese trading posts
(those without were subject to confiscation along with their cargoes--didn't really work)
early modern European navigation chart in manuscript (shorelines and place names)
Conquest of Mexico and Peru
-name given to the Spanish soldiers, leaders, explorers involved in the conquest of the Americas following the discovery of the New World by Columbus
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
Spanish conquistador
-established one of the first European settlements in the East Indies and Pacific Islands
Dutch East India Company
trading company
-established 1602
-first multinational corporation in the world
-first company to issue stock
Mattheo Ricci
-Roman Catholic missionary
-convert the emperor and his subjects to Christianity with mechanical clocks
(clocks didn't do what Ricci wanted, but symbolized increasing engagement between Asian and European people)
Francis Xavier
-opened a mission in Japan (1549) to seek converts to Christianity
-establish trade and military alliances with Europeans
-Successful (converted a lot)
-co-founder of the Society of Jesus
Age of Crisis
period of cooling occurring after a warmer era
-16th century to mid 19th century
Thirty Years' War
-one of the most destructive conflicts in European history
-fought in Germany and involved most of the countries of Europe
-started as religious, moved to European power
Peace of Augsburg
treaty regarding religion
-ended religious struggle and made a legal division of Christendom permanent within the Holy Roman Empire
Protestant Union
German history
-alliance of German Protestant leaders of cities and states
-purpose: defending lands, person, and rights of each individual member
Peace of Westphalia
-settlement ending Thirty Years War
Henry IV
King of France
-1589 to 1610
-Nicknamed Henry the Great
Edict of Nantes
issued on April 13th 1598 by Henry IV
-to grant substantial rights in a nation
-civil unity was the concern
-edict separated civil from religious unity
-offered reinstatement of Protestant's civil rights
Cardinal Richelieu
French clergyman, noble, and statesman
-King's "Chief Minister" or "First Minister"
-wanted to consolidate royal power and crush domestic factions
-transformed France into a strong, centralized state
the holder of a public administrative office
-Civil war in France
-means sling
encouraging exports and discouraging imports (through tariffs)
-balance of trade
Charles II
King of England
-saw rise in political parties
-advance of colonization and trade in India
Peace of Utrecht
series of treaties that concluded the War of the Spanish Succession
-end of French expansion and rise of British Empire
Treaty of the Pyrenees
-signed in 1659
-end war between France and Spain (that started during the Thirty Years War)
Bohemian Estates
-Kingdom had estates that were ready to defend their rights and liberties
Frederick William
-good military and political skill
-staunch of the Calvinist faith
-knew importance of trade and promoted it
-Means "young Lord"
Frederick William I
-Elector of Brandenburg
-strong economy: a large surplus in the treasury
Mongol Yoke
-member of the highest rank of different aristocracies
-term designating certain monarchs
-used to meant Emperor in European
Ivan IV
-Grand Prince of Moscow
-achieved much overseeing numerous changes in the transition from a local nation state to a small empire with regional power
Service Nobility
-Russian Social Class
-called to serve from age 15 until death
-service was permanent with rare leaves granted to attend to family and estate matters.
-applied to specific militaristic communities of various ethnicities living in the southern region
Peter the Great
-tsar of Russia from 1692-1725
-self given title
-dragged Russia out of the medieval times to such an extent
-complex of ideas, attitudes, and patterns of behavior elaborating the principle that the authority of government derives from and is limited by a body of fundamental laws..
James I
-"the Golden Age" of literature and drama
-writers: Shakespeare, Francis Bacon
-talented scholar
-Purity of worship and doctrine
-Purifying the Church of England
-"further reformation" in order to keep church of England more closely in line
Long Parliament
-English Parliament
-could only be dissolved with the agreement of the members
Charles I
-King of England
-believes that kings received their power from God (Divine Right) and could not be taken away
-levied taxes without parliament's consent
New Model Army
-army liable for service anywhere in the country instead of a single area
-soldiers became full-time professionals rather than part-time
-veteran soldiers who already had Puritan convictions (beliefs)
name given to English government from 1653 to 1659
-includes the time when Cromwell was in charge
Oliver Cromwell
-English military and political leader
-known for his involvement in making England into a republican commonwealth
-commander of the New Model Army
Test Act
-English laws that served as a religious test for public office
-none professing the Established church were eligible for public employment
Glorious Revolution
-revolution of 1699
-disposition of James II
John Locke
-government official charged with collecting information about trade and colonies, economic writer, opposition political activist
-opposition to authoritarianism
-use reason to search after truth rather than accept opinions of authorities
-mind was "blank slate" or "tabula rasa"
Leader of the United Provinces of the Netherlands from 15th to 18th century
Natural philosophy
-study of nature: motion, causation, place and time
-study of physical world dominant before development of modern science
Tycho Brahe
Astronomical and planetary observations
-important and major contributions in astronomical instrumentation
-observed through orbits
Johannes kepler
-discovered that planets moved in elliptical orbits
-served as Tycho Brahe's assistant
Experimental method
measures the causes
-manipulating one variable to determine causes of two things
Law of Inertia
Newton's 1st law
-an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion
Theory of knowledge
-comes from experience
-doing experiments
Cartesian dualism
-Philosophy of Descartes
-relationship between mind and matter
Scientific community
-total body of scientist, relationships and interactions
-get together to debate within journals and conferences and interpret results
John Cockerill
Lancashire carpenter's son...built cotton spinning equipment in Belgium
-bought an old summer palace and converted it into a large industrial enterprise that produced machinery, steam engines, and then railway locomotives.
-established modern ironworks and coal mines
Fritz Harkort
-business pioneer in the German machinery industry
-served in Prussion army (officer) during Napoleonic wars
-Germany had to match English achievements
-felt an almost religious calling to build steam engines and become the "watt of Germany"
-customs union in separate German states
-allowed goods to move without tariffs between the German member states
-tariffs charged to all other nations to help infant industrial and commercial relations
-followers of Ned Ludd
-social movement in protest against the industrial revolution that began in northern England in 1812.
-handicraft workers attacked the new machines being brought in by the factory owners, which they believed were taking their jobs.
Factory Act of 1833
-limited the factory workday for children between 9 and 13 years of age to 8 hours
-age 14-18 years old, limited to 12 hours
-prohibited factory employment of children of under 9
Mines Act of 1842
The act that prohibited underground work for all women as well as for boys under 10
-"i consider it a scandal for girls to work in the pits. till they are 12 or 14 they may work very well but after that it's an abomination...the work of the pit does not hurt them, it is the effect on their morals that I complain of."
David Ricardo
-wealthy English stockbroker and leading economist
-iron law of wages (because of pressure of population growth, wages would only be high enough to keep workers from starving
Congress of Vienna
The peace settlement that attempted to redraw Europe's political map after the efeat of Napoleonic France
Clens von Metternich
-Austria's all important foreign minister
-aristocrat who was passionately devoted to the defense of his class and its interests
Holy Alliance
An alliance formed by Austrai, Russia, and Prussia in Septmber 1815 that became a symbol of the repression of liberal and revolutionary movements ll over Europe
Carlsebad Decrees
issued in 1819
-decrees required the 38 German member states to root out subversive ideas in their universities and newspapers
Adam Smith
Scottish phyilosphy professor
-first one to persuasively formulate the idea of a free economy
-Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (founded modern economics)
-believed in free competition and the "invisible hand" giving all people equal opportunity (instead of mercantilism to regulate trade)
Henri de Saint-Simon
-one of the most influential early socialist thinkers (1760-1825)
-industrial development "the age of gold is before us"
-key to progress was proper social organization: required parasites to give way to the doers
Corn Laws
the laws revised in 1815 that prohibited the importation of foreign grain into Great Britain unless the price at home rose to improbable levels
-foreign grain imports
Reform Bill of 1832
-House of ommons emerged as the all important legislative body
-new industrial areas of country gained representation in the Commons
-number of voters increased by about 50%
Frederick William IV
-autocratic and paternalistic (r. 1840-1861)
-caved in and promised to grant Prussia a liberal constitution and to merge Prussia into a new national German state
Camillo di Cavour
-brilliant statesman
-came from oa noble famiy and embraced the economic deoctrines and business activities associated with the prosperous middle class
-national goals were limited and realistic
-sought unity for the states of northern and perhaps central Italy in a greatly expanded kingdom of Sardinia
Giuseppe Garibaldi
-superpatriot (1807-1882)
-personified the romantic revolutionary nationalism of 1848
-plan to "liberate" the kingdom on the two sicilies (had a thousand red shirts in his army)
Alexander II
-military disaster forced him and his ministers along the path of rapid social change and general modernization
-assassinated by a small group of terrorists (era of reform came to an abrupt end)
October Manifesto
The result of a great general strike in October 1905, it granted full civil rights and promised a populatly elected Duma (parliament) with real legislative power.
Jeremy Bentham
-radical British philosopher (1748-1832)
-taught that public problems ought to be dealt with on a rational, scientific basis and according to the "greatest good for the greatest number"
Louis Pasteur
-development of the germ theory of disease (1822-1895)
-French chemist who found that the growth of living organisms could be supressed by heating a beverage (pasteurization)
Napoleon III
-believed that rebuilding much of Paris would provide employment, improve living conditions, and glorify his empire
Herbert Spencer
-English philosopher
-saw the human race as driven forward to ever-greater specialization and progress by a brutal economic struggle that efficiently determines the "survival of the fittest"
-the poor are the ill-fated weak, the prosperous the chosen strong
Social Darwinism
A group of thinkers who saw the human race as driven forward to ever-greater specialization and progress by the unending economic struggle, which would determine "the survival of the fittest"
Karl Luegar
-popular mayor of Vienna from 1897-1910
-combined fierce anti=Semitic rhetoric with municipal ownership of basic services
-appealed especially to the German-speaking lower middle class and Adolf Hitler
The International
the link between the Socialist parties and labor parties
-great psychological impact
-met every 3 years to interpret Marxian doctrines and plan coordinated action by a permanent executive (growing power of socialism)