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45 Cards in this Set

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Is epithelial tissue vascular or avascular? Is connective tissue vascular or avascular?
Epithelial tissue = avascular
Connective tissue = vascular
What connects epithelium to underlying connective tissue?
Basement membrane
What are goblet cells?
Scatterd between columnar epithelial cells, secrete mucous
Where do you find stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium?
cells lining the mouth, esophagus, vagina, and anal canal.
Where do you find stratified squamous keratinized epithelium?
fingernails, toenails, hair, and the skin (epidermis)
Where do you find simple columnar epithelium?
lining the intestine, the gallbladder, the Fallopian tubes, and some of the respiratory passages.
Where do you find simple cuboidal epithelium?
covers the ovaries, lines a portion of the kidney tubules, and lines the thyroid gland, salivary glands,
liver, and pancreas.
What shape is the nucleus in cuboidal epithelium?
What is the loose ordinary connective tissue immediately surrounding a muscle cell called?
What is the connective tissue surrounding a fasicle (bundle of muscle fibers) called?
What are the different types of cartilage?
Hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage
What are cells of cartilage called?
What are the layers of connective tissue surrounding the CNS?
Dura Mater (outer), Arachnoid Mater, Pia Mater
What is inside the subarachnoid space?
Nerve roots and CSF
What is located in the white matter?
Nerve fibers, glial cells, and blood vessels
What is located in the gray matter?
Cell bodies (perikarya) of neurons, glial cells, nerve fibers, and blood vessels
How can you tell the difference between dendrites and axon hillocks?
Nissl substance extend into dendrites but not into axon hillocks
Which one is bigger neuron cell body or glial cell body?
How can you identify melanin pigment
Brown color in the basal layers of epidermis
What is the papillary of the dermis composed of?
Type I and Type III collagen and elastic fibers
How can you identify the difference between the papillary layer and the reticular layer of dermis?
Reticular layer has thicker, coarser bundles of type I collage
What is the most superficial layer of epidermis called?
Statum Corneum
What type of epithelium is characteristic of the ducts in sweat glands?
Stratified (2 layers) cuboidal epithelium (one of the few places you will find this type of epithelium)
Describe a hair follicle
Oval shaped:
Outer Dermal Sheath (dense connective tissue)
Epithelial Root Sheath
Inner Hair Shaft (keratinized cells)
What are arrector pili muscles?
Bundles of smooth muscle fibers that connect papillary layer of dermis to connective tissue of hair follicle. They are innervated by postganglionic sympathetic fibers (make hair stand up)
Which has thinner wall - vein or artery?
Are autonomic neurons pseudounipolar or multipolar?
What is neurilemma?
Outermost layer of nerve fiber in the peripheral nervous system
What is ependyma?
- type of glial cell
- simple cuboidal epithelium
- line brain ventricles
- help with CSF production
What are microglial cells?
Phagocytic brain cells
What are astrocytes?
- star shaped glial cells
- brain cells that help create blood -brain barrier
-scavenge stray ions
What are oligodendroglias?
Form myelin for CNS cells
What is endoneurium?
Loose connective tissue that surrounds nerve fiber in PNS
What is perineurium?
Dense connective tissue that surrounds fasicle of nerve fibers
What are cardiac intercalated discs made up of?
Desmosomes, Fascia Adherens, and Gap Junctions
How are myosin binding sites in actin uncovered?
Interaction between calmodulin-bound calcium and caldesmon
What is the main type of collagen found in bone?
Type I
What are canniculi?
The "tunnels" that connect osteocytes
What are Howship's lacunae?
The lacunae around osteoclasts
What is Wolff's Law
“Every change in the form and function of a bone or their function alone is followed by
certain definite changes in their internal architecture” (aka if you don't use it, you lose it)
What happens when serum calcium levels fall?
1. Parathyroid release PTH
2. PTH promotes osteocytis osteolysis
3. PTH stimulates osteoblasts to upregulate M-CSF and RANKL
4. Osteoclast activity increases, releasing more Ca to serum
Which type of bone is arranged into osteons (Haversion system)?
Compact bone
Where do you find woven bone?
At sites of rapid deposition (e.g. fetus, site of healing fracture)
What anchors the periosteum to the bone matrix?
Sharpey's fibers
What expression factor is expressed when progenitor cells differentiate into osteoblasts?