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83 Cards in this Set

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Abassid Dynasty
family who ruled the Abassid Caliphate in the Islamic Empire after overthrowing the Umayyad dynasty
Albigensian crusade
-military campaign launched by the Catholic Church to eliminate the heretical Cathars
-started with Inquisition, but military men began to fight alongside the Inquisitors
-most influential ruler during the Maurya Dynasty in the Indian Empire
-converted to Buddhism and rejected Vedic tradition
-wrote Rock and Pillar Edicts
-Also known as Ibn Rushd
-Muslim Philosopher who argued that classical ideas from the early philosophers could be combined and be cohesive with teachings of Islam
-influenced scholasticism
-City in Southern France where the King Phillip moved the Pope during the Great Schism, and the Pope remained there for 70 years before returning to Rome
-group or family unit in the early Inca civilization
-may have each had a minor God and educated and fed their own by farming or trading
-Warlike civilization that conquered much land in North America
-violent religion
-economy based on conquering, enslaving, and taxing
-conquered by Cortez
Battle of Hastings
-October 1066
-William II of Normandy defeats English King Harold II ending Anglo-Saxon domination
-marked beginning of manoralism
-started to be used as a capital by the Yuan dynasty (mongols)
-is also the Forbidden City
Men who have reached Nirvana but chose instead to stay on earth and help lead others to Nirvana
-Translated aristotle's writings from Greek to Latin
-because of him, the Middle ages had the classical writings
-Roman Noble
-God of Creation (important in Vedic Tradition
-Father of Manu
-World's soul
-When Atman reaches Moksha and released from Samsara, it returns to the be reunited with the world's soul
-one of the varnas
-highest caste (priests, scholars)
-originated from Aryan invasion
combining religious and political authority into one person
-i.e. Justinian, Constantine
Both the name of the Islamic Empire and the office that rules it (in succession to Muhammed)
Carolingian Renaissance
-period of intellectual and cultural revival during the time of Charlemagne
-attempt to recreate the previous culture of the Roman Empire
-successor of Diocletian
-rules over entire Empire
-sees Chi Ro in a vision and believes God favors him; defeats his enemy and declare Christianity to be the State Church
Buddhist belief that one needs to accept his role in society and not be rebellious towards it
Divine Comedy
Part of Dante's Inferno
-Dante travels through hell and purgatory and ends up in paradise
-Suzeraine/Vassal relationships
-impossible to escape fief agreement; serfs made only enough to live
done to elite woman to show their status
-caused inability to walk and pain, but seen as beautiful
Forbidden City
-belonged to Khubilai Khan of Yuan Dynasty
-houses Chinese Emperors
Genghis Khan
-name of Temüjin given him by Mongol Followers
-Founder of the Mongol empire and united western and eastern Eurasia
Final Muslim holding that was conquered in 1492 by Spain, ending the reconquista
Grand Canal
-1100 mile long waterway between Yellow and Yansti R.
-built during Sui Dynasy
-lasting effect of trade and transportation
Gupta Dynasty
-Dynasty of the golden age in India
-concept of zero invented
-intellectual thought flourished
second most important work in Islamic religion
-contained words and actions of Muhammed
Han Dynasty
-Liu Bang
-time of economic prosperity and technology (paper, watermill, horse collar, crossbow)
-Confucianism became state ethic
Hanseatic League
League of cities in western Europe that banded together to set trade rules and offer trade protection
-not political, but economical league, increased trad
Muhammed's journey from Mecca to Yathrib in 622
main difference from vedic tradition is that they believed the gods could intervene in Samsara and help an Atman speed up his return to Brahman
Aztec god, originally war god, but became sun god
-believed he required sacrifice of human hearts
Hundred Years War
English and French in France
-Joan of Arc burned
-first cannon used
South American Natives
-developed first potato
-conquered by Spanish Pizzaro
Innocent III
-denied king Phillip divorce
-peak of papacy power
-started Albeginian Inquisition
Investiture Controversy
Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII argue over who elects bishops- King appoints a bishop, and Pope strips all bishops in HRE of sacramental rights
Son of Abraham
-Muslims claim he should have been the son sacrificed
-Mahavira founder
-believed in only bad karma and overcoming desire
Johann Gutenberg
invented printing press in 1436
John Hus
follower of John Wycliffe
-burned at the stake
-believe all men should have the priesthood and baptize
-Byzantine King, successor to Constantine
-ordered codification of laws
-wife Theodora controlled a lot of things he did
"divine wind" that kept mongols back from invading Japan. Japanese attributed it to their wind god
khalifa (caliph)
have religious power and authority in Islam
Kong Fu Zi
-all men are inherently good
Magna Carta
signed by prince john declaring the rights of the people
-checked kings power
-founded Jainism
-came from wealthier class
Chinese Language
-started by mongol rule
during middle ages due to decline of cities
-sharecropping evolved
Marco Polo
took 20 year journey from venice to china and back
-increased excitement for chinese goods such as silk, spices, etc
Mauryan Dynasty
-first Indian Empire
-unified India
-founded by chamhagupta
-no writing
birthplace of Muhammed
-first visited by Gabriel here
Ming Empire
-overthrew Yuan empire
-technology slowed, while art, litterature and porcelain increased
missionary religions
-Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism

-Christianity and Islam used military force
Hindu and Vedic belief of end of reincarnation to rejoin Brahman
Nicene Council
-Called by Constantine to reunite the divisions of Catholicism in his Empire
-Bishops came together at Nicea and clarified several church doctrines
-Buddhist belief meaning "snuffing of the flame"
-end of Samsara
succeeded father Ghangis Khan over Yuan Empire
first mesoamerican civilization
-agriculture, trade, and construction
Ottoman Turks
Muslim turks that defeated Constantinople and ended the Byzantine Empire
Prince Henry
The "Navigator" Portuguese prince
-went to south africa to try and get gold and ivory to help fund a crusade to drive muslims out of north
Qin Dynasty
known as China
-enslaved people, but extremely wealthy
Quran (Koran)
Islam bible- given by revelation from Gabriel to Muhammed
-means recitation
move to take back Christian cities from Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula
-last city was Granada
Shi Huangdi
-Emperor during Qin Dynasty
-built great wall, burned books
-believed in legalism
Branch of Islam believed in following Ali, Muhammed's son-in-law
-state religion of Iran
St. Augustine
theologian claiming god's graces are essential to salvation
-wrote Encheridion
St. Jerome
translated the Bible into Latin
St. Simeon Stylite
ascetic saint who lived on a post for 27 years. no sacrifice was too much
St. Thomas Aquinas
Italian Priest of Catholic church
-wrote Summa Theologica
-believed faith and reason could go hand in hand
branch of Islam
-mystics: believed they could have a personal connection with God
-Whirling Dirvishes
Summa Theologica
supposed to contain all truth in the world (faith and reason)
-written by Thomas Aquinas
believe that community should select its own leadership (Islam)
T’ang Dynasty
Endorsed Buddhism
-silk road
-confucianism still strong
-Li family
T’ang Empire
-unified China and central Asia
-Buddhism enters China (seen as threat)
Taoism (Daoism)
-founder Lou Zi
-rejected hierarchy of Confucianism
-did not seek for higher learning
name by which incas referred to their kingdom
-meaning four regions
-largest city in mesoAmerica
-believed to be the city of Gods
The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea
sailing itinerary made by unknown Greco-Egyptian sailor
-most revealing trade document
pre-columbian city where Incas most likely came from
Timur the Lame
conquered much of western and central Asia
-founded Timurid Empire
Umayyad Dynasty
took over caliph position and stationed in Damascus (2nd caliphate)
band of nomads outside of China