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48 Cards in this Set

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13th ammendment
officially abolishes slavery
Freedman's Bureau
Reconstruction agency
- to protect legal rights of former slaves
- assist with their education, jobs, health care, and landowning
Black Codes
-set codes that made black an inferior status in order to control african americans
- ex: can't own farm land, inter-racial marriages were banned, could not own city property, could not testify against a white person in court
- vagrancy laws
Thaddeus Stevens
- Radical Republican
- believed in racial equality
- believed secession was successful because they were no longer states because they left the union (treated as conquered) provinces
- erase state boundaries and redistribute wealth
Radical Republicans
- identify the Civil War with the abolitionist cause
- sought swift emancipation of slaves
- punish the rebels
- tight controls over the confederate states after the war
- congress determines readiness of statehood
- congress takes charge of reconstruction
Freedman's Bureau Act
bill that renewed the Freedman’s Bureau for one more year, Johnson vetoed it, unconstitutional to have military courts in a time of peace
Civil Rights Bill (1866)
- response to black codes
- bill declared "all persons born in the US and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed"
- grants citizenship to all native born blacks
14th ammendment
- defines citizenship- any person born in US is a citizen
- due process of law
- can't deny equal protection of the laws
Military Reconstruction act
- divided confederate states into 5 districts with general residing over each
- must ratify 14th and 15th amendments before rejoining the union
- northerns who went to the south after the civil war and participated in the reconstruction government
- teachers, pastor among african americans, social workers, economic reasons)
- southerns who remained loyal to the union
- participated with the carpetbaggers reconstruction governement
- terrorist group
- performed acts in order to force blacks, scalawags, and carpetbaggers to understand their place
15th ammendment
- guaranteed blacks the right to vote
Bourbon Redeemers
- upper class southern white conservative democrats
- ended the political aspect of reconstruction and resumed position in union
Jim Crow Laws
- revokes civil rights for freedman
- racial segregation (water fountains, transport, schools, restaurants, restrooms)
Plessy vs Ferguson
- dispute over railroad cars, black man can't sit in white car
- 'separate but equal' facilities
James B Duke
- owner of American Tobacco Company
- machine made cigarettes
Railroad Grants
- grants that allow railroads to receive land and mineral rights, ore, lumber, etc
Pacific Railway Bill
- Railroad from Coast to coast
- Union pacific went west
- Central Pacific went east
JD Rockefeller
- owner of Standard Oil Company
- vertical integration
Standard Oil Company
- owned by Rockefeller
- vertically integrated
- 1st industry-dominating trust
- companies combined to control competition
Andrew Carnegie
- owner of US Steel Cooperation
- vertical integration
- Gospel of wealth
Vertical integration
- company owns the whole manufacturing process without having to pay any extra
Gospel of wealth
Carnegie believed that him and other millionaires should spread their wealth among humankind
Horatio Alger
- wrote short stories- American Dream
- upward mobility
JP Morgan
- arrange merger and acquisitions
- the price to merge would be stock in the new company
Knights of Labor
- 1st national labor union
- ended with the Haymarket affair
Haymarket Affair
- in chicago
- riots during McCormick Harvester company strike
- demise of knights of labor
Samuel Gompers
- 1st president of AFL
- focus on bread and butter issues
Homestead Strike
- strike that took place in steel mills
-company brought in Pinkerton Agent to promote fighting so that they could bring in the National Guard
Pullman strike
- strike against Pullman Palace Car Co, in company town
- courts and federal troops crushed strike
- corruption
- because of corrupt Grant administration because of the credit mobilier scandal
Credit Mobilier Scandal
- millions of overcharges were exposed for Union Pacific RR
- Grant's Admin. exposed
Whiskey Ring
- St. Louis
- siphoning off millions of dollars in federal taxes on liquor
- involved an extensive network of bribes involving tax collectors, distillers, and distributers
Tammany Hall
- Headquarters in NY for the Democratic Party
- Tweed ring- ran by Tweed (political machine)
Gilded Age
- Mark Twain coined
- the phrase means tarnished age, or corrupt age
Pendleton Act
- designed to destroy spoils system
- merit system- one who is qualified for posistion
Interstate Commmerce Act
- regulate competition
- aimed at RR and their rebates
- break up trusts
Sherman Antitrust Act
- restore competition where a monopoly had occured
Booker T. Washington & New South Creed
- spokesman for the blacks
-Atlanta compromise
-focus on social economic gain instead of black civil rights
WEB Dubois
- not for segregation
- emphasized social justice
Homestead Act
- gave 160 acres of land free if it were cultivated and improved
Free and unlimited coinage of silver
- owners of metals could exchange their metal for money or coins (or notes)
- overproduction of silver caused inflation of the economy
Grange and Granger Laws
- Midwest
- lobbied government control of RR, and grain elevator rates, and est. farmers cooperatives
William Jennings Bryan
- pro silver, main reason for losing
- democrat/ populist party member
- led national tour
William McKinnly
- Pro-gold Republican Party
- industry on his side
- pamphlets in many different languages
- national campaign manager
Marcus Hanna
- 1st national campaign manager
- raised 10 million dollars
- manager for McKinnly