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48 Cards in this Set

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Fxns of the kidney
excretion of waste
elimination of foreign waste
regulation of body H2O
regulation of salts
control Acid/Base
Fxns of kidney: Endocrine
affects blood formation (erythropoietin)
affects blood pressure (renin)
Vitamin D synthesis
Fxns of kidney: Reproductive
conveys semen in male urethra
3 Processes of Urine Formation?
Filtration: ultrafiltration of plasma formed
Secretion: substances are moved into filtrate
Reabsorption: substances moved out of filtrate into renal interstitium
spherical arrangement of fenestrated capillaries
found in proximal end of kidney tubule
fluid is glomerular filtrate
Structure of Kidney:
Renal Hilum
vertical slit on concave border
entrance of renal artery, vein, lymphatics and nerves as well as ureter
Structure of Kidney:
outer portion of kidney
has columns, pyramids, medullary rays
Structure of Kidney:
6-18 per kidney
consists of one medullary pyramid and cortical cap that surrounds it
Structure of Kidney:
functional unit of kidney
proximal end contains capillaries and supporting cells
Structure of Kidney:
Bowmans Capsule
double-layered cup that surround the nephron
Structure of Kidney:
parts of Nephron
macula densa
Structure of Kidney:
vascular pole of nephron
entrance and exit of afferent and efferent arterioles
Structure of Kidney:
Urinary pole of Nephron
continuous w/ first segment of nephron, starts filtration here
Bowmans Capsule: Inner Layer
"visceral layer"
made up of podocytes
Bowmans Capsule: Podocytes
modified epithelial cells
have pedicles, or feet
-filtration slits b/t feet
Bowmans Capsule: Filtration Slits
b/t pedicles of podocytes
bridged by thin filtration slit membrane
Bowmans Capsule: Filtration Barrier
made of capillary endothelium, podocytes, and glomerular basement membrane
Bowmans Capsule: Glomerular Basement Membrane
space b/t endothelium and podocytes
Bowmans Capsule: outer layer
"parietal layer", simple squamous
Bowmans Capsule: Mesangial Cells
synthesize a supportive matrix for the glomerular capillaries
Bowmans Capsule: Extraglamerular Mesangial Cells
found outside renal corpuscle along vascular pole
Mesangial Cell Fxns
phagocytosis of particles in basal lamina
structural support
regulates blood flow
Secrete IL-1 and PDGF
What makes up the Juxtoglamerular Apparatus?
Macula Densa
Juxtaglomerular Cells
Extraglamerular Mesangial Cells
Macula Densa
made of Distal Convoluted Tubules that have become taller (columnar)
directly by afferent and efferent arterioles
Juxtaglomerular Cells
modified SM cells that have secretory products
granules contain renin
Renin Fxn
catalyzes cleavage of Angiotensin 1 from angiotensinogen
Angiotensin 2 Fxns
increase BP by constricting arterioles
stimulates release of Aldosterone
Proximal Thick Segment:
PCT Epithelium
simple cuboidal w/ brush border
Proximal Thick Segment:
pH modification
AA resorption
Na/K ATPase
Aquaporins present
Thin Segment:
Countercurrent system
responsible for producing hypertonic environment
Thin Segment:
Ascending thin
impermeable to water
Thin Segment:
descending thin
permeable to water
Distal Thick Segment:
what are the parts
distal straight tubule
macula densa
Distal Thick Segment:
simple cuboidal, no brush border
Collecting Ducts
lined w/ cuboidal to columnar epithelium
"papillary ducts" near apex
Collecting Ducts:
Light (principle) cell
secretes K, resorbs Sodium
Collecting Ducts:
Dark (intercalated) cell
secrete HCO3 and H
What is the cell that is primarily affect by ADH regulation?
Collecting duct cells
Collecting Ducts: single cilia
sensory fxn
Circulation of Kidney
Renal-->Interlobar-->Arcuate-->Interlobar-->afferent arterioles-->glomerular capillaries-->efferent arteriole-->peritubular capillaries
Kidney Circulation:
Vasa Recta
thin capillary that go into medulla and loop back
uses peristaltic contraction
3 SM layers
Transitional Epithelium
Urinary Bladder:
Transitional Epithelium
contains pinocytotic vesicles and fusiform-shaped vesicles
Urinary Bladder:
outside covering
peritoneum superiorly, serosa
elsewhere adventitia
Urethra: what are the 3 parts?
prostatic, membranous, and penile
Prostatic Urethra:
transitional epithelium
contains ejaculatory ducts
Membranous Urethra:
penetrates urogenital diaphragm
pseudostratified columnar
Penile Urethra:
pseudostratified columnar-->stratified squamous near opening