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85 Cards in this Set

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revolutionized the lifestyle of Native Americans
the Mississippians created this large city now in Illinois
before Europeans arrived in central Mexico the society contained this
large cities ruled by effective bureaucracies, an accurate solar calendar, a religion which involved human sacrifice.
kinship defined one's place in society for these peoples
tribes of eastern North America
role of Muslim missionaries in West Africa during the slave trade
were converting people in West Africa
nomadic hunters were able to come to North America because
global warming
English settlers were very diverse true or false?
what factor did not start English migration
government laws forcing migration of poorer classes
these factors led to the rise of the nation state
rise in population, monarchy developing, effects of the Renaissance
the site for Jamestown was selected
as a means to protect against Native American attack
land grants were used by this company in 1618 to attract settlers
Virginia Company
the colonial institution of local government
county court
rebellion led by a newcomer to the colony, the leader burned Jamestown because he was not accepted in the ruling class
Bacon's Rebellion
this was created to counteract the expenses of New World settlement
joint-stock company
this lessened the requirements for baptism
Half-Way Covenant
how did Puritans create their society in New England
off English social order
first institution of higher learning in colonies
the Chesapeake and the New England colonies differed in
mortality rate
most of the slaves in the slave triangle were sent to
Brazil and the Caribbean
Stono Uprising
most serious slave rebellion
Enlightenment encouraged
search for knowledge
the document establishing Plymouth colony
Mayflower compact
German immigrants came to the New World for
religious freedom
Spanish colonized here for fear of French encroachment
this financial problem plagued America
debt owed to Britain
this religious push took place across multiple colonies over many years
Great Awakening
their primary focus was to prevent encroachment on people's rights
colonial legislators
this bound Americans into single political culture
English common law
With respect to women, the political ideology of the American Revolution
caused them to be more assertive about their roles in the family
central issue in the Anglo-American debate over governance was
parliamentary sovereignty
Central to the colonists' position in the Anglo-American debate over parliamentary powers was
belief in provincial assemblies
Proclamation of 1763
stopped settlement past Appalachian Mountains
supported state sovereignty
Stamp Act of 1765
affected all social classes
the Americans who wrote the first state constitutions
demanded written documents
Declaratory Act
stated Parliament's belief in its own sovereignty
Townshend Acts
weakened colonial unity
reaction to British soldiers in colonies
Boston Massacre
major difficulty that confronted the First Continental Congress
Virginia would not send delegates
best definition of republican in 1700s
no monarchy or aristocracy
compared to other revolutions of the time, the American Revolution was
more tame
Benjamin Banneker
leading African-American scientist and mathematician in early America
he believed the monarch ruled all including the colonies
George III
Sons of Liberty
arose to rebel against Stamp Act
John Dickinson's 1776 plan
called for strong central government
The Articles of Confederation
guarded state sovereignty at the expense of national power
controversy which delayed ratification of the Articles of Confederation
disposition of western lands
Robert Morris
considered the most important political figure of the Confederation period
most important accomplishment of Congress under the Articles of Confederation
organizing Northwest Territory
Sugar Act
to raise money taxed molasses
James Madison
political theorist of the post-revolutionary period
result of the Annapolis Meeting of 1786
recommendation to Congress for a convention to revise the Articles of Confederation
Constitutional Convention took place in this year
procedural decision approved at the opening of the Constitutional Convention
President Washington considered his role as first president to include
personally demonstrating the existence of a strong republic
Judiciary Act of 1789
created federal court system
John Jay
first Chief Justice
Commitment to liberty and equality
The Bank of the United States was based on the doctrine
implied powers
Opposed King George III in Parliament
Society of Friends
The Genêt affair
use of American ships as privateers, in violation of the United States' pledge of neutrality
Pinckney's Treaty
gave the United States access to the Mississippi River and New Orleans for trade
Washington believed that the Whiskey Rebellion
was a direct threat to national security
Naturalization Law
were an attempt to allow the Federalists to maintain political control
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
called for state's rights
Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution
changed the process of electing the president and vice president
guaranteed a 50-acre lot
Written by Thomas Paine
Common Sense
Enumerated Goods
Tobacco, sugar, cotton, indigo, wool
Economic principle of the colonies
Appointed Washington commander
Second Continental Congress
Jeffersonians' fear of strong financial institutions was based on
religious beliefs about the sin of greed
Thomas Jefferson felt it was important that the new government
lean toward French as an ally
greatest challenge facing the first Washington administration
Spectral Evidence
Dreams and visions of the accused
Coercive Acts
closed the port of Boston
Seven Years' War
French and Indian War in America
Anne Hutchinson divine inspiration
Virginia Plan
National legislature of two houses
Articles of Confederation
Provided for a single legislative body
Protestant Reformation
Popular anticlericalism
Committee of Correspondence
Spain and Portugal divided the world. Communicate grievances
Treaty of Tordesillas
Occurred on March 5, 1770 Spain and Portugal divided the world.
Albany Plan
Franklin's blueprint for colonial union