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20 Cards in this Set

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Bone matrix is layered in thin sheets known as...
bone lamellae
Bone ground substance is like that of.....
(organic matrix)
cartilage with firm consistemcy
Bone fibers form mineral salts deposited as particles over organic matrix. what makes up 85%?
Ca2 PO4- calcium phosphate
Bone cells are called
osteocytes- mature inactive cells,
maintain bone matrix
Osteogenic cells or osteoprogenitor cells are found?
on the surface
they give rise to osteoblasts and probably osteoclasts
Osteoblasts are?
bone forming cells
found on bone surface
Osteoclasts are ?
bone destroying
large giant cells w/ multiple nuclei and vacuolated cytoplasm
Periostium is? and made of?
membrane on outer surface of bone
-outer fibrous and inner osteogenic layers
Endosteum is? made of?
membrane lining bone marrow cavities
-made of osteogenic layers
Types of Bone are
Compact (ivory)
Compact bone is found in shafts of long bones, Bone lamellae have characteristic arrangement
external circumfrential(periosteal)
-internal circumferential (endosteal)
-haversian lamellae
interstital lamellae
volkmanns canals
sharpeys fibers
External Circumferential (periosteal) where located?
under periosteum
Internal circumferential , where located?
under endosteum
Haversian lammellae
(haversian system)
concentric around haversian canals, contain bllod vessels, nerves, canal and lamellae make Haversian system
interstitial lamellae is where?
between haversian system
Volkmanns canal
connevt haversian canals together, or connect haversian to periosteum, endosteum
Sharpeys fibers
attach periosteum to bone and stgrengthen the attachments of muscle to bone
Cancellous (spongy) bone
found where?
epiphysis of long bone, short, flat, irregular.
Cancellous is made up of multiple irregular bone marrowcavities seperated by?
bone trabeculae
Cancellous bone marrow cavities lined with endosteum and filled with?