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161 Cards in this Set

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From the French town of Albi, a Cathar stronghold.


A land grant to a member of the royal family who won't inherit the crown. No reciprocal services expected.


Christian heresy, denying holy trinity


England - manager of a manor. France - royal tax collector in territories outside the royal demesne.


Rights of serfs to use their manor's utilities and rights of lords to collect fees for use of utilities.


Type of ancient Roman building used for Christian churches. Rectangular. Flat ceiling.

Beguine lay movement

Member of a religious sorority (without vows of nuns). Mysticism. No supervision. Mary of oignies. Condemned 1311.


Official document from the Pope.


Successors of Mohammed. Rulers of Muslim territory.

Canon law

Laws of the church.


Christian heresy - material world as creation of evil god and spiritual world of good god.


Bureaucratic department for drafting all official documents.

Chansons de geste

Literary genre from 12c. (songs of noble deeds) eg. Song of Roland. Vernacular


Carolingian tenant farmers.


Term of a royal or papal court.


Roman class of municipal officers


Region of England ruled by the Danes. Taxes paid by Anglo-Saxons.


Clerical ranking just below priests. Administrative manager of parish.


All territories controlled by the monarch.


Assembly of nobles or ecclesiastical leaders.


The powerful ones. Local military leaders.


Abbasid commander or military officer.

Estates General

The French representative assembly.


Chief financial office of a kingdom / tax collector /auditor.


Popular vernacular tales, bawdy. Medieval sex comedies.


An oath to perform loyal service to a lord.


A gift to a vassal from a lord in return for service.

Flying buttress

Exterior support for Gothic cathedrals allowing a high roof.


Anglo-Saxon militia.


Marginal commentary on a text.


Itinerant entertainers who performed satirical verse and songs.


Architectural style 12-14c. Pointed arch, flying buttress, ribbed vaults, stained - glass windows.


Manufacturing and trade cartels to determine standards of quality, price, apprenticeship training.


Portraits of saints


Pilgrimage to mecca that must be done at least once in a Muslim's life.


The journey of Muhammad and believers in 622. Start of Islamic empire (year 1 a.h.)


A vassal's recognition of a lord's authority of command.


Leader of Islam community.


Program for detection and correction of heretics.


Ban on the performance of sacraments


The spiritual struggle to obey Allah and practice Islam including war against enemies of the faith.


Itinerant court performers in aristocratic circles 12-14c.


Mecca's sacred shrine of the black stone.

Lay investiture

Secular control of ecclesiastical appointments

Liege lord

The primary lord in the event of plural lordship.


A lord with access and influence upon the king.


Ancient Persian religion


A cleric living entirely on alms.


A bishop with precedence over other bishops of a province.


Lesser knights holding administrative positions within the holy Roman empire.

Missi dominici

Carolingian traveling lord's checking activities of local counts.


A custom whereby a charged criminal's guilt was determined by divine intervention.

Peace of God 989. Truce of God 1063.

Protests that triggered church reform in 10-11c. Movement by the church applying spiritual sanctions to violence and feuding.

Plenary indulgence

Remission of temporal punishment of sins. Awarded to crusaders who died while on crusade.


First-born son gets all inheritance practice.


2nd phase of monastic / liberal arts curriculum - arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music.


Islamic month of fasting


Literary genre - courtly love. Vernacular. Chretien de Troyes. Chivalric lit.


Architectural style 11-12c. Rounded arches, barrel vaults, thick walls, few windows.


Philosophical system by Thomas Aquinas. Rational. Logic truth.


Room where monkey copied and illuminated books.


Payment given to lord in lieu of providing the owed military service.


Manorial peasant. Not slave. Not free.


Islamic religious law.


Purchase of ecclesiastical offices.

Stadium generale

Title granted to universities of prominence. Masters entitled to teach at any university in Latin Europe.


Summary, laying out of comprehensive knowledge on a topic.


Ecclesiastical assembly.


1st part of monastic / liberal arts curriculum. Grammar, rhetoric, logic.


French poet - musician. Aristocratic circles. Courtly love. Beatriz de Dia.

Truce of God

Ban on warfare for holidays or holy places


The entire community if Muslim believers


Charging interest for a loan


A knight owing service to his lord.


Free born peasant owing some service to a manorial lord.


Standard Latin bible.


Fee paid to a victim as compensation for physical harm.


Anglo-Saxon noble council

Salian dynasty

Henry ii. conrad ii. Henry iv. Henry v.

East Frankish rulers

Henry the fowler. Otto I. II. III.

Scandinavian kings of england

Canute. Harold. Harthacnut. Ed the confessor. Harold Godwinson (witan). William the conqueror.


Hugh capet. Rob the pious. Henry I. Philip I. Louis vi. Vii. Philip Augustus.

Norman kings of england

William the conqueror. William ii. Henry I. Matilda. Steven. (Civil war. Treaty of winchester 1152).

Plantagenets (angevins)

Henry ii. Richard lion heart. John. Henry III.


Circuit court held by a travelling justice.

Viking invasions

10th c. Political instability. Destruction of monasteries. Decline of royal power. Settlement. Danelaw.

Henry the fowler

918-936 east Francia. Allies Saxons with church. Built up resources.

Otto I

East Francia 936-973. King of Italy HRE selects pope. Controls church and aristocracy. Battle of lechfeld defeat Magyars 955.


9th c. King of wessex. England. Began reconquest. Danegeld. Loyalty. Strong administration. Literacy trans. English.


England Denmark Norway. 1016-1035. Didn't settle. Preserved english institutions. Grouped country under earls.


Knightly behavior. Courage prowess generosity honour. Cultivated by the church to civilize the military class.


987 on. Crowned heirs. Loyal sons. Legitimate heirs. Wise marriages. Control of domain with tenants and church appointments.

Philippe I

1060-1108. Endowed church but opposed reform. Excommunicated for bigamy.

Louis VI

1108-1137. Peace with pope. Controlled tenants and preserved borders. Ensure succession.

Edward the confessor

1042-1066 brought Normans to court. Norman heir. Powerful earls. Died and Harold Godwinson claims throne by witan. Enter William the conqueror.

William the conqueror

1066-1087. Est military aristocracy. Controlled church by normanizing it and reform. Ended independence of earls. Every freeman swears homage. Norman french culture est. Increase royal demesne. castle building. Preserved Anglo-Saxon fyrd, Danegeld, sheriff.

Domesday book

William the conqueror 1086. Survey of land and asset ownership and taxes owed.

English Civil war 1135-1152

Problem of succession after Henry I. Daughter Matilda, hubby Geoffrey count of anjou and rob of Gloucester vs nephew stephen.

Treaty of winchester

1152. King stephen king till death. Henry (Matilda's son) as heir.


10th to 14th c. Reconquest of Iberian peninsula from Muslim rule. Led by castile against the almohades from north africa. Growth of Christian states but with Muslim and Jewish cultural influences and communities.

Monastic reform - Cluny

910 charter. Independence from bishops and lords. Pilgrimages to Rome Jerusalem Santiago de compostela.

Leo IX synod at reims

Down simony and clerical marriage. Up papal supremacy. Monarchs and nobility reform the church.

Gregorian reform

No lay involvement. Cardinals elect pope. Gregory VII 1073. Papal supremacy and independence.

Henry IV

1056-1106. Anti reform and Gregory. Excommunicated. Nobles revolt. Matilda of canossa 1077 Henry forgiven and rebuilds power. Excommunicated again. Gregory flees and Henry is crowned by rival pope clement III.

1st crusade

Alexis comenius seeks aid from west. Pope urban II call to arms at Clermont. 1096-99. Peter the hermit. Peoples crusade. Attacks on jews. 1099 Jerusalem and crusader states edessa Antioch and tripoli.

2nd crusade

1147-49. Edessa taken. French king Louis and Eleanor. HRE Conrad III.

3rd crusade

1189-92. Jerusalem captured. Kings respond.

4th crusade

1201-4. Called by pope innocent III. Venetian bargain to capture Zara. Sacking of Constantinople.

Aristotle philosophy

God as the pure form. Eternal universe. Soul as universal form. Matter as raw material.

Abelard of bath

12c. Trans Arab math into Latin. 0. Hindu-arabic numerals. 12c.

Peter abelard. 1079-1142

Moderate realism. Logic. Paris master. Heloise. Monastic vows at St Denis. Condemned for heresy and attacked by bernard.

St bernard

12c. Mysticism. Love. 4 stages of humility. Cult of the Virgin Mary. Cult of the sacred heart.

Thomas aquinas

13c. Summa theologica. Reconciles philosophy and theology. Father of scholasticism. Opposed by magnus and William of ockham.

Louis VII

1137-80. Married Eleanor. 2nd crusade. Annulment. War with English Henry II. 3 wives. Male heir Philip ii.

Henry II

1154-89. Est strong lordship. Control territory and extended influence. Legal reforms with centralized government. Scutage. Coronation charter. Common law. Regular justices and royal writs. Tithing.

Thomas becket

Archbishop of Canterbury. 1162-70. Conflict with Henry II over rights of the church. Exiled and murdered.

Angevin rebellions

1173/4. Eleanor, sons and nobles who wanted to rule independently.

Eleanor of aquitaine

1122-1204. Queen of France 1137. 2nd crusade. Queen of england 1154. Rebelled with sons. Mother of kings. Patron of culture. House arrest for 15 yrs.

Richard I

Lionheart. 1189-99. Focus on warfare. 3rd crusade. War against french. Absentee king.

Justices in eyre

Highest magistrates in English law. Preside over court of justice to push offenders and examine the state of the region.

Assize of clarendon

1166 act by Henry ii of england. Trial by jury. Periodic town courts. Appointed justices in eyre.

Benedictine rule

Saint Benedict of nursia in the 5th.c. life of communal monks under an abbot. Self-governing. Contemplative life. Humility. Omnipresent god. Manual labor, prayer, sleep, spiritual reading.

Charter of liberties

Coronation charter. Issued by Henry I in 1100. Controls royal abuse of power. Simony pluralism taxes.

Knights templar

Christian military order. 12th c. Skilled fighters in crusades. Persecuted by Philip iv and pope clement v.

Investiture controversy

Conflict bt church and state. Popes challenging authority of monarchs to elect bishops and abbots. Begins pope greg vii and henry iv. Ends in 1122 concordance of worms with Henry v and pope calixtus ii

Alfonso viii of castile

Leader of reconquista. 1158-1214. Laws of cuenca. V. Leon.

Laws of cuenca

Alfonso viii of castile conquers cuenca. Laws for citizens. Local law enforcement rather than royal. Shows Muslim + Jewish + Christian population. Rights of women and children. Eg parents don't inherit children's debts.

English common law

1215. Inheritance rules. Life estates for spouses. Dowers. No rights in land left by will.

Alfonso x the wise

Legal code. Religious tolerance and harmony. Learning w translations of Hebrew and Arab science.

Innocent iii

13th c. Height of papal monarchy. Called the crusades. Approved orders of friars. Papal fiefs. Excommunications. 4th lateran council (distinctive dress for non-Christians, marriage sacrament, transsubstantiation.

Papacy after 1250

Politics rather than piety. Loss of authority. Royal taxation of clergy.

Bishop symbols

Mitre (old french poetry trans Norwegian shapes the mitre), pectoral cross, ring, Crozier, pallium.

John of england

13th. Excommunicated by innocent iii. Lost territory to french. Battle if bouvines. Magna Carta for good lordship.

Magna carta

1215 archbishop stephen of Langton. Barons critical of john. Individual liberty v. Royal power. Rights of heirs and widows. Regular assizes and eyres. Control of royal officials. Made law by 1225.

Louis ix

Ideal king. Crusader. Peace and justice. Ended feuds. Treaty of corbeil and treaty of paris. Parlement (permanent court) Strong monarchy and pious son of the church. Fought heresy (inquisition in france). Charity, alms. Idolized in joinvilles life of St Louis. Miracles at tomb

Henry iii

Friends with French king Louis ix. Numerous sons. Alienated political classes with favourites. Increase taxes including clergy. Expensive foreign policy.

Edward i

13th. Crusade. Reest good gvmt after Henry iii. Extended royal power with parliament including lords, clergy and towns 1296 (evidence from summons). M Eleanor. United Britain including Wales. Prince of Wales. Builds castles. English lordship in Scotland. War w Philip iv over gascony.

Philip iv

War with england over gascony. 13th. Flemish revolts disrupt trade. Money for wars with debt and taxing clergy and expelling jews and templars. Feud with the Pope Boniface viii.

Farms and villages

3 field rotation. Plough. Nucleated villages. Manor of lord: power of the ban, seigneurial justice, regalian powers. Manorial court. Property and civil cases. Ordeals. Juries. Penalties: fines, banishment, hanging, no prisons.

A valid marriage

Words of present consent, future consent and consummation. No impediments.

A proper marriage

According to 4th lateran council. Approval of lord and family. Public banns. Solemnization.


By consanguinity, force and fear, underage, living spouse, impotence, deception of person or condition.

1300 town

Self rule, charter of liberties. Trades and guilds, centres of gvmt, church, education. Trade centre. Walls, sea and river ports. Trade with countryside. Income from rents, tolls, fines, licenses for maintenence, legal expenses, administration, keeping order.

Cistercian reform

Annual council of abbots. Austere. Labour. Isolation. No oblates. St bernard of clairvaux. Wealth. Success agricultural innovations.

Augustinian canons

Urban, mendicant, parish duties, hospitals, uncloistered.


Approved by innocent iii. St Dominic 1170-1221. Preaching poverty piety. Inquisition. Theology in university.


1210 st Francis of assisi. Approved by innocent iii. Imitation of christ. Scholars. Missions. Love of God's worldm

Female monasteries

Few. Can't preach or be priests. Must be cloistered. Fewer endowments. Misogynistic monks. Eg Dominican sisters. Mysticism

Criticism of the church

University, educated laity. Rise of towns, struggle bt papacy and monarchy.


1173 Peter Waldo. Poverty. Aid poor. preached in vernacular. Trans bible. Women. Declared heretical.


Crusade 1209-1229. No buildings. Anti clerical. Dualist.

Lay devotion

Confraternities. Mystery plays. Books of hours. Margery kempe and her contemporary influences love and rolle. Pilgrimages. Suffering humanity of christ (flagellants). Lollardry. Urban fraternal guilds.


Follow john wycliffe. 14th. Church reform in vernacular bible, condemning hurch wealth, pope as antichrist, rejecting transsubstantiation. Persecuted by english kings. Condemned as heretical.

The great famine

Caused by early 14th poor harvests. Overpop. Malnutrition and death 10%.

Edward ii

Favourite piers gaveston. Coup d'etat by Hugh despenser. Invasion by wife Isabella and son Edward iii. Ed abdicates 1327, Coronation. Leading to period of challenging royal authority in England. Depositions murders revolts.

Reactions to plague

Blame jews. Desertion. guilt and repentance (flagellants). Gvmt regulation (sumptuary laws, wage and price controls, poll tax) . 40% mortality = shortage of labour. Revolts: jacquerie, ciompi, peasants revolt.


Royal and popular. Failure of papal leadership (avignon papacy and great schism). Rise in lay devotion. Defensor pacis 1324 says state > churh. William of ockham says god is beyond human knowledge, razor. John wycliffe, john hus.

Hundred years war

1337-1453 Philip vi and Ed iii. Feaudal dispute over gascony. Economic dispute over trade w Flanders. Dynastic dispute. Burgundian-armagnac rivalry. England wins all the battles (english kings of France through marriage, Henry vi) but france wins the war (Joan of arc). Council of arras = end of war

Joan of arc

1429. French unity, patriotism. Letter to the citizens of riom. Assault on paris. Captured and burned by burgundians.

Printing press

1450 metal moveable type. Guttenberg bible.

Ferdinand and isabella

Civil war. Aragon and castile united with marriage. Expansion: Grenada, Navarre, Columbus voyages. Consolidation of power and unity of faith.