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129 Cards in this Set

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Lachrymose View
(Tearful View) History of the Jews is of suffering and persecution.
That Germany (if looked at through history) would have been the country to carry out the Holocaust - Nazism is inherently German
The Holocaust (literal translation - sacrifice burnt entirely up to g-d)
Shoah V'Gevurah
Holocaust and Heroism (Israeli historical view)
"The war against the Jews" - From the beginning it was Nazis goal to destroy the Jews (raged WWII to kill the Jews)
Nazi Policy not designed at beginning but turned the way it was through time and Hitler's views
Polemical Anti-Semitism
Written Ant-Semitism (Rhetoric and Non-violent)
Systemic Anti-Semitism
Woven into the System - Legislative (prompted violence)
Eliminationist Anti-Semitism
Elimination of the Jews (Spike of violence)
Jewish council occurred in the Jewish Ghettos collaborating with the Nazi party (cooperation)
Jewish Question
What to do with the Jews - Can Jews be integrated into a modern society - Can Jews be part of a modern nation
Stephen Szecheryi
From Hungary - "The English lake can easily absorb a bottle of Jewish ink but the same bottle would ruin the Hungary soup" - opinionated on the Jewish Question
All people are essentially the same
liberation from servitude
(becoming middle class) Urbanization, occupational shift from commerce or money lending to new commerce or banking/insurance or professionals. Educated
Displacing religion from the center of life - Idea of enlightenment - Opportunity for Jews to live in European society
Romanticism Thinkers
Humanity is divided into groups - Major thinker Gottfried von Herder - Same culture (language) belong to the same nation
Embracing the mainstream culture
Fusing with the main stream on a cultural level
Heinrich Heine
Converted to Christianity - "Ticket of admission to European society"
Dry Baptism
Conversion to Christianity strictly to be accepted in Europe (Heinrich Heine)
Nicholas I
(1825-1855) Raised Military (all about the army) - Conscript Jews in the Army 1927
Alexander II
(1855-1881) Liberal Tsar - Come to Tsar during defeat of Cremarian war - Relaxed the law/rule of the Pale Settlement - Relaxed law on censorship - Emancipated the Surfs (1861)
Special units in the army by Nicholas for the Jews - Drafted from age 12 for 25 years - Pressure by priests and became more Russian - Quota to be filled
Pale of Settlements
Western borderland of Russia - Area of Russia where Jews were confined - Roughly the size of France - Lived in Shtetls
Russian Haskalah
(Jewish Enlightenment) Growing belief of Jewish emancipation - Thought might want to become more reform to be emancipated
Movement of spirtualized Judaism - Inward looking - Thought nothing really had changed.
Jewish Press
Jewish Papers published after post Censorship laws
The intecessor (in hebrew)
The Preacher (in hebrew)
Russian Jewish paper
Holy Roman Empire of the Germany Nation
Germany was formed from a piece of this empire
North German Confederation
The Nation of Germany - Large part of central Europe mostly run by Prussia in its attempt to accumulate all land Nationally German
Customs union - Regulated trade
Part of the Holy Roman Empire (Ruler- Hohenzollern) -1740 invaded the Habsburgs - Gained a lot of land
Frankfurt Parliament
(1848-1849) Attempt to create a single unified German nation - Wanted to nation build
Einhert, Freiheit, Macht
Unity, Freedom, Power - Bismarks Goal (state building before nation building)
Eisen Mit Blut
Iron and Blood
Otto Van Bismark
Biggest Junker - Helped unify Germany (Prussia and Habsburgs) into a unified state. Wanted to state build not nation build
Prussian nobles, younger brothers joined the military army
Blood Libel
Accusation of Jews killing a Christian child or baby, led to pogroms and murders
Adolph Cremieux
French Jew, to become important French politician
Pope Pius IX
(1792-1868) Syllabus of errors - Things that are bad (changes of the 19th Century) Denounced 19th century and secular culture
wilhelm Marr
Coined anti-Semitism - Social Darwinism - Different races competing against each other (nations competing for survival)
Theodore Fritsch
Very anti-semitic. Wanted Germany to be anti-Semitic and keep the Jews out.
Richard Wagner
Wrote "Jewry and Music" (1850) - Thought religion was outdated - Jews corrupt German culture - Composers making German music worse
Adolf Fischof
Jew - Led revolution in Vienna (1848)
James Rothschild
(1848) Financed defeat of Vienna revolution
Carl Lueger
Mayor of Vienna after revolution - Won on an anti-Semitic platform
Hep Hep Riots
(Hep Hep medieval way to make fun of Jews "goats") - Hierosylmaes Perdita "Jerusalem is Lost" - Organized by German intellectuals - Jews couldn't be incorporated into emancipation
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Book written by Russian conspirators (supposed to be minutes from a meeting of Jews) - Said Jews manipulated events to their benefit - Jews control the media
Tisza Eszlar Blood Libel
(1882) In Hungary accused for murdering Christina child for their blood - Became a national issue - Jews were acquitted but riots against Jews broke out
Dreyfus Affair
France - Decommission held in a public square (Crowd chanted "death to the Jews") - Dreyfus was an assimilated Jewish French soldier accused of espionage
Emila Zola
Non-Jew outraged by the anti-Semitism - Against French Republic - "J'accuse" - Published letter accused French Government and army for Dreyfus affair
Came to the support of Dreyfuss - Won election - Anti-Semitism began to decline up till WWI
Alexander III
Took over Tsar when Alexander II was assassinated - No freedom of the press - what to do with the Jews (1/3 baptised, 1/3 leave, 1/3 parish)
Kustantin Pobledonostsev
Conservative who taught Alecander III - Suppress the peasants
Government sponsored riots - Police and militia participated
May Laws
(1882) Economic laws against Jews - Placed in by Alexander III, Discriminated Jews from certain areas
Combat Anti-Semitism
Centralverein (cv)
Biggest opposition of anti-Semitism - Enlightenment through anti-Semitism - Like the anti-defamation league
Mendel Bealis
(1874-1934) Jew from Kiev - Accused of blood libel - Brought to trail 1913 was acquitted
Leo Frank
(1884-1915) Jew from Atlanta - Accused of killing Mary Phegan - Arrested and indited - Convicted to life in prison
Knights of Mary Phegan
Broke into jail and took Leo Frank who was then lynched and killed
Eduardo Bernstein
Moderate Socialism - No strong Jewish Identity and thought there was no real anti-semetic movement
Arnold Schoenberg
(1874-1951) Jewish composer - Had much anti-semitic competition
Balfour Declaration
(nov 1917) Declaration of the British made to get American Jews support in the war saying that Jews deserved a homeland in Palestine
National Self-Determination
A national group (nation) should control itself - Live with those ruled by those of the same ethnicity
Fin de siecle
End (turn) of the century
October Revolution
Lenin overthrew Liberal government to Communism - Perceived by many as a Jewish revolution
Leon Trotsky
Jew in Bolshevik revolution - sat on committee
Lenin Communists - Want to spread communism
Groups of Ukrainians - Skilled Horseman - Often involved in Pogroms - encouraged violence - thought of as freedom fighters
Bela Kun
(1886-1938) Formerly Jewish - Led communist revolution in Hungary - Friends with Lenin - Supported Russian Communism founded by Lenin
Aster Revolution
(Oct 1918) Liberal revolution in Hungary (no real government to overthrow) - Eventually overthrown by Kun
Hungarian Soviet Republic
Communist government set up by Kun
Admiral Miklos Horthy
Fought against communist regime - Ended up as leader of Hungary - National army
Red Terror
Acts of violence perpetrated by communists
White Terror
Acts of violence perpetrated by anti-Communists
Rosa Luxemburg
(1870 - 1919) Of Jewish origin (polish) Lived in Germany and founded the Spartacus league - Led communist revolution
Spartacus League
Popular uprising - Frontrunner for German Communist revolution
Spartacus Uprising
(June 5-12, 1919) Took over German government for 7 days - Thought to be Jewish led revolution
Time between WWI and WWII
National Minorities Treaty
Poland, guaranteed rights to minorities - Created political rights - Jewish Bloc (Hisidic leader of the Jewish Bloc)
Josef Pilsukski
Romantic notation of Poland - Lead campaigns to expand borders of Poland - Thought Poland as multiethnic - Thought Jews deserved to be there
Roman Dmowski
1935 Took over leadership of Poland *Pilsudski and Dmowski were the two leading Poland politicians on the Nation Minorities Treaty
Admiral Miklus Horthy
Saw Jews as vital to rebuilding Hungary - THought there was too many Jews in culture - imposed Numerus Clasus
Istvan Bethlen
Tried to undermine Numerus Clasus *Horthy and Bethlen both ran the Hungarian government until 1932
Numerus Clausus
(1921) Horthy imposed quota on schools, BAR, medical school for Jews
Gyala Gumbus
1932 took over for Bethlen - Wanted to get rid of the Jews
Fear of foreigners (that which is different) - Mainly W. Europe and USA
(Eastern European Jews) Xenophobia directed at Jews - Less viable to assimilate (more Hasidic Jews)
Leon Blum
French Politician - French Jew socialist - Dreyfusard - French left - During interwar was leading politician - If increase of immigrants would stir up French economy
Henry Ford
Bill Gates of 1920 Very important - Anti-semitic (political problem) - Dearborn Independent published by Ford - In DI published protocols of Zion
Stab in the back - The ultimate betrayal
Jewish Census
(1916) Asked Jews what they were doing to help the war - Showed Jews were helping a lot
Paul Von Hindenberg
(1847-1934) Son of Prussian nobles - Chief of army - Brought up the idea of stab in the back
Erich Ludendorff
(1865-1937) Deputy chief of Hindenberg - Agreed with surrender then reneged
Walter Rathenau
(1867-1922) Of Jewish Origin - Born in Berlin - "Hear O Israel" wrote this essay on assimilation
Free Groups - Didn't agree with the Weimar republic - Soldiers antagonizing and killing people - Assassinated Walter Rathenau
Kapp Putsch
Kapp Leader of a Freicorp Tried to take over Berlin
Security mark to help stabilize the hyper inflated economy
Dawes Plan
(1925)Germany gets lost territory back - Reparations level off - New German National Bank monitored by Allies - Loans made available abroad - Cover reparations with tax revenue
Lacamo Treaty
(1925) Restored ordinary diplomatic relations with others - Could trade freely with Europe
Young Plan
Long term solution to Reparations debt - 58 years
Adolf Hitler
(1889-1945) Born and raised in Austria - Didn't become German citizen until 1932
Bavarian Soviet Republic
Succeeded from Germany - Very brief - communist origin
National Socialist Workers Party (NSDAP)
Party Hitler joined (Discredited by communism) - Change name to add Nationalism (Nazi party) -1921 Hitler took over
Beer hall Putsch
(1923) Nazis/Hitler tried to conquer Berlin - Hitler imprisioned
Mein Kampf
My Struggle - Written by Hitler when in prison
Marinus Van der Lubbe
Dutch Jew in Parliament died in the parliament building when burnt down - Blamed for burning
Reichstag Fire Decree
Thought Lubbe was trying to set the Reichstag on fire (parliment building) - Hindenberg decree, suspended freedom (temporarily) of all Germans
Ernst Rohm
(1887-1934) Former military officer - Helped organize the military group for Hitler (SA)
Sturmabteilung (SA)
Hitler's militia organized by Rohm
Henrich Himmler
(1900-1945) Joined Nazi party in 1923 - Was administrative recruit man for Hitler
Shustaffel (SS)
"Defense Force" Hitler's personal body guard - 1938 were 10's of thousands of members
Franz von Papen
(1879-1969) Invites Hitler to join the coalition - Military man - Not Prussian - Catholic not protestant - Supported Hindenberg over own candidate
Gave Hitler a foothold into German politics ("Cabinet of Barons") Hitler invited to serve on the Stleglaugelhalter
Synchronization, Homogenization, Forceable coordination - Make everything fit together smoothly - Series of policies and beginning of Nazi culture
Enabling Act
(March 1933) Consolidate all power in the hands of the Nazi Party - Could take more steps eliminating all non-Nazi Parties (dissolved trade unions)
Herman Goring
(1839-1946) Led the Gestapo
Heheime Staatpolizei
Secret state police - Gestapo - Did not have jurisdiction in Bavaria at begining
"Night of the Long Knives"
(June 1934) Hitler takes out all major leader of SA - Hitler thought SA was too unorganized in its anti-Semitic aims
(1933) Emigration tax – had to leave your estate and wealth behind – 1933-1938 raised over a billion marks for the German government
“Likely to become a Public Charge” – Drain the economy – American term during the Great Depression – U.S. emigration not really available
Free city – Many Germans – accepted Nazism – some Jews decided to move back to Germany from there
Reichretrertung der DeutshumJuden
Jewish organization recognized by Nazi Germany – Strived for Jewish unity – Jewish self-help group
Leo Baek
Head of the Reichrertrtung de DeutschumJuden
Robert Weltsch
Leader of German Zionism – Wear the Jewish star with pride – as 1938 approached started advocating emigration to Palestine
Martin Buber
Only Jewish cultural icon to stay in Germany – founded the Lehrhaus
German Jewish Adult study place
Franz Rozenzweg
Jewish philosopher – converted to Christianity but then decided not to convert and stay Jewish – Became a cultural icon for Jews.