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52 Cards in this Set

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most violent and devastating war. lives lost due to battle, aerial bombing, genocide, atomic weapon use
world war 2
japan, italy, germany (losers)
axis powers
china, britain, france, USSR, USA (winners)
forbids shipment of arms to any and all belligerents
neutrality act of 1935
permits sale of arms to belligerents if paid in cash and shipped to foreign vessels
revised cash and carry act of 1937(non-neutrality)
enables America to become "arsenal of democracy"
lend-lease act of 1941
changed the total of deaths dramatically because of new technology and weapons
industrial age
developed and pushed by the US to prevent Nazi era from reoccuring. trials based on US law and help in US officials occupied in germany. USSR uncomfortable with trials because they committed similar crimes.
war crimes trials
first city where war crimes trials took place
crimes against peace (fight against neighbor), crimes against humanity (killing innocent civilians), crimes of war (torturing POWs)
types of war crimes
war crime trials that lead to a new legal code of conduct of warfare between nations
leadership of warring nations will be held accountable for war crimes by international trials
war crime trials message
created by FDR. mission: collective security and international peacekeeping. 5 permanent members have veto power to ensure maintenance and balanced power. consists of security council, general assembly, secretariat
united nations
atlantic charter, development of UN, post-war disintegration of european empires (france, italy, holland)
factors ending european imperialism
outcome of bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki. weapons used as weapons of deterence, mutually assured destruction (MAD) created based on subs, planes, missiles (nuclear triad), atoms for peace program created by US
atomic age
FDR (pres of US), Winston Churchill (prime minister england), Joseph Stalin (general secretary russia)
big 3 yalta conference
allies concede polland within russia's sphere of influence, poland's eastern provinces to be transferred to USSR, polish govt turned into coalition govt (stalin's broken promise to polland leads to cold war), division of germany finalized, manchuria, northern korea and japans southern half of sakhalin isalnd and the kuriles concede to russia, UN organization decided
decisions of yalta
involves harry truman, clement atlee, joseph stalin. germany's eastern border shifts 100 miles west, poland's western border shifts west, prussia divided btw polland and ussr, germans in poland displaced, ethnic borders restored, 5 Ds implemented in occupied germany
potsdam conference
demilitarization, denazification, decentralization, deindustrialization, demobilization
5 d's in post war germany
autocratic(ruled by 1 person) rule in USSR, resumption of bolshevik commitment, by use of political intimidation power in eastern europe grows stronger, soviets become victorious by keeping anti-communist states under threat of america
nations east of east-west dividing line in europe go communist, gives rise to 2nd red threat so west turns to US for help, marshall plan-economic shield, north atlantic treaty organization-NATO, the cold war
results of stalinism
conflict btw USSR and US and their supporting powers (conflict: democracy vs. communism)
cold war
war becomes too costly, leaders of aggressive nations held accountable for war crimes, establishment of UN, european imperialism ended, atomic age approaching, many nations have weapons of mass destruction, decisions at yalta and potsdam, stalinism, cold war
reasons world doesn't go back to pre-ww2
result of munich conference (stalin wasn't invited to this), 2nd front controversy, recognition of new italian govt w/o consultation, loss of loan request for $6bill to reconstruct russia, suspension of lend-lease after ww2, stalin becomes paranoid and paranoia leads to berlin and korean war
reasons for stalin's distrust
stalin never leaves poland and never allows poles to hold a free election, stalin's distrust of west, polish queston is origin of the flame
basis for cold war
geo-political result of occupation of poland by ussr. fence with barbed wire and miles of land with mine fields and crazed dogs waiting to attack
iron curtain
created after stalin's actions in poland, no middle ground on issues (follow through on actions), all issues are black and white no shades of gray, stops withdrawl of american forces from europe, no more munichs
truman's get tough policy
a containment policy committing the US to stop communism EVERYWHERE and creating partnerships that will resist red menace
truman doctrine
george keenan envisioned this doctrine to force USSR to mellow and turn inward to address needs of citizens, leads to an arms race and atomic brinkmanship
basis for foreign policy
if greece goes communist so would turkey (2nd battle of cold war is in greece)
domino theory
european recovery plan
marshall plan
national security act
organization of american states
rio pact
restablishment of a german govt but led by military (infuriates stalin)
federal republic of germany
draft in response to world tension
selective service act
break in american heritage
north atlantic treaty organization NATO
soviets explode an a-bomb so we develop something to retaliate
truman's domestic reform program consisting of a social and economic meausures designed to foster equality and justice for all
the fair deal
biggest upset. however it desegregates UN military, opens up positions in US govt to best qualified person, a 90 day cooling off period after a strike, pleas for a national health insurance program, creation of medicare, increase in minimum wage, berlin aircraft, recognizes israel as a nation
trumans win in '48
supports the UN, supports NATO, support non-communist nations, support developing nations
4 point forgein policy
pres: sygnman rhee
govt: democratic
military advisors: americans
south korea
pres: kim il-sung
govt: communist
military advisors: soviets
north korea
1st hot war of the cold war. objective to reuinfy the country and destroy the republic of korea led by syngman rhee
invasion of south korea by NKPA
truman orders US support of the ROK (extension of truman doctrine), truman seeks UN support, general mac arthur ordered to commit US forces to combat, objective to defeat NKPA and restore SK republic
unanticipated US reaction
cross the 38th parallel and reunify korea under govt of president syngman rhee. advance to the yalu river authorized with south korea in the van
why red china brought into war
fears UN planning to attack it, the newest asian community. urged by stalin to attack UN in korea he said he would provide air support, Mao Tse-Tung sends a volunteer force to thwart UN forces, chinese communist foreces-CCF-attack with 300,000. UNANTICIPATED
red china's attack
UN forces west of korean mountains withdraw south of 38th parallel vacating seoul, CCF forces maneuvered into a stalemate pushed by US air support (no soviet air), mac arthur denied use of atomic weapons of china's coast
catastrophe to stalemate
population in south supports their govt and fighting forces, conventional war fought by the nation's military leadership, UN remains committed to fighting war until successful
why korea becomes a winnable war
reds fear loss of face bc nearly 1/2 of communist POWs don't want to return to their homes, try to embarrass the UN by staging a riot and take over UN POW camp on koje do alleging prisoner abuse, charge UN with germ warfare
POW repatriation issue
dividing line the existing battle line, voluntary repatriaton to be carried out, operation "big switch"
*1/4 of the people do not go back to communism
korean armistace
turning point of cold war. soviet leaders never contemplate armed agression against the west after this. "CONTAINMENT WORKS"
korean conflict
Us and UN stop communist aggression, SK is restored as a nation, Japan recovers economically and a peace treaty ending ww2 is signed, US military desegregated, a new american military code of conduct-while a POW everyone in uniform cannot break faith with american govt
results of korean conflict