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89 Cards in this Set

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sebaceous glands
-microscopic glands in skin which secrete an oil/waxy substance 'sebum'
- branched type of acinar gland
- usually be found in hair-covered areas, where they are connected to hair follicles
Where are sebaceous glands on lip?
only on external integment, NOT the mucosal side (inside)
buccinator muscle
muscular layer in cheek
What gland is present in cheeks?

Describe them and layer found in
buccal glands are located in the propria-submucosa and
may be serous, mucous or seromucous
What papillae are present in cheeks? Found in what species?
conical buccal papillae; ruminant
palatine glands are mucous or serous?
mixed (mucous or seromucous)

note:palatine gland is minor salivary gland found in area of soft palate
Dental pad found in what species?

Tissue composition?

heavily keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

overlying a thick layer of dense irregular connective tissue.
palatine glands are located which region?
propria-submucosa of soft palate
Tissue composition of tongue?
Lined by str. squamous epithelium, dorsally keratinized and ventrally non-keratinized
What are muscle in tongue called?
Lingual muscles (they are skeletal)
What types of species contain prominent filiform papillae?
cat and cow
Name 3 gustatory papillae?
valiate, fungiform, foliate papillae
What kind of papillae is this?

Species present in?
foliate;Parallel to surface
Many folds
Taste buds on sides

Foliate papillae are absent in ruminants.
In cats, they are rudimentary and without tastebuds
In fungiform papillae, where are taste buds located?
Mushroom Shaped Raised above the surface Have taste buds on TOP
Name 3 mechanical papillae?

Which one is not highly keratinized
filiform, conical, lenticular

conical lingual
lyssa is a
a cordlike structure present in the tongue of carnivores.

composed of white adipose tissue, skeletal muscles, blood vessels and nerves, enclosed by dense irregular connective tissue capsule
Outer layer on tooth?

What is it comprised of?

99% inorganic (hydroxyaptite)
What is cellular component of dentine?
What is cellular component of enamel?
What is cellular component of Cementum?

Cementum is a specialized calcified substance covering root of a tooth. Cementum is excreted by cells called cementoblasts within root of tooth and is thickest at root apex. Yellowish color and is softer than enamel and dentin due to being less mineralized.
What are short and cease to grow after eruption is completed?

In ruminants, they represent which?
Brachydont; incisors of ruminants
Much longer and continue to grow throughout the life.

In pigs, they represent which?

canine teeth of pigs.
major salivary glands
Zygomatic (carnivores)
Name 4 Minor Salivary gland
Labial, lingual, buccal and palatine
Molar (cats)
zymogen granules
Each acinus of parotid salivary gland has pyramidal shaped cells at apex (apical side) with contain these granules.

(according to online source, these are granules of zymogen in gland cells, particularly those of the pancreatic acini and of the gastric chief cells.)

chief cells and zymogen cells are same thing?
structure of parotid gland
Compound acinar, predominantly serous
Zygomatic salivary gland is found in what species?
only in carnivores
Are Intercalated and striated ducts present in zygomatic salivary glands?
almost nonexistent.
Molar salivary gland are found in what species?

Similar to what gland in structure?

Where located?
cat; similar to zygomatic

located near commissure of lips and their ducts open into oral vestibule opposite molar teeth.
What are 3 layers of mucosa?
Lamina propria
Lamina muscularis
What is lamina propria usually comprised of?
loose connective tissue
Glands usually present in what layer?
Lamina propria OR propria submucosa (if lamina muscularis missing) OR tunica submucosal
Ruminal papillae are made of what type of tissue?
Str. Sq. Ker. Epi.

w/Propria Submucosa
Where are glands present in esophagus?
tunica submucosa

@ pharyngoesophageal junction in horses, cats, ruminants

on cranial half of esophagus in pigs

throughout length in pigs
What is epithelium of esophagus like in different species?
str. squamous epithelium

nonkeratinized in dog
slightly keratin. in pigs, horses
highly keratin. in ruminants
How do linings of rumen, reticulum, and omasum compare?
omasum has smooth muscle that extends all the way from top to bottom, also has tunica muscularis and tunica submucosa

reticulum only has smooth muscle at top.
How do linings of rumen, reticulum, and omasum compare?
omasum has smooth muscle that extends all the way from top to bottom, also has tunica muscularis and tunica submucosa

reticulum only has smooth muscle at top.
Where might u find Stratified columnar epithelia ?
Stratified columnar epithelia are found in:
- excretory ducts of mammary gland
- main excretory duct (biggest branch) of large salivary glands (parotid), but secretory tissue of gland (intralobular) will have cuboital or simple columnar
Where might u find Stratified squamous epithelia ?
Stratified squamous epithelia are found in:
- sections of the oesophagus, tongue or vagina
In parotid gland, for example, striated ducts are lined by ________?
simple tall columnar epithelium

(striated branched into intercalated)
In parotid gland, for example, intercalated ducts (terminal, connecting intralobular ducts) are lined by ________?
simple cuboidal epithelium and CONNECT individual acini TO striated ducts.
The parotid salivary gland is mainly serous or mucous?
serous (but can be mixed in dog and cat)
Names branches of duct system from largest to smallest _______
Main duct, lobar duct (entering lobe), interlobular duct (entering lobule), intralobular (within lobule), intercalated (connect acinar), and striated (lead to acinar if present)
- Lyssa
cordlike structure in tongue of carnivores.
What is the general structure of tunica submucosa?
submucosal (Meissner's) plexus
Which salivary gland in cats is located near the commissure of the lips and their ducts open into oral vestibule opposite molar teeth?
Molar salivary gland
What is the general structure of tunica mucosa?
Lamina propria
Lamina muscularis
What is the general structure of tunica muscularis?
smooth or skeletal muscles
myenteric (Auribach's) plexus
What is the outer most layer of the esophagus called in the cervical region of the esophagus?
Tunica adventicia
What is the outer most layer of the esophagus called in the thoracic and abdominal region?
Tunica serosa
What separates the nonglandular region of the stomach from the glandular region in the horse?
What parts of the ruminant stomach contain keratinized stratified squamous epithelium?
Is the lamina muscularis present in the rumen?
Which region of the ruminant stomach has reticular folds and many conical papillae?
What is located in the upper part of reticular folds?
A band of smooth muscle
What allows the milk in a young ruminant to bypass the rumen and reticulum?
Reticular groove
Which part of the ruminant stomach has "leaves" that help gfind the food?
Does the tunica muscularis layer in the omasum continue into the omasal laminae?
What are the three regions of the glandular stomach?
What epithelium lines the mucosal surface and gastric pits in the glandular stomach?
Simple cuboidal epithelium
In what animal is the cardiac gland region of the stomach most developed?
What type of glands are in the cardiac gland region of the stomach?
Simple branched, coiled tubular glands that release a mucous secretory product
What type of glands are in the fundic gland region of the stomach?
straight, branched tubular glands
What are the four cell types in the secretory epithelium of the fundic region?
Mucous neck cells
Chief cells
Parietal cells
Endocrine cells
What are the most common secretory cell type in the fundic region that secrete pepsinogen?
Chief cells / Zymogen cells
Which secretory cell in the fundic region contain carbonic anhydrase and are larger than chief cells?
Parietal cells
Which secretory cell in the fundic region produce gastrin, secretin, cholecystokinin and gastric inhibitory polypeptide?
Endocrine cells
What type of glands are located in the pyloric gland region of the stomach?
ranched, coiled tubular glands and are considerably DEEPER than other glands
How many layers are in the tunica muscularis of the glandular somach?
inner oblique
middle circular
outer longitudinal layer
(3 layers)
What type of epithelial layer lines the small intestine?
Simple columnar epithelial cells with numerous goblet cells
What are the simple, branched tubular invaginations formed in the small intestines?
Crypts of Lieberkuhn
What type of cells are present near the base of the intestinal glands in ruminants and horses?
Paneth cells
What do paneth cells produce?
peptidase and lysozyme
What is the single lymphatic capillary located at the center of the villus in the small intestine lamina propria?
What is the single lymphatic capillary located at the center of the villus in the small intestine lamina propria?
The lamina muscularis of most animals is incomplete except in the?
What do the Brunner's glands of the duodenum produce in animals?
Mucous: dogs and ruminants
Serous: Pigs and horses
Mixed: Cats
Where are Peyer's patches usually located in the small intestine?
Tunica submucosa of Ileum
The tunica muscularis of the small intestine is thickest in what animal?
he large intestine does not contain which two things?
No villi
No paneth cells
In what animals does the tunica muscularis of the colon form flat muscle bands with elastic fibers called taenia?
Pigs and Horses
Which cells are increased in the tissue of the rectum?
goblet cells
The anal canal in pigs and carnivores has which three zones of cells?
columns) What does the columnar zone of the anal canal contain?
Longitudinal folds (anal columns)
What type of cells line the mucosa of the columnar and intermediate zones of the anal canal?
Stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium, with tubuloalveolar sweat glands
What lines the the mucosa of the cutaneous zone of the anal canal?
Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
What are some functions of the liver (largest gland in body)?
Secretion of bile
Metabolism of protein, carbohydrate, lipid, hemoglobin, and drugs
Hemopoiesis (in fetal life)
Phagocytosis and detoxificatio
What is the capsule that covers the liver called?
Glisson's capsule (Dense irregular CT)
Which animals have distinct interlobular CT in the septa of the liver parenchyma?