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66 Cards in this Set

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What was thought to be the original starting point of humans in the new world. Said to date back 11,000 YA. Hunting society in New Mexico. Name came from the certain type of spear point.
Monte Verde
Bog site in Chile found elements of human presence 12,500 YA
Lagoa Santa
A site in Brazil where they found a skelaton dating 10,500 YA, called "Luzia." Morpholigical remains do not resemble early native americans but rather aborigineans.
Adaman Islanders
Curious people that lived in isolated areas of Eurasia, resemble aborigeans. It is possible that thats what "Luzia" is related to.
Large group of people that live at the Tierra Del Fuego. Could be related to "Luzia"
Kennewick Man
Found in Washington State, 9,000 years old. Skelaton looks vaguely caucasion looks like an Ainu.
People found on and around Japan. Hairy men with white skin, doesnt look asian. This proves that there were multiple migrations of different types of humans into the new world.
Climate change
Previously these early humans relied primarily on hunting which meant they need strong masculine properties. Climate changed and the large animals all died out so these human societies changed to a more gathering society which relies more heavily on the female virtues like keen eyesight, thus making women more important
Found cobbs of corn in caves which were hybrids, 7,000 years old
1st Permanent Settlement
2000 BC. Settlements were above Mexico city. Roughly 100 people cultivating corn (maize). Chose corn because produces alot from one acre, but cannot survive without human intervention. Corn became Iconic to their society.
Area of permantly settled areas in Mexico and Guatamala.
Slash and Burn
Type of farming found in Mesoamerica. Poke a hole every 2 yards and plant a seed and repeat, then harvest, then burn the field. Its a good and bad way of farming because yield is high but each year the yield goes down. Did this with other various plants and so a soon a surplus is created and this changes the lifestyle of the people, they are no longer starving which then creates a larger population. This leads to a more organized society which creates professional class mainly Priests.
A society dependent on Agriculture relies on the patterns of Nature. Priets play a central role because they make the decisions on what to do with farming. The more successful they become the more Godlike they become until they are viewed as Gods themselves. The emergance of the major temple structures is merely an evolution of the power these Priests/Gods have gained
Elite Centers
Centers which were not centered around agriculture but rather centered around the priestly class
Olmec Civilization
1200 BC to 600 AD. Known for giant carved human heads, also figurenes that have large breasts and large butts, and clay carved figures that look like people with downsyndrome.
La Venta, Tres Zapotes, San Lorenzo
All Olmec sites away from the center of the city.
Near Mexico City, largest pyramid in the New World. Known for their pottery syle with geometric forms. Same style and same time as the Chavin people of Ecuador, also like the pottery found in Japan.
Olmec Calenders
365 sun calender and a 250 day religious calender, works like gears
Mayan Culture
Built impressive bulding scattered around the Yucatan, places like Tikal. Also a series of writings were found. When first spanish explorers came saw ruins at Tulum.
Diego de Landa
Bishop of Merida in the Yucatan. Found out that the Indians were still following old religion secretly in the forrest. Arrests the locals and decided to end all the old ways, destroys many of the Codices (Books that the community had that told the history of the communities). Destroyed much of the record of the Mayan culture.
John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood
Wealthy US intellectuals, their friend William Hickling Prescott gets access to the spanish archives and writes all about the conquests of the Aztecs and Incas. They get very interested in those cultures and went down to SA and studied the ruins. Discovered that the local Indians were the direct decendents of the original cilizations
Jean Frederic Waldeck
studied the Mayan ruins during the mid 19th century. Made wild accusations
Auguste Le Plangeon
1st guy to assert to translate the Mayan hieroglifs
Sylvanus Morely and Eric Thompson
early 20th century scientists who proved that early Indian civilations had a brilliant concept of numbers. Same time as this, someone finds Diego Landa's writtings while he was under house arrest, in it there is page that reads alphabet, however it doesnt really work. Thompson realizes that each glif represents and idea not a sound. Through this thompson believes that the Mayans were mainly concerned with the outside world and abstract things like math and astronomy.
Yuri Knorosov
Russian artillery officer, stationed at the Berlin library found a copied codice of the Mayans. Had a phd in math and studied the codice and found that Landa's alphabet is really not letters but sylabols, it was set on a rebus form.
Result of Knorosov findings
found out that pretty much everything that was thought about the mayan culture was wrong and that they were a really bloody society. Believed that when one experiences extreme pain that that is when the real universe shines through. Also were constantly fighting each other.
Decline of the Mayan culture
most likely the land got over used and could not handle the amount of people and so the people became hungry and started fighting each other. also political struggle. Everything that they find isnt not indicative to the mayan culture, like frescoes of war and skull racks so it shows that there was some sort of political struggle and another civilization most likely central mexican came in and conquered them.
Chichen Itza
Mayan community invaded from Mexican communities. Temple does not resemble typical Mayan temple, most likely built by a colony of invading natives from the north.
Giant Pyramids, first people to paint frescoes inside their temples, high point had 50,000 people. Cities most likely evolved from theocratic centers like the ones found in Mayan culture. After about 300 years major decline most likely invaded and raided by the Chichimecs so used the Toltecs as mercenaries to defend borders this caused the creation of full fledged War Gods.
God that represents the female aspect of life. says he will leave but return later, Cortez comes in 1519.
Native language of Toltecs and spreads all over central Mexico. Aztecs adopt it
Aztec early history creation story
Aztlan is where humans and Gods co-mingle, masculine virtues important here, however there is a god for every aspect of life. Female God Coatlicue whose job was to clean up and one day she was sweeping up the temple and she sweeps away some cob webs and stuff and the dirt and debris from those cob webs flies inside her and impregnates her. They decide to kill her and right before they do she gives birth to Huitzilopochtli who kills the attackers
He gets cast out of Aztlan, he is a War God and tells his people that you will find on your wondering a cactus with an eagle perched on it eating a snake. They found it on an island and named it Tenochtitlan
True story of the founding of Tenochtitlan
The people believed that Lake Texcoco was a good place for refuge establishing during an ongoing war. Established a city, but did not have their own language so it is believed that the Aztec people were a melting pot of different people. They then set an alliance with the two major city states Texcoco and Tlacopan.
the flowering wars. Aztecs sole reason to conquer was to fill the need for human sacrifice for they they believed that the world was going to come to an end any day and that doomsday was inevitable the only thing they could do was just push it back. Since they believed that the most precious thing to value is life so sacrificed only the best and those were the men that showed the most masculine qualities and the only way to find those men was through war. Once captured these men become sacred and it is an honor. Once sacrificed the heart is riped out then skinned and the priest would were the skin as if to be encased in their glory. The Aztecs lived their life as if they were going to die tomorrow
Aztecs purposely didnt conquer these people because they wanted to leave a reserve of people to sacrifice if there is no one left. This ended up hurting the Aztec because the Tlaxcala people ended up allying with the Spanish
1480 there was a total solar eclipse and the sky went black, the Aztecs believed someone screwed up so started sacrificing people like crazy, 20,000 people died.
First emperor of the Aztecs. during his reign dominated the lake district
Montezuma I
Biggest acquisition of land during this time, never enforced their own culture on the conquered people. Tarascans mountain men that were never conquered
golden Age
late 1400's when the Aztecs had their largest land control
1418-1472. Greatest genius ever produced by the Aztec culture. He was a philosopher, teacher, botonist, architect ect. He built irrigation break waters. Also a brilliant religious philosopher created the concept of monotheism.
Entirely politically oriented, acts sort of like a prime minister. He understands that in order to dominate everything everyone needs to see that the Aztec way is the best way of life. Plants the seeds for a modern politics
Aztec Social structure
Pilli at the top followed by the Macehuales and then the slaves (who were not shackled so if got married their children were not slaves). Then the Calpulli are the clans that control the land rites and have military societies
cannal type structures which use bags of soil which eventually make the island bigger
not part of the system of Calpulli, they were more like merchants because they didnt have land. They were looked down upon yet essential to the society.
spanish had trouble conquering them because they were already experiencing civil war and there was quarreling within the spanish army
Andes Mountain range
Before Incas occupied by the Chavin people around 900 BC. they lived in what is today Ecuador. Very dry area which helps the mummification process. They had a wide variety of textile but we know very little about them as a whole. Due to the harsh environment and the high altitude these people had to chew coco leaves so their heart rate would go up and therefor their blood would get more oxygen. Had to have a strong social order because of the harsh environment
Archipelago Thesis
In order for everything to work in the Andes needed a highly centralized social order for everything relied on one another. Most likely a highly despotic state
100 BC to 500 BC. Best representation of the ruins of pre-Incan civilizations. Had lots of metals. fanatical about getting drunk and having sex
found further down from the Moche Known for their elaborate textiles. 400 BC to 400 AD.
1 CE to 600 AD
found further down from the paracas. 1 CE to 600 AD. We know very little about them except for the famous Nazca lines.
600 AD to 1000 AD. Civilization is where lake Titicala is.
Capital of the Empire is Chanchau. Built extremely elaborate irrigation system, conquered by the Incans around the late 1300's and early 1400's. Incans got alot of inspiration from them.
Incan Empire
Capital in Cuzco came into to scene in 1400's. Had a highly centralized political structure. First emperor was Manco Capac. They controlled a majority of the Andian chain. Incas made these highly organized militarized system.
A system of reciprocal labor, the whole community helps build things for others, helps them survive due to the harsh environment. They applied this to the Incan state, they would help smaller communities build roads and bridges and then these communities were required to maintain Mitas. All the roads and bridges were used to speed up the empire. Also relied on Tambos which were like store houses to help starvation in the military.
they were a population of people who had been intregated into Incan culture and they would put these people into newly conquered areas to help keep people loyal
Isolated from the Mediterranean, did not achieve the same reconquest like the Spanish, were only under muslim rule for only 150 years. An English/Danish expedition heading to the holy land decided to liberate Portugal from the Muslims, they then went on to inter-marry with Portugal nobility this gave them an oppeness to the outside world.
Sieta Partidas
Spanish Law book, that gives an example of how to build a town. Centered on a plaza with church and gov. building on opposite side then streets are extended from the grid. All spanish conquered cities are like this.
Northern part of Spain above Portugal
Poor part of Spain majority or the conquistadors came from there.
Low-class nobility, couldn't own land or farm. Only had their military ability so they go into the New World because they couldnt farm and there was no more war with Muslims so pretty much out of jobs
Royal Patronage
Church and crown came to a series of agreements. Crown gets several perks under the condition that all conquered land is catholic
Sephardic Jews
Had developed a social niche, permitted extensive access to money because in the Old testament and the Koran there were rules against handling money and so the jews were the only ones allowed to handle money
Columbus's fundamental mistakes
He misread Marco Polo's calculations of the size of Asia. Thought that Japan was much more isolated than it was. Thought is crew would starve to death because misunderstood the size of the earth.
Treaty of Turdillas
Draw an imaginary line of latitude and longitude. Everything on the west was Spanish and everything east was portugese