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100 Cards in this Set

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What are the 2 main parts of the skin?
Dermis (corium)
What are skin appendages?
Hair follicles
Sweat & sebaceous glands
What are specialized skin structures?
Hoof, horn and claws
What is stratified squamous keratinized epithelium composed of?
Stratum basale
Stratum Spinosum
Stratum granulosum
Stratum lucidum
Stratum corneum
Stratum disjunctum
What is stratum basale?
single layer of cuboidal or columnar cells that rest on the basale lamina
What is stratum spinosum?
several layers of poly hedral cells tightly adhere by lots of desmosomes
What do you call the layer of epidermis that combines the straum basale & stratum spinosum?
stratum germinativum
What is stratum granulosum?
several layers of flattened cells having keratohyalin granules.
Where does stratum lucidum occur?
only in non-hairy skin (foot-pad)
What is stratum corneum?
Consists of dead, keratinized cells. These cells contain keratin.
What is the function of keratin in the stratum corneum layer of the epidermis?
provides structural support for the cell
What is stratum disjunctum?
Its the most superficial layer of the stratum corneum & undergoes constant desquamation.
Where are melanocytes located & what do they produce?
They are located among cells of stratum basale & spinosum. They produce melanin, which gives color to skin & hair.
What are the layers of the dermis?
superficial papillary layer
deep reticular layer
What does the papillary layer of the dermis consist of?
Loose CT
What is the papillary layer of the dermis composed of?
network of fine collagen, elastic & reticular fibers
What are the predominent cell types of the papillary layer of the dermis?
Mast cells
plasma cells
What does the deep reticular layer of the dermis consist of?
deep irregular connective tissue
What does the deep reticular layer of the dermis contain?
large bundles of collagen fibers
What specialized areas of the body have smooth muscle within their dermal layer?
scrotum,penis & teats
Skeletal muscle fibers of the _______ _______ penetrate the dermis & allow voluntary movement of the skin.
cutaneous trunci
What does the hypodermis consist of?
loose arrangement of collagen & elastic fibers
What is panniculus adiposus and where is it found?
small clusters or large mass of fat found in the hypodermis.
The free part of the hair above the surface of the skin is the ________.
hair shaft
Hair covers the entire body except what areas?
foot-pad, hoof, glans penis
What is contained within the hair follicle?
hair root
What is the terminal hollow knob of the hair root called?
hair bulb
What is the hair bulb attached to?
dermal papilla
What are the 3 layers of the hair shaft?
cuticle (outer), cortex, medulla
______ is formed by a single layer of flat keratinized cells in the hair shaft.
Which layer of the hair shaft consists of dense compact keratinized cells & has pigment granules.
What is considered the center of hair and is loosely filled w/ cuboidal or flattened cells?
What does a hair follicle consist of?
Internal root sheath
External root sheath
Dermal papilla
Hair matrix
Arrector pilli muscle
sinus or tactile hair follicles
What is the internal root shealth of the hair follicle composed of?
granular epithelial layer Pale epithelial layer
What is the external root sheath of a hair follicle composed of?
several layer of cells, similar to stratum spinosum, covered by glassy membrane, enclosed by connective tissue sheath.
What is the dermal papilla of a hair follicle?
CT directly under the hair matrix, supplied by blood vessels & nerves
______ ____ cells are comparable to germinativum cells & give rise to the cells that keratinize to form the hair shaft.
Hair matrix
______ _______ _____ are bundles of smooth muscle attached to the CT sheath of the hair follicle & connects to the papillary layer of the dermis.
arrector pilli muscle
What is another name for whiskers of the cat?
sinus or tactile hair follicles
_____ ____ ____ are characterized by a blood-filled sinus between the inner & outer layer of the dermal sheath.
sinus or tactile hair follicles
What do you call simple or compound alveolar glands, associated with hair follicles?
Sebaceous glands
Sebaceous glands, which are associated w/ hair follicles empty to form what?
pilosebaceous canal
Sebaceous glands release their secretory product (sebum) by ________ mode.
What are the 2 types of sweat (sudoriferous) glands?
apocrine & merocrine
______ ______ glands are simple coiled tubular glands.
apocrine sweat
What is in the secretory portion of apocrine sweat glands?
a large lumen lined w/ flattened cuboidal to low columnar cells. Myoepithelial cells are located bt. the secretory cells & the basal lamina.
Where are the functions of apocrine sweat glands in the horse?
They secrete abundantly & produce sweat during exercise & high temperature.
_____ ______ glands are simple tubular glands, found in the footpad of dogs & cats.
merocrine sweat glands
Where can you find merocrine sweat glands?
Found in the footpad of dogs & cats, bovine planum nasiolabiale & the carpal glands of swine.
What type of gland is the mammary gland?
tubulo-alveolar gland
What is the secretory alveoli of the mammary gland lined by?
A layer of simple cuboidal or columnar epithelium
What do the columar cells in the secretory stage of the mammary gland contain?
They contain fat droplets & membrane bound vesicles filled w/ micelles of milk protein.
What type of cells in the mammary gland contract in response to oxytocin, causing the letdown of milk into the duct system.
myoepithelial cells
Explain the duct system of the mammary gland.
intralobular (simple cuiboidal)- interlobular duct (stratified cuboidal)- lactiferous sinus (stratified cuboidal)- teat sinus & papillary duct (stratified squamous)
What does the interstitial connective tissue of the mammary gland provide?
structural support & contains blood vessels & nerves
What does the digital organ & hoof consist of?
A keratinized portion made of hard keratin.
What some examples of a digital organ & hoof?
hooves of horses, ruminants & pigs, cornual horns of ruminant & claws or nails of dogs & cats.
_____ _____ of dogs & cats, consist of highly keratinized hairless epidermis, coiled merocrine glands in the dermis & subcutaneous masses of adipose tissues enclosed in collagen & elastic fibers.
Digital pads
______ & ______ are composed of tubular & intertubular horn.
Chestnut & ergot
What are the 3 tunics of the eyeball
What are the 2 parts of the fibrous tunic?
sclera & cornea
What are the 3 parts of the vascular tunic?
choroid, ciliary body and iris
What does the nervous tunic of the eye contain?
_____ of the fibrous tunic is a white layer of dense irregular CT.
What is the cornea composed of?
Anterior epithelium
subepithelial basement membrane
substantia propria
posterior limiting membrane
posterior epithelium
What type of epithelium is in the anterior epithelial layer of the cornea?
nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium, it has no granulosum layer.
What is in the substantia propria layer of the cornea?
collagen fiber layers or lamellae
What is in the posterior limiting membrane of the cornea?
highly refractile thick BM
What is in the posterior epithelium of the cornea?
corneal endothelium - a simple squamous epithelium
The ______ is highly vascularized layer of the eye ball.
What is the choroid composed of?
dense network of blood vessels embedded in the heavily pigmented connective tissue
In the dorsal half of fundus of eye ball, choroid has a light-reflecting area known as _______.
tapetum lucidum
What do the tapetal cells of the vascular tunic contain?
As part of the tapetum lucidum they contain crystaline rods which are responsible for light reflection.
______ ______ is rostral continuation of the choroid.
ciliary body
Color of the _____ determines the color of the eye.
______ is composed of highly vascularized CT & pigmented epithelium.
What is the most superficial layer of the retina?
pigment epithelium (1)
What layers of the retina are considered bipolar neurons?
outer nuclear (4)
outer plexiform (5)
inner nuclear (6)
inner plexiform (7)
What part of the retina is responsible for seeing daylight & color?
The cones of the photoreceptor layer (2)
What part of the retina is responsible for seeing at night & concerned w/ black & white?
The rods of the photoreceptor layer (2)
What layer of the retina has multipolar neurons?
ganglionic cell layer (8)
What are the first 2 layers of the retina?
Pigment epithelium
layers of rods & cones (photoreceptor layer)
What are layers 3 & 4 of the retina?
External limiting membrane
outer nuclear layer
What are layers 5 & 6 of the retina?
Outer plexiform
inner nuclear
What are layers 7 & 8 of the retina?
Inner plexiform
ganglionic cell layer
What are layers 9 & 10 of the retina?
Optic nerve fiber layer
Internal limiting membrane
What part of the eye consists of the lens capsule, lens epithelium & lens fibers?
_______ is a condition that affects older dogs causing the lens to become cloudy and affecting vision.
The ______ ______ is a compound tubulo-alveolar gland found in the eye.
lacrimal gland
What type of gland is the lacrimal gland in ruminants, cats & in dogs?
What are the parts of the external ear?
auricle (pinna) & external auditory canal
What are the parts of the middle ear?
auditory ossicles (malleus, incus & stapes)
tympanic cavity & auditory tube
What are the parts of the auditory ossicle of the middle ear?
malleus, incus & stapes
What are the parts of the internal ear?
body labyrinth
membranous labyrinth
_______ ______ is part of the internal ear & filled w/ perilymph.
bony labyrinth
_______ ______ is part of the internal ear & filled w/ endolymph.
membranous labyrinth
What part of the middle ear connects to the pharynx?
auditory tube
The membranous ampulla of each semicircular duct in the membranous labyrinth contains _____ _______ which is composed of sensory epithelium.
crista ampullaris
What are responsible for the vestibular (balancing) mechanism in the membranous labyrinth?
cristae ampullaris, macula utriculi & the macula sacculi
______ of hearing, has sensory cells, supportive cells, afferent & efferent nerve terminals & tectorial membrane & is part of the membranous labyrinth.
spiral organ (organ of Corti)