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72 Cards in this Set

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Simple squamous epithelium

Present at sites of filtration

Example: Small intestine

Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

Funtion: Secretion and absorption

Location Example: Kidney

Nonciliated Simple Columnar Epithelium

Function: Secretion and absorption

Location Example: Small intestine

Ciliated Simple Columnar Epithelium

Location: Uterine tube

Psuedo Stratified Columnar Epithelium

Location Example: Trachea

Stratified Squamous Epithelium

Location Example: Vagina

Function: Protection against abrasion, water loss, U.V radiation, and foreign invasion.

Transitional Epithelium

Function: Allows urinary organ to stretch while holding variable amounts of fluid without rupturing.

Location: Urinary bladder

Areolar Connective Tissue

Function: Strength, Elasticity, Support

Location: Subcutaneous Layer

Adipose Tissue

Function: Hold fat, fat storage

Location: Around Heart, where ever aerolar convective tissue is located.

Reticular Connective Tissue

Function: Forms stroma of organs, bonds smooth muscle tissue cells, filters and removes worn-out blood cells in spleen and microbes in lymph nodes.

Location: Lymph Node

Collagenous Connective Tissue

Function: Forms tendons, most ligaments, and aponeuroses.

Location: Tendon

Elastic Connective Tissue

Function: Allows stretching of various organs, can recoil after being stretched

Location: Aorta

Hyaline Connective Tissue

Function: Moat abundant cartilage in the body

Location: Fetal skeleton

Fibro cartilage

Function: Support and joining structures together

Location: Intervertebral Discs

Elastic Cartilage

Function: Provides strength and elasticity

Location: Auricle of the ear

Bone tissue

Function: Support, protection, storage, houses blood forming tissue.

Location: Femur

Skeletal Muscle Tissue

Function: Motion, protection, heat production, posture.

Location: Skeletal Muscle

Cardiac Tissue

Function: pumps blood to all part of body

Location: Heart

Smooth muscle tissue

Function: Motion

Location: Artery

Giant motor Nueron

Location: Nervous system

Function: Converts stimuli into nerve impulses


Membrane of muscle tissue cells


Cytoplasm of muscle tissue cells


Covers body surfaces, internal and external

Connective tissue

Protection and support of body structures

Muscle Tissue

Provides the force necessary for movement

Nervous tissue

Coordination of body activities


The space that lies nect to the apical surface of certain epithelial tissue

Apical surface

The outer edge, surface of skin

Basal surface

Attaches to the connective tissue

Basement membrane

A thin structure which usually consists of two layers that are located between the connective tissue and epithelial cells


Lacking a blood supply, epithelial tissue lacks blood vessels




As tall as they are wide


Calls that are taller than their width, cylindrical and rectangular


These cells change shape as they are are stretched


Single layer of cells


Tissue is two or more layers of cells in thickness

Psuedo Stratified

A single layer of cells that appeared to be stratified, not all of the cells extend to the apical surface


Hair like structures that move substance along the surface of cells. Found in psuedo Stratified columner epithilium


Finger like cytoplasmic projections that increase surface area. Found in nonciliated simple columnar epithelium

Goblet cells

Modified Columnar cells that secrete mucous

Connective Tissue

Characterized by fewer cells and a lot of intercellular matrix


Cells that secrete fibers and ground substance. Found in connective tissues


Macrophages produced from monocytes

Plasma cells

Produce antibodies

Mast cells

Release histamine to cause vasodilation


Fats cells store triglycerides


Cartilage cells produce and maintain cartilage


Bone cells maintain osseous tissue


Material that fills the area between cells

Ground substance

Non cellular material secreted between connective tissues. Calcium hydroxyapatite - bone. Chondroitin sulfate - cartilage.


Help strengthen and support connective tissue

Collagen Fibers

Long chains of protein collagen, are flexible that resists stretching

Elastic Fibers

Composed of the protein elastin, better than collagen fibers, can be stretched as 1 and1/2 times their length without being damaged and are able to return to their original length


Embryonic tissue from which other connective tissues eventually arise

Areolar C.T

Most prevalent type of connective tissue, fibers are randomly arranged to provide elasticity and strength in several planes of motion

Adipose tissue

Made up of adipocytes, storage triglycerides

Reticular Connective Tissue

Composed of a network of reticular fibers and reticular cells

Dense regular C.T

Collagen fibers are parallel that provides great strength and one plane of motion example tendon

Dense Irregular C.T

Irregularly arranged collagen fibers, often found in sheets

Elastic Connective Tissue

Contains many loosely arranged elastic fibers, example lungs and elastic arteries


Contains Collagen elastic fibers embedded in chondroitin sulfate


Space where chondrocytes and osteocytes are located

Hyaline Cartilage

Most abundant cartilage in the body it is flexible and provides support. Example covers joint surfaces

Fibro cartilage

Intervertebral disks. Usually stained blue

Elastic Cartilage

Outer ear

Ossues Tissue


Skeletal Muscle

Striated, voluntary, fibers are parallel, nuclei located peripherally

Cardiac muscle

Striated, involuntarily, nucleus is located centrally, connected via intercalated discs

Smooth muscle tissue

Non-striated, involuntary, nucleus is centrally located, spindle-shaped


Nerve cells


Cells that support the function of neurons