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18 Cards in this Set

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-ovoid organ

-unusually thick tunica albugenia

-about 250 lobules per testi

-each lobule = 1-4 highly convoluted seminiferous tubules & a CT stroma

-Leydig cells in stroma


-process in which sperm is produced

-requires testis to be maintained below normal body temp

3 Phases:

1) spermatogonia

2) spermocytes

3) spermatids

Spermatogonia Phase

-stem cells divide to replace themselves & provide a population of committed spermatogonia

-mitosis division

Spermocyte Phase

-primary spermatocytes undergo 2 meiotic divisions to reduce both the chromosome number and the amount of DNA

-produce haploid cells celled spermatids

Spermatid Phase

-spermatids undergo extensive cell remodeling as they differentiate into mature sperm

-spermatids are released into the lumen of the seminferous tubules during the process called spermiation

Seminiferous tubules

-site of sperm produciton


Sertoli Cells

-the true epithelium of the seminiferous epithelium

-simple cuboidal to low columnar

-is part of the seminiferous tubule

Function: nourish developing sperm

Rete Testis

-anastomosing system of ducts

-lined w/ simple cuboidal to low columnar epi that has a single apical cilium

Function: carry sperm from seminiferous tubules to the efferent ducts

Leydig cells

-located adjacent to the seminiferous tubules (in the stroma)

Function: produce testosterone in the presence of lutetinizing hormone

Excurrent Ducts System


-Efferent Ductules


-Ductus Deferens (vas deferens)

Efferent Ductules

-lined w/ pseudostratified columnar epi (ciliated)

-about 20 of them

-connect Rete Testis to the Duct of the Epididymis

-smooth muscle layer helps transport sperm


-connects the efferent ducts from the rear of each testicle to it's vas deferens

-3 sections: head, body, tail

-Smooth ducts

-lined w/ pseudostratified columnar epi w/ steriocilia

-smooth muscle coat gradually gets thicker & becomes 3-layered by the tail

Ductus Deferens

-aka vas deferens

-longest part of the excurrent duct system

-lined w/ pseudostratified columnar epi w/ long microvilli

-thick muscular coat

-ducts not smooth

-during ejaculation, smooth muscle in the walls contract, propelling sperm forward (called peristalsis)

Function: transport sperm from the Epididymis to the Ejaculatory Ducts

Accessory Sex Glands


-seminal vesicles

-prostate gland

-bulbourethral gland

Seminal Vesicles

-located on the posterior wall of the urinary bladder

-duct from glands + ampulla of the ductus deferens = Ejaculatory Ducts

-secretion is high in fructose (food for sperm)

-contraction of smooth muscle coat during ejaculation discharges the secretion

Prostate Gland

-wraps around the urethra

-largest accessory sex organ

-divided into 3 zones:

-central zone (15%, surrounds ejaculatory ducts)

-peripheral zone (75%, surrounds central zone, most cancer happens here)

-transitional zone (5%, surrounds the prostatic urethra, contains mucosal glands)

Bulbourethral Gland

-aka Cowper's glands

-paired glands


-drain into initial penile urethra

-simple columnar epi

Function: secretes pre-seminal fluid (pre-cum)


Erectile tissue:

-corpus cavernosa (2)

-corpus sponginosum (contains urethra)(

-erectile tissues surrounded by tunica albuginea