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33 Cards in this Set

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1. Fixed wealth in the world

2.nations gained wealth at the expense of others

3. Export more than you import

4. Government's with the most precious metals would be better off

These economies use colonies to benefit the mother country


Dictated what goods would be traded in the colonies.

Navigation acts

Granted a charter to form colony of Pennsylvania in 1681

William Penn

Had no legitimate heir, so his brother, James 2nd became king

Charles 2nd

Flaunted Roman Catholicism; wanted to create the "Dominion" in New England which inspires rebellion in the colonies

Fled the country to escape his father's fate in 1688

James 2nd

Invited to rule in England- Glorious Revolution

Mary and William

Another example of the removal 9f a monarch

Economically, it resulted in a balance between complete freedom of trade and the kind of control sought by previous monarchs

Molasses act 1733

Failure to Enforce many of these laws and England's preoccupation with France and Spain leads to the era of "salutary neglect"

England's constitutional revolution occurs on the eve of a major intellectual movement

Glorious revolution

The "age of reason"


A secular movement?

The enlightenment

A firm trust in the ability of the human mind to solve earthly problems


Religious movement in the 1720's and 1730's

The great awakening

"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

Jonathan Edwards

Old lights v. New lights

George Whitefield

Resulted in Border Raids. War if the league of Augsburg

King William's war.

War of the Spanish succession. Resulted in colonial skirmishes with Spain and France

Queen Anne's War

War of the Austrian succession. The Americans won louisbourg at the St. Lawrence River, it was returned in the peace treaty

King George's War

Seven years war.

Competition between France and England over the Ohio river valley

French settled forts near present-day Pittsburgh- Ft. Duquesne

The French and Indian War

Instituted the sugar act, currency act, and stamp act

Defended taxes by stating that British subjects at home pay the tax, and that collective debt of colonists is only a fraction Britain's debt

George Grenville

First attempt to directly tax the colonists

Stamp Act

Met with mild protest: Steven Hopkins and the concept No taxation without representation

Sugar act

"No taxation without representation"

Steven Hopkins

Passed the Suffolk Resolves

Passed the Suffolk Resolves Revealed that military struggle was to be inevitable

Passed the Suffolk Resolves Revealed that military struggle was to be inevitable

Revealed that military struggle was to be inevitable

First continental congress

Taxed luxury goods like lead, paper, glass, paint, and tea

Townsend duties

Resulted in removal of troops from the city, and created a greater rift in British/American politics

Boston massacre

Closed ports of Boston

Suspended charter of Massachusetts

Expanded power of Royal Governor

Abolished elective council

Coercive acts

Taxed tea

Tea act

Formed in Philadelphia

Second continental congress

First battles of the revolution

Lexington and Concord

Went to concord the confiscate arms

General Thomas gage

Written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776

Declaration of Independence

First major defeat of the british


The belief that more loyalists resides in the south

Southern strategy

Where Cornwallis retreats to near the Chesapeake, and where the war ends.


Return of lands to French and Spanish

13 colonies recognized by Europe as a separate nation

Mississipi River is the boundary in the West

Did not achieve Canada- even though early in the war colonists had attempted to take Quebec.

Treaty of Paris 1783