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87 Cards in this Set

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Who are the Mughal Rulers?
Babur, Akbar, Nur Jahan, Shah Jahan
Who was Babur and what did he do?
- 1st to establish Mughal in India
- captured important city of Kubal
- defeted the weak Muslim Sultan(a group of hindu prices)
- gathered control of Northern India
Who was Akbur and what did he do?
- added land to the nation and divied it into many provinces
- Made it illigal to have children in arranged marriages
Who was Nur Jahan and what did she do?
- a female leader when women were kept under a veil or in a house
- she was educated, smart, brave, ambitious
Who was Shah Jahan and what did he do?
- Grandson fo Akbur
- ended religous freedom
- supported poets and artists
- paid for buildins and monuments
Who established a policy of isolation?
Ming China and Japan's Tokugawa Shogunate
Why did Ming China Isolate and what were the consquences?
becasue the portuguese set up smuggling operations in the coast of china and the portuguese also plundered, kidnapped and killed the people
Kicked all forigeners out, kept all citizens in, many people became unhappy with the government
Why did Japan's Tokugawa Shogunate Isolate and what were the consquences?
to much forigen influence(chrisian missions to be exact)
killed all missionaries, killed people who became christians,stopped trade, and no moderinzation happened
What was the Munchus?
a dynasty that greatly expanded China
What factors helped Hernando Cortes conquerthe Aztec Empire
- he kidnapped and kept the Aztec Emporer, Montezuma, hostage
- His crew also ambushed Montezuma's nobels and killed them all
Who was Francisco Pizarro?
he was a conquistador who wanted to be rich in the Inca Empire
What empire did Francisco Pizarro conqurer
The Inca Emprie
By the seventeenth century, impressice Muslim empires existed in all of the following ecxept
What were the three estates of France?
First, Second, and Third
What was the thrid estate?
mostly peasents, 99% of all people
What was the second estate?
artisans, household servents, and laborers
What was the first estate?
bourgeuises (lawyers, doctors, merchants, manufacturers
What were the National Assembly Reforms
- The Declaration of Rights of Man
- Some of the Kings powers were weakned
- gave up feudal dues, political exemptions, tax exemptions, and dismantaled the feudal system
Who was Napoleon?
a lower class man, who was in the army, and dreamed of being a general, and became a general many years later and wanted to modernize France, and crowned himself emporer
What was Bolivar also called?
"The Liberator"
Napoleon Bonaparte
spread recolutionary ideas and institutions through conquest
What happened first?
The Estates-General met on a tennis cort and declared themselves to be a National Assembly
The French Revolution
let to the establishment of equality before the law
Latin America achieved its independence because
of successful revolutions leb by peple like Bolivar
What was the Industrial Revolution?
Is the change from hand tools to power-driven tools in manufactoring
How did the the Idustrial revoluton affect the cottage industry?
it altered the way things were made and moved making goods from the houses to the factories
What were the six conditions that favored Englands Industrialization
1.Britian enjoyed plentiful natural resources
2.Britian had a large labor force
3.They had also industrialzed early and resources were combined
4.Two large markets waiting to buy finished goods
5.the government also helped
6.The British had a rather mobile society
What were the changes made after the First Revolution?
clothing, fuel, transportation
What were the changes made in clothing
the spring mule, flying shuttle, cotton gin were invented
What were the changes in fuel?
Coal and Iron were introduced
What were the changes in transportation?
Steam engine was produced
In the second revoluton what happened?
-steel became the new technology
-the x-ray machine was invented
-the car was invented
-Charles Darwins theroys came about
What is Laissez Faire?
a principle that business and idustry should operate with a minimum or complete absence of regulation and infrence by the government
What were Adam Smith's ideas on Laissez Faire?
stated that nations would gain wealth if they allowed free econmic competition for their citizens
What were Thomas Malthus' ideas on Laissez Faire?
he blamed the population that it didn't help because there were two many people
What did Karl Marx write?
he wrote the Communist Manifesto
In the nineteenth century, which region made the least economic and social progress?
On the whole, Romantics
beliced calid truths could be found only through reason
Conditions for workers improved in the late 19th century because of
the social reforms introduced by the governments
The effects of Nationalism were most impressive in the
unifications that occurred soon agter the Crimean War in the central European areas of Germany and Italy
What was China's reaction to western imperalism
they crumbled to the western influence
What was China's reaction to western imperalism
they effectivley resisted the pressure from them
Whodid world peace threatned
When one place would industrialize many other countries felt threatened because they became stronger than other states
Who was in the Triple Alliance?
Grmany, Austria, and Italy
Who was in the Triple Entante?
Russia, France, and Britain
Who did WWI start?
Duke Francis Ferdinand, of Austria, visited a near by country and he was shot and killed and that is why and how WWI began
Where did the peace confrence take place at the war?
Paris Peace Confrence
Who were the Big Three that attended the Paris Peace Confrence?
Fance, United States, and Great Britain
What was the name of the treaty signed at the Paris Peace Congrence?
the Treaty of Versillies
What was the punishment imposed on Germany after WWI?
There armies were limited and they had to pay billions of dollars in damage for the war, and some of their land was transfered to other countries out of their territory
What is on the maps on page 586 and 597?
yugoslavia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Austria, Hungry, Turkey, Czechoslovakia, Crete, Corsica
The powers possessing the largest colonial empirs on the eve of WWI were?
the United States and Germany
All of the following helped lead to WWI except who?
the Geneva Convention
What revolutionary activities of Lenin and Bolsheviks overthrow Alesander Kerensky's Provisional Government?
They created the Red Gaurd which seized the government by force
What new name did the Bolsheviks assume?
the Communist Party
What was the Five-Year Plan?
1928 government program that aimed to industrialize the Soviet Union and incease its agricultural production
What did Vladimir Ilyich Lenin do?
he was the forunder of he Bolshevik Party in 1903
Hitler Rise to power was what?
Germany got defeated and Hitler flet angered about this defeat so he joined a smll party called the Nazi Party. The Government and Govenors began to worsen things; so the nazis statred gaining people and Hitler became their new leader in changed everything, because the Nazi then became more powerful than the German Government.
Lenin believed that
capitalism was a necessary econimic institution
What is appeasement?
the trying to satisfy a country with concessions rather that going to war
Where was appeasment applied?
Britian and France didnt want to go to war with, Hitler so they tried to appease him
How did World War II begin?
Britian and France tried to appease Hitler but he was resisant, so hitler invaded Poland to try to take over but he ended up starting WWII
What countries were counqured by Germany?
Austria, Czechoslavaka, Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, the Balkans, Greece, and Yugoslavia
Why was Hitler unable to conquer the Soviet Union
Hitlers crew was still in thier summer uniforms and were not prepare form the freezing Russain Winters and many of his crew died
What was Stalingrad
where the Soviets turned the time agianst Germany
What was the Cold War?
a contest for power between the communist nations headed by the Soviet Union and the nations of the West headed by the United States agter World War II
What was the Truman Doctrine
a pledge to fihgt communism tohe Wolrd over and was known as the policy of containment
After World War II, the Allies divided Germany into zones governed by who?
France, Britian, the United States, and the Soviet Union
The causes for the Wold Depression included all of the following except
a shortage of able laborers
All of the following were Allied victores except
All of the folloing are examples of the Cold War except
the nuclear test ban treaty
How did Mao come into power?
all of the power was consentrated on the communist party and the leader held all that power and that was Mao
How did Japn hace spectacular economic gains
-by establshing policies to encourage a high rate of savings among to Japanese
-industris then borrowed fomr these savings to envest in new machinery and research ofr new products for export
- and also depeded on the adaptive abilty, productivity, and strong home markets and thriving foreign trade.
How did China under Mao have very limited gains?
-agricultural communes which required farmers to work for the government
-a purge or cleaning out of intellectuals who had been sperading capitalistic, anticommunist ideas
-used troops to change the damage he had done
what were Nehru's policies in India
agriculturyal self-suffciency and industrialization
What were the policies of Ayub and Zia in Pakistan
land,education, and transportantion reforms and also a strict martial law
Who was Jawaharlal Nehru
the first prime minister of independent India
Where is Angola?
bottom left hand of africa
Who was Neto
the first president fo Angola
Who was Lumumba?
the first prime minister of Zaire
What did Kenyatat do
he led the indepenence movement in Kenya
The History of the newly independent nations of Afria can best be characterized a featuring
Economic inderdevelopment
How was Israel created
when the British fillaly left Palestine and the Hews Procamed thier own sate called Isreal
Who were the three Latn American countries that hace had radical revolutions in the 20th century
Argentina, Chile, and Brazil
Middle East is bes dectribed as
a region that is the crossroads of people and ideas
The State of Israel
was created a s the result of war between the Jews and the Arabs
All of the following nations are Arab members of OPEC except