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70 Cards in this Set

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Capsule of the testis? Covered by?
tunica albuginea of the testis

covered by the visceral layer of the tunical vaginalis
the posterior surface of the testis is attached to
the inner wall of the scrotum = not covered by tunica vaginalis
The ______ are contained within the mediastinum testis and consist of irregular anastomosing channels that form a network of interconnected chambers embedded in the well-vascularized mediastinum
The rete testis are contained within the mediastinum testis and consist of irregular anastomosing channels that form a network of interconnected chambers embedded in the well-vascularized mediastinum
Each long coiled loop or tube of seminiferous tubule is continuous with the rete testis via a short intervening _______ that is lined completely by the _____ with no ____ cells within the epithelium.
Each long coiled loop or tube of seminiferous tubule is continuous with the rete testis via a short intervening tubulus rectus that is lined completely by the Sertoli cells with no germ cells within the epithelium.
2 types of ducts in the epididymis?
efferent ductules = head

ductus epididymis = body and tail
Features of the ductuli efferentes?
1. scalloped b/c of two cell types
2. stellate lumen
3. surrounded by smooth muscle
2 cell types of ductuli efferentes? fxn of each?
1. tall columnar ciliated cells = cilia beat toward ductus epididymis

2. short non-ciliated cells with microvili = reabsorb fluid
Features of the ductus epididymis?
1. Uniform epithelium
2. smooth and regular lumen
3. surrounded by smooth muscle
2 cell types of the ductus epididymis?
1. Principle cells = columnar w/STEREOcilia

2. basal cells = stem cells
3 layers of muscular coat of ductus deferens?
1. inner longitudinal = thin
2. middle circular = thick
3. outer longitudinal = thick
Blood vessels in the spermatic cord?
testicular artery

pampiniform plexus of veins
diagnostic feature of veins of the pampiniform plexus?
longitudinally arranged bundles of smooth muscle in the adventitia
The ampulla of the ductus deferens is joined by the ____________, a gland that arose embryologically as a _________ of the ductus deferens
The ampulla of the ductus deferens is joined by the seminal vesicle, a gland that arose embryologically as a diverticulum of the ductus deferens
corpora cavernosa are surrounded by a thick fibrous envelope, the ?
the tunica albuginea of the penis.
______ supply blood to the erectile tissue.
Helicine arteries
spermatogonia identifying features?
round/oval nuclei near the basement membrane
spermatocyte identifying features?
nuclei are clumped from meiosis
Most of the spermatocytes observed in a tissue section are in what phase?
the first meiotic prophase, which is a slow process, extending over 20 days.
Spermatids undergo what process? 2 types? ploidy?
spermIOgenesis = only morphological changes

2 types = early and late spermatids

Difference between early and late spermatids?
early = small dense round nuclei

late = radially elongated nuclei
Late spermatids are similar in appear- ance to the mature spermatozoa except that
their heads are embedded and bound in the indented apical cytoplasm of the Sertoli cells.
Fate of the residual cytoplasm of the maturing spermatid
left behind, often to be phagocytosed by the Sertoli cell.
What cells are in the interstitial spaces between the seminiferous tubules?
1. Leydig cells
2. macrophages
3. fibroblasts
Features of leydig cells?
large, ovoid, pale staining cells with frothy cytoplasm (due to the content of extracted lipid droplets typical of steroid-producing cells)
The very prominent muscular wall of the seminal vesicle is arranged into _____ and _____ layers that function to ?
The very prominent muscular wall of the seminal vesicle is arranged into inner circular and outer longitudinal layers that function to contract during ejaculation to expel the seminal fluid.
What type of gland is the prostate?
tubuloalveolar compound gland
How do you differentiate the prostate from the mammary gland?
the prostate doesn't have lobules
What makes up prostatic concretions?
calcified glycoprotein and coagulated prostatic secretion
What type of gland is the bulbourethral gland?
tubuloalveolar compound gland
Glands of Littre location and function
mucous acinar glands in the lamina propria near or outside the urethra
What do seminiferous tubules produce?
spermatozoa and testicular fluid

testicular fluid = exocrine secretion of the testis
What do they leydig cells secrete?
The time taken for a spermatogonium to evolve into mature spermatozoa is about
80 days
4 parts of spermatogenesis
1. spermatocyteogenesis
2. meiosis
3. spermiogenesis
4. spermiation
mitotic divisions of the spermatogonia

produces primary spermatocytes
haploid spermatids are generated from primary spermatocytes
MORPHOLOGICAL transformation of spermatids into spermatozoa
release of spermatozoa from the luminal epithelium of the seminiferous tubules
What hormones do the Sertoli cells produce?
-androgen binding protein (ABP) = concentrates testosterone in cells lining the reproductive duct,
inhibin = inhibits FSH production by the pituitary
-anti-Müllerian hormone during fetal development, inhibiting the development of female reproductive structures
Three populations of spermatogonium?
1. Type A dense = reserve stem cells

2. Type A pale = daughter of the A dense = induced by testosterone to become type B

3. Type B = undergo 4 divisions eventually yielding a primary spermatocyte
Type A spermatogonia are _____ cells and the Type B spermatogonia are _____ cells.
Type A spermatogonia are stem cells and the Type B spermatogonia are progenitor cells.
Primary spermatocyte =

Secondary Spermatocyte =
Primary spermatocyte = 1st meiotic division

Secondary Spermatocyte = 2nd meiotic division = spermatids = cells no longer divide
Blood-testis barrier?
Formed by sertoli cells = protects the haploid gametes from blood-borne noxious agents and *contact with the immune system.*
primary spermatocytes reside exclusively in the ______ compartment and secondary spermatocytes in the _____ compartment
primary spermatocytes reside exclusively in the basal compartment and secondary spermatocytes in the adluminal compartment
How does the blood testis barrier keep primary and secondary spermatocytes separated?
Sertoli cells form new tight junctions basal to the primary spermatocytes, and then break the more apical junctions to allow spermatocytes into the adluminal compartment as they become haploid
Once committed to differentiation, the progenitor Type B cells and all subsequent divisions (both mitosis and meiosis) stay connected by? Why?
intercellular cytoplasmic bridges = synchronous cell division/differentiation
The first recognizable change in a spermatid undergoing spermiogenesis is?
development of an acrosome
The acrosome shapes the condensing nucleus into an elongate form. The remainder of the cytoplasm also deforms under control of a specialized cylindrical sheath of microtubules called the
When spermiogenesis is complete, the late spermatids are released from the enveloping apical cytoplasm of the Sertoli cell into the lumen of the seminiferous tubule as ?
mature spermatozoa.
removal of the glycoprotein coat on the spermatozoa by the uterus = the final step in sperm maturation
Flow of sperm (10)
1. seminiferous tubules
2. tubuli recti (straight tubules)
3. rete testis
4. ductuli efferentes
5. ductus epididymis
6. ductus deferens
7. ampulla
8. ejaculatory duct
9. prostatic urethra
10. penile urethra
Function of the flagellum?
motor movement AFTER ejaculation
What cells lne the tubuli recti?
ONLY sertoli cells
Does any maturation of the sperm occur in the ductus epidiymis?
yes, something related to motility
The ejaculatory ducts open into the prostatic urethra within a central elevation of the urethral mucosa known as the
seminal colliculus
Majority of the whole ejaculate comes from
seminal vesicles
seminal vesicles contain spermatozoa-activating substances, notably?
fructose (energy) and prostaglandins
zones of the prostate (3)?
1. central zone
2. peripheral zone
3. transitional zone
central zone of the prostate?
-25% of gland volume
-surrounds ejaculatory duct
peripheral zone of the prostate?
-70% of gland volume
-outermost portion
-common site for prostate cancer
transitional zone of the prostate?
-surrounds prostatic urethra proximal to ejaculatory ducts
-site of most BPH
contents of prostatic secretion?
proteolytic enzymes, including fibrinolysin and acid phosphatase as well as citric acid.
prostatic utricle?
-occurs at junction of ejaculatory duct
-might be from the mullerian duct
normal prostate secretion that functions to liquefy semen, is often overproduced in prostate cancers, so a common diagnostic tool is the testing of blood PSA levels
Cowper's gland function?
aka bulbourethral glands:
clear viscous secretion may function as lubrication, to displace urine, and/or to provide a basic environment in the urethra, and it is ejected primarily during sexual stimulation prior to ejaculation.
Basis for erectile dysfunction treatment?
-PSNS initiates erection mediated by NO
-NO activates cGMP = erection
-PDE-5 breaks down cGMP
-BLOCK PDE-5 = longer boner time
In the Male:
mesonephric duct gives rise to?

paramesonephric duct gives rise to?
mesonephric = epididymis, ductus deferens, and seminal vesicle

paramesonephric = appendix testis.
The testes normally descend into the scrotal sac during approximately the 26th week of fetal development, following a path specified by a ligamentous structure known as the
A portion of the peritoneum also descends external to the testes, which in the adult forms
the parietal and visceral layers of the tunica vaginalis.
reduction of surface exposed to air by contraction of the _____, which wrinkles the skin

regulation of distance from the body by contraction of ______
reduction of surface exposed to air by contraction of the dartos (smooth) muscle, which wrinkles the skin

regulation of distance from the body by contraction of the cremaster (skeletal) muscle