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153 Cards in this Set

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H&E steps
1. hematoxylin staining step
2. differentiation
3. bluing step
4. washing
5. eosin counterstain
H&E hematoxylin staining step
Aluminium hematoxylin
basic dye
regressive stain
H&E differentiation
0.5%-1.0% acid alcohol
red nuclei everything else colourless
H&E bluing step
Ammonia H2O
nuclei become blue again
H&E wash
H2O and then alcohol
H&E counterstain step
acidic dye
H&E results
nuclei- blue
Basic tissue- pink to red
calcium, cartilage, RNA- blue
H&E demonstrates and principle
routine stain general morphology
Ionic bonding -salt linkage
alcian blue steps
1. pre-rinse step
2. alcian blue staing step
3. nuclear counterstaining step
alcian blue pre- rinse step
acetic acid
changes the pH of the tissue to the same as the dye allowing it to pick up the dye
Alcian blue demonstrates and principle
acid mucins
ionic bonding and salt linkage
alcian blue staining step
alcian blue
basic dye
member of the copper phthalocyanine dyes
H2O soluble
electrostatic bonds occur between the pos charged basic dyes and negative tissue group
alcian blue counterstain
Neutral red
alcian blue results
pH 2.5 -sulphated&carboxylated mucin- blue turquoise
pH1.0- only sulphated mucin
Nuclei- Blue- hematoxylin
Red- neutral red
Luxol fast blue steps
1. myelin staining step
2. differentiation
3. counterstain
Luxol fast blue myelin staining step
luxol fast blue
basic dye
copper phthalocyanine chromogen
soluble in alcohol
slow reaction
use heat (37*-60*)
forms a myelin-LFB complex
Luxol fast blue differentiation
0.05% lithium carbonate and 70% ethanol
lithium carbonate is weak base
ethanol slows down or stops process
check micro
LFB counterstain
1% eosin
acid dye
LFB results
myelin (white matter)- blue
background (grey matter)- pink
LFB demo and principle
base replacement with salt formation
Cresyl echt violet steps
1. nervous tissue staining
2. differentiation
cresyl echt violet demo and principle
nissl substance
RNA is basophillic and stains with basic aniline dyes by ionic bonding
cresyl echt violet nervous tissue staining
0.5%-1.0% cresyl echt violet
pH 2.5 will only dye DNA&RNA containing structures
cresyl echt violet differentiation
100% alcohol
check micro
cresyl echt violet results
nissl substance- dark purple
neurons/nuclei- purple
Gordon and sweets steps
1. oxidation
2. sensitization
3. silver impregnation
4. reduction
5. toning (optional)
6. silver fixing
7. counterstain
Gordon and sweets demo and principle
argyrophilic silver impregnation
gordon and sweets oxidation
potassium permanganate (KMnO4)
leaves brown pigment
bleach with oxalic acid
oxidation exposes aldehyde groups
gordon and sweets sensitization
iron alum
acts like a mordant
aldehydes are coated with ferric ions
wash well with dH2O
gordon and sweets silver impregnation
ammoniacal silver
sensitive and reactive

gordon and sweets reduction
unbuffered formaldehyde
extraneous reducer
changes silver to blacken metallic state
stop reaction with H2O
gordon and sweets toning
0.2% gold cholride
improves the quality of the technique
gold replaces the silver giving a finer precipitate producing a permanent, neutral black colour of high density in the reticulin
gordon and sweets silver (fixing)
5% sodium thiosulfate
stops all chemical activity
removes all excess silver and gold ions
gordon and sweets counterstain
1% neutral red
gordon and sweets results
reticulin - black
nuclei - red
cytoplasm - pink
periodic acid methenamine silver method (PAMS) steps
1. oxidation
2. impregnation
3. toning
4. fixing step
5. counterstain
pams demo and principle
basement membrane
argentaffin silver reaction
pams oxidation
periodic acid
oxidizes basement membrane carbohydrate to aldehyde groups
pams impregnation
methenamine silver
silver ions are bound to aldehydes and reduced to visible metallic silver by aldehyde groups
used to speed up the reaction
pams toning
gold chloride
replace silver with a finer denser, more permanent black coating
pams fixing step
sodium thiosulfate
stops all reaction
cleans away excess silver and gold
pams counterstain
light green
pams results
basement membrane- black
background- green
pams thickness
Fontanna masson steps
1. silver impregnation step
2. toning step
3. fixing
4. counterstain
fontanna masson demo and principle
melanin and argentaffin granules
argentaffin silver method
fontanna masson silver impregnation step
ammoniacal or methenamine silver
no oxidization needed because melanin and argentaffin granules are strong reducing agents
heat to 60* to increase speed of reaction
check microscopically
fontanna masson toning step
gold chloride
replaces silver with a finer denser precipitate causing black coating
fontanna masson fixing step
sodium thiosulfate
stops all reactions
cleans excess silver and gold
fontanna masson counterstain
nuclear fast red
fontana masson results
melanin and argentaffin granules - brown/black
nuclei and cytoplasm- pink
Von Kossa steps
1. silver impregnation
2. fixing
3. counterstain
von kossa demo and principle
metal substitution and argyrophilic reduction
von kossa silver impregnation
5% silver nitrate and light
after slides are put in a solution of silver nitrate then exposed to bright light
stop reaction when calcium salts are brown to black
von kossa fixing
sodium thiosulfate
stops reaction
von kossa counterstain
nuclear fast red
basic dye
von kossa results
calcium- brown/black
background- pink
nuclei/cytoplasm- pink
Gomori's Methenamine silver steps
1. oxidization
2. bleaching
3. silver impregnation
4. toning
5. silver 'fixing'
6. counterstain
Gomori's methenamine silver demonstrates and principle
argentaffin silver reaction
Gomori's Methenamine Silver oxidization
5% chromic acid
very strong
overoxidizes all other carbs and non reactive acids
makes more specific for fungal cell walls
Gomori's Methenamine Silver bleaching
1% sodium bisulfite
removes chromic acid
Gomori's Methenamine Silver- silver impregnation
methenamine silver nitrate
methenamine-provides an alkaline condition and chelates silver ions to produce silver amine groups
silver nitrate- source of silver ions
borax- buffer maintains an alkaline pH
done at 60*
Gomori's Methenamine Silver toning
0.1% gold chloride
improves contrast stabilizes
GMS removal of unreduced silver fixing
2% sodium thiosulfate
stops the chemical reaction
Gomori's Methenamine Silver counterstain
light green
acid dye
bound by electrostatic attraction
Gomori's Methenamine Silver results
fungal cell walls- black
inner parts of mycelia- grey
mucin- grey
other tissue components- green
Gomori's aldehyde fuchsin method steps
1. elastic staining
2. washing
3. counterstain
Gomori's Aldehyde Fuchsin demo and principle
elastic fibers
hydrogen bonding and van der waals forces
Gomori's Aldehyde Fuchsin elastic staining
aldehyde fuchsin
basic fuchsin, 70% alcohol,
HCl, paraldehyde
not specific for elastic stains progressively
no differentiation necessary
Gomori's Aldehyde Fuchsin washing
70% alcohol
removes excess colour from the background
Gomori's Aldehyde Fuchsin counterstain
light green
Gomori's Aldehyde Fuchsin results
elastic fibers- purple
mast cell granules, beta-cell granules, beta-cell islets of langerhans, cheif cells & mucins- purple
collagen and other tissue components- green
Verhoeffs steps
1. elastic staining
2. differentiation
3. background clearing step
4. counterstain
verhoeffs demo and principle
elastic fibers
hydrogen bonding and van der waals forces
verhoeffs elastic staining
verhoeffs hematoxylin
hematoxylin/ferric chloride/iodine lake
iodine increases affinity of elastic fibers for iron hematoxylin and acts as a trapping agent
no stabilizer present
verhoeffs differentiation
2% ferric chloride
mordant differentiation
breaks tissue- mordant dye complex
check micro
reaction stopped by wash step
verhoeffs background clearing step
2.5% sodium thiosulfate
removes excess iodine (colour)
wash well in H2O to remove alkaline pH which would otherwise inhibit the counterstain
acid dyes
verhoeffs counterstain
verhoeffs results
elastic fibers- black
nuclei- grey to black
collagen- pink
RBC- red
other tissue - pink
Congo red steps
1. nuclear staining
2. suppression of ionizing step
3. amyloid staining step
congo red demo and principle
hydrogen bonding
congo red thickness
polarizing microscope shows a apple green birefringence
congo red nuclear staining
harris' hematoxylin
ionic bonding
aluminium mordant
congo red suppression of ionizing step
alkaline salt solution
depresses the ionization of amyloid
releases hydrogen bonds
congo red amyloid staining step
congo red
acid dye
binds to amyloid through hydrogen bonds
congo red results
amyloid- deep pink to red
elastic- pale pink
nuceli -blue
Toluidine blue steps
1. metachromatic staining
2. counterstaining
toluidine blue demo and principle
mast cells
toluidine blue metachromatic staining
toludine blue
pH 5.0
toluidine blue counterstain
light green
toluidine blue results
mast cells- deep violet
acid mucins- purple/ pink
nuclei- blue
cytoplasm- light green
RBC- light green to pale yellow
periodic acid schiffs steps
1. oxidizing
2. schiffs reagent
3.washing step
4. nuclear counterstain
PAS demo and principle
basement membrane
PAS oxidation
periodic acid
will not overoxidize the aldehyde groups
PAS schiffs reagent
basic fuchsin (red)
sulfurous acid (to destroy the chromophore)
demonstrates aldehydes
cannot be reversed
PAS washing
tap H2O
causes further oxidation
develops colour and removes excess schiffs
PAS nuclear counterstain
aluminium hematoxylin
(richard allen regressive)
PAS results
PAS Pos- magenta
basement membrane- magenta
nuclei- blue
perls prussian blue steps
1. hemosiderin demonstration
2. counterstain
PPB demo and principle
PPB hemosiderin demo
potassium ferrocyanide and HCl
HCl breaks down hemosiderin into ferric iron and protien
Ferric reacts with K ferrocyanide to form an insoluble blue pigment(prussian blue or ferric ferocyanide)
PPB counterstain
nuclear fast red or eosin
PPB results
hemosiderin- blue
background - pink
Giemsa solution steps
1. bacterial staining
2. differentiation
Giemsa demo and principle
helicobacter pylori
giemsa bacterial staining
giemsa solution
(eosin links with basic methylene blue to break down azure A, azure B & methyl violet)
acid tissue stains metachromatic and background stains orthochromatically
giemsa differentiation
dilute acetic acid (vinegar)
giemsa results
microorganisms- blue
nuclei- blue
mast cells- purple
background- pink to pale blue
Massons trichrome steps
1. post fixation
2. nuclear stain
3. cytoplasm stain
4. differentiation
5. collagen stain
6. remove excess collagen stain
massons trichrome demo and principle
porosity of tissues and molecular weight of dye
massons trichrome post fixation
bouins solution
enhances stain
massons trichrome nuclear stain
weigerts hematoxylin
must be an iron hematoxylin
ferric chloride acts as an oxidizer and mordant
black dye lake
massons trichrome cytoplasm stain
biebrich scarlet and acid fuchsion
acid or anionic dyes create competition for binding sites
fuchsin (acid dye) stains collagen
biebrichs (acid dye) stains muscle and cytoplasm

masson trichrome differentiation
strong acid
large molecular weight
remove acid fuchsin from collagen
only penetrate collagen
masson trichrome collagen stain
light green or aniline blue
selectively stains collagen
masson trichrome removal of excess collagen stain
1%acetic acid
sharpens cytoplasmic stain
masson trichrome results
nuclei- dark grey
cytoplasm- shades of red
muscle- bright red
RBC- bright red
collagen- green or blue
Van gieson steps
1. nuclear stain
2. cytoplasmic stain
van gieson demo and principle
porosity of tissue and molecular weight of the dye
van giesons nuclear stain
weigerts iron hematoxylin
van gieson cytoplasmic stain
van giesons solution
(picric acid and acid fuchsin)
picric acid- small molecular weight- muscle
acid fuchsin-large molecular weight-collagen
van gieson results
nuclei- grey black
cytoplasm, muscle, RBC- yellow
collagen- red
Gram stain steps
1. primary stain
2. production of high molecular weight complex
3. decolourizing step
4. secondary stain
5. counterstain/dehydration
6. dehydration and clearing
Gram demonstration and principle
gram pos/neg
nature of cell wall
gram primary stain
crystal violet
basic dye
reacts with RNA of positive organisms
gram production of HMW complex
all purple
trapping agent
crystal violet/RNA is precipitated to form a HMWC in bacteria
gram decolourizing step
+ stay purple, -washes out= clear background
gram secondary stain
basic fuchsin
- turns red
gram counterstain/dehydration
picric acid/acetone
picric acid binds to cytoplasm by electrostatic attraction
gram dehydration and clearing
completes dehydration and begin clearing
gram results
gram pos- deep blue/purple
gram neg- red
cytoplasm, muscle, collagen, RBC-yellow
fibrin, keratin, calcium, some fungi- deep blue
Ziel Neelsen steps
1. bacteria staining
2. decolourizing step
3. counterstain
Ziel neelsen demo and principle
acid fast bacilli
nature of cell wall
ZN bacterial staining
carbol fuchsin
(carbolic acid, basic fuchsin, alcohol)
carbolic acid- accentuator-increases selectivity, and rate of reaction
carbolic fuchsin is done at 60*
ZN decolourizing
1% acid alcohol
breaks the bond btw basic dye and tissue
cant break the basic fuchsin-mycolic acid complex
ZN counterstain
methylene blue
basic dye
ZN results
acid fast bacilli- red/hot pink
nuclei-dark blue
background-pale blue
Oil red O steps
1. neutral lipid staining
2. differentiation
3. counterstain
4. counterstain enhancement
Oil red O demo and principle
selective solubility
oil red O thickness, control and special requirement
10-18 um frozen
control not required
aqueous media needed
dont press out bubbles
oil red O neutral lipid stain
oil red O
weak red, acid dye
dye solvent= propylene gylcol or isopropanol
dye attracted by adsorption
dye dissolves in the lipid (lysochrome-azodye)
oil red O differentiation
60% isopropanol
oil red O counterstain
harris' hematoxylin (aluminium)
nuclei stained blue by electrostatic attraction
cytoplasm=pale blue by physical attraction
oil red O counterstain enhancement
ammoinia water
blueing agent
increases contrast between lipid and nuclei
oil red O results
neutral lipids- orange/red
phospholipid- pink
background- blue
nuclei- blue
Rapid H&E
done in under 10 min
progressive stain
fresh frozen tissue
alcoholic eosin used to start dehydrating while counterstaining
affinity for silver
reticulin, nerve fibers, melanin, fungi, calcium
potassium permanganate (KMnO4)
very strong oxidizing agent
often used in demonstration of reticulin
can reduce silvers by itself
needs an extranuous reducer
silver substitution
silver ions replace calcium ions which are linked with phospate or carbonate in the bone
silver source in ammoniacal silver solution
silver nitrate
advantages/disadvantages to Gomori's Aldehyde Fuchsin
ad- no differentiation step
solution can be stored
identifies btw young and old elastic- young-delicate old-thick
dis- not specific for elastic