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35 Cards in this Set

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How does Taney defend his decision? (Doc 6, ch 13)
Dred Scott is not a citizen of the United States and doesn’t have the right to sue for freedom, by using the constitution. Only two things that the constitution says about slaves is that they are property and not citizens. Its illegal for slaves to sue. The whole race (blacks) are inferior to the white race and are not worthy to associate with the white race.(Last sentence of the article)
What is James Henry Gooding’s main point? (Doc 4, ch 14)
-That black soldiers should be treated fairly and need to be given rights. Highlights hypocrisy. The effort put out by the black soldiers means they should have equal pay.
What is Tally Simpson’s main point? (Doc 5, ch. 14)
-Underlines that they are going to lose the war but there is hope of reunification for the north and south.
-The Confederates are under supplied but this solider talks about how God is our hope and will bring all of this together.
Why did Helen Jewett have so many aliases (names, characters)?
She herself contributed to creating stories about herself. She was in part responsible for the creation of her persona. She wanted to be attractive to her clients
What role did the press play in this crime?
The role that the press played is two fold. 1. Created the penny press: scandal based, entertainment. 2. Investigative reporting, go to the scene of the crime and report on what you see. Press caused the crime to be more know and to be more discussed.
What was the significance of material culture (jewelry, paintings/art, books, etc.)?
ART. Jane McCrea painting. Showed the sexuality, the gender and the power that was in the brothel system.
Showed that the women made a whole lot of money compared to the factory worker. These women were in a better position than the women working in much harder conditions. Also showed a class elevation. The books, art, dresses, theater. Showed that the prositutes had more in terms of class and money.
How was the apprenticeship system changing in the 1830s in New York?
The system was becoming far less authoritative. The men used to live with a family with a head that had the position that they wanted, but now the men work in offices and have free time (they have there own homes and living places) the society was beckoning lax.
Do you think Judge Weston’s letter was truthful? (discuss tone & intent/purpose)
Indicative of how the upper classes thought of Helen. Cool, distant regret. We are sorry that she fell into this life of sin. Not a genuine letter. Something happened that forced her out of this house, but the Judge made the people think that nothing amoral could happen under the leadership of the upper classes.
How did Lincoln’s relationship with his father affect his views on slavery?
He felt like his dad was very strong and controlling. His father took his wages and he felt like he was in a slave system. He became more sympathetic to the lives of slaves
What were some of Lincoln’s physical and personality traits?
Tall, lanky, ugly, grew beard because of his face. Personality, very open and talkative publicly but then would withdrawn and almost was depressed.
Doc 1: What are some reasons that a slave should not be taught to read or write?
It will make them dissatisfied. They will become aware of how horrible their lives are and it will make them revolt and more dangerous.
What is “drapetomania”?
Doc 2: Made up disease that causes slaves to run away and is only in black people. No scientific information to prove it.
Doc 3: How does George Fitzhugh argue that slavery is good for society?
The south is doing better than the north economically. They have a more equal society and health care. The people are happier. SOURCES: He doesn’t use any sources or have any statistics. His opinion.
Doc 4: What traumatic experience does Josiah Henson portray?
Doc 4: His mom was raped and his father was beaten and his ear cut off. His father was sold, his family was spilt apart, but his mother begged to have her youngest child and the owner bought him as well as her.
What is Harriet Jacobs’s main point? To whom is she addressing her writing?
Doc 6: All the risk of being a female slave. Women were sexually abused. Could be assaulted and abused. Addressing this to the North, saying "This is really hard and we cannot fight it. You have to help us."
Who does Mary Chestnut blame for the evils of slavery? 
Major Problems, Chapters 13-14
Two groups of people. White patriarchs: immoral and critical. Black women: Alluring and trying to tempt the men. Just not the white women.
How does Frederick Douglass feel about the 4th of July?
He hates it. A day of injustice.
Shays’s Rebellion
Shay’s Rebellion, 1786
By 1786, a third of American farmers are in prison.
Debtors were jailed because they couldn’t pay their taxes, Shay shut down the counts until the government would hear their pleas
Shays decided to shut down the county courts
“rebels” were stopped by militia force,
Bill of Rights
First 10 amendments to the Constitution
Late 18th Century
The constitution wouldn't have been passed without it.
Whiskey Rebellion
Whiskey Rebellion, 1794
•Mingo Creek
“citizen’s arrest”
Washington dispatches army of 13,000 men. Blatant over-powering of the rebels.
Citizens of Pittsburgh have the idea to give the men food and booze and the incapacitate them.
Alexander Hamilton’s Financial Plan
5 points
– Bank of the United States (Intended to stabilize the currency, backed with gold)
– Increased tariffs (Intended to create a national trade)
– Taxed Americans on certain items (like whiskey) A varity of taxes on things that Americans use a lot, like alcohol.
Indian Intercourse Act

Indian Intercourse Act, 1790
•Eliminate abuse
•Created federal licensing system
•Land through formal treaties
•Set prices for goods
•Good intentions
Republican Motherhood
•Awareness of political issues
•One law: They can file for divorce more easily.
•Rise in female education: women are sent to school to be educated in how to be keepers of social grace and to contribute to men in marriage and motherhood. Responsibility and very few rights.
•Contribute politically through their men
•Keepers of social grace
Women are the pillars of moral society. This is a switch in how women are seen in society. Before the revolution, women weren’t seen as strong or able to control themselves. Now, women are supposed to be chased and virtuous.
XYZ Affair
• XYZ Affair – The French were stealing vessels and stuff on the seas. The French were bullying the Americans. Bribery.
The nation comes up for another war. The French back down which leaves Adams as a hero for the country.
Louisiana Purchase
• Louisiana Purchase for $15 million – Didn’t mind spending money on land and thought of the food that it could provide. America doubles over night.
American reaching toward the goal of the Manifest Destiny
War of 1812
War of 1812 (Less than two years)
British are bullying the Americans on the seas. British Navy still very strong.
Missouri Compromise
•Missouri Compromise, 1820
•At the time there were 11 free states, 11 slave states.
•Everything starts to lead to the Civil War.
Trail of Tears
Trail of Tears (EARLY 18th cen.)
•Cherokee victories in Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) and Worcester v. Georgia (1832)
•Supported by Chief Justice John Marshall
•Small faction known as the “Treaty Party”
•Approximately 16,000 to 18,000 Cherokees removed by U.S. army
•4,000 died along the way
The Market Revolution
Market Revolution or Industrial
•Replace bartering with cash purchases
Before this people were bartering to complete purchases.
•Power-driven machinery
Cotton gin, weaving lume.
The Alamo
The Alamo, 1836
• 13-day standoff between the Tejanos(Mexicans who lived in Texas) & Americans versus the Mexican troops led by General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
•Mexican army prevailed
•Sam Houston, didn’t go to the Alamo. Believes that the whites should fight against the Mexicans.
Mexican War
Mexican War, 1846-1848 (MID 18th Cen.)
• Northerners opposed the war
•“Mr. Polk’s War”
•One-sided war (Americans have one fifth the amount of casualty’s that the Mexicans had)
•It was a dirty war and the Americans have committed war crimes against the Mexicans
•Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, at the end of the war the Americans take the west coast.
•Polk wanted Mexico, but the North refused to allow it and said they would succeed from the Union if the expansion was continued.
Gold Rush
Gold Rush, 1848
•Sutter’s Mill (Place of discovery)
•“forty-niners” (Gold rush truly begins in 1849, due to the slow spread of news and movement)
•Shallow gold reserves quickly depleted; needed hydraulic mining machines
•Wealth gained by feeding, clothing, housing and entertaining miners
• Racial discrimination 
(Blacks not allowed in order not to give plantation owners advantage, white men didn’t want to be seen as doing slave labor)
• Chinese miners, German miners: Highly taxed. Mexican miners hit with foregin miner tax
• The CA gold rush was difficult for Indians. They were ushered further west until they were in CA. At this point they were killed. They were put in slave labor camps. Horrible laws were the punishment was death. If they refused to do what you said, they were killed. 150,000 to 30,000 in the time of the gold rush. Genocide.
The Civil War
The Civil War, 1861-1865
• Fort Sumter, April 1861
-When Fort Sumter is hit, Lincoln is testing what the South is going to do. Lincoln tells the south that they are restocking with non-violent means. South fries upon the North. Not a single person killed.

• Confederate General Robert E. Lee
-Brilliant man. He couldn’t make war against his state.
• Southern disadvantage 

– Population (North = 22 million, South = 9 Million, with 4 million slaves)
– Jefferson Davis (Did not know how to lead. Did not know how to negotiate)
– Core ideals (Why did the South create a nation? Slavery and States Rights are their reason for working)
Grant = Union general
•Awareness of political issues
•One law: They can file for divorce more easily.
•Rise in female education: women are sent to school to be educated in how to be keepers of social grace and to contribute to men in marriage and motherhood. Responsibility and very few rights.
•Contribute politically through their men
•Keepers of social grace
Women are the pillars of moral society. This is a switch in how women are seen in society. Before the revolution, women weren’t seen as strong or able to control themselves. Now, women are supposed to be chased and virtuous.

• Gender inequality 

- Women recognize that they are being treated poorly. They come against the belief that women are less then men and that they, in some places, shouldn’t even be seen in public.
- All I ask is that our brothers take their feet from off our necks.
-Women’s right convention that is a offshoot of slavery
-Seneca Falls in 1828. First women’s rights meeting. Declaration of sentiments. Starts like
Gender Two
Women Workers (jeffersonian)
• Women’s roles were redefined
• “private sphere”
• Fewer children (6 is a small family)
• Factory laborers 

– Lowell
– Interesting man who creates a haven for female workers. Some women were working to support their families.
• A market is created out of this change. Magazine are sold to women (advise columns to wives)