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47 Cards in this Set

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S.A.: By the 1890's many American farmers felt they were suffering because of ....
the gold standard, which was good for creditors, but not for debtors; railroad rates that charged more for short hauls than f or long ones, and high land prices that resulted from speculation.
M.C.: The Farmers' Alliance movement of the late 19th century originally proposed
solving farmers' economic problems by means of:
(A) artificially inflating the price of food.
(B) farmer's cooperatives.
(C) government payments to farmers.
(D) training farmers for different work.
ANSWER: (B) farmer's cooperatives.
Initially, the Farmers' Alliance pressured political candidates to endorse measures that they
believed would benefit farmers. When politicians proved more willing to make promises than enact legislation, the alliances XXXXXXXXX
began to consider forming a third party (political) rather than relying on existing parties.
S.A.: Please describe the Farmers' Alliances' sub treasury system
The sub treasury system
would have allowed farmers to store non-perishable crops in government storehouses until prices were favorable. It also would have given farmers access to government credit with which to buy supplies and seed.
M.C.: After the powerful railroads effectively nullified the interstate Commerce Act of
1877, the Populists called for:
(A) government ownership of the railroads and telegraphs.
(B) proposed better enforcement of the act.
(C) demanded a general strike against the railroads.
(D) asked for government payments to help farmers pay for shipping.
(A) government ownership of the railroads and telegraphs.
(Multiple Choice) By 1891, the Colored Farmer's Alliance, led by Richard Manning Humphrey,
claimed a membership of:
(A) 1.2 million.
(B) 225,000.
(C) 4.1 million.
(D) 50,000.
(A) 1.2 million.
S.A.: The Populist movement is best understood as:
in their call for an 8 hour work day, direct election of Senators by the voters, the initiative, referendum, recall, and their demand for government ownership of railroads and telegraph, the Populist movement offered a dramatically altered version of American political and economic life in the late 19th century.

Their vision went against the grain of laissez-faire economics and pointed the way toward greater involvement of the Federal Gov. in the life of the nation.
(Short Answer) Please define "crop lien system":
The credit system which emerged in the rural South
after the Civil War (1861- 1865) in which the furnishing merchants assumed ownership of a borrower's crops as collateral for seed, tools, and fertilizer.
(Short Answer) According to the talk by Mary Elizabeth Lease in your book, what accounts for the high rate of foreclosures on Kansas farms?
monopoly, the Federal Government, and Wall Street, all in the interest of so called Shylock, an anti-Semitic reference to bankers or money-lenders.
(Short Answer) When Ignatius Donnelley refers to a "hireling standing army, unrecognized by our laws" in his keynote speech at the St. Louis convention of the People's Party, what current event of his time is he referring to?
Donnelley's reference is undoubtedly to the Pinkertons, a private detective agency that had been hired by Carnegie Steel to defeat union efforts to secure a new contract at the
Homestead mills in June 1892. The confrontation between the Pinkertons and the Homestead mill workers was a key moment in the labor wars of the 1890s.
(Short Answer) Kansas governor Lorenzo Lewelling's inaugural address in 1893 states, "If it be true that the poor have no right to the property of the rich let it also be declared that the rich have no right to the property of the poor." What does he mean by "the property of the poor?" What does he want the state (the government) to do?
By "property of the poor," Lorenzo Lewelling is referring to the rewards of workers' labor. Lewelling wants the state (government) to protect the rights of the masses of people and to allow individuals to be the masters of the state (government), rather than be subservient to it. He is attacking social Darwinism and wishes to see "home, hearth, and the dignity of labor"
12. (Multiple Choice) When the General Managers Association (GMA of the railroads) responded to the 1893 Pullman strike by recruiting strikebreakers and firing switchmen who supported the strike,
(A) the strike collapsed immediately.
(B) the boycott/strike spread to more than 15 railroads.
(C) the switchmen backed down.
(D) whole industries participated in a general strike.
(B) the boycott/strike spread to more than 15 railroads.
(Short Answer) The 1893 Pullman strike finally ended when ....
the Chicago injunction (In re Debs) made the strike a crime punishable by jail sentence for contempt of court, a civil process which did not require a jury trial. The injunction was the basis for Eugene V. Deb's arrest and imprisonment and the harassment of union members, and it served to demoralize the strikers and end the strike.
(Multiple Choice) In the Cripple Creek miners' strike of 1894, the striking workers were supported
by the
(A) mine owners.
(B) the county sheriff and his deputies.
(C) town officials in Cripple Creek, like the mayor and police magistrate.
(D) owners of other industries, like steel and the railroads.
(C) town officials in Cripple Creek, like the mayor and police magistrate.
(Multiple Choice) The success of the striking workers in the Cripple Creek miners' strike of 1894 demonstrated
(A) the pivotal power of the state (Colorado) in resolving labor conflict.
(B) the importance of union organization in securing victories for workers.
(C) the significance of support from local officials in defeating the power of industry.
(D) all of the above.
(D) all of the above.
(Multiple Choice) Andrew Carnegie originally supported labor unions, but he changed his opinion in the 1890's after
(A) Henry Clay Frick, an ardent anti-labor man, convinced him that unions were hurting his profits.
(B) he was threatened by union leaders.
(C) a devastating strike was held at his Homestead steel mill.
(D) he gained almost total control over the steel industry.
(D) he gained almost total control over the steel industry.
(Short Answer) Why, according to your book, did the governor of Pennsylvania send the National Guard (troops) to the Homestead steel mill, and what was the result of his action?
The governor of Pennsylvania was sympathetic to the strikers. Nonetheless, the strikers were challenging the
capitalist system with their assumption that the right to their job was as important as the owners' property rights; the governor yielded to pressure from Henry Clay Frick and sent in troops to
protect the mills and the strikebreakers working in them.
(Short Answer) What did Frances Willard, the President of the Women's Christian Temperance Union mean when she urged members to do "everything."?
She involved the WCTU in issues only tangentially related to alcohol abuse and temperance, including the working conditions of female factory workers and the hiring of female police officers.
(Multiple Choice) Under the leadership of Frances Willard, the WCTU began to view alcoholism as a
(A) disease rather than a sin.
(B) weakness of will.
(C) wicked vice.
(D) result of industrialism and urbanization.
(A) disease rather than a sin.
(Multiple Choice) By 1890, when the National Woman suffrage Association and the American
Woman Suffrage Association united as the National American Woman Suffrage Association, the issue of women's voting was
(A) not generally supported but no longer considered a crackpot idea.
(B) considered a crackpot idea.
(C) popular among the majority of Americans.
(D) seen as a natural right among the majority of Americans.
(A) not generally supported but no longer considered a crackpot idea.
(Multiple Choice) By 1896 women had the right to vote in
(A) Colorado.
(B) Idaho.
(C) Utah.
(D) all of the above.
(D) all of the above.
(Multiple Choice) In assessing the public careers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B.
Anthony, it would be accurate to conclude that they
(A) pursued a narrow reform agenda focused too heavily on the single issue of woman suffrage.
(B) achieved no victories in their decades of struggle on behalf of women's rights.
(C) fought an expansive agenda of reform aimed at winning a range of rights for women.
(D) won every battle they waged for women's rights by 1906.
(C) fought an expansive agenda of reform aimed at winning a range of rights for women.
(Completion) Mary Elizabeth Lease accused of being a Communist because of Populists' advocacy of government ownership of railroads, responded unperturbed, "You may call, me an anarchist, a socialist, or
a communist, I care not, but I hold to the theory that if one man has not enough to eat three times a day and another man has $25 million, that XXXX
the last man has something that belongs to the first".
(Short Answer) According to your book, during the Depression of 1893, nearly half the labor force
was out of work, why did the Federal Government do virtually nothing to provide for the unemployed?
Most Americans were convinced by the teachings of social Darwinism and laissez faire that
government intervention in individuals' problems was inappropriate.
The Federal Government subsidizes farmers to produce goods deemed important for the country's well-being when the free market does not support such production. They are controversial because they
interfere with the free market, and especially with international trade.
A method by which voters are able to legislate. A proposal for law or AMENDMENT to the
state constitution is submitted to the state legislature by from 8% to 15% of the voters.
A method of popular legislation by which a bill is submitted to the voters after being passed
by the legislature.
A method of popular IMPEACHMENT whereby the voters may remove an elected official before his term of office has expired. A recall petition is drafted and circulated among qualified voters, the required percentage of signatures ranging from 10 to 35%.
Coalition of U.S. agrarian reformers in the Midwest and South in the 1890's. The movement developed from farmers' alliances formed in the 1880's in reaction to falling crop prices and poor credit facilities. The leaders organized the Populist, or People's, Party (1892) which advocated a variety of measures to help farmers. They also demanded an increase in circulating currency (to be achieved by the unlimited coinage of silver), a graduated income tax, government ownership of railroads, a tariff for revenue only, and direct election of U.S. Senators. The party's presidential candidate in 1892, James B. Weaver (1833-1912), received more than one million votes. Many state and local Populist candidates were elected in the Midwest and West. In 1896 the Populists joined with the Democratic Party to support the Free Silver Movement and the unsuccessful candidacy of William Jennings Bryan. The movement declined thereafter, though some of its causes were later embraced by the Progressive Party.
popular sovereignty
The people Rule Other Side: Politics, Platu crats hostile to any innovative Economic Theories that threatened their rule, supported by Pol. Machines, Banks, The Press.
From the opening titles and scenes, what do we see as the causes of the Spanish-
American War?
Just wanted to be left alone; wanted to be free like we done — them folks
in Spain the old world wouldn't let em, it caused quite a fuss." First cause: Spanish oppression
of the Cuban people, so close to the United States (actually it is estimated that 25% of the total
Cuban population died between 1895 and 1898, became of Spanish policies, including
concentration camps that prevented the people from raising food). Second cause: the
American press hyped up the story: "Hearst sends Remington to Cuba". Third cause: general
war crimes by the Spanish — mass executions, abuse of women. Fourth cause: people within the Administration in the capital city, Washington, including Theodore Roosevelt, favored war
against Spain. Finally, the battleship "Maine" blew up in Havana Harbor, and the explosion was blamed on the Spanish Government.
What were the points made in TR's speech to the Naval War College? "the time has
arrived for this great nation of ours to step out on the world stage. So let the spot light
fall on us, I am reminded today of the words of George Washington, who said, 'to be
prepared for war is the most effectual means to promote the peace, 'We ask for a great
navy, because no national life is worth having if we are not willing to defend it. All the
great masterful races have been fighting races. To lose the fighting virtues, is to lose
the right to stand alone. There are finer things in life than the soft enjoyment of material
comforts. And it is in strife, and the readiness for strife that a man or a nation must win
greatness. So let the world know that we are here, and willing to pour out our blood, our
treasure, our tears, and that America is ready, and if need be desirous of battle."
First, it was time for the U.S. "to step out on the world stage," In other
words, it was time for America to become one of the world power countries. That the U.S.
needs a "great navy" for defense. And, that the great races (here he means ethnic groups like
Anglo-Saxons), the master races, have been fighters, if they lose the will to fight, then they
cannot be independent, "There are finer things in life than the soft enjoyment of material
comforts." Finally, it is in fighting and war that nations become great, and that, therefore,
America is ". . . willing to pour out our blood, our treasure our tears . . ."in battle.
How does the scene with "Eli", show why in every war that some men are eager to join
Some people have family and personal responsibilities that they want to free
themselves of. War provides a legitimate excuse to do so.
What does the Chris Noth character's rich father in "Rough Riders" have to say about
the concept of "honor"?
"Honor is a word someone thought up to get other people to stay in line."
What does the incident at the train station, with the two cowboys riding up and rushing
to join the Arizona Volunteers, show about one of the legends concerning the Rough
One of the legends about the Rough Riders was that at least some of them were outlaws; that is, criminals on the run from the law.
At the Washington, D.C., party, who is the "Leonard" that TR is talking to, and how does
he figure into the history of the Rough Riders?
It is Leonard Wood. He was the colonel or commander of the Rough Riders,
whose official name was the First United States Volunteer Cavalry Regiment. Theodore
Roosevelt was the Lt. Colonel of the Rough Riders, or second in command. Wood was a
graduate of Harvard University, a medical doctor (M.D.), and a Medal of Honor winner, for
fighting in the Indian wars.
How does TR sum up his intelligence and his social style to Colonel Wood?
"I may be a lot of things, but a fool isn't one of them. I know when to ask for help, and when to keep my mouth shut and listen."
What does TR say to Senator Mark Hanna, and who was this Senator Hanna?
"Senator, we must not waste time. Business and commercial markets
must not stand in the way of justice or opposition to tyranny. Are we to become a rich, refined
culture. . . . Right now we are on the verge of producing more than we can consume. That
means your markets, Senator. And, who, by God, will defend those markets? A hunch of selfinterested
millionaires like your friends. The fighting men are whom you will need. . . . The
President (William McKinley) has the backbone of a chocolate éclair."
What stereotypes about Southern men, especially Southern military men, does "Rough
Riders" propagate in the portrayal of General Joe Wheeler?
Wheeler is hard drinking (rum with the meal in the tent), profane, utterly fearless, but has a lot of common sense type intelligence.
How did the "Rough Riders" make it to Cuba ahead of the 71st New York Infantry?
They stole or commandeered a train, while the 71st New York was on foot.
There was only room for one of the two regiments on the ship going to Cuba.
What is the conversation between President McKinley and his adviser after the landing in
Cuba supposed to tell us?
That, the landing
in Cuba wasn't well planned or executed, but the Spanish forces did nothing to respond. And, that
one of the reasons for the war, supposedly shared by Roosevelt and McKinley, was to project
American power, and move the U.S, from a third rate power, to a first rate power.
What evidence is there that the U.S. had planned operations in Cuba before the landing?
The major who identifies himself as a soldier of fortune is probably a spy, or an
intelligence agent. Wheeler: "Soldier of fortune, my ass. You work for the State Department."
Row does the movie portray the Cuban insurgents, who had begun fighting the Spanish
three years before?
Not very positively. They seem to need American leadership to make war (the
major), their main concern is food— so their supply situation must be in shambles. And, it implies
Stephen Crane will get an insurgent woman, with just a bottle of liquor and his "charm."
How is our old friend Stephen Crane portrayed in "Rough Riders"?
Crane is portrayed as an alcoholic, and a tireless womanizer, especially with
prostitutes. However, he is no coward. When the action starts, he says, "I will walk to the sound of the guns."
would have allowed farmers to store non perishable crops in government warehouses until prices were favorable. it also would have given farmers access to government credit with which to buy supplies and seed. the theory behind the idea was that the federal government would provide localized banking functions for farms- allowing them credit and marketing functions not controlled by private firms
kansas governor lorenzo lewelling's inaugural address:
by "property of the poor" lewelling is referring to decent rewards for the workers' labor. according to him society owed workers a living wage so they could feed, clothe, and shelter croppers would share enough of farm profits for a decent standard of living
Gold standard
the problem with the gold standard is that it increased the value of the dollar, caused interest rates to go up and made the prices on farm commodities fall