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91 Cards in this Set

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The respiratory system includes what two portions?
conducting portion and respiratory portion
What is relatively toxic, and vital, to all living cells and therefore must be conditioned during passage to the lungs so that gas exchange can take place?
What are the 6 fxns of the respiratory system?
1. Olfaction (smell)
2. Vocalization
3. Conditioning of air
4. Conduction of air
5. Inspiration and expiration of air
6. Gas exchange
What occurs during the conditioning of air?
warming, filtration, humidification
Conduction of air does what?
brings air from the outside deep into the body to the site of gas exchange
The respiratory tree is ventilated by inspiratory movements of the chest of wall by what muscles?
muscles of the thoracic cage and diaphragm
How is expiration accomplished?
by elastic elements and muscles of the air passages
Where are the gas exchange sites located and what gases are exchanged?
oxygen diffuses into the blood and carbon dioxide diffuses out through the walls of alveoli located at the very end of the respiratory tree
The number of active cappilaries in lung must (equal or exceed, be >, be <) those of the systemic circulation or cardivascular failure will ensue.
equal or exceed
What is considered a series of airways from the nasal passages to the lungs which moisten, warm and filter the air in preparation for gas exchange with blood?
Conducting Portion of the respiratory system
In the conducting portion, by the time air reaches the alveolus, what has ideally been removed?
all bacteria and infectious materials
What happens if infectious agents reach the damp, vascular lungs?
will cause bronchitis or worse, pneumonia
List in order the pathway of air through the conducting portion of the respiratory system.
Nasal cavity
Primary Bronchus
Secondary and Tertiary Bronchi
Terminal Bronchioles
What does the nasal do?

What does the specialized region of the roof of the nasal cavity do?
warms, himidifies, and filters the air

mediates olfaction
What is the anterior portion of the nasal cavity called?

What type of skin is it lined with?

What are the coarse hairs it contains called and what do they do?
-stratified squamous epithelium
-vibrissae; serve to filter out large particles and create non-laminar air flow that help precipitate particulate matter
What is most the of nasal cavity lined by?
respiratory epithelium, pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium w/ abundant goblet cells
The ___ of the respiratory epithelium is highly vascularized to warm the incoming air and it contains many ____ to aid in filtration.
-lamina propria
-seromucous glands
What happens to dust and other particulate matter?
its trapped by mucous from the goblet cells and mucous and serous secretion of the glands. Ciliary action transports it all to the pharynx to be swallowed or expectorated.
The lamina propria contains abundant lymphoid nodules that do what?
active in combating antigens carried by the air
What is produced by plasma cells and transported across the epithelium?
Secretory IgA
What do plasma cells produce that bind to mast cells?

What happens when these mast cells are challenged by an antigen?

they release mediators of inflammation (ex- release of histamine increases permeability of small blood vessels causing localized swelling)
____ in the nasal cavity warm inspired air and the nasal secretions begin the process of _____.
-Venous sinusoids
What else also helps disturb the flow of air and decrease particulate matter?
The olfactory epithelium is a ____ epithelium located near teh roof of the nasal cavity.
tall pseudostratified columnar
Olfactory cells are (bipolar/multipolar) neurons w/ a modified dendrite region composed of the ____ and six to eight long (motile/non-motile) cilia that lie on the olfactory epithelial surface.
-olfactory vesicle
What causes depolarization of olfactory cells?
Odorant molecules specific for receptors on the cilia
What kind of cells does the olfactory epithelium contain?
sustentacular and basal
What kind of cell appears to support olfactory epithelium and insulate the olfactory cells?
sustentacular cells
What kind of cells are short pyramidal in shape and have an apical region that does NOT reach the surface of the epithelium?
basal cells
What kind of cells can basal cells replace?
olfactory cells and sustentacular cells
Where does air go after leaving the nasal cavity?
What kind of epithelium lines the pharynx?
upper portion- respiratory epi
lower portion- stratified squamous epi
What kind of tissue does the lamina propria of the pharynx have?
loose to dense irregular CT w/ seromucous glands and lympoid aggregations (pharyngeal tonsils)
Where does air travel after leaving the pharynx?
to the irregularly tubular larynx
What kind of epithelium is most of the larynx covered with?
pseudostratified epi
What supports the larynx?
thyroid and cricoid hyaline cartilage
What protects the larynx against food inhalation?
epiglottis (flap of tissue supported internally by elastic cartilage)
What type of epi covers the lingual and laryngeal sides of the epiglottis?
lingual- stratified squamous epi
laryngeal- respiratory (pseudostratified, ciliated) epi
What projects into the laryngeal lumen?
false and true vocal cords
T/F The false vocal cords lie below the true vocal cords.
False- true lie below the false
The true vocal cords consists of ___ ligaments connected to the ___ muscle.
Unlike the rest of the larynx, the true vocal cords are covered by what kind of epi?
-striated vocalis muscle
-thin stratified squamous epi
How is sound regulated?
by controlled movement of air across the true vocal cords
What is used to adjust the tension of the vocal ligaments?
the vocalis and other laryngeal muscles
Where does air travel to when leaving the larynx?
What is the most prominent characteristic of the trachea?
C-shaped hyaline cartilage rings that maintain the open airway
The open portions of the C-shaped rings in the trachea face (rearward/frontward) to the esophagus and the opening is bridged by what?

a fibroelastic ligament and smooth muscle
T/F Contraction of the smooth muscle bridging the C-shaped rings in the trachea narrows the passageway for increased force during coughing.
What kind of epi lines the trachea?
respiratory epi
A band of ____ is present just beneath the tracheal epithelium. Beneath that are ___ and ____.
-elastic fibers
-blood vessels
What happens at the end of the trachea?
if bifurcates into two primary bronchi that connect to the lungs
Prior to entering the lung (___ bronchus) the histology of a primary bronchus is similar to that of the trachea w/ cartilage forming rings, except that the diameter is (smaller/larger) and the walls are (thinner/thicker).
After entering the lung (___ bronchus) the arrangement of cartilage chagnes so that ___ surround subsequent segments of bronchi.
-plates of cartilage
Primary bronchi divide into secondary (lobar) bronchi that reach to what part of the lungs?
the major lobes
The secondary bronchus branches (few/many) times to form the tertiary bronchi (___ bronchi- supplying bronchopulmonary segments)

What completely surrounds the lumina of the intrapulmonary bronchi (secondary and tertiary)?
irregular plates of cartilage
T/F Smooth muscle becomes more prominent and is present as two layers sprialing in opposite directions in primary bronchi.
False- in secondary and tertiary bronchi, NOT in primary bronchi
What occur in the lamina propria and submucosa of the larger bronchi of the secondary and tertiary bronchi?
seromucous glands and lymphoid aggregations
What type of epithelium does the secondary and tertiary bronchi have?
respiratory epi
What is each bronchus accompanied by?
arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels
What are bronchioles distinguished by?
their lack of cartilage
The bronchi continue to branch into ____ which divide several times before culminating in ____.

terminal bronchioles
Bronchioles are lined by what kind of epithelium?
cuboidal epi
What kind of cells do the bronchioles contain?
few goblet cells; many ciliated cells; clara cells (non-ciliated)
T/F In the bronchioles, ciliated cells are found at deeper levels than are goblet cells.
What do the ciliated cells of the bronchioles do?
move mucous toward the throat
Which type of cell in the bronchioles is a serous glandular cell but also appears to act as stem cells to replace other cell types in the epithelium?

Which type of cell may serve to aid in detoxifying noxious gases?
Clara cells
Clara cells
T/F The lamina propria of bronchioles contains many glands.
False- contains no glands
What are important in shortening of the bronchioles and reduction of the dead-air space during exhalation?
subepithelial elastic fibers and bands of smooth muscle
What can cause spastic contraction of the muscles which can close off the bronchioles and induce suffocation?
severe asthma
Chronic respiratory exposure to tobacco smoke can compromise bronchial and bronchiolar elastic tissue leading to what?
pulmonary emphysema
What extends from the fibroelastic CT that is outside the smooth muscle and helps to maintain open airways during inhalation?
elastic fibers
When the bronchioles subdivide what do they form and how big are they?
smaller terminal bronchioles

<0.5mm in diameter
What is the epithelium of the terminal bronchioles composed of?
cuboidal cells and Clara cells
What surrounds the terminal bronchioles?
thin layers of smooth muscle and elastic fibers
What is defined as a large array of highly vascularized, thin alveoli at the termination of the airways in the lungs, allows for diffusion of gasses bw the air and the blood?
Respiratory Portion of the Respiratory system
Terminal (conducting) bronchioles lead to the first level of the respiratory portion of the lung, the _____.
respiratory bronchioles
The respiratory bronchioles have outpockets of ___ which is a small sac-like structure where ___ occurs.
gas exchange
What happens to respiratory bronchioles as they extend deeper?
they narrow and the number of alveoli increases
What does the respiratory portion of the Respiratory system consist of?
respiratory bronchioles
alveolar ducts and alveolar sacs
What branches from the respiratory bronchioles?
alveolar ducts
Alveolar ducts have regular walls.
Alveolar ducts are narrow air passages lined by alveoli.
False- do not have regular walls

How do alveolar ducts end?
usually as blind outpockets composed of clusters of alveoli called alveolar sacs
How big is an alveoli?
~200 um in diameter
What are alveoli?
Primary sites for gas exchange (capillary networks composed of large diameter capillaries come in close proximity to air.
In the alveoli, blood is seperated from air by what?

What is the total thickness of this layer of seperation?
capillary endothelium, the alveolar epithelium and the thin fused basal lamina

0.1 - 0.15 um
How many alveoli are present in adult humans?
~300 million (leading to a combined area of gas exchange of 140m squared
What types of cells make up most of the alveolar surface?
Type I cells or squamous alveolar cells (thin cells)
Type II cells of the alveoli are ____ and secrete ____ which is a detergent like material consisting of what?
-phopholipids and lecithins
Does Type I or II cells of the alveoli reduce surface tension at teh alvolar surface and decrease the work required to inflate the alveoli?
Type II
T/F Type II alveolar cells can divide and differentiate into Type I cells.
What do the alveoli contain that protects them by ingesting inhaled bacteria and other particles?
large numbers of active pulmonary macrophages