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43 Cards in this Set

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Connective tissue have large amount of ____ between the cells.

The extracellular matrix consists of what? (2)

extracellular matrix

ground substance and fibers

CT is classified according to what?

Adult CT is derived from what?

Malignant tumors from mesenchyme are called what?

T or F: connective tissue contains many lymphatic vessels, nerves and blood vessels

the predominant fiber type and organization

embryonic mesenchyme



What is the glue between the cell and the fibers and also contains a lot of water inside of it?

true or false: the ground substance allows the diffusion of oxygen, nutrients, waste products, and hormones between cells and capillaries

Increase fluid in the ground substance results in what?

The ground substance


edema or tissue swelling

true of false: the ground substance is composed of tissue fluid with water, electrolytes, glycosaminoglycans (hyaluronic acid), proteoglycans, and adhesive glycoproteins (laminin and fibronectins)




This is the most common type of collagen, in the LM they appear as wavy acidophillic bundles of fibers. they are very strong but flexible


These fibers are only visible when specially stained. they form delicate meshwork that support cells, capillaries, nerves, and muscle cells

collagen type 1

These fibers are thin and composed of elastin. they are present as individual fibers or as sheets and visualized with staining. These fibers return tissue to their original state after stretch and distension

reticular fibers (type 3 collagen)

Thin branching fibers are composed of____. they can be present as individual fibers or discontinous sheets (t or F). elastic fibers return tissues to their original state after stretch or distention (t or F)

Elastic fibers



What is the principal cell of CT?

what type of nucleus?

Fibroblasts __ and ____ the components of the extracellular matrix including all fibers and most of the ground substance. Is it motile and can reproduce?



secrete and maintain


_____ are contractile cells that appear in wounds. They display properties of both fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells. Adipoctyes are neutral fats (true and false) ____ is present in the fetus and newborn where it is used as an energy source, providing heat to newborns.



Multiocular (brown) fat

____ are phagocytic cells derived from blood cells called monocytes. ____ migrate from the blood to the CT where they differentiate into macrophages.

they are called _ in the lungs , and _ in the liver



dust cells (alveolar macrophage)


what are the functions of macrophages?

phagocytosis of invaders, removal of debris, and a number of other immune functions *including presentation of antigens to lymphocytes*

macrophages can fuse to form a large cell with up to 100 nuclei. Are they capable of walling off relatively large masses if foreign material like splinters


____ cells are small round cells with a basophillic cytoplasm (RER) and eccentric nucleus. its round nucleus has an unusual pattern of _____ often descfibed as a cock face, cartwheel, or soccor ball.

Plasma secrete what?

Plasma cells are derived from what?



circulating antibodies (immunoglobins)

b lymphocytes

___ are motile cell and amoebid in shape. cytoplasm is filled with secretory granules. obscuring the small round nucleus. The granules are ______, that is they change the color of the dye. The granules usually stain blue, purple, or even pinkish.



Mast cells secrete what?

Secretion of mast granules (degranulation) can affect the leakage of the plasma into the connective tissue. This can result in what?

heparin, histamine, leukotrienes

immediate hypersenitivity reactions, allergy, and anaphylaxis

What are other cells that travel through the CT?

lymphocytes, eosinophil, neutrophil

The loos CT of the embryo that fills the embryo is called __. it contains star shaped cells, abundant ground substance and very few fibers.

Mesenchyme can also differentiate into what?


blood, endothelial cells, pericytes, and muscle cells

Mesenchyme is derived from what? with exception with what? where is that derived from

___ CT is a specialized embryonic CT present in the umbilical cord.


head and neck region

ectoderm (neural crest cells)

Mucous CT (whartons jelly)

This type of tissue contains only a few, poorly organized fibers and abundant ground substance. this is highly vascularized of CT

Where it is commonly found?

Loose Connective Tissue

found underneath the surface epithelium *(can contains few or many cells)*

What type of cell tissue CT are large numbers of collagen that are present in a haphazard, irregular organization?

What are the cell type present?

Can it resist stress in multiple directions? t or f

Give some example

Dense irregular CT



dermis and the CT capsules around organs

Type of CT that are large numbers of collagen fibers that are arranged in parallel bundles extending in the direction of tension

Are the fibroblasts also arranged in a parallel direction?

Where are they most?

Dense regular CT


tendons, ligaments, cornea

This is a specialized type of Loose CT in which adipose tissue cells are the predominant cell.

Are they highly vascular?

Adipose tissue (white unilocular fat, fatipose)


_____ is a specialized type of dense regular CT in which the predominant type of fiber is elastic.

Does it have a small number of collagen and reticular fibers?

Are they organized into a large parallel bundles

Elastic CT



This type of tissue is the CT framework or stroma of the lymphatic (lymph node, spleen) and hemopoiectic tissues (bone marrow, spleen, liver).

It provides a delicate _______ to support the cells.

What are the fiber secreted by?

Reticular CT

flexible meshwork

reticular cells (modified fibroblasts)

What are the 4 characteristics of cartillage?

supports tubular organs to keep them open (trachea, bronchus), forms a semi flexible union between bones (ribs, sternum), forms a gliding surface at the articular surfaces of bone (joints), and serves as a precursor for many bones in development (endochondral ossification) and after injury

In cartillage (like CT), it is surrounded by extracellular matrix. What does the Extracellular matrix contain?

Catillage cells like chondrocyte are trapped in small holes called ____

____ produce and maintain the matrix and can divide.

fibers and ground substance



Cartillage is avascular/vascular?

Cells trapped in the matrix receive oxygen and nutrients that diffuse from blood vessels in the surrounding CT, this limits what?

What are the 3 types of cartillage?


limits the size of cartillage

hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartillage

type 2 collagen fibrils=

elastic fibers + type 2 collagen=

type 1 collagen (visible acidophillic fibers)=




__ is the most type of cartilage, is present in the nose, respiratory passages, end of ribs, articular surfaces of bones, and in the developing skeleton where it is eventually replaced by bone. it appears white

perichondrium present?

___ contains collagen type 1 fibers, fibroblasts, blood vessels and has appositional growth




name the matrix:

-hydrated gel with type 2 collagen fibrils, fibrils not visible in the LM and avascular

-basophillic matrix around isogenous groups of cells

-lightly stained areas between cell clusters

-basophillic stained matrix around each cell

extracellular matrix

territorial matrix

interterrotorial matrix


2-8 cells formed by mitosis of a single chondrocyte?

isogenous group

Chondroblasts differentiate from what?

Cartilage develop by what type of growths?

Growth characterized by differentiation of chondroblasts from fibroblasts in the perichondrium? Now chondroblasts are trapped in the matrix and are called ___

and adds matrix to the oustide.


appositional and interstitial growth

appositional growth


growth characterized by division of chondrocytes in the lucunae. addition of matrix within and results in isogenous groups. this is common when matrix is soft (when you're young)

interstitial growth

Process where the chondrocytes hypertrophy, the matrix calcifies (precipitation of mineral salts) and the chondrocytes dies. this is an integral of endochondral bone development

degeneration of cartilage

Process where damaged adult cartilage regenerates with difficulty, primarily from the ___. If the damaged is too much what is the cartilage replaced by?



CT scar

what type of cartilage is smooth, friction free layer of hyaline cartilage at the end of bone is synovial joints?

does it have a perichondrium?

Where does is receives its oxygen and nutrients from?

does it have a poor ability of repair after damage?

articular cartilage


synovial fluid of the joint capsule


___ is the most degenerative joint disease characterized by progressive degeneration and erosion of articular cartilage. eventually the cartilage is lost and the bone becomes exposed. this is wear and tear disease. Only hits certain joints (cartilage issue)


A chronic systemic autoimmune, inflammatory disorder that affects many tissues and organs. it especially attacks the joints, destroying the cartilage and replacing it with vascular CT. this is a scleodoma problem, hits all the joints, and a secondary cartilage problem

rheumatoid arthritis

Type of cartilage in areas needing more flexibility. This cartilage is similar to hyaline cartilage (chondrocytes, perichondrium) except that in addition to type 2 collagen fibrils it contains a meshwork of fine elastic fibers

elastic cartilage

Type of cartilage present where additional strength is necessary (intervertebral disc). it is an intermediate structure betweenn dense CT and hyaline cartilage. it is ALWAYS associated with dense regular CT, and does not have a perichondrium


What does fibrocartilage contain?

matrix with type 1 collagen fibers aligned in the direction of mechanical stress (acidophillic) and chondrocytes lined up in rows between the collagen fibers

In intervertebral disc, a concentric rings of fibrocartilage, called ____ surrounds the gel of nucleus pulposus. with age or trauma the fibrocartilage can weaken allowing the nucleus pulposus to become extruded causing a ____

annulus fibrosis

slipped disc