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33 Cards in this Set

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Q. Cardiovascular System:
The heart, blood vessels
Q. Lymph Vascular System:
A system of vessels found throughout most of the body. It drains its contents into large veins of the cardiovascular system.
Q. Cardiovascular Circuits consist of:
arteries, capillaries, veins, arteriovenous shunts (anastomoses)
Q. Arteries Three Tunics:
Tunica Intima, Tunica Media, Tunica Adventitia
Q. Tunica Intima:
endothelium on a basal lamina and underlying connective tissue
Q. Tunica Media:
a muscular layer with some connective tissue fibers
Q. Tunica Adventitia:
an outermost coat of mostly loose connective tissue
Q. Arterial 3 main vessels:
Elastic Arteries, Muscular Arteries, Arterioles
Q. Elastic Artery:
the aorta, innominate artery, common carotid artery, subclavian & most pulmonary arterial vessels
Q. Muscular Arteries:
the main distributing branches, e.g. the radial, femoral, and cerebral arteries
Q. Arterioles:
terminal branches which supply the capillaries
Q. Cappillaries:
Sporadic fusion of endocytotic pits and vesicles of adjacent endothelial cells produce transient transcellular channels which allow exchange of large molecules between plasma & tissue fluid.
Q. Capillaries in most of the body:
endothelial cells are interconnected by fascia occludens (weak barrier against fluid).
Q. Capillaries In most of the brain:
endothelial cells are interconnected by zonula occludens (strong barrier against fluid.
Q. Pericytes may give rise to:
fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells. Included in a basil lamina
Q. Structure of Capillaries:
Capillaries may be continuous or fenestrated(holes in them); however, most are continuous
Q. Structure of Capillaries In kidney:
there is fenestrated cavities but it’s one big whole.
Q. Sinusoid:
Sinusoids are thin-walled, capillary-like venous blood vessels with an unusually wide lumen and an associated population of macrophages.
Q. Sinusoids are found:
myeloid tissue, the spleen, and the liver
Q. Venous System:
Postcapillary venules, Medium-sized veins, Large veins
Q. Postcapillary venules:
appear similar to capillaries, a thin endothelium surrounded by reticular fibers & pericytes
Q. Large veins:
Most large veins, except major vessels lack a tunica media. They have a thick subendothelial layer and t. adventitia
Q. Lymphatic Systems:
This is considered a separate part of the circulatory system. Its role is to withdraw excess tissue fluid from the intercellular fluid compartment, filter this through lymph nodes and return it to the blood.
Q. Lymphatic capillaries:
One end of lymphatic capillaries ends blindly (open circuit) take fluid to the veins. Fine extracellular matrix fibers hold the vessels open in the face of edema.
Q. Lymphatic vessels:
They resemble small or medium-sized veins.
Q. Heart three layers
myocardium, endocardium, pericardium
Q. Endocardium
It lines the chambers of the heart, covers its various one-way valves, and is in continuity with the tunica intima of vessels entering or leaving the heart.
Q. Myocardium:
middle layer of uniquely constructed and arranged muscle cells that forms the bulk of the heart wall
Q. Pericardium
the fibroserous sac enclosing the heart and the roots of the great vessels
Q. Sinoatrial nodes:
sends fibers throughout atrioventricular which makes the atrioventricular contract.
Q. Atrioventricular bundle:
consists of specialized cardiac muscle fibers that enter the interventricular septum, branch and become Purkinje fibers
Q. Purkinje Fibers:
They lie in the deepest layer of the endocardium. They have a pale wide central core around the nucleus that contains much glycogen.
Q. Cardiac Valves
The heart valve leaflet is an intimal sheet with a core of dense irregular connective tissue that is mostly avascular