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56 Cards in this Set

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connective tissue functions 

1.      Connects and anchors

2.      Supports organs

3.      Protection and padding

4.      Repair

5.      Line of defense in the inflammatory and immune systems


the simplest form of embryonic connective

composed of mesenchymalcells, amorphous ground substance and very few fibers

mesenchymal cells 

stellate-shaped with a minimum number of organelles. These cells are multipotential in that they can differentiate into all types of connective tissue proper as well as cartilage, bone and blood.

Extracellular Matrix

the substance between cells composed of amorphous ground substance,fibers and fluid. 

amorphous ground substance

a material without structure that is secreted by and surrounds the cell. 

1) Determines the hardness and viscosity of a tissue

2) Regulates the movement of substances between cells


complex glycoproteins that are formed by a central core protein that is heavily bounded by carbohydrates. The carbohydrate is composed of linear repeating units of disaccharides (two sugars) in which one sugar is in its acid form and the other has an amino group attached. The repeating unit of carbohydrate is called a glycosaminoglycan.

glycosaminoglycans (GAGS)

complex carbohydrates that are composed of linear repeating units of disaccharides (two sugars) in which one sugar is in its acid form (COOH group) and the other has an amino group (NH2).

chchondroitin sulfate 

GAG found primarily in cartilage and bone 

dermatan sulfate 

GAG found primarily in the C.T. of skin 

Keratan sulfate 

GAG found primarily in cartilage 

Heparan sulfate 

GAG found primarily in basement membrane 

Hyaluronic acid 

GAG found primarily in cartilage and loose C.T.

Proteoglycan aggregates

large glycoprotein molecules in the amorphous ground substance composed of numerous proteoglycan subunits attached to hyaluronic acid.


the most abundant fiber type in the body

high tensile strength, major supporting role 

found in most tendons and ligaments 

collagen fibrils 

formed by staggered tropocollagen units

appear striated due to overlapping of tropocollagen 

type I collagen 

collagen found in tendons, ligaments, bone, dentin, and dermis of skin 

type II collagen 

collagen found in cartilage 

type III collagen 

collagen found in reticular fibers, dental pulp, lymph nodes, and bone marrow 

type IV collagen 

collagen found in basement membrane 

reticular fibers 

-small diameter fibers that form a delicate supporting system for cells particularly in the bone marrow and lymphoid organs

-composed of mostly Type III collagen combined with other glycoproteins


silver-loving, stain black with silver

elastic fibers 

give elasticity and recoil to organs, are non-striated and do not have visible subunits

contain an amorphous material called elastin, which is molded into a fiber by small microfibrils. These fibers are abundant in organs that need to stretch and recoil such as the aorta, lungs and elastic cartilage

fixed cells 

adult C.T. cells that are a permament population of cells that form and maintain the amorphous ground substance and fibers within the C.T.

fibroblasts and adipose cells 

wandering cells 

adult C.T. cells that are derived from the bone marrow and enter the peripheral circulation to reach connective tissue

mast cells



the most numerous cells in connective tissue proper. The cell is irregular in shape and contains an abundance of rough endoplasmic reticulum.

synthesis and secrete the building blocks of the fibers and amorphous ground substance found in the extracellular matrix

function of this cell is the maintenance of the extracellular matrix

adipose cell

fat cell

signet ring shape, nucelus is in a thin ring of cytoplasm around a large fat vacuole 

function is the storage of fat for energy 


large irregular shaped cells similar in structure to the fibroblast

contain many large, irregularly shaped lysosomes containing acid phosphatase

active phagocyte that engulfs foreign particles and worn out blood cells

derived from monocytes 

plasma cell

the antibody-forming cells of the immune system. 

oval in shape and is characterized by an eccentric (not in the center) nucleus and an abundance of rough endoplasmic reticulum.

function is to destroy antigens during the humoral immune response by the release of antibodies.

mast cells 

-large oval-shaped cells with an eccentric (not in the center) nucleus

-aligned along blood vessels

-contain an abundance of secretory granules 

-secrete histamine and heparin 

-function is to increase permeability of blood vessels during the inflammatory response 


-the most abundant white blood cell representing 50-60% of the leukocyte population in peripheral blood

-characterized by a segmented nucleus formed by 3-5 lobules.

-contain specific granules containing many hydrolytic enzymes

-first line of cellular defense against bacteria 


-compose 1-4% of the leukocytes in normal blood. However, during allergic responses their numbers increase 20-30%

-bilobed nucelus 

-function is to digest certain types of parasites and to phagocytize antigen-antibody complexes

-modulate immune response by neutralizing substances secreted by the lymphocytes and histamine 


-0.5% of leukocytes 

-U-shaped nucelus, blue staining granules 

-contains heparin and histamine like mast cells

-function is to increase permeability of blood vessels during inflamation or immune response 


-20-35% of leukocytes in blood

-no granules 

-very small, large nucleus 

-function in immune response 

-two classes: B and T


involved in humoral immunity. When stimulated, these cells undergo mitosis and differentiate into plasma cells.


-some varities involved in humoral immunity, others in cellular immune response 

-cellular: undergo mitosis and form killer T cells which destroy antigens and release lymphokines that attract macrophages and regulate other leukocytes

-humoral: help B-lymphocytes recognize the difference between foreign anitgens and our own proteins 


-largest leukocyte, 3-8% in blood

-large, kidney shaped nucleus

-abundant cytoplasm 

-function is to form all the tissue macrophages including osteoclasts and cementoclasts 

loose/areolar connective tissue 

-C.T. characterized by a loosely woven network of fibers

-mostly collagen, also some elastic and reticular fibers 

-wandering and fixed cells scattered throughout 

-binds structures together

-pathway for blood vessels and nerves

-pathway for body defense cells during immune response 

-generally found under every epithelial surface

-initial site of defense against bacteria 

dense irregular connective tissue 

-C.T. containing an abundance of interwoven fibers and few cells, mostly fibroblasts

-occurs in sheets surrounding muscles, forms capsules of organs, in dermis and lamina propria of gingiva 

-collagen most abundant fiber, some elastic, no reticular 

-supports and binds tissues together 

dense regular connective tissue 

-C.T. containing fibers organized in a regular, parallel fastion

-fibers are tightly packed, included fibroblasts are flattened and parallel 

-makes up tendons and ligaments 

-mostly collagen

reticular connective tissue 

-C.T. unique to lymph organs and bone marrow

-composed of stellate shaped reticular cells held together by reticular fibers in fishnet appearance

-supports lymphocytes or blood cells in corresponding tissue by suspending them in the spaces between cell processes 

adipose tissue 

-C.T. made of a large aggregation of adipose cells supported by a collagen framework

-stores fat

-insulates body from heat loss

-forms a padding 

addipose tissue 


dense regular connective tissue 

elastic fibers 


adipose cells 


loose connective tissue 


mast cell




plasma cell 

reticular connective tissue 

reticular fibers