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117 Cards in this Set

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The highest Hindu caste members in India after the epic age were the

Brahmans (priests, scholars)

The Indian caste system

Was extremely complex and stratified; a person could almost never change a caste

A central message of bhagavad gita is that

One must carry out the duties that come with ones caste

A major difference between Buddhism and Hinduism was that

Buddhism denied the need for caste, rites, and sacrifice to achieve nirvana

Buddhism spread primarily as a result of

Its monastic community (monks)

Alexander the great's invasion of India

Had little lasting influence on either region

Buddhism lost its appeal and influence in Guptan India in part because

Hinduism showed its adaptability by emphasizing its mystical side, thus retaining the loialties of many Indians.

During the classical era in India, all of the following occurred EXCEPT

Religious authorities often allowed dissections in the name of research

Over time in classical India (hinduism), castes

Intensified and began to differ region to region

In Mesopotamia, the cuneiform culture of the mesopotamians assimilated invaders and provided continuity . The same role in India was performed by

The Hindu social hierarchy

Has had a role in history that is disproportionate to the number of its followers


The torah

Has changed little since it was written

The rule of Saul, David, and Solomon:

Eventually led to the creation of the Judaea and Israel

Regarding gender relations, the Hebrew scriptures

Give women fewer civil rights than men have

Which diaspora caused the most fundamental and lasting change for Jews

Diaspora at the hands of the romans

Leader of the first unified Jewish state


Moses received the ten commandments BEFORE leading the Jews to the promised land.

Not after

NOT nearly all the Jews exiled to Babylon chose to return to Jewish lands after the exile was ended

False in question

Before the death of Solomon in 926 B.C.E., the Jewish state controlled the area the Euphrates in the north to the southern border at

The red sea

According to the torra, moses received the ten commandments atop mount Siani

Not ebal

After the romans expelled the Jews from Judaea, Jewish communities were established throughout the Mediterranean


Jesus' most important commandment was to

Love god

For Paul, the most important criterion for being a christian was


Most important bc he traveled and spread christianity



Sought to subordinate women in the church

Emperor Constantine -converted on his death bed

Had a vision that helped convert him to Christianity

Supported the separation of state and church


Jewish group that stayed aloof from politics and preached that the end of the world was imminent

Essences (End of the world)

NO persecution by the romans did not lead to a decline in christian conversions

False in question

At the time of Jesus, which of the following directly controlled the largest geographic territory


Had a stronger urban base when compared to roman catholicism

Eastern orthodoxy

The strongest christian denomination in Egypt a thousand years ago

Coptic church. (Cop=strong)

In the 8th century the advance of Islam into Europe was

Stopped in southern France by Charles martel

Was crowned roman emperor by the pope


Between 500 and 1000 C.E. the church's power was fragmented and decentralized. (Europe=cluster of kingdoms)


Not a major strength for roman catholicism in the year 1200

Kievan Russia (taken over by vikings)


The Carolingian empire WAS first divided by the treaty of Verdun in 843ce

Muslims believe that the most recent prophet was


Islam believes God transmitted the truth to muslims through

The angel Gabriel

Is observing a day of rest one day a week, a pillar of islam


The Quran promises a reward in paradise to those who

Observe islam faithfully

Muslims DON'T consider the Quran to be translated and understood in different cultures

False question

The status of women in the Islamic world of the 14th century was NOT the same everywhere

False question

First caliph

Abu Bakr

Least important motivating factor behind the military expansion of the Islamic empire

Religious goals

Thought the descendants of Ali should be imam

The shi'as

Sought to convert non muslims to islam

The Abbasid caliphate

Descended from Mohammad's uncle

The Abbasid (true)

Not conquered by islam in 650ce


Oman Egypt and Libya had.

Seek the mystical path to god


Use of zero and decimal system developed by


Many of the major agricultural exchanges that helped the Islamic world came from


Baghdad was built by

The Abbasid dynasty

The end of the caliphate did not end the spread of islam

False in question

Relatively late converts to islam

Malaysia and Indonesia

Arab traders DID bring Islam with them to sub-saharan africa


Initially went well for the Christians

The crusades

Muslim rule in spain

Revitalized trade in the western Mediterranean

The Spanish inquisition was established to

Hunt down those suspected of being insincere converts

The second class status offered to non-muslims in areas controlled by Islamic governments


At one point in the crusades

Christian invaders killed every muslim in Jerusalem

By the fourteenth century, Jews and muslims in most parts of spain were

Forced to accept Baptism and convert to Christianity


The oldest religion still in practice is

Is officially sanctioned by the rigveda

The caste system in India

The deep philosophical concepts of hinduism

The puranas focus least on

Local rulers

In hinduism, Brahman priests often supported

The Islamic culture

The hindu culture developed before


Currently the religion with the 2nd highest number of adherents in the world is

In the bhagavad-gita

Arjun learns that he should follow his dharma (duties) , whether he wants to or not


Had an order of monks

Forecast to be either a businessman or a farmer.

The Buddha was not

Attained enlightenment

While sitting under a tree at Bodh Gaya, the Buddha


For buddha, the source of unhappiness in the world was

Priest caste

Members of this group were least likely to convert to buddhism from Hinduism

The existence of the soul

The Buddha did not teach

Shinto (Japan) beliefs

Found spirits in human nature

The degree of respect they gave to Brahmans

Hinduism and buddhism were similar in all of the following aspects

-their development of sacred languages

-their place of origin

-their belief in reincarnation

But not____

Several dispersed homelands for jews

Not a belief that came from the early scriptures of Judaism

Eventually led to the creation of the Judea and Israel

The rule of Saul, David, and Solomon

Give women fewer rights than men have

Regarding gender relations, the Hebrew scriptures


Diaspora at the hands of the romans caused the most fundamental and lasting change for the


Most recently was the split of the Jewish kingdom into Judea and

Jesus Christ

Was considered a threat by the roman government


Sought st subordinate women in the church

Emperor Constantine

Had a vision that helped him to convert to Christianity

Edict of Milan

Emperor Constantine made which formal declaration on his death bed

Right if religious practice throughout the empire

Edict of Milan


Supported the separation of the state and the church

Equal rights for women

The dogma of the early christian church fostered


A Jewish group that stayed aloof from politics and preached that the end of the world was imminent


At the time of jesus, ____ directly controlled the largest geographic territory

Eastern Orthodoxy

Had a stronger base when compared to roman catholicism


Was crowned holy roman emperor by the pope on Christmas day

The church

From 600ce to 1100ce, the most fundamental institution in Europe for maintaining order and character was

The angel Gabriel

Islam believes that God transmitted the truth to Muslims through

The date Muhammad moved to medina

Muslims begin their calendar with this event

Abu bakr

First caliph

Should be imam

The shi'as thought that the descendants of Ali


Not conquered by islam in 650ce


Seek the mystical path to god

The Indians

Use of the decimal system and the zero was first developed by


Many of the major agricultural exchanges that helped the Islamic world came from

Trade in the western Mediterranean

Muslim rule in Spain revitalized


Second class status offered to non-muslims in areas controlled by Islamic governments

Muslim in Jerusalem

At one point in the crusades , the christian invaders killed every

The gods of many local tribes

Hinduism absorbed

The sacred geography of the Indian sub continent

Hinduism is strongly connected to

The Vedas (stories)

Encompass the divine knowledge of hinduism

A remedy for sorrow

Siddhartha's fundamental goal was to find


Rejects the caste system and embraces nonviolence

the attitude toward government control

One of the key areas of difference between buddhism and Confucianism was

Were established throughout the Mediterranean

After the romans expelled the Jews from judaea, Jewish communities

The church's power was fragmented and decentralized

Between 500 and 1000

Eastern orthodoxy

Icons have been more important for _____ than for roman catholicism

The dome of the rock

One of Islam's most famous mosques

The Abbasid clan

Descended from Mohammad's uncle


Arab traders brought_____ with them to sub-saharan Africa