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77 Cards in this Set

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Causes of the Industrial Revolution
- Overseas exploration and new territories
- Population Growth
- Agricultural Revolution
• Crop rotation
• More land cultivated
• Land enclosure
- Proto-Industrialization
• Cottage Industry: Master makers would get workers and provide the raw materials to make the product
Reasons why the British developed the Industrial Revolution before other European countries
- good combination of natural, economic, and cultural resources
- small and secure island with control over shipping lanes across the ocean
- ample supplies of coal, navigable rivers, well-developed network of canals
- agriculture was awesome - enclosed lands/ field and pastures
not absolutism

wanted to maintain legit government
- monarchy and nobility are allies
- strengthen structure of authority
- need to strengthen cultural traditions

believed that change had to be slow and managed in order to strengthen the structure of authority
rooted in the Enlightenment, especially Locke
- Equality before the law
- government based on consent of governed
- Laissez-fair economics

property and education

mid-class ideology

protect liberties; commitment to individual liberties or rights
Laissez-faire economics
- Governments role was to preserve order and protect property, but not to interfere with the natural play of economic forces
- Means to leave things on their own
- This is what makes liberalism different than what it is today
Motivations for Imperialism
- Scientific Racism
- Rudyard Kiplin's "White Man's Burden"
- Religion
- National Pride
Most important nations in the 2nd Industrial Revolution
Germany, United States, Britain
Important factors for the outbreak of WWI
- Nationalism
- Alliance system
- July Crisis of 1914
- Misunderstanding of military situation
followers of Lenin

demanded an end to the war and improvement in working/living conditions for workers and redistribution of aristocratic land to the peasants

wanted to force/ more straight into communism
- supported a large working and middle class
- wanted history to play out and people choose communism - not force upon them
Totalitarian Government
A form of government that theoretically permits no individual freedom and that seeks to subordinate all aspects of the individual’s life to the authority of the government
Philosophy of government that stresses the primacy and glory of the state, unquestioning obedience to its leader, subordination of the individual will to the state’s authority, and harsh suppression of dissent

Extreme Nationalism
Territories Hitler invaded before the outbreak of WWII
Rhineland, Anschluss of Austria, and Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia
Truman Doctrine
A pledge to support the resistance of “free peoples” to communism
North Atlantic Treaty Organization

An agreement that if an armed attack against any one of the NATO members would be regarded as an attack against all and bring a united military response

members: Canada, US, Western Europe,
later joined: Greece, Turkey, West Germany
Brezhnev Doctrine
It stated that no socialist state could adopt policies endangering the interest of international socialism and that no the Soviet Union could intervene in the domestic affairs of any Soviet-bloc nation if communist rule was threatened
Congress of Vienna
Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia formed the quadruple alliance

Members pledged to meet regularly and to cooperate in the suppression of any disturbances – either attempts to overthrow legitimate governments or to change international boundaries
Klemens von Metternich
Austrian Diplomat that played a dominant role in the Congress of Vienna

Architect of Peace
Carl Marx
Father of modern socialism

wrote the Communist Manifesto
Limited of reason, but stress on emotion, freedom, and imagination

Admiration of nature and past

Rousseau, Wordsworth, Blake, Lord Byron, Keats
King Louis Philippe
- The July King
- Constitutional Monarchy
- Increased voter base
- Ideal liberal constitutional monarchy
- Lacked popularity
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Southern guerilla fighter in the Two Sicilies
Scientific Racism
- based on scientific method
- White Europeans were more advanced
Herbert Spencer
- Father of Social Darwinism
- said certain races are superior
Margaret Sanger
- Wanted to purify race
- gave out birth control
superior white race/ The White race is superior/ more advanced in Darwin’s theory
Battle of Britain
- Luftwaffe (July 30 to October 31, 1940) bombed industries and then civilians
- Radar allowed the British to begin to detect the Germans
Final Solution
- Carbon monoxide vans
- mass shootings
- 1942: Treblinka and other camps turned into death camps, using zyklon B-gas
- 12 million total
Post-War Settlement
- Atlantic Charter of 1941
- Tehran Meeting (1943)
- Yalta Conference of 1945
- Potsdam Settlement (1945)
- United Nations (1945)
Iron Curtain
- Soviets manipulate election in Eastern Europe
- Churchill in Fulton, MO (1946)
- The Truman Doctrine (March 1947)
- The Marshal Plan (1948)
- Creation of East and West Germany
- Berlin Airlift (July 1948-May 1949)
- 1961: Berlin Wall
Marshal Plan
- provided 13 billion of aid over four years – targeted to industrial redevelopment
- not exactly a relief plan, however, it encouraged the participating states to diagnose their own economic problems and develop their own solutions
Warsaw Pact
- Soviets response to NATO
- It was their own military alliance among Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and East Germany
Mikhail Gorbachev
General Secretary of the Communist Party
Syllabus of Error
Issued by Holy See under Pope Pius IX
Rerum Novarum
encyclical issued by Pope Leo XIII about the conditions of the working class
Alliance System
triple Entente or Allied Powers
- Britain, France, and Russia

Central Powers
- Germnay, Austro-Hungary Empire, and Italy (changed sides)
Triple Alliance or Triple Entente
Britain, France, and Russia
Axis Powers
Japan, Germany, and Italy
Schlieffen Plan
Germany military strategy
Total War
- Intense moablization of all society
- Civilians bought war bonds, ect.
- Women entered workforce
- Industrial might feed the war
- 15 million entered the war, 9 million dead
Treaty of Versailles
- Germany must pay reparations
- League of Nations does not work
- US congress refused to ratify treaty
- Sense of belonging to a community that shares historical, geographic, cultural, and political tradition

- Nationalism in no way completely “triumphed” over local identities
League of Nations
Founded as a result of the treaty of Versailles
Joseph Stalin
- Conflicts with Trotsky
- Seized control in 1924
- Purged communist Party
- suppressed Lenin's Political Testament
Five-Year Plan
- Forced collectivization of Agriculture
- Deported 2 million Kulaks; 100s to 1000s were killed
Results of the Five-Year Plan
- Enlarged industrial class
- actually reduced productivity
- 3-6 million peasants died in famine
- heavy industrialization
Benito Mussolini
- Formed Fascist Party in 1914; it went national in 1919

- black-shirt rampaging countryside

- Victor Emanuel III asks Mussolini to be premier

- church turned against him in 1930s
February Revolution
- Women go on strike
- Munition workers followed/supported the women and went on strike
- Soldiers were instructed to shoot at a crowed of women, children, and men but the soldiers refused and joined the side of the workers
- Nicholas II abdicates (resigns)
October Revolution
- Lenin returns and cracks down on the Bolsheviks
- 12,000 Red Guards launch insurrection (revolt)
- Provisional Government collapses
- All-Russian Congress of Soviets
2nd Industrial Revolution Important Factors
- Steal
- Electricity
- Chemical Industry
- Internal Combustion Engine
2nd Industrial Revolution Characteristics
- global
- larger incomes
- expanded infrastructure
- population growth
- education
- consumer culture
Nuremberg Law of 1935
antisemitic laws in Nazi Germany introduced at the annual Nurember Rally of the Nazi Party. After the takeover of power in 1933 by Hitler, Nazism became an official ideology incorporating scientific racism and antisemitism. There was a rapid growth in German legislation directed at Jews.
Operation Barbarossa
The code name for Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union during World War II that began on 22 June 1941. Over 4.5 million troops of the Axis powers invaded the USSR
Potsdam Settlement
- Participants were the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States
- Gathered to decide how to administer punishment to the defeated Nazi Germany, which had agreed to unconditional surrender
Iron Curtain
coined by Winston Churchill in 1946 to refer to the division of Western Europe, under American influence, from Eastern Europe, under the domination of the Soviet Union.
Berlin Wall
Built in 1961 by East German communists to prevent citizens from East Germany from fleeing to West Germany
Berlin Airlift
The supply of vital necessities to West Berlin by air transport
- Council for Mutual Economic Assistance

- an economic organization comprising the countries that are communist
Boris Yeltsin
the first President of the Russian Federation
Battle of Stalingrad
major battle of World War II in which Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad in southwestern Russia
- attempted to accommodate and negotiate peace with the aggressive nations
- based on the belief that another global war like WWI was unimaginable
- belief that Germany and it allies had been mistreated by the terms of the of the Treaty of Versailles
John Kay
Flying shuttle
Spinning Jenny
Water frame
Spinning Mule
Eli Whitney
Cotton Gin
- Substituted for wood
- could heat metal and produce quality iron
Thomas Newcome
Steam Engine
James Watt
Modified Engine
Document that contained 6 demands
-Universal white male suffrage
-Institution of the secret ballot
-Abolition of property qualifications for membership in the House of Commons
-Annual parliamentary elections
-Payment of salaries to member of the House of Commons
-Equal electoral districts
Otto von Bismarck
Minister-president of Prussia
Franco-Prussian War
• Prussia VS France
• No European powers came to Frances side
• South Germany came to Prussia’s side
• France lost and captured Napoleon III
- Victor Emanuel II, the king, brought Cavour into his government

- Became prime minister

- Italian Unification
- Dictator of Soviet Union
- Wanted communism to develop
- Revolution must not be stopped
- did not want to promote the revolution
- wanted to force communism
Mikhail Gorbachev
General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Boris Yeltsin
First President of the Russian Federation