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36 Cards in this Set

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What are the bones/cartilage derived from Arch 1 MAXILLARY
mid-face (premaxilla, maxilla, zygoma)
What are the bones/cartilage derived from Arch1
Meckel’s cartilage forms malleus, incus
Mesenchyme forms mandible, temporal bond (part of it)
What are the bones/cartilage derived from Arch 3
Hyoid: inferior ½ body, greater horns
What are the bones/cartilage derived from Arch 2
Reichert’s cartilage forms stapes, styloid process (and stylohyoid lig.), hyoid: lesser horn and superior ½ body
What are the bones/cartilage derived from Arch 4?
Upper portions of thyroid cartilage, part of laryngeal cartilages
What are the bones/cartilage derived from Arch 6?
Lower portions of thyroid cartilage, part of laryngeal cartilages
What is the Skin (SA) innervation of Arch 1 maxillary prominence?
mid-face (V2 territory)
What is the Skin (SA) innervation of Arch 1 mandibular prominence?
V3 territory
What is the Skin (SA) innervation of Arch 2
Part of auricle including concha and external auditory canal opening
What is the Skin (SA) innervation of Arch 3
What is the Skin (SA) innervation of Arch 4
What is the Skin (SA) innervation of Arch 6
What is the mucosa VA innervation of Arch 1 maxillary?
What is the mucosa VA innervation of Arch 1 mandibular?
What is the mucosa VA innervation of Arch 2?
Taste for anterior 2/3 of tongue
What is the mucosa VA innervation of Arch 3?
Taste for Post. 1/3 tongue
What is the mucosa VA innervation of Arch 4?
Taste buds: epiglottis
What is the mucosa VA innervation of Arch 6?
lower ½ laryngopharynx
What is the mucosa SA innervation of Arch 1 maxillary?
What is the mucosa SA innervation of Arch 1 mandibular?
Anterior 2/3 tongue, oral cavity
What is the mucosa SA innervation of Arch 2?
What is the mucosa SA innervation of Arch 3?
Oropharynx, posterior 1/3 tongue
What is the mucosa SA innervation of Arch 4?
upper ½ of laryngopharynx, supraglotic region
What is the mucosa SA innervation of Arch 6?
lower 1/2 larynx
What Sk. Mm. (SE) is arch 1 maxillary derived?
What Sk. Mm. (SE) is arch 1 mandibular derived?
Muscles of mastication
Digastric:anterior belly
Tensor tympani
Tensor veli palatine
What Sk. Mm. (SE) is arch 2 derived?
Muscles of facial expression
Digastric:post. Belly
What Sk. Mm. (SE) is arch 3 derived?
What Sk. Mm. (SE) is arch 4 derived?
Cricothyroid, pharyngeal contstrictors, palatopharyngeus, palatoglossus, levator veli palatini, salpingopharyngeus
What Sk. Mm. (SE) is arch 6 derived?
All intrinsic layrngeal mm except cricothyroid
What CN (br) is derived from Arch 1 Maxillary?
V2 maxillary branch of trigeminal
What CN (br) is derived from Arch 1 Mandibular?
V3 mandibular branch of trigeminal
What CN (br) is derived from Arch 2?
VII (facial nerve)
What CN (br) is derived from Arch 3?
IX glossopharyngeal N
What CN (br) is derived from Arch 4?
X (vagus)
superior laryngeal n, pharyngeal br
What CN (br) is derived from Arch 6?
X (vagus)
recurrent laryngeal nerve