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57 Cards in this Set

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Herbert Hoover
the 31st president of the US
served during the Great Depression 29-37
emphasis on voluntary controls and promoted associationalism.
chartered the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to provide loans to banks and businesses
towns built by the poor during the depression, named after Hoover who we think started the depression.
Executive order 8802
FDR signed in order to prohibit government contractors from discriminating based on color, race, or national origin.
first employment discrimination act towards employers with government contracts.
Signed to ensure that there are no strikes or demonstrations disrupting production of military supplies before WWII
The First Hundred Days
after FDR's election, met with congress for 100 days
congress granted every request
set the precedent for the first 100 days
Congress passed 15 major bills that
prohibition was ended
new regulations over stocks, trading, utilities, banking and trying to combat running on the banks for withdrawal
provided emergency relief to fund people getting back to work
banking failures, agriculture overproduction, business slump and unemployment
by winter 1934 20 milion americans recieved financial support from the government
Civilian Conservation Corps
Put young men 18-25 back to work,
formed during first 100 days
focused on rural parts of the country, participated in building dams, avoiding soil erosion and building trails
Got room, board and small stipend, about 2 million participated
Social Security Act
Foundation on which the welfare of the elderly would be established as a foundation on which subsequent programs would be built.
Most significant act the federal government had ever passed in regard to the welfare of the citizens
Old age pensions funded by tax contributions from workers and employees
The Roosevelt Recession
37-38 temporary reversal of the pre war economic recovery before he first took office.
Steel production and electrical manufacturing dropped drastically (70%)
Why? Roosevelt didn't like deficit spending.
Fed tightened money supply, nation couldn't stand on its own
belief that WWI had been a mistake and US participation in WWII would be a mistake. strong in the 1930s and beyond, not allowing FDR to enter in to the war.
Second New Deal
1936 election was a referendum on his programs.
Included the Social security act, works progress act, Civilian conservation corps, rural electrification administration, national labor relations act (wagner act) 1935
Pearl Harbor
December 7, 1941
Ended Isolationism
Japan had been expanding military since 1930
November-Naval commander sends message to mobilize Navy against potential Japanese attack
December 6- FDR sends message to emperor not to attack
Half of the american fleet distroyed
FDR calls for total victory over Japan
All but one vote in congress to enter WWII
Japanese internment and executive order 9066
target of harsh repression
asian immigrants had been targeted long before the internment
placed the japanese in camps to detain them in the case of an uprising
Atlantic Charter
1941 Winston Churchill agreed to meet in secret with FDR.
Set the ideological foundation of the western cause
Called for four freedoms of speech: want, fear, speech, religion (and self determination at FDR insistence)
establishment of open door policy, investment and trade across national boundaries
Establishment of lend lease
Double V
WWII campaign by African Americans
Gain victory over Nazism and racism at home
Identified parallels between anti-semintism and racial discrimination in the US
National Industrial Recovery Act/ National Recovery Administration
33-35 Improvise a solution for the depression (7A)
"corporist" phase of new deal,
NRA: in context of GD, competition was harmful, based on idea that government could foster economic growth by working with (not against) businesses, assisting them in working with one another
-promote cooperative action, eliminate unfair practices, increase PP, expand production, reduce unemployment
-Anti trust legislation suspended (business self regulation) government would oversee businesses
-right to organize (higher wages=mores spending= economic recovery)
-corporatism fails (1935 unconstitutional), trade is dominated by a few large business, harmful to small business small businesses
National Labor Relations Act
-ideological support for labor unions
-NLBR (power to conduct investigations, hear cases, issue rulings, etc)
-outlawed interference of labor organizations by employers
-1937, massive strikes by big business
Congress of Industrial Organizations
was responsible for unionizing big international corporations
Containment 1947
Containment against Soviets and territorial advances- part of living in the nuclear age
Kennan's idea became shared consensus about Soviet motivations and American responsibility
-Diplomat in moscow
-authored the long telegram (established the USSR as a threat)
-Iron Curtain Speech- WSC- responsibility of America
Truman Doctrine
-Responsibility of America to defeating communism in Greece, stop Soviet influence
-asked for 400 million economic and military aid for Greece adn Turkey
-established the precedent for "assistance of free peoples" and offering economic and military assistance to combat communism
-responsibility of the US to fight communism
Marshall Plan
1947 Secretary of State Marshall calls America to give assistance to western europe for WWII reconstruction
-European Recovery act 1948- largest foreign aid program in US history, economic intervention to prevent the spread of communism
-fear that economic failure would hurt the US economy
-Soviets thought that it was an attempt to force capitalism on western europe and american espionage
Laid out US cold war policy
declassified in the 70s
-because of the Soviet advances in atomic weapons (detonated first atomic bomb august 48)
-looked like fat man, espionage
-tensions rising
- calls for increase in defense spending
-trippled defense budget
Korean War
Communist regime in NOrth Korea surprise attack on South Korea- 90,000 troops
- turned the cold war hot
- assumed that stalin gave the order for attack
-US responds by sending in troops to drive out invading forces
-General MacArtuhur
-33,000 Americans died, 105,000 wounded
-formerly known as the DIES committee became the primary communist activities investigative committee.
-investigated communist activity during the 40s and 50s.
Manhattan Project
-Spurred Stalin's distrust of the west
-supposed to be an anglo-american project
-development of the Atomic bomb
-laden with espionage
-Robert Oppenheimer (theoretical physics), Earnest Lawrence
The American Century
Henry Luce, publisher of Time, Life, Fortune
- age of affluence, belief that economy was dependent or interdependent with many countries so US would naturally ensure trade
-play the global policeman
-representing america's view of the country on a global scale
SMith act
HUAC- illigal to try and overthrow the government by force or violence
52 election. Promsised to end the war
Fought for civil rights, didn't believe that you could change the hearts of men with laws
-during his time as president, agreed that US would not interfere with actions beyond the iron curtain
Brown V Board of Ed
Topeka cansas
tenant that challenged separate but equal clause of Plessy v. fergesson
Thurgood marshall head of NAACP- argued that seperate could not be equal
-S.C. overruled Plessy. v. Ferguson
-wasn't about educaiton, constitutionally the concept of segregation
-few whites willing to enforce
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Formed by MLK and others, highlighted the role of non violence adn the struggle to come
-wanted the south to look like the rest of the country
-practical strategies: understanding of indian resistance to colonialism, passively resisting abuses, power and strength revealed only to those who subjected others and selves to violence
-non violent turn of opposition to your side (what non violence does not awaken a sense of moral shame?)
-shifting target audience: forget about southern whites, try to win over the federal government
Student Non Violent Coordinating Committee
John Lewis, head of SNCC
Formed to give guidance to students
small organization devoted to participatory democracy, non violent resistance and christian good will.
- was unhappy with civil rights bill and the persistance of police violence and brutality
-dissapointed with federal government
1964 Civil Rights March on Washing
coaltion of civil rights groups brought 25% of people to national mall in august.
-largest US demonstration in history till then
-a high point of the civil rights movement?
-peaceful and moderate
-almost too tame? some activists refused to attend
-John lewis, head of SNCC gave speech warned that civil rights bill would not give protection from fear of police states
-was given advance copy of what he was not allowed to say by liberal leeders who attended
-King, etc. saw need to maintain relationship with federal government leaders
Bay of Pigs 1961
Kennedy was told by the CIA that the plan had been approved by Eisenhower (this was not true). Did not want to question the right of the CIA or make anyone upset, did not want to step out of place
-was a disaster,
-idea was to arm cuban exiles to fight at the bay of pigs against castro
- when it became clear at the last minute that the plan would not work, kennedy cancelled air cover
-castro took this to mean that the US wanted to overthrow the cuban government
-castro used as as opportunity to arrest people who did not share beliefs by calling them traitors, 20000 people arrested
Khrushchev and JFK could have started a nuclear war that would have led to the end of civilization
K decides that he is goign to test JFK by placing nuclear warheads in cuba
we had missiles in turkey
USSR- no ICBMS, but CUba is CLOSE, could do just as much damage
JFK not wanting to look weak, didn't want to do too much or too little
announces quaratine on cuba- decides not to invade cuba
The pledge to withdraw from vietnam and let the people there work out their own problems, didn't really work
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
LBJ's justification for sending troops to in Vietnam without going through congress.
sadi that the american navy destroyers were in international waters was unprovoked and attacked twice by north vietnamese asks congress for authority to respond as needed to any future attack on navy in any foreign waters
Nixon's vietnam withdrawal and pulling out troops, but the war dragged on
Linked to right wing anti castro activities and connections to CREEP. White house denies connections. Later comes out that WH has everything to do with the break in. Dirty activity revealed,
cover up of commisioning break in was headded by nixon, deleted records and discouraged an investigation based on national security
is charged with obstruction of justice and half a million dollars of pay to shut up burgelars
comes out that nixon had conversationsin the oval office tapped. Supreme court ruled that he had to turn them over to congress, damning evidence. led to nixon's resignation
Pentagon papers
First term nixon south east asian policy
highly secretive from congress and nation
revelation about bombing on cambodian border
Energy Crisis
through 1974 OPEC cut back on production and embargo on all shipments to US.
1973 Egypt and Syria attacked Israel in Yom Kippur war, US supported ISrael
gas prices doubled
attempts at energy independence prove inaffective then and now
we like big cars, this didn't end, after the crisis people go back to normal spending
Iranian hostage crisi
Iranian revolution and the end of the shah's power
US embassy personell taken hostage and carter administration and US is unable to control events on world stage (no more american century)
administration wasn't able to do anything BAD
showed carter's weakness
Iran Contra Affair
Reagan administration sold to iranian moderates in exchange for hostages held by pro-Iranian forces in Lebanon and in the mid80s
proceeds of the weapons government diverted money to fund contras since congress had banned legal aid
president said he would never negotiate with terrorists- did just that
destroyd proof and documents, committees investigated
reagan denied- suspicious
Reagan Revolution
the reagan revolution held democrats responsible for the economic stagflation and huminiation of the iran hostage crisis
spoke of a renewed american spirit
promised tax cuts and a more powerful military
New Right
wanted to dismantle liberal social programs and the progressive policies that funded them
Isolationism and suspicious of a strong military establishment caused by the fear of communism and the push for collapse of communism on a worldwide scale
fought to restrict government activism by maximizing economic and personal freedom
favored the use of the free market
Strategic Defense Initiative
83 also known as star wars
us would develop, impliment and deploy series of space based weapons (lasers) capable of shoting down soviet missiles before they were able to reach US targets
reagan hated nuclear war
was impractical
critics said that launch of anti ballistic missile platform would violate us soviet treaties- initate arms race?
Afirmative Action
Actions taken to take in to account the disadvantaged position of minorities after centuries of discrimination
advanced by the labor department in 1968
refined by a series of court rullings that identified acceptable proceedures, including hiring, recruitment, training programs and set asides
means openness
1985 Gorbachev
recognized the need for internal economic reform, the arms race had devasted the USSR economy
needed internal reform, technological advancement and end to the war in afghanistan.
perestroika was economic restructuring
different from previous authoritarian regimes
brought openness and transparency to the USSR, Gorbachev went on television often
Gulf War
the persian gulf war was initiated by a coalition of 34 UN nations against Iraq with the purpose of expelling iraqi forces from kuwait after the annexation of 1990
the great majority of forces were from teh US, saidi arabia and the UK as contributors.
Saudi arabia financed 40 of the 60 billion dollars of the war
Jerry Falwell
Founded the moral majority in 1979 and was one of the earliest gropus of the new right.
was committed to promoting family values and patriotism in american society and politics
Roe v. Wayde
abortion had been criminal in all but 17 states
victory for women's rights
private statues overruled basic constitutional rights to privacy
the new right was outraged
went beyond the actual ruling to bring up gender issues
Contract with America
Newt gingrich yearned for the republican campagin to create a contract with america.
he vowed republicans would secure votes in teh first onehundred day sof new congress.
included shrinking the size of government, promoting lower taxes and greater entrepreunrial activity
Gerald ford
Nixon had damaged his credibility,
greatest challenge was the sinking economy
inflation was high, 12 percent in 1974- biggest downturn since the depression
timid and powerless- iddn't take decisive action
increased support of the shah of iran to get oil
didn't do anything iwth ussr and arms limitation
pardoned nixon as soon as he took office
Domino theory
started by eisenhower. if one country fell to communism, it would eventually result in the collapse of all non communist governments in the area.
this was the justification for vietnam, cambodia, laos, etc.
Restrictive covenants
restrictive covenants limited the suburbs to only caucasians
ended by Shelly v kramer- in practice they still remained for a while.
red lining by the houseing aministration and veterans administration- refused to grant morgages to blacks in the area
Massive retaliation
Term coined by Sec. of state john foster Dulles in 1954 in a speech
stated that US would respond to military provocation by any means they chose
this meant that us could respond with nuclear weapons
local defense must be enforced with further deterrent of massive retaliatory power- forms the bais for the term massive retaliation
would later back up any conventional defense against conventional attacks with possibility of nuclear weapon attack
Rosa Parks
1913-2005 civil rights activist.
Tet offensive
offensive by southern insurgents, blowing out wall of US embassy in Saigon, fighting spread in to towns
us was militarily side that lost tactically, southern NFL insurgents, won politically
US was shocked by the strength and scope of the uprising
made a mockery out of the illusion that the us was winning
Stagflation of the 1970s
an economic situation in which there is high inflation and stagnant business and high unemployment. jimmy carter attempted to remedy the economic situation by increasing government spending, volontary wage and price guidliness and pricelines to combat high inflation
The Great Society
Lyndon B Johnsons great society program