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84 Cards in this Set

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Ruling for the people but not by the people. Don't participate because "they don't know what is best for them". Need one stong man to rule.
Enlightened Despotism
Russian empress, liberal initially, moves towards power politics, driving force behind partitioning Polish territory.
Catherine the Great
Austiran Empress, did a lot to maintain her power. Pragmatic sanction allows her to rule as a woman. Clashed with Fredrick II (Prussian King) in Austrian Succession-- forms an alliance with France as a last resort when she loses a province in Austrian Succession.
Maria Theresa
alliance between Austria and France under Maria Theresa. Still were not able to defeat Prussian forces. Important because France and Austria were sworn enemies before alliance was made as a last resort.
Diplomatic Revolution
advocates private French national band that can produce legal notes and monopolize seas trade. Many people buy into the Mississippi Trade Company in hopes of making a large profit but soon collapses. "bubble bursts" in bi fianancial disaster.
Law's Bubble
about ninety three percent of European Society, consisting of everone other the clergy and nobility. One vote to there two voites= unfair, un reliable system. "Commoners"
Third Estate
the old empty royal prison symbolizing the old regime that was destroyed in French revolution. Symbolizes the falling of the old regime crumbling to corruption and the people won't be quiet.
French King married to Marie Antoinette. Disliked at first, not allied with nobility or people. Suggesting reforms at Estates General.
King Louis XVI
painter and supporter of the revolution. Painted "Tennis Court Oath" and "Coronation of Napoleon"
Jaques Louis David
representatives of the three estates that vote on power. first and second estates get two votes, white third estate gets only one vote. most wanted a constitutional government with national assembly to pass taxes and laws. Met at Versailles.
Estates General
the third estate tries to declare themselves the national assembly but were locked out. Protested at tennis court nearby. Wouldn't leave/stop fighting until constituion was established. King gave into idea.
Tennis Court Oath
freedom of opinion, press, and arbitrary arrest. Considered the "end of feudalism". Believes/expresses supreme authority as nation as a whole not the monarchy. Written by national assembly. (aka thurd estate)
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens
female writer, supports revolution, Wrote Declaration of the right of women for equal treatment. Later executed.
Olympe de Gouges
oath clergy memebers must take to perform and get salary. Clergy was elected by the people. Over half of clergy fifn't even take the oath.
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
radicals, favored verthrow of monarchy and extension of revolution.
leader of of committe of public safety, radical Jacobin, violent elimination of enemy over thrown and killer by the convention when became too powerful.
French military hero that basically took a bunch of shit over after a while and established a French constitution.
a seizure of power. Example: when Napoleon comes to power by his own will.
coup d'etat
no British goods allowed to be imported to continental Europe. Block British ship. Wanted to hurt British economy.
Continental System
deckared Catholicism as the majority--no Protestant freedom.
the concordat
legal equality formed, men get authority over women, children, property, rejected radicalism.
Civil Code (Napoleonic Code)
colonists free themselves from British. Established first continental congress. Wanted their darned independence from Britain. Decleration of Independence and all that jazz. Do I really need to continue? Don't be a dumbass.
American Revolution
from country life to cotton factories, railroads, inventions, and urban growth. Britain was the leading commercial and colonial power.
Industrial Revolution
device that doubled speed cloth could be woven on a loom. Demand for thread. Invented by John Kay.
flying shuttle
produced thread at a high speed
spinning jenny
takes seeds out of cotton more quickly--allows cloth to be ought cheaply. Production appeals to poor.
cotton gin
steam engine, most important technological advancement.
Newcomen Engine
large building, poor conditions, produce goods in mass, rows of machines.
factory system
new transport, carried freight with ease and speed. first one was the ROcket. connect people and advance trade. created jobs. woo hoo
surge due to new wealth and better food supples and early marriage. mortality rates decline.
population growth
middle class, benefits from the industrial revolution.
industrial revolution took a toll, hard life, women/kids work for less money. high physical injury, hard to keep job.
urban labor
laboreres feel a seperate class, start with trade Union for pride and protection, continuing to grwow over decade.
class conciousness
people create social contracts to control their internal, natural impulses-- need an absolute leader to control them. king derives power from the people. everything is below king. reflection on English Civil War.
Hobbes "Leviathan"
bishop of France, completely supported absolutism (King Louis XIV), the throne is not only for a king but for God as well.
believed in absolutism and divine right to rule, promoted mercantilism.
King Louis XIV
sun is heliocentric, center of universe, attack by religious heads.
uses telescope, confirms Copernicus, universe is made of matter,
elliptical movement of planets, not sphereical and condirmed that the Earth moved.
law of universal gravitation, uses math to explain ellipses, everything works according to natural laws.
Newton "Principia"
men have rights to protect their property, men are fundamentally good. "life, liberty, and property"---king should have power, but people should rebel against a state not helping their rights. govenment is not divinely inspired.
Locke, "Two Treatises"
does not accept authoirty of Parliament, answeres only to God, married a Catholic woman, upsetting Angelicans, tried as a king for trying to rule by divine right.
Charles I
promoted Catholicim, marries Catholic with Catholic children, people revolt and flees.
James II
Daughter of James II, Protestant, passed Bill of rights, limiting powr of monarch, right to raise money goes to Parliament, and monarch swears on oath to Parliament. Monarchs are stil head of religion.
William and Mary
in 1688, English Parliament offered the crown to Mary and William This change was accomplised peacefully establishing that England was a constitutional monarchy with power in Parliament.
Glorious Revolution
between Catholics and Protestants, roundheads, led by Cromwell, wanted Parliament and Protestantism to rule, while Irish Catholics stood by Charles I
English Civil War
follows Charles I, VERY Puritan, brings Scotland/Ireland under English rule, problems still present owever. Trouble maintaining Puritan republic.
Oliver Cromwell
centralizing Prussia, strengthens army, authority to tax, strikes bargains with nobility, establishes Prussia as growing power for his son. Control over the Estates (parts of Prussia)
Frederick William, the Great Elector
protects rights of men, keeps men's impulse under control
social contract
deductive reasoning based on individual reasoning and mathematics. (not sensory evidence) ... scientific revolution "Discourse in Method"
father of scientific method, believed in experimental principles...observe then conclude
world is rational and explicable...reason over sense experience as source of knowledge
Louis XIV held intolereance for Protestant minority, wanted religious conformity
Revocation of Edict of Nantes
king only accountable to God, holding power over everyone (made Puritans nad non Catholics upset)
divine right
monarch has strong control and is securely able to resist power of nobility. hierachial.
political authoirty is with the writtenn law, not the person of an absolutely monarch
government policies that seek to control/develop the national economy and bring wealth to national treaury.
led the Whigs, contolled financial endeavors, first prime minister
Sir Walpole
middle upper class family, sees the Catholics fundamentally intolerant, "crush the Church". spends years learning from enlish, represents "philosophes"
"social contract"--argues for social contract but believes civilization corrupts man. semi enlightenment/semi romantic, people should make laws
believed God created the universe but does not interact with humans...belief of phliosophes
international trade of goods without tarrifs or custim duties part laissez faire
free trade
understandable rational laws of nature that apply to the physical and human world
natural law
heavily censored promotins knowledge of all sorts, not just reason enlightenment text seen as breaking status quo
captured African slave, describe horror of middle passage, would rather have died than lived during that time
introduction of new crops and roationa of crops...crops produced on previously barren lands...produced more fod and textiles
agricultural revolution
"putting out system"--peasants are supplied with raw material s to make goods from the home...firmed stage for industrial revolution
cottage industry
promoting progress, human and civil rights, laissez faire economy, progress should be slow, expemplified at congress of vienna
influential at congress of vienna, austrian representative, very conservative
not political but very emotional...modern life isn't about reationality, opposed to progress stress feeling over reason
based on preiouvs liberal thought, questioned social order, quality...sciety should be based on cooperation...help workers ad women... public ownership of production...
believe people are defined by economy.....believe working class should stop being exploited ...want to destroy capitalist system...
liberal economic thinker, ebleived wages will always be low, because when they are high, too many people want job, jamming the system, belief in no tarrifs, very lzissez faire.
English group of reformers demanding social and political rights for lower class...right to private vote, argued men's sffrage
fundamentals regarding scientific socialism, arguing economic interest drive human behavior, work's exploitation, wanted elimination of capitalism
Karl Marx and Communist Mannifesto
ideaology stressing the importance of national identity and the nation state, believes in liberating subjected people, unify national communities based on traditions, culture, language...don't want to be ruled by outsiders
the bourgeois king, alows more to vote...flees country when French revolt, calling him too conservative...poor stil without jobs and right.
allowed most upper middle class to vote in britain, gave more political power to urban areas, sparked by Whigs in power afraid of following French rioting.
1832 reform bil
what Frederick William IV called head position established at Frankfurt Parliament, angered at the liberals going against the monarchy
"crown from the gutteR"
tried to construct an independent German nation...eventually shot down by Fred Will VI...wanted to created a nationalist German nation
Frankfurt Parliament
reactionary,very conservative kinf in France, tries to roll back again of French revolution, very religious, conservative, censor press, eventually flees because of uprisings
Charles X
stood against evils of war, depicted inhis image of Spanish resistance to Napoleon's people...rioting in Madrid
displays drama/excitement of railroad age...shows all sorts of people near train station
Powell Frith
contains key elements of Romanticism in his paintin, nature religions mysticsm, EMOTION