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276 Cards in this Set

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Muscle comprises _____ % of total body weight
muscle is fromed of _____cells specialized for contraction possessing _______ containing ______ & _______
differentiated cells, contractile filaments containing actin and myosin
shape of muscle cells
are muscle cells polar
yes, ordered polarity w/ contraction along major axis
muscle possesses an ____ membrane which propagates ____& initiates ________
excitable, impulse, contraction
muscle is derived from _______ so has close assoc. w/ __________
mesoderm, CT
can muscle regenerate
to varying degrees
3 types of muscle
skeletal, cardiac, smooth
which muscles are striated
skeletal and cardiac
which musches are voluntary
only skeletal
which muscles are regenerative
skeletal is regenerative, smooth is moderately regenerative, cardiac is not
type of contraction of skeletal muscle
strong, quick, discontinuous, voluntary
type of cardiac muscle contraction
strong, quick, continuous, involuntary
type of smooth musch contraction
weak, slow, involuntary
Skeletal muscle is not merely a tissue, it is an _______ containing ___, ____,&_____
organ, CT, blood vessels and nerves
skeletal muscle cells AKA
skeletal muscle fibers are ______ packed, _____ organized, and exhibit ______ metabolic activity
densely, highly, high
why do skeletal muscle have high metabolic activity
lots of mitochondria w/ enriched blood and nerve supply
shape of skeletal muscle
cylindrical and elongated
are skeletal muscle multinucleate
Skeletal muscle fibers from a morphological and funcational ________
Sk. mus., fibers have diameters of ___-____ and lengths from less than ____ to more than ______
diameter=10-100 micrometers
Skeletal muscle fibers types, (often all types are present in given muscle)
red (slow twitch), white (fast twitch), & intermediate
Fiber types (red, white & int,) vary in content of ____, relative enrichment of _______ and various metabolic ___ as well was capacity for ____
myoglobin, mitochondria, enzymes, rate of contraction
what is myoglobin
carries O2 similar to hemoglobin
what does epimysium cover
entire muscle
what is epimysium made of and what is it often called
dense CT layer, rich in collagen, elastic and reticular fibers, called fascia
what does perimysium divide muscle into
smaller fxnal units=fasicles
endomysium divides fascicles into______
endomysium is rich in _____&_______ and provides pathways for ___&___ to supply muscle fibers
collagen & reticular fibers, capillaries and nerves
what is a skeletal muscle fiber formed by
fusion of myoblasts (10-100micrometers in diameter)
are all nuclei in skeletal muscle fibers myoblasts
no- satellite cells
what are skeletal mm satelite cells
myoblastic stem cells
where can skeletal mm satellite cells be found
under endomysium (1-2% of visible nuclei) adjacent to sarcolemma
sketal mm satelite cells exhibit ____proliferative capactiy reflecting ___ ability of skeletal m.
high, regenerative
what are the 2 types of fibers in skeletal m.
extrafusal & intrafusal
what are extrafusal and intrafusal muscle involved in
extrafusal- contraction, intrafusal-reg. of contraction
what innervates extrafusal skeletal m.
alpha motoneurons
what does intrafusal muscle include
nuclear bag and chain fibers
what is the prinicpal cytoplasmic component of the muscle fiber
are myofibrils branched
no they are rods
how far do myofibrils extend
full length of fiber
what are myofibrils composed of
sarcomeres (fxnal units of skeletal and cardiac contractile apparati)
what are sarcomeres limited by
Z-line on each end
what are myofibrils composed of
2 myofilaments: actin and myosin
what is the principal contractile protein of thin myofilaments
what does actin consist of
pair of helically entwined polymers (F-actin) of the globular (G-actin)
Actin is assoc w/ the globuler _______ and the filamentous ______
troponin, tropomyosin
toponin and tropomyosin conver _____ dependency on the ______ interaction
What makes up troponin complex
TnC, TnI, TnT
What does TnC bind
what does TnI bind
What does TnT bind
What color are Type I fibers
what color are type II fibers
what fibers have more glycogen
type II
what fibers are slow oxidative and fatigure resistant
type I
Myosin is held in register by crosslinkages of the protein ______ &______at the _______
myomesin & C=Protein at M-Line
the "head" portion of myosin confers ______ activity and possesses _____
ATPase, actin binding site
how are myosin arranged
polarized, antiparallel, with head and tail
A bands= "___ band" is ____ with ____ but stain darkly with most stains
dark band, anisotropic with polarized light
what does the A band contain
6 thin myofilaments surround each thick myofilament, the filaments overlap and interdigitate
I bands= ______ w/ polarized light, appear ____ stain w/ most stains
isotropic, lightly
what do I bands contain
only thin filaments
H bands=have _____ central regions w/in _____
light, A bands
what do H bands consist of
thick filaments only
Where are M lines
center of H bands
how do M lines appear
narrow and dark
how are M line formed
from cross-connections of adjacent thick filaments by myomesin and C Protein
Z-disks (lines) are dense regions bisecting each____
I band
Z lines contain _______ which binds to _______ and anchorms them to the _____ with the assistance of ______
a-actinin, thin filaments, Z line, nebulin
What large elastic cytoskeletal protein is assoc w/ Z line
where do titin span? what does it form? what does it contribute to?
spans Z line to M line, foms elastic lattice, contributes to passive elasticity of sarcomere
what surrounds sarcomere at Z line attaching it to the sarcolemma
what stabilizes a-actinin /actin interaction @ Z-line
During contraction, thick and thin filaments do not _______ but _________
not shorten but overlap more
_____ slide past _____ resulting in greater penetration into _____ which themselves remain a constant length
thin filaments slide past thickfilaments, A band
_____ and ______ decrease in length as _____ are drawn closer together
I bands and H bands, Z disks
cell membrane of muscle fiber AKA
sarcolemma is invested with an external ______________
basal lamina
a single muscle fiber may have ____#___ of nuclei
where are the nuclei of a muscle fiber located
in the periphery of the fiber beneath the sarcolemma
cytoplasm of muscle fiber =
sarcoplasm hsa many ______
special form of sER of muscle fiber
sarcoplasmic reticulum
principle role of sarcoplasmic reticulum
sequester Ca++ during contraction
sarcoplasmic reticulum is rich in _______ which binds to Ca++
a depolarization signal is transferred from the sarcolemma to the interior of the fiber via ________
In response to depolarization the sarcoplasmic reticulum releases _____ sequestered in the_______ into the cytoplasm
Ca++ , terminal cisternae
The release of Ca++ enables the interaction of ____ and ____ resulting in shorteing of the ______ and muscle contraction
actin & myosin, sarcomere,
Sarcolemma depolarization is linked to muscle at a structure called the _______
what are the membranous units of the triad
1 T-tubule + 2 terminal cisternae
the transverse tubule is a tubular invagination of the _____
the T-tubule penetrates into the ________, perpendicular w/ ______
sarcoplasm, myofibrils
the t-tubule is alighned w/ the _______
A-I band jxns
the terminal cisternae is part of the _______
sarcoplasmic reticulum
what is the attachment step of contraction
not active step, In the absence of ATP (but w/ Ca++) the conformation of the myosin head allows for tight interaction w/ actin "rigor configuration"
During step 2 of the contraction cycle "release" what happens
ATP binds the S1 fragment of myosin head resulting in dissociation of myosin head from actin
what causes step 3 of contraction "bending"
ATP hydrolyzed to ADP + Pi, both remaining w/ myosin head. Head pivots and aligns w/ adjacent actin monomer
what causes step 4 of contraction : "force generation"
"power stroke" Ca++ dep. phase. bound Pi and ADP release from myosin head and cross-bridge forms between myosin and actin
During step 5 of contraction "reattachment" the ____ undergoes conformational change, resulting in tight interaction of _______ & ______
myosin head, actin & myosin
During reattachment interaction of actin and myosing causes what
pulling of actin filament toward center of sarcomere, shortening it
what happens to contraction cycle when ATP is not available
bind of actin and myosin is stabilized (Step I attachment)and rigor mortis occurs after death
_____ the source of energy for skeletal muscle contraction is formed from ______ by several processes
How is ATP formed in white (fast) fibers
ATP is generated by anaerobic glycolysis resulting in buildup of lactic acid
How is ATP formed in red (slow) fibers
ATP is generated by oxidated phosphorylation
How else is ATP formed
ATP is formed from transfer of phosphate in creatine phosphate to ADP in rxn catalyzed by phosphocreatine kinase
Skeletal muscle is __ dep, and occurs in what 3 phases
depolarization and Ca++ release, activation of actin by calcium, relaxation
depolarization and calcium release triggers binding of ____ & ______
actin & myosin
pathway of depolarization in skeletal muscle
sarcolemma @ motor-ene plate (AKA myoneural jxn)->T tubules->myofibrils
Where is Ca++ released into the cytosol in skeltal muscle
at A-I jxns via voltage reg. channels in SR terminal cisternae
In the resting state, the ____-bind sites on actin are covered by _______
myosin, tropomyosin
_______ is also bound to actin hindering ______ binding
Troponin I, actin/myosin
In active state, binding of Ca++ by _______ resulting in conformation change interrupting the _______ interaction
troponin C, TnI/actin
what happens when TnI and actin separate
tropomyosin shifts unmasking myosin binding sites
when does relaxation occur in skeletal muscle
when Ca++ conc in cytoplasm is reduced and TnC loses its bound Ca++, tropomyosin returns to resting state
what is relaxation dep. upon
ca++ pump in sarcoplasmic reticulum, translocating Ca++ from cytosol to inner surface of SR membrane where they are sequesterred by calsequestrin
what does the motor unit consist of
a neuron and the skeletal muscle fibers it innervates
all muscle fibers obey the _______ law
all or none
muscle fibers of the same motor unit contract in ______
The force generated by a muscle is dependent upon what
the # of motor units undergoing contraction at the same time
In Fine coordination muscles (i.e. ocular, digital) one nerve can only innervate ____ muscle fibers
one to 3
in muscle used for coarse movement, (i.e. postural muscles) 1 nerve can innervate how many muscle fibers
each muscle fiber has how many motor end plates
motor end plate AKA
myoneural jxn, neuromuscular jxn
3 components of motor end plate
axon terminal, synaptic cleft, muscle fiber
at the motor end plate the nerve axon ____- and ________ with the sarcolemma to form _____
expands and invaginates, jxnal folds
On the presynaptic jxnal fold there are many _____- containing ______
synaptic vesicls containing Ach
Depolarization of the nerves causes _______ of the contents of the ______, spilling Ach into the synaptic cleft
exocytosis, synaptic vesicles
Ach in synaptic cleft activates ____ on ______ resulting in ______ of the muscle fiber membrane and contraction
receptors, sarcolemma, depolarization
____ innervation of ____ muscle is provided in part by muscle spindles
sensory, skeletal
muscle spindles are _____ organs (________)
sensory, stretch receptors
shape of muscle spindles
elongated and fusiform
what is muscle spindle bound by
CT capsule enclosing a fluid-filled space containing 8-10 modified muscle fibers referred to as intrafusal fibers
what fibers is the muscle spindle surrounded by
normal skeletal fibers (extrafusal)
the muscle spindle is anchored via the ______ to the _____ &_______ of adjacent fibers
capsule, perimysium & endomysium
Innervation of muscle spindles consists of ____ &______ nerve fibers
sensory (afferent) and motor (effered)
2 types of nerve endings of afferent nerves
annulospiral endings, flower spray endings
what type of nerve fibers have annulospiral endings
type 1a
Annulospiral endings wind around the center of _____ & ____ fibers
nuclear bag and nuclear chain
annulospiral endings respond to _________
rate of stretching
flower spray endings are on what type of fibers
type IIa
where do flower spray endings terminated
on either side of annulospiral endings
what do flower spray endings respond to
duration of stretching
what do efferent nerves consist of
gamma 2 and gamma3 efferent axons
what happens when efferent nerves are stimulated by over-contractions of the muscle
depolarize intrafusal fibers to counteract muscle stretching
tapping patellar tendon stretches the quadriceps femoris muscle and its _____
muscle spindles
The ____ nerves innervating the intrafusal fibers sned impulses to the spinal cord signaling a ________ of intrafusal fibers
afferent, stretch
In the spinal cord the ______ synapse with _____ nerves that travel in both ______ and _____ motoneurons back to both extrafusal and intrafusal fibers causing contraction
afferent, efferent, alpha and gamma,
The "_____ loop" causes the ______ reflex and is a measure of _____ fxn
reflex, knee jerk, CNS
Cardiac muscle contracts _____, ____ &______
spontaneously, rhythmically, continuously
cartiac muscle is modulated by ______ &_______ nervous stimuli
endocrine and autonomic nervous
Cardiac muscle is located w/in the _____ of the heart and within proximal portions of the _____- &_____
myocardium, aorta & vena cava
Cardiac muscle is under _____ control
involuntary nervous
Are cardiac muscle fibers a synctial network
no, individual cells
do cardiac muscle of regenerative capacity
almot none, replace w/ CT scar
the sarcoplasm of heart muscle contains more ____, ___ and ____ than skeletal muscle
glycogen, lipid, mitochondria
How does heart muscle contract and relax
same steps as skeletal muscle
how many nuclei does cardiac muscle have and where
1 or 2 central
does cardiac muscle branch
is cardiac muscle striated
what are cardiac muscle cells lined by
external (basal) lamina
_____ and _______ are esp. enriched at poles of nucleus in region called _______ in cardiac muscle
mitochondira, glycogen granules, sarcoplasmic cone
purpose of cardiace muscle in whorled pattern
enables myocardium to wring out blood from chambers of heart
CT element are between cardiac muscle fibers (like endomysium) and support a rich ______ that supports ______ of tissue
rich capillary bed, high metabolic activity
cardiac muscle cells are joined by ______ which provided _____ & ______
intercalated discs, mechanical & electrical cellular coupling
what parts of intercalated discs have jxns specializations
transverse and lateral
3 jxns of transverse portion of intercalated discs
fascia adherents, maculae adherents (desmosomes), gap jxns
what jxn does the lateral portion of intercalated disc possess
gap jxn
fascia adherents is analogous to _______- of epithelia to which _______ attach
zonula adherens, actin filaments
purpose of fasciae adherents in intercalated discs
anchor site for sarcomeres nearest to the end of the cells
purpose of maculae adherents (________) in intercalated discs
desmosomes, bind cells to prevent separation during contraction
Gap jxns form the portion of the intercalated disc that lies in a place ____ to the ____ of the cell
parallel to the long axis
Purpose of gap jxns in intercalated discs
direct electrical communication between cells
which has larger T tubules, skeletal or cardiac muscle
cardiac T tubules are lined w/ ________
external lamina
is the sarcoplasmic reticulum is cardiac muscle well developed
`no poorly developed
Each cardiac cell T tbuble is asso. w/ _#_terminal cisterns forming _____ instead of ____
1, dyads instead of triads
Dyads are located at the ____ in cardiac muscle rather than the A-I jxns in skeletal muscle
Z lines
cardiac muscle contains many ____, and ____ mitchondria than skeletal muscle
more, larger
Sarcoplasmic reticulum in heart contributes to ___
sarco. reticulum in cardiac mm leak _____ into the _____ at a slow and constant rate contibuting to the ______
ca++, sarcoplasm, automatic rhythm
where are mitochondria in cardiac mm
parallel to the I bands
where are atrial granules found
in atrial cardiac muscle cells (otherwise these cells are identical to other cardiac mm cells)
atrial granules contain the precursor _____ which is secreted in response to an increase in ______
atrial natriuretic peptide, blood pressure
Atrial natriuretic peptide causes excretion of _____ in uring reducing the workload of the heart by modulation of _____, _____, and _____
BP, blood volume, cardiac output
how does nervous innervation affect cardiac mm
speed up or slow down intrinsic beat
cardiac mm are innervated by branches of _____ & ____ nervous systems, which terminate where?
sympathetic and parasympathetic, terminating near (not on) muscle cells
where is the initiating stimulus for contraction in cardiac mm
sinoatrial node
the SA node delivers the stimulus to modified cardiac m. fibers in the _____ of the ventricles and eventually to the _____
endocardium, Purkinje fibers
Purkinje fibers communication w/ many ordinary cardiac m cells via _____
gap jxns
where are Purkinje fibers located
atrioventricular bundle of His
Are Purkinje fibers bigger or smaller than reg cardiac m cells
Purkinje fibers have large # of ____
gap jxns
Purkinje fibers have a lower content of ____ and a higher content of _____
lower myofibrils, higher glycogen
smooth muscle is mostly assoc w/ _____ organs
smooth muscle occurs in ____ or _____ at ____ angles
sheets or layers at rt. angles
what control smooth m
autnomic nervous system
how does contraction rate of smooth m. compare to skeletal m.
smooth m. contracts 10x more slowly
smooth muscle can maintain contraction of _____ periods of time
smooth m can contract up to ____% of length
does smooth muscle have T tubule system
is smooth m striated
smooth muscles ranges in length from ____ (small blood vessels) to ______ (pregnant uterus)
20 micrometers to 500 micrometers
2 types of smooth m based on fxn
unitary/visceral smooth m, multi-unit smooth m.
where is unitary visceral smooth m,
in the walls of hollow viscera (intestinal walls, bronchi, ureters, uterus, fallopian tubes)
Unitary/visceral Smooth m is richly innervated by the ______ serving mainly to __________
autonomic nervous system, increase or decrease levels of spontaneous contraction
how else are unitary/visceral smooth m contractions initiated
nerve action, stretch, irritation
unitary/visceral smooth muscle have many ____ between cells serving to________
gap jxns, propagate wave of depolarization
where does multi-unit smooth m. occur
iris of eye, walls of some large arteries, ductus deferens
______ activity _____ controls multi-unit smooth muscle fibers
autonomic, precisely
contractions of multi-unit smooth m. is typically initiated by _______
neural discharge
multi-unit smooth m. cells are not _____ or not well-_____ electrically
coupled, coupled
electrical properties of multi-unit smooth m. cells are influenced by both ______-&________
hormones & autonomic neurotransmitters (epinephrine and norepinephrine)
shape of smooth muscle
spindle shaped
location of nucleus in smooth m
color of cytoplams in smooth m
smooth muscles occur in bundles of _____ size
bundles of smooth m. can be ____ oriented (as in arteries)
most of sarcoplasm of smooth m. is occupied by ________ which insert into ______
actin filaments, dense plaques
where are cytoplasmic organelles confined to in smooth m.
conical regions at ends of central nucleus
Smooth m. nucleus have a _____ shape and is deeply _____ in longitudinal sectiong through smooth m. fibers
cork-screw, indented
is actin and myosin organized into myofibrils in smooth muscle
contractile myofilaments actin and myosin are attached to _____&____ densities in smooth muscle
peripheral plaques and cytoplasmic densities
how are actin and myosin aligned in smooth m
obliquely to the longitudinal axis of SMCs
Intermediate filaments of SMCs are:
desmin (non-vascular SMCs) and vimentin (vascular SMCs)
intermediate filaments are anchored to _____ in SMCs
cytoplasmic densities
do SMCs have troponin
no replaced by caldesmin and calponin
dense plaques (cytoplasmic densities) of SMCs are comparable to _______
Z discs
dense plaques (cytoplasmic densities are enriched w/ _____ and serve as primary sites of _______
alpha-actinin, filament attachment
Sarcolemmal vesicles AKA
Sarolemmal vesciles (caveolae) are present where in SMCs
along periphery
fxn of caveolae in SMCs
uptake and release of Ca++
Why does SMC contraction occur more slowly and last longer than skeletal muscle contraction?
slower rate of ATP hydrolysis
As in skeltal muscle, SMC contraction results from ____ & _______ interaction
actin and myosin
Are SMC thick and thin filaments arranged into sarcomeres?
no, this only happens in striated muscle
____, ____ and _____ insert into the dense plaques in SMCs
actin, myosin & intermediate filaments
when the SMC contracts, ____ pulls on the dense plaques, causing a ruffling of the cell and a ______ shaped nucleus
actin, corkscrew-shaped
SMC contraction cycle is stimulated by _________
transient increase in cytosolic ca++
Step I of SMC contraction: _____ binds to _____ altering its conformation
Ca++ , calmodulin
Step 2 of SMC contraction: ca++/calmodulin complex activates _______which leads to _______ of light-chains of myosin
myosin light-chain kinase, phosphorolates
Step 3 of SMC contraction: phophorolated globular head then interacts w/ ____, stimulating _______ resulting in contraction
actin, myosin ATPase
As long as the _______ remains phosphorolated, the contraction cycle will continues
light-chains of myosin
Step 5 of SMC contraction: _____ of myosin prevents ____ binding resulting in relaxation
dephosphorylation, actin
2 types of contractile non-muscle cells
myoepithelial cells, myofibroblasts
where are myoepithelial cells located
between the epithelium and basal lamina of certain types of glands and in ductal portions of glands
purpose of myoepithelial contraction
assist in expression of glandular material
myoepithelial cells are similar in ____ to SMCs but possess a _______ morphology w/ multiple ______
shape, basket-like, processes
where doe myoepithelial cells arise from
where do SMCs arise from
contractile apparatus and cycle of myoepithelial cells is comparable to that of ______
in lactating mammary glands, ____ contractions is initiated by _____
myoepithelial, oxytocin
in lacrimal glands ____ contaction is initiated by _____
myoepithelia, acetylcholine
myofibroblasts resemble ____ but possess high amounts of ____ and ____ facilitating contraction
fibroblasts, actin & myosin
what may myofibroblasts contribute to
wound healing contracting to decrease size of defect
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a ____-linked (most common in ________), ____ genetic defect
sex-linked, young men, recessive
DMD results in _____ synthesis of ______
decreased, sarcolemmal protein dystrophin
pathological signature of DMD
replacement of degenerating skeletal muscle fibers w/ fatty and fibrous CT
DMD may also affect ____ muscle
DMD result in death in most ppl by age ___
Myostatin mutation causes _____
skeletal muscle hypertrophy
what is the myostatin mutation commonly observed in
mice and cattle- 1 human case
Myostatin mutation does what to myostatin
loss of function of gene
What is myostatin
GDF-8, growth factor regulating size of muscles beginning in utero
Pathological results of myostatin mutation
hypertrophy of skeletal muscle, also expressed in heart (cardiomyopathy)
Myasthenia gravis is a ____ disease where ______ blocks ____ of the ______
autoimmune, antibodies block Ach receptors of motor-end plates
Myasthenia gravis pathological characteristics
gradual weakenings of skeletal muscles esp. those most used( extraocular, tongue, facial expression, etc.)
Clinical symptoms of myasthenia gravis
high circulating titer of antibodies to Ach receptros
why might myasthenia gravis be fatal
respiratory compromis resulting in pulmonary infection
What is botulism caused by
food poisoning (Clostridium botulinum)
What does Clostridium botulinum do
inhibit Ach release at motor-end plates
Clinical signs of botulism
muscle paralysis, vomiting, visual disorder and death if untreated
what does the golgi tendon organ monitor
tension developed in muscle
what does golgi tendon organ consist of
afferent fibers
what does golgi tendon organ prevent
damage during excessive forcer generation
GTO stimulation results in _____ of muscle via _______ inhibition of ______
reflex relaxation, interneuronal, alpha-motoneurons