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39 Cards in this Set

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Who dominated the trade of Exotic goods?
The Italians
What was the Black Death?
an epidemic of the bubonic plague that killed 1/3 of European population
What helped set stage for expoloration?
Scientific and technological advances, such as movable type and navigational aids
Who took the lead in exploration?
What motivated the Portogese to explore?
religious zeal to conquer and expand the heathen lands
Who was the most influential advocate of Portuguese exploration?
Prince Henry--- the sun of the Portuguese king.
How did Prince Henry lead the exploration?
He extended the conquest down to the African coast
By 1480, Portuguese explorers began a conscious search for a sea route to:
What did Portugal's African exploration lead to?
the breaking of old mediterranean trade with the east.. which then led to the development of sailing methods employed by columbus
How did columbus gain access to maps and papers?
His wife had close ties to Prince Henry the Navigator
Columbus, like most Europeans, believed that:
the earth was spherical
Unlike most Europeans, Columbus believed :
the earth was small enough that ships would be able to reach the east by sailing west
Who financed Columbus' trip?
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain
Where did Columbus' first voyage land him?
a tiny caribbean island which he named San Salvador after Isabella and Ferdinand
Spain and Portugal were in a challenge in the race to:
a western route to china
Spain and Portugals race brought up:
The Treaty of Tordesillas
What did the Treaty of Tordesillas do?
It drew an imaginary line 1,100 miles west of the Canary Island. West belonged to spain, East belonged to portugal
What did Columbus' discoveries prove?
the west lands are entirely unknown to Europeans
Who published the first Map that showed the New world seperate from Asia?
Martin Waldseemuller
What did Magellans trip confirm?
That America was a continent seperate from Asia by the Pacific Ocean
What did Columbus's arrival in the Carribbean initate?
Columbian Exchange
What was the first Spanish attempt to establish in US?
Ayllons establishment of a place on GA's coast
Who was the dominant European power in the WH during the 16th century?
What did encomienda do?
empowered conquistadors to rule the indians and the lands in their towns
What was encomendero supposed to encourage?
The indians to convert to Christianity
What did tthe encomenderos do to the indians?
overworked them, mistreated them, abused them
What was the repartimiento?
an important reform that limited the labor an encomendero could command from his indians
The single most important economic activity in New spain after 1540 was:
silver mining
By 1560, centers of Indian civilization had been conquered, their leaders overthrown, religion held in contempt, and their people were forced to work for the:
Indian labor dwindled rapidly bc:
Old world diseases came over
To replace indian workers, they began to import:
African slaves
Spain established settlements in FL to:
reaffirm its claim of ownership of n. america and to protect spanish ships from enemy ships along s. east coast.
What was the first permanent European settlement in US?
St. Augustine, FL
Who initiated the Protestant reformation by publisizing his criticisms of the Catholic church?
Martin Luther (1517)
Luther's justification by faith said:
Christians could obtain salvation if they had faith that god would save them-- NOT through offerings, church rituals or orders of priests
Luther hoped his ideas would reform the Catholic church, instead they:
ruptured the unity of christianity in western europe
Who attempted to settle roanake?
Sir Walter Raleigh
Vasco de Gamas exploration accomplished:
an ocean route to the Indies and Asia
The Repartimento limited:
the amount of labor ecomendros could demand from its indians