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60 Cards in this Set

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Method where tissue can be immediately frozen with cyrostat. method is used for surgical biposies to quickly determine if the tissue is benign or malignant

frozen sections

Method where cells are isolated directly on a slide, fixed and stained. use to sample blood, bone marrow, ans cervical cells


term where tissue components stain with an acid dye ? What is the acid dye called?

Acidophilic, Eosin

Red blood cells are _____ due to their affinity of hemoglobin for eosin.


Term where tissue components stain with a basic dye? What is the name of the basic dye ?

Basophilic, hematoxylin

Organelles with a substantial amount of what are basophilic?

Dna and Rna (nucleus, ribosomes and the RER)

The nuclear membrane (envelope) is a two lipid membrane that is continuous with what?

RER of the cytoplasm

Nucleolus is/makes what?


*more RNA/proteins=larger nucleolus*

Only during what phases are chromosomes visible as distinct entities?

Mitosis and meiosis

What is referred to as dispersed chromatin or light stained chromatin?


is euchromatin active or inactive?


what is referred to as darker/condensed tightly coiled regions of chromatin?


is heterochromatin active or inactive?


If you see a nucleus has light staining, lots of dispersed chromatin and has a large well developed nucleolus it is said to be what?

A euchromatic nucleus (transcriptionally and metabolically active)

If a nucleus is dark stained with a lot of condensed coiled chromatin, and the nucleolus is small and poorly developed it is said to be what type of nucleus?

A heterchromatic nucleus (transcriptionally and metabolically inactive)

how do you identify a dead or dying nucleus?

by its abnormal nucleus (nucleus will loose its integrity of its membrane/shrink or become intensely heterchromatic/pyknotic)

what are the phases of mitosis and describe them

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telephase

what happens prior to prophase?

The chromosomes are duplicated (s phase) and the centrioles also duplicated creating 4 centrioles

centrioles are made up of what?


what is the cleavage of the cytoplasm into 2 separate cells which occurs by constriction of the cell at the equator by a contractile ring of actin/myosin?


Colchicine is added to a medium so the chromosomes can be karyotyped at what phase of mitosis?


what are the 2 types of cytoskeletal components?

filaments, and tubules

what are the 3 types of filaments?

micro filaments, myosin, intermediate

What are the 3 types of microfilaments (thin filaments)?

microvilli, terminal web, and contractile ring

__ are small fingerlike projections in epithelial cells. _____ are a network of filaments in some epithelial cells. ____ are responsible for cytoplasmic constriction at the end of mitosis.

microvilli, terminal web, contractile ring

____is a type of filament that is also called thick filaments and is present in all cells but is best developed in muscle where it is involved in contraction.

myosin filaments

____ is a heterogenous calss of filaments especially important in cell support and shape (present in adhereing type of cell jucntions). *also can be used to find the source of cancer*

intermediate filaments

Microtubles are made up of what? and what are the four types of microtubules?

tubulin, centriole, mitotic spindle, cilia and flagella

___ is a small organelle composed of 9 sets of triplet microtubules in bundles, 2 per cell, acts as a microtubules organization center for the assembly of the mitotic spindle.


collection of microtubules that attach to the chromosomes during mitosis?

mitotic spindle

___ is a 9 sets of doublet microtubules plus a central doublet extending through the shaft

____similar to a centriole but at the base of each cilium

axoneme, basal bodies

what is responsible for the acidophilia of the cytoplasm?


where are ribosomes made? are the basophilic or acidophilic

in the nucleolus , basophilic

what type of ER synthesizes secretory proteins, lysosomal protiens, and integral proteins? which ER contains enzymes for the synthesis of lipids and cholesterol derived compounds?

RER, smooth ER

Why is the RER basophilic? is Smooth ER basophilic or acidophilic?

B/c of the attached ribosomes, acidophilic

What are key functions of the Golgi apparatus?

chemical modification, packaging and distribution of secretory enzymes and hydrolytic enzymes, and recycling and distribution of various kinds of membrane

describe the steps that involved in the synthesis and secretion of proteins?

1. mRNA goes to RER

2. assembly of amino acids (from the ribosomes of the RER) onto proteins

3.Transfer vesicles leave the RER and fuse with the Golgi apparatus

4. packaged and wrapped into secretory vesicles by golgi (they leave the golgi)

5. exocytosis (vesicles fuse with membrane)

t or f: lysosomes can destroy material inside and outside the cell


*only a few cells like osteocalsts and eosinophils can kill material outside the cell). every cell can destroy material inside the cell*

the term that describes the breakdown of materials brought into the cell by phagocytosis. they are brought into the cell, segregated within a membrane, fused with a primary lysosome and then destroyed.


term that describes the breakdown of material normally found with in the cell. ex: old mitochondria, cytoskeleton, or RER. segragated within a membrane, fused with a primary lysosome and then destroyed.


___is the storage of glucose . _____ is where fat is stored as non membrane bound droplets.

glycogen, lipid

_____is a yellowish brown pigment composed of residual bodies that accumulate with age.

______ is brownish-black pigment present in membrane bound vesicles called melanosomes

Lipofuscin, melanin

____ is a decrease in cell size. ____ is a increase in cell size and organelles (and function). ____ is an increase in cell number so the cell must be capable of cell division.

Atrophy, Hypertrophy, Hyperplasia

___ refers to programmed cell death (physiological process). ____ refers to death caused by deleterious stimuli (toxins, injury)

Apoptosis, necrosis

First 3 steps of making a child is fertilization, rapid cell division and then____ which forms when a fluid filled cavity forms within the ball of cells (4 to 5 days)


In week 2, the inner cells of the blastocyst flatten into two layered embryo called what?

then the two layered embryo is squeezed into what two cavities?

-epiblast and hypoblast

-amniotic and yolk sac

When the trophoblast of the embryo invades the moms uterus what two layer does it differentiate to?

which layer is the inner mitotic layers of the cell? which one are fused cells and highly invasive that secrete HGC

-cytotrophoblast and synctiotrophoblast



where does the placenta develop from?

-trophoblast (chorion) of the baby and the endometrial lining of the uterus from the mother

when does the primitive uteroplacental circulation begin?

what can develop from trophoblast cells?

-when the trophoblast erodes the maternal blood vessels

-hydatiform moles, yolk sac tumors, and chorioncarcinomas

During week 3 _____ occurs which is the formation of a three layered trilaminar embryo which is the endoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm


what induces the formation of the neural tube and the vertebrae? what is the remnant of the notochord?

____ are tumors derived from the remnants of the primitive streak that crosses all 3 germ layers


-nucleus pulposus

-sacrococcoygeal teratomas

What systems are first to develop? which weeks are the most dangerous time to be exposed to teratogens?

-nervous and cardiovascular system

-week 3-8 of development

During week 3 the surface of the ______ thickens, folds, and invaginates downward to form the 1)_____ which is a hollow tube that gives rise to the CNS including the brain, spinal cord and retina. and also 2) _______which is the ectoderm that fails to be incorporated into the tube. they form a crest by the side of the tube and migrate away to form the PNS and a variety of cells


Neural Tube

Neural Crest

failure of the neural tube to develop can result in what? (2)

failure of the neural crest can result in what type of defects

-Anencephaly (top of the tube) and spina bifida (bottom of the tube)

-heart, facial, and neurons (hirschsprung disease)

what is the first system to function? blood starts to circulate during which week? when does the heart start to beat?


-week 3

-week 4

___ are formed by blocks of mesoderm and give rise to vertebrae, ribs, back, body wall muscles, and the dermis of the skin.


_____are the bulges on the side of the head (like gills on a fish) and develop around the pharynx (foregut endoderm) and are filled with mesoderm and neural crest cells and lined by the endoderm internally.

How many pairs develop?

the rearrangement of the pharyngeal arches are responsible for what?

-pharyngeal arhces

-5 (1,2,3, 4, and 6)

-creating the mature form of the face and neck

____ is defined as any agent that can cause a congenital anomaly (structural birth defect)


___ will make the epidermis (nails, hair, sweat and subaceous glands, parotid gland, teeth [ameloblasts], internal ear, eyes and anal canal)

__- will make the CNS and neurons (retina, pineal gland, posterior pituitary gland)

___ will make the PNS (swhann and satellite) and ganglia


neural tube

neural crest

____makes supportive tissue, blood cells, lymph cells, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system and most of the GU system

_____ makes the epithelial lining of the gastointestinal tract and respiratory system, liver, pancreas etc, and the lower GU system

