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430 Cards in this Set

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characteristics of blood
alkaline (pH = 7.4), accounts for approx. 7% of the total body weight, total volume = 5L
yellowish fluid in which cells, platelets, organic compounds and electrolytes are suspended, major component is water (90%), proteins (9%)
is the remaining fluid when the organic and inorganic components leave the plasma, straw colored
formed elements
are said to be the cellular composition of blood cells, RBCs, WBCs and platelets
what happens if a centrifuge is taken and spins the blood?
from bottom to top the layers are:
1. red layer: made up of erythrocytes (RBCs), 44% of blood
2. buffy coat layer: made up of leukocytes (WBCs) and platelelets (thrombocytes), 1% of blood
3. plasma: 55% of blood
how is oxygen and carbon dioxide carried around in the blood
O2 is carried by RBCs by hemoglobin and CO2 is carried by both hemoglobin and plasma (as bicarbonate)
a protective mechanism that stops its flow in case of damage to the vascular tree, mediated by platelets and blood borne factors that transform blood from a sol to a gel state, ex: heparin
the total red blood cell volume
hemopoiesis (hematopoiesis)
the process of blood cell formation from established blood cell precursors
stain preparations
methylene blue stains acidic components blue and eosin stains alkaline components pink, azures stain components a reddish blue
Geimsa vs. Wright stain
maintains colloid osmotic pressure and transports certain insoluble metabolites, maintains normal blood and interstitial fluid volumes
alpha and beta globulins
transport metal ions, preotein-bound lipids and lipid-soluble vitamins
gamma globulin
antibodies of immune defense
clotting proteins (prothrombin, fibrinogen, accelerator globulin)
formation of fibrin threads
complement proteins (C1-C9)
destruction of microorganisms and initiation of inflammation
transport of triglycerides to liver
very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL)
transport of triglycerides from liver to body cells
low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
transport of cholesterol from liver to body cells
extracellular fluid
composed of electrolytes and small molecules similar to that in plasma, the fluid component of blood that leaves the capillaries and small venules to connective tissue spaces, conc. of proteins is lower than that in plasma
biconcave disks made in bone marrow, a bag of red oxygen carrying hemoglobin, lose all their organelles, including the nucleus, when they mature, smallest and numerous cells of blood, have an average lifespan of 120 days, when they reach this age put an oligosaccharide marker detected by macrophages for destruction
carbonic anhydrase
found in erythrocytes, facilitates the formation of carbonic acid from CO2 and H2O, as HCO3-, CO2 is transport to the lungs
band 3 and CO2 transfer
mediates the ability of bicarbonate to cross the erythrocyte cell membrane, it is a couple anion transporter that exchanges intracellular bicarbonate for extracellular Cl- (this shift is called the chloride shift), band 3 can also act as an anchoring site for ankyrin and band 4.1
things that can affect RBC/volume in people
being male and higher altitudes leads to higher RBC/volume
a large protein composed of 4 polypeptide chains, each of which is covalently bound to a heme group
heme group of hemoglobin
binds iron, is bound within a hydrophobic depression, protect the iron from being oxidized while permitting the binding of oxygen to it (relaxed [R-] Hb), when O2 is released the place where it was held is occupied by 2,3 diphosphoglycerate (taut [T-] Hb)
fetal hemoglobin (HbF)
composed of two alpha chains and two gamma chains, replaced shortly after birth by adult hemoglobin (HbA)
red blood cell membrane
composed of about 50% protein, 40% lipids, and 10% carbs
proteins of the RBC membrane
glycophorin, ion channels and band 3
band 4.1 proteins
act as an anchoring site for spectrin, band 3 and glycophorins
what anchors the cytoskeleton of RBC membrane
ankyrin, band 3 and band 4.1 anchro the cytoskeleton composed of spectrin, actin and adducing, helps maintain the biconcave shape
CO poisoning
CO binds to Hb with a higher affinity than O2, when reach tissues, it will not release O2
marked by decreased synthesis of one or more hemoglobin chains, leads to high presence of HbF
sickle cell anemia
result of a point mutation at a single locus of the beta chain, forms HbS, when the O2 tension is reduced (during exercise), the cells become sickle shaped which are more fragile, less pliant and more prone to hemolysis
hereditary spherocytosis
caused by synthesis of an abnormal spectrin that exhibits defective binding to band 4.1, leads to more fragile patients and transport less oxygen, leads to spherocytes that are destroyed in the spleen leading to anemia
elliptocytic RBCs
deficiency of glycophorin C leads to these cells, has no associated anemia, just less capable of deformation
A and B antigens on RBC membrane
are carbohydrate antigen chains, determine the four blood groups
Rh groups
comprises more than two dozen antigens, C, D, and E Rh antigen are present in Rh+ individuals
erythroblastosis fetalis
occurs in an Rh- mother who gives birth to her second Rh+ baby, when the antibodies attack the erythrocytes of the fetus, could be potentially deadly
WBCs classified into granulocytes and agranulocytes (both contain lysosomes), only about 6500-10000 WBC/mm^3, generally defend the body against foreign substances
occurs when leukocytes reach their destination and leave the bloodstream by migrating between the endothelial cells of the blood vessels and enter the connective tissue spaces
neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils
leukocytes and monocytes
neurtrophils (AKA polymorphonuclear leukocytes)
compose most of the WBC population, avid phagocytes destroying bacteria that invade connective tissue spaces, multilobed nucleus (# INC with age)
types of granules in neutrophils
1. small specific-contain various enzymes and pharmacological agents that aid in its antimicrobial functions, appear oblong
2. large azurophilic-are lysosomes containing acid hydrolases
3. tertiary-contain gelatinase and cathepsins as well as glycoproteins that are inserted into the plasmalemma
role of IL-1 and TNF on neutrophil function
induce the endothelial cells to express intercellular adhesion molecules (ICAM) to which the integrin bolecules of neutrophils bind, allows for the neutrophils to stop migrating and enter the connective tissue
how do neurtrophils function
they destroy the microorganisms by phagocytosis and by the release of hydrolytic enzymes (and respiratory burst)
sequence of events for neutrophil activated inflammatory response
1. binding of neutrophil chemotacitc agents that facilitate the release of tertiary granules to the extracellular matrix
2. gelatinase degrades the basal lamina, facilitating neutrophil migration
3. release of the other granules to attack the microorganism
4. phagocytosis of microorganism (becomes a phagosome), use either complement or antigen on bacteria for recognition
5. kill bacteria through action of enzymes and formation of superoxide -> hydrogen peroxide -> hypochlorous acid with NADPH oxidase
6. release of azurophilic granules into the extracellular matrix, also degradation of hydrogen peroxide by catalse and glutathione peroxidase
7. neutrophils die themselves forming pus
8. synthesize leukotrienes aiding the inflammatory process
function of neutrophils
phagocytose and destroy bacteria by using the contents of their various granules, manufacture and release leukotrienes and initate the inflammatory response, adhere to selectin molecules on postcapillary venules, allows the cell to roll along the vessel’s endothelial lining
hereditary deficiency of NADPH oxidase
leads to persistent bacterial infections because they lack a respiratory burst response to them, cannot generate superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorous acid
phagocytose antigen-antibody complexes and kill parasitic invaders, less than 4% of WBC, cell membrane has receptors for IgG, IgE and complement, have sausage shaped, bilobed nuclei, IL-5 causes their proliferation
types of granules in eosinophiles
1. specific-has an electron dense center internum and a less dense externum
a. internum contains major basic protein, eosinophilc cationic protein and eosinophil derived nuerotoxin
2. azurophilic granules-nonspecific, lysosomes containing hydrolytic enzymes similar to the ones in neutrophils, function in the destruction of parasitic worms
eosinophil functions
help to eliminate antibody-antigen complexes and parasitic worms
1. bind histamine, leukotiriens and eosinophil chemotactic factor to migrate to allergic site, inflammatory site or parasitic worm invasion, respectively
2. degranulate on the worms killing them through superoxides and hydrogen peroxides
3. release substances that inactivate the pharmacological initiators of the inflammatory response (histamine and leukotriene C)
4. engulf antigen-antibody complexes passing into the endosomal compartment
similar to mast cells in function, less than 1% of total leukocyte population, have an S-shaped nucleus, have IgE receptors (FceRI)
basophil granules
1. specific granules-stain dark blue, contain heparin, histamine, eosinophil chemotactic factor, neutrophil chemotactic factor and peroxidase
2. azurophilic-lysosomes which contain enzymes similar to those of neutrophils
basophil function
function as initiatiors of the inflammatory response, steps include
1. binding of antigen to the IgE, cause release of specific granules
2. phospholipase A generates arachidonic acid residues which activate the release of chemical fators that mediate the inflammatory response
3. histamine relase which causes vasodilation, smooth muscle contraction and leakiness of blood vessels
4. leukotriene release having the same effects of histamine but slower, also activate leukocytes to migrate to the site of antigenic challenge
anaphylactic shock
occurs in certain hyperallergic individuals when exposed to a second time to the same allergen, leads to increased smooth muscle constriction, DEC blood volume and widespread vasodilation
largest of the circulating blood cells, enter the connective tissue spaces where they are known as macrophages, 3-8% of WBC, have large, acentric kidney shaped nucleus, stay in circulation only a few days
function of monocytes/macrophages
phagocytose unwanted particular matter (dead and defunct cells, bacteria), produce cytokines that are required for the inflammatory and immune responses and present epitopes to T lymphocytes, members of the mononuclear phagocyte system, can form large foreign-body giant cells to phagocytose large foreign particulate matter
purpose of cytokine production
activate the inflammatory response as well as the proliferation and maturation of other cells
are agranulocytes and form the second largest population of white blood cells, constitue 20-25% of WBCs, nucleus occupies most of the cell
subdivisions of lymphocytes
1. B cells (15%), enter bone marrow to be immunologically competent
2. T cells (80%), migrate to the cortex of the thymus to be immunologically competent
3. null cells (5%)
morphologically indistinguishable but recognized by immunocytochemically by the difference in their surface markers
B cell function
responsible for the humorally mediated immune response, they differentiate into plasma cells which produce antibodies against antigens
T cell function
responsible for the cellularly mediated immune system, can differentiate into cytotoxic T cells (CTLs; T killer cells, contact and kill foreign cells), T helper cells (initiation and development of immune response cells) and T regulatory cells (suppression of immune response cells)
clone of lymphocytes
mature lymphocytes mature and divide and form a group of identical cells called clones, all members of a particular clone an recognize and respond to the same antigen
memory cells
B and T cells proliferate into these when exposed to a specific antigen, do not participate in the immune response but remain as part of the clone with an immunological memory, ready to undergo cell division and mount a response
effector cells
B and T cells proliferate into these when exposed to a specific antigen, classified as B cells and T cells (and their subtypes), perform lymphocyte immune function (eliminate antigens)
null cells
composed of stem cells (which give rise to all of the formed elements of blood) and natural killer (NK) cells (which can kill some foreing and virally altered cells without the influence of the thymus or T cell)
thromboplastids, small, disk shaped non-nucleated cell fragments derived from megakaryocytes in the bone marrow, display a peripheral clear region (hyalomere, house the tubules) and a central darker region (granulomere, house the granules)
platelet tubules and granules
possess three types of granules (alpha, delta, lambda) as well as two tubular systems (dense and surface opening)
1. surface opening system-coiled, forming a labyrinthine complex within the platelet, communicates with the outside, increases platelet surface area by a factor of 7 or 8, hyalomere, expedites rapid uptake and release of molecules from activated platelets
2. dense tubular system-hyalomere, sequesters calcium ions to prevent platelet stickiness
different types of platelet granules
1. alpha-contained factors facilitate vessel repair, platelet aggregation and coagulation of blood
2. delta-contained factors facilitate platelet aggregation and adhesion, as well as vasoconstriction
3. lambda-aid clot resorption
microtubules, actin and myosin and platelets
microtubules assist in maintaining their discoid morphology while actin and myosin form a contractile apparatus
platelet function
function in limiting hemorrhage to the endothelial lining of the blood vessel in case of injury, if endothelial lining is disrupted platelets become activated, release the contents of their granules, adhere to the damaged region (platelet adhesion) and adhere to each other (platelet aggregation)
steps in platelet function
1. intact endothelium produces prostcyclins and NO which inhibit platelet aggregation, also block coagulation through thrombomodulin and heparin
2. injured endothelial cells stop production of above factors and release von Wille brand factor, tissue thromboplastin and endothelin (a vasoconstrictor that reduces the loss of blood)
3. platelets adhere to subendothelial collagen, release granules and adhere to one another (platelet activation)
4. release ADP and thrombospondin makes platelets sticky
5. arachidonic acid is converted to thromboxane A2 (vasoconstrictor and platelet activator)
6. aggregated platelets act as a plug, express platelet factor 3 (provide a phospholipid surface for the proper assembly of the coagulation factor (thrombin)
7. thromboplastin acts on prothrombin to form thrombin (enzyme that facilitates platelet aggregation), in the presence of Ca2+ also converts fibrinogen to fibrin
8. fibrin polymerizes to form a reticulum of clot which entangles platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes into a blood clot (thrombus) (erythrocytes facilitate platelet activation while neurtrophils and endothelial cells limit both platelet activation and thrombus size
9. actin and myosin form thin and thick filaments which contract shrinking the size of the clot pulling the edges of the damaged vessel closer together
10. when the vessel is repaired the endothelial cells release plasminogen activators which convert plasminogen to plasmin (initiates lysis of the thrombus)
bone marrow
a gelatinous, vascular connective tissue located in the marrow cavity, is richly endowed with cells that are responsible for hemopoiesis (from the 5th month of prenatal life until the person dies), constitutes about 5% of the total body weight, maturation of B cells and initial maturation of the T lymphocytes
red bone marrow
marrow of the new born, has a great number of erythrocytes, by age 20, the diaphyses of long bone house only yellow marrow
yellow bone marrow
marrow of the adolescent and adult (after age 20), accumulation of large quantities of fat and the absence of hemopoiesis in the shafts of these bones
receive blood from the centrally directed branches, drain into a central longitudinal vein which is drained by veins leaving the bone via the nutrient canal
vascular compartment of bone marrow
composed of the arteries, veins and sinusoids
islands of hemopoietic cells
fill the intervening spaces, pleomorphic, merge with each other forming the hemopoietic compartment
reticular fibers and adventitial reticular cells
line the sinusoids, form connections with other similar processes of other adventitial reticular cells to form hemopoietic cords (islands), adventitial reticular cells may accumulate fat and look like adipose cells (eventually turn red marrow into yellow marrow)
hemopoietic cords (islands)
composed of blood cells in various stages of maturation as well as macrophages (responsible for destroying the erythrocyte precursors, malformed cells and excess cytoplasm)
most common type of embolism, clots break free and circulate in the bloodstream until they reach a vessel whose lumen is too small to accommodate them
saddle embolus
a clot that is large enough to occlude the bifurcation of the pulmonary artery, can result in sudden, unexpected death
myocardial infarct
may occur if a clot obstructs branches of the coronary artery
vitamin K
required by the liver as a cofactor in the synthesis of clotting factors VII, IX, and X and prothrombin, results in partial or complete dysfunction of the clotting process
classic hemophilia
factor VII deficiency, a recessive hereditary trait transmitted by mother to their male children, affected persons are likely to bleed after trauma
the blood level of platelets is decreased, bleeding is common and forms purplish splotches on the skin, believed to be an autoimmune disease, antibodies thought to destroy the platelets
adventitial reticular cells may lose their lipids and DEC in size, transforming yellow marrow to red marrow, thus making more space available for hemopoiesis
prenatal hemopoiesis
subdivided into four phases, mesoblastic, hepatic, splenic and myeloid
mesoblastic phase
beginning of blood cell formation, begins at 2 weeks in the mesoderm of the yolk sac where mesenchymal cells aggregate into clusters known as blood islands, peripheral cells form the vessel wall and the remaining cells become erythroblasts (which differentiate into nucleated erythrocytes)
hepatic phase
replaces the mesoblastic phase by the 6th week of gestation, erythrocytes still have nuclei and leukocytes appear by the 8th week
splenic phase
begins during the second trimester and both hepatic and splenic phases continue until the end of gestation
myeloid phase
when hemopoieses beings in the bone marrow by the end of the second trimester, liver and spleen may revert to blood formation if need arises
postnatal hemopoiesis
occurs almost exclusively in bone marrow
pluripotential hemopoietic stem cells (PHSCs)
give rise to all blood cells, account for about 0.1% of the nucleated cell population of bone marrow, usually amitotic but can undergo bursts of cell division
multipotential hemopoietic stem cells (MHSCs)
come from PHSCs, two types (colony-forming unit-lymphocyte (CFU-Ly) and colony forming unit-granulocyte, erythrocyte, monocyte, megakaryocte (CFU-GEMM) cells), give rise to various progenitor cells, resemble lymphocytes and constitute a small fraction of the null-cell population, each precursor cell has a unipotential CFU as its predecessor
predecessors of the myeloid cell lines (granulocytes, erythrocytes, monocytes and platelets)
predecessors of the lymphoid cell lines (T cells and B cells)
growth factors and stem cells and there effect on Stem cells
help change it from G0 to G1 phase
homeobox genes and stem cells
may be active in the differentiation of the early stages of hemopoietic cells
progenitor cells
also resemble small lymphocytes but are unipotential (commited to forming a single cell line, such as eosinophils), limited capacity for self-renewal
precursor cells
arise from progenitor cells and are incapable of self-renewal, they have specific morphological characteristics that permit them to be recognized as the first cell of a particular cell line, undergo cell division and differentiation to give rise to a clone of mature cells,
the immediate precursor to erythrocytes
stab cells
immediate precursor to the granulocytes
how do growth factors and interleukins act on specific stem cells
induce rapid mitosis, differentiation, or both, most are glycoproteins
routes used to deliver growth factors to their target cells
1. transport via the bloodstream (endocrine hormones)
2. secretion by stromal cells of the bone marrow near the hemopoietic cells (as paracrine hormones)
3. direct cell-to-cell contact (as surface signaling molecules)
which factors simulate proliferation of pluripotential and multipotential stem cells
steel factor (stem cell factor), granulocyte-macrophage colong-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and IL-3 and IL-7
which factors are responsible for the mobilization and differentiation of these cells into unipotential progenitor cells?
cytokines G-CSF, M-CSF, and all the other interleukins
colony stimulating factors (CSF)
also responsible for the stimulation of cell division and for the differentiation of unipotential cells of the granulocytic and monocytic series
activates cells of the erythrocytic series
stimulates platelet production
steel factor (stem cell factor)
produced by stromal cells, needed for hemopoieses to occur, why postnatal blood cell formation is restricted to the bone marrow
apoptosis and hemopoesis
hemopoietic cells are programmed to die by undergoing apoptosis unless they come into contact with growth factors
secondary polycythemia
increased secretion of erythropoietin, increase in the total number of RBCs in the blood, INC viscosity, reducing its flow rate and impeding circulation, usually caused by tumors
the formation of red blood cells, under the control of several cytokines, namely steel factor, IL-3, IL-9, GM-CSF and erythropoietin
what are the unipotential progenitor cells responsible for erythropoiesis
burst-forming units-erythrocytes (BFU-E) and colony-forming units erythrocyte (CFU-E)
produced by the kidney if the circulating red blood cell level is low, induces a burst of mitotic activity forming a large number of CFU-E, forms proerythroblast
form spherical clusters around macrophages which phagocytose extruded nuclei and excess or deformed erythrocytes
iron-deficiency anemia
most common form of anemia resulting from nutritional deficiency, affects about 10% of the U.S. population, caused by malabsorption or chronic blood loss, leads to smaller erythrocytes, symptoms include weakness, tiredness and lack of energy
the formation of granulocytes, under the influence of several cytokines, namely G-SF, GM CSF and ILs
gives rise to each of the unipotential stem cells of the granulocytes (CFU-G, M, Ba or Eo)
precursors of all three types of granulocytes, cannot be differentiated from one another
myelocyte step of granulocytopoiesis
this step is where specific granules are present and the three granulocyte lines may be recognized
migration of mature neutrophils
leave the hemopoietic cords by piercing the endothelial cells lining the sinusoids rather than by migrating between them, they then marginate (adhere to the endothelial cells and remain there)
acute myeloblastic leukemia
results from uncontrolled mitosis of a transformed stem cell whose progeny do not differentiate into mature cells, may involve CFU-GM, CFU-Eo or CFU-Ba
share their bipotential cells with neutrophils (CFU-GM -> CFU-G and CFU-M)
platelet formation
under the control of thrombopoietin, induces the development and proliferation of giant cells known as megakaryoblasts, CFU-Meg gives rise to megakaryoblast, undergo endomitosis (cell does not divide and becomes polyploidy)
come from megakaryoblasts, located next to sinusoids, can give rise to several thousand platelets
pluripotential hemopoietic stem cells give rise to the myeloid series of cells via CFU-GEMM cells as well as to the lymphoid series of cells via CFU-Ly cells
give rise to CFU-LyB and CFU-LyT
divides multiple times to give rise to immunocompetent B lymphocytes, express specific surface markers including antibodies
undergo mitosis, forming immunoincompetent T cells, travel to the cortex of the thymus where they proliferate, mature and begin to express cell surface markers (become immunocompetent)
migration of B and T cells
proceed to lymphoid organs (such as the spleen and lymph nodes) where they form clones
arteries vs. veins
arteries have thicker walls than veins (because they are more high pressure) but are smaller in diameter than veins, arteries are round and usually have no blood in their lumina
wall layers of blood vessels
from superficial to deep
1. tunica intima-composed of a single layer of flattened, squamous endothelial cells, which form a tube lining the lumen for the vessel and underlying subendothelial connective tissue
2. tunica media-composed mostly of smooth muscle cells oriented concentrically around the lumen
3. tunica adventita-composed mainly of fibroelastic connective tissue arranged longitudinally
internal elastic lamina
a thin band of elastic fibers that is well developed in medium sized arteries, separates the tunica intima from the tunic media, found deep to the subendothelial layer, well developed in muscular arteries, fenestrated so allows for diffusion of goods through it
external elastic lamina
another band of elastic fibers, separates the tunica media from the tunica adventitia, is not distinguishable in all arteries, not present in capillaries and postcapillary venules
vasa vasorum
allow for deeper cells of the tunica media and tunica adventitia to still receive blood, furnish muscular wall of the larger blood vessels with a blood supply, small arteries that enter the vessel walls and branch profusely, more prevalent in veins than in arteries because venous blood supply contains less oxygen for the tissue
tunica intima
composed of a simple squamous epithelium and the subendothelial connective tissue, rest on a basal lamina and line the lumen, function also in secreting types II, IV and V collagens, lamin, endothelin, NO, and von Willebrand factor
angiotensin converting enzyme and tunica intima
ACE may be found as a membrane bound enzyme on the tunica intima, cleaves angiotensin I to angiotensin II
subendothelial layer
lies immediately beneath the endothelial cells, composed of loose connective tissue and a few scattered smooth muscle
tunica media
usually the thickest layer of the vessel wall, composed of helically disposed layers of smooth muscle
tunica adventitia
the outermost layer of the blood vessel wall, blends into the surrounding connective tissue, composed mostly of fibroblasts, type I collagen and longitudinally oriented elastic fibers
what supplies smooth muscle cells of blood vessels
a network of vasomotor nerves of the sympathetic component of the ANS, unmyelinated, postganglionic sympathetic nerves responsible for vasoconstriction, found more so on arteries than veins
nerves of the smooth muscle cells seldom enter the tunica media, how do they innervate the muscle cells
they release norepinephrine which diffuses inot the media and acts on smooth muscle cells nearby, the impulses are then propagated throughout all of the smooth muscle cells via their gap junctions to allow for contraction of the entire smooth muscle cell layer
classification of arteries
from largest to smallest they are: elastic arteries (conducting arteries), muscular arteries (distributing arteries) and arterioles
elastic arteries
aorta and the branches originating from the aortic arch, the common iliac arteries and the pulmonary trunk, characteristics include:
1. have an abundance of elastin, especially in the TM
2. presence of IEM and EEM
3. releases factors (von Willebrand factor) from Weibel-Palade bodies that facilitate blood clotting (stored only in arteries)
4. has fenestrated membranes in the TM alternating with smooth muscle (which are less abundant here than in other arteries)
5. thin tunica adventitia composed of loose fibroelastic connective tissue
6. abundance of vasa vasorum
muscular arteries
contain most vessels arising from the aorta except the ones identified as elastic arteries (most of the named arteries), charateristics include
1. thick TM composed mostly of smooth muscle cells (as many as 40 layers-4layers)
2. thinner TI compared to elastic arteries, but the subendothelial layer contains some smooth muscle cells
3. has prominent, wavy IEM and EEM which are found in only some of the larger muscular arteries
4. TA composed of elastic fibers, collagen fibers and ground substance
5. vasa vasorum present
bifid internal elastic lamina (membrane)
occurs when the internal elastic lamina is duplicate
a sac like dilation of the wall of an artery, results from weakness in the vessel wall (can be due to atherosclerosis, syphilis and CT disorders), normally elastic fibers are replaced by collagen fibers
arteries with a diameter of less than 0.1 mm, width of wall = diameter of lumen, characteristics include:
1. thin TI
2. thin fenestrated IEM present in only the largest arterioles, but absent in small and terminal arterioles, absent EEM
3. thin TM that can consist from 1-3 layers of smooth muscle
4. scant TA composed of fibroelastic connective tissue housing a few fibroblasts
arteries that supply blood to the capillary bed, have smooth muscles that are spaced apart not continuous like arterioles, can act as a sphincter controlling blood flow into the capillary bed
types of specialized sensory structures located in the major arteries
carotid sinuses, carotid bodies, and aortic bodies, nerve endings in these structures monitor blood pressure and blood composition, provides inputs to the brain for controlling heartbeat, respiration and blood pressure
carotid sinus
a baroreceptor (perceives changes in blood pressure), located in the region of the internal carotid artery just distal to the bifurcation of the common carotid artery, thicker TA, thinner TM which allows it to become distended during INC bp, signals tell brain to trigger adjustment in vasoconstriction, innervated by CN IX (glosopharyngeal)
carotid body
functions as a chemoreceptor, monitoring changes in O2 and CO2 levels as well as hydrogen ion concentration, located at the birfucation of the common carotid artery, is a small oval structure, contains glomus (type I) cells and sheath (type II) cells, contain catecholamines, innervated by CN IX and vagus
glomus cells
have dense-cored vesicles, contact other glomus cells and endothelial cells, large nucleus
sheath cells
more complex and have long processes that ensheath the processes of the glomus cells, lack dense-cored vesicles, irregular nuclei
aortic bodies
located on the arch of the aorta, similar in structure and function to the carotid bodies
regulation of arterial blood pressure
by the vasomotor center in the brain which controls vasomotor tone (the constant state of contraction of the vessel walls mediated by vasoconstriction and vasodilation)
vasoconstriction vs. vasodilation
vasoconstriction is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system and vasodilation is controlled by the parasympathetic system
how does vasodilation occur
acetylcholine is released which initiates release of NO from the endothelium which diffuse into the smooth muscle cells which activates cGMP system resulting in relaxation of the muscle cells
rennin and control of bp
rennin relased by kidneys when bp is low, this cleaves angiotensiogen into angiotensin I which is converted into angiotensin II by ACE, angiotensin II is a vasoconstrictor, ADH (vasopressin) also acts as a vasoconstrictor
arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis
arteriosclerosis is a general term describing any hardening of medium and large veins while atherosclerosis is hardening due to plaque, so atherosclerosis is a type of arteriosclerosis
structure of capillaries
composed of a single layer of endothelial cells, smallest blood vessels, long axis of endothelial layer lie in the same direction as blood flow, can contain filaments composed of desmin, vimentin or both, these filaments provide structural support ot the endothelial cells, external surface covered by a basal lamina, endothelial cells joined by tight junctions
types of capillaries
continuous, festrated and sinusoidal
marginal fold
a fold that projects into the lumen and characterizes endothelial cells that overlap which allow for
located along the outside of the capillaries and small venules, have long processes that form gap junctions with the endothelial cells, responsible for the contractile process that regulates blood flow through the cappilaries, may differentiate into smooth muscle cells after injury
continuous capillaries
have no pores or fesestrae in their walls, present in muscle, nervous and connective tissues, prevent passage of many molecules and need carrier mediated transport to move glucose, nucleosides and purines
fenestrated capillaries
possess pores (fenestrae) in their walls that are covered by pore diaphragms, found in the pancreas, intestines and endocrine glands
renal glomerulus
fenestrated capillaries that lack diaphragms
sinusoidal capillaries
may possess discontinuous endothelial cells and basal lamina and contain may large fenestrae without diaphragms, enhancing exchange between blood and tissue, found in bone marrow, liver, spleen, lymphoid organs and certain endocrine organs, they conform to the shape of the structure they are found in, they do have an enlarged diameter
anteriovenous anastomoses (AVA)
are direct vascular connections between arterioles and venules that bypass the capillary bed, when they are closed blood goes into the capillaries, when they are open blood enters the AVA and goes straight to venules, important in thermoregulation and abundant on the skin
give blood supply to the nail beds and tips of the fingers and toes, it is a small organ that receives an arteriole
central channel
metarterioles form the proximal portion of a central channel and thoroughfare channels (no sphincters) form the distal portion of a central channel, thoroughfare channels drain the capillary bed and empty the blood into small venules of the venous system, when the sphincters on the metarterioles are contractred, then blood bypasses the capillary bed and heads straight into the venules
pore systems of capillaries
can be small pores or large pores, small pores are discontinuities while large pores are fenestrae and transport vesicles
transfer of water-soluble molecules from the adluminal plasmalemma to the abluminal plasmalemma, the material traverses the entire cell
various methods across capillary endothelia
1. endocytosis with the vesicle forming on the adluminal plasmalemma
2. vesicles from the golgi transport to the adluminal side and pick up substances through receptor mediated endocytosis
3. adluminal and abluminal vesicles fuse forming a transient fenestration through the entire cell layer
endothelin I
a vasoconstrictor, secreted by the capillary endothelial cells, keeps the smooth muscle contracted for long periods thus elevating bp
outnumber arteries, have larger luminal diameters, 70% of total volume are in veins, collapsed walls because they are thinner and less elastic because the venous return is a low-pressure system, more pronounced connective tissue component but less developed muscular and elastic layer
classification of veins
small, medium and large veins
similar to but larger than capillaries, larger venules possess smooth muscle cells instead of pericytes, thin endothelium, allow for transport as well because small venules’ walls are even more permeable than capillaries (leukocytes prefer to enter through here rather than capillaries)
high endothelial venules
endothelial cells of venules located in lymphoid organs that are cuboidal rather than squamous, function in lymphocyte recognition and segregation by type-specific receptors on their luminal surface
small veins
similar to venules but smooth muscle layer is continuous
medium veins
less than 1 cm in diameter, drain most of the body, characteristics include
1. TI that includes endothelium and its basal lamin and reticular fibers
2. elastic network surrounds the endothelium sometimes but do not form IEM
3. TM present with smooth muscle cells of the tunica media
4. TA is the thickest of the tunicas, composed of longitudinally arranged collagen bundles and elastic fibers as well as a few scattered smooth muscle cells
large veins
return venous blood directly to the heart from the extremities, head, liver and body wall, include the vena cavae and the pulmonary, portal, renal, internal jugular, iliac and azygos veins, characteristics
1. TI similar to medium veins but large veins have a thick subendothelial connective tissue layer containing fibroblasts and a network of elastic fibers
2. TM is absent in most large veins, except the pulmonary veins and superficial veins of the legs
3. well developed TA, contains many elastic fibers, collagen fibers and vasa vasorum, IVC has smooth muscle in TA
valves of veins
composed of two leaflets, each composed of a thin fold of the intima jutting out from the wall into the lumen, found in many medium valves that function to prevent the backflow of blood (especially where they have to fight the force of gravity
varicose veins
abnormally enlarged tortuous veins, results from loss of muscle tone, degeneration of vessel walls and valvular incompetence, may end in the lower end of the esophagus (esophageal varices) or at the terminus of the anal canal (hemorrhoids)
layers of the heart wall
endocardium, myocardium and epicardium
a simple squamous epithelium and underlying sebendothelial connective tissue lines the lumen of the heart and connects it to the myocardium, continuous with the TI of the blood vessels
rheumatic fever
may lead to scarring of the valves stemming from the rheumatic fever epidose, develops because the valves cannot close or open properly, usually affects the mitral and aortic valves
thick middle layer of the heart, composed of cardiac muscle cells
purkinje fibers
large, modified cardiac muscle cells, transmit impulses to the cardiac muscle cells located at the apex of the heart
peptide secretion of cardiac muscle cells
include atriopeptin, atrial natriuretic polypeptide, cardiodilatin and cardionatric, aid in fluid maintenance and electrolyte balance and decrease blood pressure
represents the homologue of the TA in blood vessels, also called the visceral layer of the pericardium, composed of a simple squamous epithelium called mesothelium, subepicardial loose CT contains coronary vessels, nerves and ganglia
infection in the pericardial cavity, severely restricts the heart from beating properly because the space is obliterated by adhesions between the epicardium and the serous layer of the pericardium
cardiac skeleton
composed of dense connective tissue, provides a structural framework for the heart and attachment sites for the cardiac muscle
1. annuli fibrosi-formed around the base of the aorta, pulmonary artery and the AV orifices
2. trigonum fibrosum-formed primarily in the vicinity of the cuspal area of the aortic valve
3. septum membranaceum-consisting the upper portion of the IV septum
ischemic coronary heart disease
prevalent in older persons, related to atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels serving the myocardium, may lead to referred pain and pressure (angina pectoris)
lymphatic vascular system
consists of vessels that collect the excess interstitial (extracellular) fluid and return it to the cardiovascular system, found everywhere except CNS, epidermis, cartilage, bone, is an open system (no pump and no circulation of fluid) as opposed to the closed system of the cardiovascular system
lymph drainage
from lympathic capillaries (blind-ended tissues) -> lymphatic vessels -> one of the two lymphatic ducts (they form junctions at the internal jugular and subclavian veins)
lymph nodes
interposed along the paths of lymphatic vessls, lymph must pass through here to be filtered
lymphatic capillaries
composed of a single layer of attenuated endothelial cells with
1. an incomplete basal lamina
2. do not have fenestrations
3. do not make tight junctions with each other
4. are blind end vessels
small and medium lymphatic vessels
have closely spaced valves, large lymphatic vessels resemble small veins structurally except they have larger lumina and thinner walls
lymphatic ducts
similar to large veins, empty their contents into the great veins of the neck
1. TI composed of an endothelium and several layers of elastic and collagen fibers
2. TM there is a layer of condense elastic fibers that resembles an IEM, has both longitudinal and circular layers of smooth muscle
3. TA contains longitudinally oriented smooth muscle cells and collagen fibers
4. have small vessels that pierce the wall similar to vasa vasorum
right lymphatic duct
short, empties its contents into the venous system at the junction of the right internal jugular and subclavian veins, collects lymph from the upper right body
thoracic duct
larger and begins in the abdomen as the cisterna chili, ascends through the thorax and neck to empty its contents at the junction of the left internal jugular and subclavian veins, collects lymph from the rest of the body
malignant tumor cells
spread throughout the body by lymphatic vessels, when they reach a lymph node, they are slowed and multiply there, they then spread secondarily to different regions
largest organ of the body, constitutes 16% of body weight, composed of an epidermis (ectodermal derived stratified squamous keratinized epithelium, and underlying dermis (mesoderm derived dense, irregular connective tissue), acts as the window to disease states: jaundice, cyanosis, measles and chicken poxes)
functions of skin
1. protection against injury, invasion and desiccation
2. regulation of body temperature and blood pressure
3. reception of sensations from the environment
4. excretion from sweat glands
5. absorption of UV radation for the synthesis of vita D
regenerated every 30 days, keratinocytes divide at night, overlies projections of the dermis (dermal papillae) forming a series of epidermal ridges (fingerprints, dermatoglyphs, develop in the fetus and don’t change throughout life)
deep to the dermis, loose connective tissue containing varying amounts of fat, the superficial fascia, not part of the skin, thickness varies with nutritional statues, level of activity, body region and gender, loose CT and adipose tissue
panniculus adiposus
if the fat is really thick, fat that is deposited in the superficial fascia in people who are overnourished or live in cold weather environments
make up most of the epidermis with continuous turnover, cell renewal (mitosis), differentiation (keratinization), cell death, exfoliation, arranged in five layers, on their way to the surface they differentiate and begin to accumulate keratin filaments
five layers of the epidermis/keratinized system (from deep to superficial)
1. stratum basale
2. stratum spinosum
3. stratum granulosom
4. stratum lucidum
5. stratum corneum
thick skin
covers the palms and soles, characterized by the presence of all five layers, lacks hair follicles, arrector pili muscles and sebaceous glands bud does possess sweat glands
thin skin
covers most of the remainder of the body, thin stratum corneum, lacks a definite stratum lucidum and granulosum, has hair follicles, arrector pili muscles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands
stratum basale (germinativum)
rest on basal lamina (basement membrane), keratinocytes divide continuously, kertinocytes possess desmosomes (cellular adhesion), hemidesmosomes (attachment to the basal lamina) and cytokeratin, cytokeratin increases as these cells approach the surface, also contains melanocytes and Merkel’s cells, consists of a single layer of cuboidal to low columnar cells containing basophilic cytoplasm and a large nucleus
stratum spinosum
several layers thick, tonofibirls (bundles of cytokeratin) + desmosomes = spiny processes characteristic of this layer -> prickle cells with intercellular bridges, keratinocytes in deeper layers are mitotically active, begin to produce keratohyalin granules, contain membrane coating granules of lipid (lamellar granules)
Malpighian layer
consist of both the stratum basale and spinosum, mitotically active layers
groups of tonofilaments produced by keratinocytes that move superficially, cause the cytoplasm to become eosinophilic
stratum granulosum
contains some lamellar granules, membrane-less keratohyalin granules, and bundles of tonofilaments filaments (cytokeratin), contain membrane coated lamellar granules that fuse with the plasma membrane and released GAGs and phospholipids into the intercellular spaces, important in sealing deeper layers and water proofing, keratohyalin granules contain histidien and cystine rich proteins which bind the tonofilaments toegehter to form keratin, first step in keratinization (the conversion of granular cells to cornified cells), keratinization takes 2-6 hours, most superficial layer where cells still contain a nucleus
stratum lucidum
seen only in thick skin, acidophilc, contains immature keratin called eleidin but devoid of nuclei and organelles, clear, light staining region
stratum corneum
most superficial layer, dead, platelike, enucleated keratinocytes containing mature keratin, keratin birefringent scleroprotein of at least 6 polypeptides + tonofilaments, superficial layers called squames (horny cells) and sloughed off (dequamated)
accelerated kertinocyte mitosis in stratum basale and spinosum, turnover (one week instead of 4 weeks), leads to thickening of epidermis
Langerhan’s Cells (dendritic cells)
originate in the bone marrow, part of the MNP system, contains Birbeck’s granules (rodlike or racket shaped), antigen presenting cells, cells have cell surface antibody and compliment recetpros, capable of phagocytosis, located primarily in the stratum spinosum, oral, esophageal, rectal and vaginal epithelium as well as the thymus, thought to initiate allergic contact dermatitis reaction, are capable of mitosis but it is restricted
merkel’s cells
found in the stratum basale, derived from neural crest cells, possess desmosomes and tonofilaments, most numerous in thick skin, act as sensory mechanoreceptors, abundant in the fingertips, oral mucosa and base of hair follicles
derived from neural crest, in stratum basale, no desmosomes, first cell to arrive in the epidiermis
site of melanin granule synthesis, contain tyrosinase (an UV-sensitive enzyme involved in melanin synthesis and produced in the ER), tyrosinase turns tyrosine into melanin and is activated by UV light, no difference in the number of melanocytes per unit area in dark and light skinned races, rather differences in the rates of melanin synthesis, accumulation and degradation
contributes to skin, eye, hair color and freckles (patches of epidermal melanin), synthesized by melanocytes
melanin function
sun causes formation of highly reactive free radicals which is bad for dividing cells, melanin helps absorb some of the rays but the real protective effect is because melanin absorbs the free radicals
fate of mature melanin granules
1. mature granules move from Golgi into tips of melanocytes
2. melanin granules injected into keratinocytes of basale and spinosum by cytocrine secretion
3. most melanin in keratinocytes rather melanocytes
4. melanin granules accumulate over the nuclei of dividing keratinocytes, protecting the DNA from damaging effects of sun’s rays
5. eventually the melanin pigment is attacked and degraded by lysosomes of the keratinocyte (over a period of several days)
Addison’s disease
insufficient production of cortisol by the adrenal cortex so excess ACTH is produced, this leads to hyperpigmentation
is the absence of melanin production resulting from a genetic defect in tyrosinase synthesis, melanosomes present but the melanocytes fail to produce tyrosinase
two effects of the sun
photoaging and cancer, sunlight is needed for vitamin D homeostasis other than that no other benefit, effects of sun exposure are accumulative, 50% of lifetime exposure occurs prior to the age of 18
tanning is a sign of pathological damage to the skin, keratinocytes lose alignment, flatten, obtain nuclear inclusion, melansomal nuclear capping trying to protect DNA from UV radiation, melanocytes enlarge, INC in number and migrate to higher levels of epidermis, it affects immune properties of skin, affects Langerhans cells by reducing antigen-presenting capabilities, activates T suppressor networks
dermal effects of sunburns and tans
dermal changes in elastic tissue and collagen, fibers, leaky vasculature, increase in mast cells, actinic changes (those caused by UV radiation), leathery texture, wrinkling, sagging, blotchy discoloration
basal cell carcinoma
most common (75%), arises from the stratum basale, slow growing, diagnose early there is a high cure rate
squamous cell carcinomas
have a significant risk of metastatic spread, 20%, arises from stratum spinosum, usually appears in elderly, can grow rapidly (ulcerate), diagnose early there is a high cure rate, best documentation for INC risk with sun exposure
5%, most dangerous of the three, usually appears as dark brown or black mole like lesions, any changes in moles appearance should be checked out, most common in upper back in men and legs in women, grows rapidly, metastasizes quickly
ABCDs in diagnosing melanoma
A- asymmetry
B- border irregularity
C- color-black or much darker than patient’s other moles (often with red, white or blue areas)
D- diameter > 6 mms
vascular dense, irregular CT, has types I and III collagen and elastic fibers derived from mesoderm, atriovenous shunts for temperature regulation, always thicker than epidermis
papillary layer (superficial)
dermal papillae interdigitate with the epidermal ridges, contain Meissner’s corpuscles (fine touch reeptors), type III collagen fibers and elastic fibers, type VII anchoring fibers binding epidermis to dermis
reticular layer of the dermis
follciles, sweat and sebaceous glands, dense irregular CT, elastic fibers and bundles of collagen fibers (mostly type I), pacinian corpuscles (pressure receptors) and ruffini corpuscles (temperature and pressure receptors)
rete apparatus
the interdigitation of the epidermal ridges with the dermal ridges
eccrine sweat glands
simple coiled, tubular gland, secretory units include the dark cells, clear cells and myoepithelial cells, ducts lined with stratified cuboidal epithelium (this modifies sweat by absorbing electrolytes, excreting ions, urea and lactic acid), unlimited distribution (merocrine secretion), responds to heat and nervous stress, purposes include (cooling/thermoregulation which is parasympathetic and excretion of urea and ammonia), emotional sweating is sympathetic, merocrine
excessive sweating, primary is essential and idiopathetic, sweating of hands most distressing, treatment includes antiperspirants, iontophoresis, drugs and surgery for axillary
dark cells (mucoid cells)
line the lumen of the secretory unit and secrete a mucus-rich substance, shaped as an inverted cone with the larger end dumping into the lumen
clear cells
do not possess secretory granules, they release a watery secretion to the intercellular canaliculi where it mixes with the mucus secretion of the dark cells, shaped as a rightside up cone, with the larger end on the basal lamina, contain accumulations of glycogen
myoepithelial cells
surrounding the secretory portion of the eccrine sweat gland, contain actin and myosin, imparting a contractile ability to these cells, enveloped by the basal lamina
duct of eccrine sweat glands
composed of basal and luminal cells, highly coiled and traverses the dermis and epidermis on its way to the skin surface
apocrine sweat glands
include large specialized sweat glands in the axilla, areola of the nipple and the perianal region, glands of Moll in eyelids and ceruminous (wax) glands of the ear, represent vestigial scent glands, do not begin to function until puberty, response to hormonal influences, respond to emotional and sensory stimuli but not heat, larger than sweat glands, open into canals of the hair follicles just superficial to the entry of the sebaceous gland ducts (dermis), secretory cells are simple cuboidal to low columnar, have myoepithelial cells around the secretory units, innervated by the postsynaptic sympathetic nervous system, release their secretion by a merocrine process
sebaceous glands
empty into the neck of a hair follicle but can sometimes empty on the skin itself, are embedded in dermis over entire body other than palms and soles, most abundant on face, forehead and scalp, holocrine glands producing oily sebum makes hair shiny and flexible, skin supple and acne, mature sebaceous glands are present on the face by 6 months in utero, at birth sebaceous glands become inactive (until puberty -> androgens),
thought that the increase in androgens in both females and males at puberty leads to abundant quantities of sebum which becomes infected -> leads to acnes
formed by the epidermis and dermis together, hair follicle is comprised of a hair shaft and a hair bulb, NO hair follicles are formed after birth, hair growth is cyclic, filamentous, keratinized structures that project from the epidermal surface of the skin, function in tactile stimulation
vellus hairs
soft, fine, short and pale, found covering the eyelids
terminal hairs
hard, large, coarse, long and dark, found covering the scalp and eyebrows
very fine hair, found on the fetus
arrector pili muscle
smooth muscle, it elevates the hair and causes goosebumps (depressions of the skin where the muscle attaches to the dermis), extend from midshaft of the hair follicle to the papillary layer of the dermis
hair follicles
develop form the epidermis and invade the dermis and hypodermis
glassy membrane
separates the dermis from the epithelium of the hair follicle
hair bulb
consists of the hair root and the dermal papilla (contains a rich supply of capillaries that provide nutrition and oxygen for the cells of the hair follicle)
layers of hair (from superficial to deep)
glassy membrane -> external root sheath -> internal root sheath (Henle’s layer, Huxleys layer and cuticle) (ends where sebaceous gland enters hair) -> hair (cuticle, cortex, medulla)
matrix of the hair root
proliferation occurs here and accounts for the growth of hair
represent keratinized epithelial cells arranged in plates of hard keratin
respiratory epithelium
a PSCC with goblet cells
1. movement of air in and out of the lungs (breathing or ventilation)
2. exhcnage of O2 in the inspired air for CO2 in the blood (external respiration)
3. conveyance of O2 and CO2 to and from the cells (transport of gases)
4. exchange of CO2 for O2 in the vicinity of the cells (internal respiration)
components of the respiratory system
1. conducting portion-situated both outside and within the lungs, conveys air from the external milieu to the lungs
2. respiratory portion-located strictly within the lungs, functions in the actual exchange of oxygen for carbon dioxide
conducting protion of the respiratory system
provides conduit to transfer air, conditions the air (cleans, moistens and warms), combination of cartilage, elastic, collagen fibers, smooth muscle, elastic fibers concentration inversely proportional to diameter, elastic fibers found in lamina propria run longitudinally, smooth muscle mostly circular
branching in the conducting portion of the respiratory system
the total cross-sectional diameter of the various branches INC at each level of branching, this causes a decrease in the velocity of air as it proceeds toward the respiratory portion
Kiessel-bach’s area
nasal bleeding occurs here, the anteriorinferior region of the nasal septum
cell types of the generic respiratory epithium
1. ciliated columnar cells (30%)
2. columnar cell mainly serous secretion, serous cells (3%)
3. mucous goblet cells
4. brush or small mucous granule cells
5. diffuse endocrine or small granule cells
6. basal or immature cells
all contact the basement membrane, but they do not all reach the lumen
ciliated columnar cells
most predominate, continues until respiratory portion, cilia beat towards the mouth/nasopharynx for elimination
columnar cell mainly serous secretion (serous cells)
3%, columnar cells, they have apical microvilli and apical granules containing serous fluid
mucous goblet cells
30%, has theca (expanded secretory portion) and stem, synthesis of mucinogen, hydrated mucinogen turns to mucous, trap and remove bacteria/particles, continues until terminal bronchiole
brush or small mucous granule cells
no cilia, many microvilli, two kinds, (1) goblet cells that have released mucinogen, (2) one kind has nerve endings on basal surface, sensory receptor for gas volume and O2/CO2 concentration and intraepithelial receptor for trigeminal/sneeze reflex
diffuse endocrine or small granule cells
thought to control mucous and seromucous secretion, controls vessel diameter, also thought to play a regulatory role in O2 and CO2 levels, has granules that secrete agents that act as paracrine hormones, can exert local effects to alleviate localized hypoxic conditions
basal cells or immature cells
30%, rest on basement membrane and don’t reach the lumen -> pseudostratified, appear to be stem cell of goblet, ciliated columnar and brush cells
abnormal transformation of adult cells in a tissue to a form which is not normal for that tissue, this can be in response to a disease process, a physical, or chemical event, smokers respiratory epithelium shows an increase in goblet cells due to pollutants and a decrease in cilia due to carbon monoxide, reversible
nasal cavity
air is filtered, warmed and humidified by the nasal mucosa, contains olfactory mucosa, vestibule = anterior portion of the nasal cavity, vibrissae, nasal fossa with inferior, middle and superior conchae
nasal cavity and how its importance clinically
1. plasma cells located in the lamina propria release IgA and IgE, IgE binds to IgE receptors on mast cells and basophils, subsequent binding of allergen or antigen to this bound IgE/mast cell complex causes the release of inflammation mediators of the mast cell and basophile, these in turn act on the nasal mucosa resulting in symptoms associated with hay fever and colds
2. site of drug delivery since there is convenient access to a superficial venous plexus beneath the nasal cavity mucosa
3. drainage from maxillary sinus infections can be seen below the middle concha
olfactory epithelium
located on the roof of the nasal cavity and on the superior nasal conchae, thicker and lacks goblet cells
cell types in the olfactory epithelium
1. olfactory cell
2. sustentacular cells
3. basal cells
olfactory cell
bipolar neurons whose apical surfaces are modified to form the olfactory vesicle and olfactory cilia, dendrite terminates as bulbous olfactory vesicle 6-20 nonmotile cilia, synthesizes a odor receptor on its ciliated surface, odors dissolve in the serous fluid and attach onto an odorant binding protein produced by Bowman’s glands, once binding threshold reached olfactory receptors triggers impulse to olfactory bulb
sustentacular cells
apical surface has microvilli, has secretory granules, form junctional complexes with the olfactory cells, believe to provide physical support, nourishment and electrical insulation for the olfactory cells
basal cells
stem cell for all olfactory epithelium
Bowman’s glands
located in the lamina propria, synthesis of an odorant binding protein, seromucous secretion important in dissolving odors and cleans the surface, enhances a persons ability to detect odors, has a continuous flow of serous fluid that provides constant refreshments of the olfactory cilia
swell bodies
venous plexus in lamina propria that enlarge alternately on two sides of nasal cavity giving mucosa one occluded side, time to recover from desiccation and help to direct air to the olfactory epithelium, protects the nasal mucosa from dehydration
paranasal sinuses
air spaces within bone lined with respiratory epithelium, types include: frontal sinus, maxillary sinus, anterior ethmoid sinus and sphenoid sinus, communicate with the nasal cavity, has cilia that sweeps mucus layer toward the nasal cavity
lined by respiratory epithelium, posterior aspect of the nasopharynx houses the pharyngeal tonsil (an unencapsulated collection of lymphoid tissue
larger hyaline plates and smaller elastic cartilage plates, connects trachea with pharynx, responsible for phonation (producing sounds) via the vocal cords, prevents entry of food and fluids into the respiratory system
tracheal and lingual side, two types of epithelium, elastic cartilage, during swallowing the backward motion of tongue forces epiglottis over the laryngeal opening closing the larynx and directing food into the esophagus, covered by stratified squamous nonkeratinzed epithelium and PSCC
false vocal cords
upper pair of folds, covered with respiratory epithelium, contain glands and no muscle
true vocal cords
covered with stratified squamous epithelium due to air movement, no glands, vocalis muscle (skeletal, alters the tension in the vocal folds) and vocal ligament (elastic fibers, reinforce the vocal folds), the longer and more relaxed the vocal folds, the deeper the pitch
inflammation of the laryngeal tissues, including the vocal folds, prevents the vocal folds from vibrating freely, sound hoarse or can only whisper
16-20 rings bifurcates to form the primary bronchi, right more vertical wall of the trachea is reinforced by 10-12 hyaline cartilage rings (C-rings), open end of these rings face posteriorly
levels of the tracheae
1. epithelium-6 cell types of respiratory epithelium
2. lamina propria-seromucous glands that can extend into the submucosa, collagen and elastic fibers with well defined elastic lamina, contains lymphoid organs and mucous and seromucous glands, 1&2 make the mucosa layer of the trachea
3. submucosa-dense irregular CT housing numerous mucous and seromucous glands, release secretions on the epithelial surface through ducts that pierce through the mucosa, lymphoid elements are also present, has rich blood supply
4. adventitia-C shaped hyaline cartilage rings closed off by trachealis muscle, perichondrium fuses with submucosa and adventitia, anchors the trachea to the adjacent structures (esophagus and neck)
bronchial tree (dichotomous)
primary (extrapulmonary) bronchi, resembles tracheae, right-is straighter, trifurcates, left-bifurcates, are more rigid than intrapulmonary bronchi, cartilaginous rings become irregular, smooth muscle spirals between submucosa and cartilage, as one moves down the trachea notice a DEC in cartilage, numbers of glands and goblet cells and size of epithelial cells and an INC in smooth muscle and elastic tissue
secondary and tertiary (intrapulmonary) bronchi
secondary (lobar bronchi) goes to lobes, tertiary (segmental) goes to bronchopulmonary segments, repiratory epithelium, lamina propria and submucosa, rich elastic fibers, spiral smooth muscle, seromucous glands between cartilage plates and smooth muscle, C-rings disappear for irregularly shaped and placed hyaline cartilage
lack seromucous glands, no cartilage, by definition 1 mm or less, have clara cells in their epithelial lining, considered the 10th-15th generation of branching
epithelium of bronchioles
ciliated columnar with goblet cells to a ciliated columnar/cuboidal with clara cells and no goblet cells
clara cells
columnar cells with dome-shaped apices, short microvilli, no cilia, secrete glycoproteins that protects the mucosa, degrade airborne toxins by sER p450 cytochromes, divide to regenerate the bronchiole epithelium, goblet cells decrease as clara cells increase
lamina propria of bronchioles
predominately smooth muscle and elastic fibers, no cartilage or seromucous glands, have elastic fibers that help maintain the patency of the bronchioles
innervation of bronchioles
parasympathetic-bronchial constriction
sympathetic-bronchial dilation
widespread constriction of smooth muscle in the bronchioles during expiration causing decrease in diameter, different causes, often associated with allergic reactions, wheezing, difficulty expelling air from lungs (expiration)
terminal bronchiole
form the smallest and most distal region of the conducting portion of the respiratory system, comes from bronchiole branching, less than 0.5 mm, epithelium composed of clara cells and cuboidal cells with some cilia, lamina propria consists of a few layers of smooth muscle and fibroelastic CT
respiratory portion of the respiratory system
respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, alveoli
respiratory bronchiole
1. epithelium-simple ciliated cuboidal with clara cells
2. lamina propria-very thing smooth muscle and elastic fibers at alveolar openings alveoli
first region of the respiratory system where gas exchange occurs, wall is interrupted by alveoli
alveolar ducts
lined by a squamous epithelium (primarily Type I pneumocytes), smooth muscle and lots of elastic fibers in lamina propria, do not have walls of their own, lined by alveoli
alveolar sacs
branch of the alveolar duct, open into a common space called the atrium, an outpouching of two or more small clustgers of alveoli
pouch-like evaginations, 85% of alveoli develop after birth, until the age of 10, interalveolar wall or septum (lined by both type I and type II pneumocytes), form the primary structural and functional unit of the respiratory portion, thin walls permit exchange of CO2 and O2, total about 300 million, opening is devoid of smooth muscle, instead their orifices are circumscribed by elastic and reticular fibers
Type I pneumocytes
simple squamous epithelium, very attenuated, exchange of gases, 95% of the alveolar surface, can not regenerate, can form occluding junctions with each other preventing the seepage of tissue fluid into the alveolar lumen, covered by basal lamina
Type II pneumocytes
cuboidal, 5% of the alveolar surface but more numerous, occluding junctions between type I and type II, can regenerate entire surface and even Type I pneumocytes, surfactant production (reduces surface tension), stored in lameallar bodies (TEM), present at 26-28 weeks in amniotic fluid, also have basal lamina
hyaline membrane disease
premature infants lack sufficient surfactant -> alveoli collapse, give mom glucocorticoids to induce synthesis of surfactant by baby
interalveolar septum
slender CT elements between alveoli, reinfore the alveolar duct, contains type I and II pneumocytes, elastic and reticular fibers (help keep structure and help in nonforced exhalation), continuous capillaries, two regions: (1) thin portion and (2) thick portion
thin portion (TnP)
exchange of gases, blood gas barrier (has 4 parts)
1. surfactant layer
2. cytoplasm of type I pneumocyte
3. fused basal lamina between type I and capillary endothelium
4. cytoplasm of the capillary endothelium
thick portion
continuous capillaries, elastic, collagen and reticular fibers, fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, there are no lymphatics from the alveolar air sacs distally, interalveolar septum is responsible for removing fluid from essentially a closed space through a wicking action, fluid diffuses proximally in the interstitium until it enters small lymphatics at about the level of the respiratory bronchioles, lymphatics then follow the bronchial tree
dust cells
macrophages, two types, associated with alveolar wall (fixed population) and those that roam free (free population), macrohpages produce elastase, digest foreign material (dust and bacteria) and excess surfactant
heart failure cells
are alveolar macrophages that have digested erythrocytes and stain positive for Fe (hemosiderin) in the RBCs
pores of Kohn
alveolar pores, equilibrate the pressure from alveoli to alveoli, allow passage of roaming macrophages, occur in areas where two alveoli touch and communicate
pulmonary vasculature
lung has a duel blood supply and venous drainage, pulmonary and bronchial
pulmonary artery
capillary component is site of gaseous exhcnage, pulmonary systolic pressure of 25 mmHg
bronchial arteries
follow the course of the bronchial tree, at systemic systolic pressure 110-135 mmHg, branches off of the thoracic aorta, follow bronchial tree to level of respiratory bronchioles, anastomose with branches of pulmonary artery, supply oxygen to the lungs
surgery and lungs
bronchopulmonary segments allow for surgical resection (segmental bronchus, pulmonary artery, and intersegmental pulmonary vein)
destruction of interalveolar wall, DEC elasticity (lungs are unable to recoil), enough air, you just can’t move it, associated with exposure to cigarette smoke and other substances that inhibit alpha1-antitrypsin, alpha1-antitrypsin is a protein that protects the lung from action of elastase, can be hereditary, defective alpha1-antitrypsin enzyme
causes muscles of respiration to be weakened, causes accessory muscles to hypertrophy because they become responsible for the elevation of the thoracic cage
myasthenia gravis and Guillain-Barre syndrome
weakness of the respiratory and accessory respiratory muscle may lead to respiratory failure and consequent death even through the lungs function normally
functions of the lymphoid system
1. defense against foreign substances (antigens), microorganisms, tumor, transplanted and virus infected cells, does so by concentrating and eliminating antigens, production and maturation of lymphocytes and addition of antibodies, 2nd and 3rd line of defense (1st is skin)
2. providing a means for returning tissue fluid back into the blood stream through lymphatic vessels
3. absorption of chylomicrons from the small intestine
encapsulated organs
lymph nodes, tonsils, thymus, spleen
diffuse lymphoid tissue
MALT: GALT, BALT, lymphocytic infiltration where needed
innate immune systems
rapid, no antigenic specificity, no memory, preformed or rapidly formed components, self/non-self recognition, composed of:
1. blood-borne macromolecules known as complement
2. groups of cells known as macrophages and neutrophils, which phagocytose invaders
3. NK cells which kill tumor cells, virally infected cells, bacteria and parasites
approximate percentage of lymphocytes in lymphoid organs
thymus: T 100% B 0%
bone marrow: T 10% B 90%
spleen: T 45% B 55%
lymph nodes: T 60% B 40%
blood: T 80% B 20%
components of the innate immune system
complement, antimicrobial peptides, cytokines, macrophages, neutrophils, NK cells, and Toll-like receptors
a series of blood borne proteins that attack microbes that found their way into the bloodstream, form membrane attack complex (MAC) that damages the microbe’s cell membrane, may tag microbes with C3b for phagocytosis by neutrophils and macrophages
antimicrobial peptides
defensins, synthesized and released by epithelial cells and not only defend against gram-negative bacteria but also are chemoattractants for immature dendritic cells and T cells
signaling molecules to effect responses from target cells
Interleukins (ILs)
cytokines released by lymphocytes
cytokines that possess chemoattractant capabilities
colony-stimulating factors (CSFs)
stimulate differentiation and mitotic activity of hemopoietic cells
cytokines that display antiviral properties
have receptors for the constant portions (Fc) of antibodies, complement and carbohydrates on surfaces of foreign substances, are APCs to T and B cells, induce release of neutrophils
react to inflammation, phagocytose and destroy bacteria
NK cells
similar to cytotoxic T cells but do not have to enter the thymus to become mature killer cells, use nonspecific markers to recognize their target cells, produce perforins and granzymes which cause apoptosis in the target cell, use 2 methods
1. antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity-possess Fc receptors for IgG antibody and kill the target
2. has killer-activating receptors that bind to markers on the surface of nucleated cells, also have killer-inhibiting receptors that recognize MHC1 molecules that prevent killing of healthy cells
how do tumor cells avoid destruction
they suppress MHC1 molecules that are normally detected by cytotoic T cells and evade destruction, MHC1 also noticed by killer-inhibiting receptor of NK cells
toll-like recetpros (TLRs)
conserved integral proteins present in the membranes on cells of the innate immune system, integration of other TLRs leads to a cascade that activates the release of cytokines appropriate to the pathogen being detected and also activation of B and T cells
hypoactivity of TLRs
can result in greater susceptibility to pathogens
hyperactivity of TLRs
may be responsible for autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis
adaptive immune system
slow, antigenic specificity, immunological memory, diversity and recognizes “altered self” and self/nonself, responsible for eliminating threats from specific invaders, depends on B and T lymphocytes to mount an immune response
cytokines and adaptive immune system
B and T cells and APCs use cytokines to communicate with each other and the innate immune system when encountering antigens
humoral immune response
the immune response that depends on the formation of antibodies (immunoglobulins), B cells are responsible for this
cell-mediated immune response
the immune response responsible for the cytotoxic response, uses T cells
where are the functional components of both immune systems formed
bone marrow
where do B cells and NK cells become immunocompetent
bone marrow (called a primary (central) lymphoid organ)
where do T cells become immunocompetent
thymus (called a primary (central) lymphoid organ)
secondary (peripheral) lymphoid organs
after immunocompetence, the B and T cells migrate here, include diffuse lymphoid tissue, lymph nodes and spleen, this is where they come into contact with antigens
molecules that always elicit an immune response
bind to antibodies but do not necessarily elicit an immune response
antigenic determinant, where an antigen binds to an antibody
clonal selection and expansion
during embryonic development, an extremely large number of small clusters (clones) of lymphocytes are formed, each clone recognizes one specific foreign antigen
primary immune response
when the antibody first comes into contact with the antigen, slow and not very robust
secondary immune response
subsequent exposure to the same antigen, begins rapidly and is much more intense than the primary response, this is due to immunological memory (after primary response, virgin cells proliferate to form activated cells and memory cells)
activated (effector) cells
carry out an immune response, B cell derived are called plasma cells and produce antibodies, T cell derived secrete cytokines or destroy the foreign cell
memory cells
express B or T cell receptors which interact with a specific antigen, have a greater affinity for the antigen which allows for the second response to be faster and stronger
immunological tolerance
allows the immune system to recognize self and not destroy itself, works by killing cells that would attack self
autoimmune disease
involve a malfunction of the immune system that results in the loss of immunological tolerance, ex: Grave’s disease (receptors for TSH are perceived to be antigens, release excess thyroid hormones)
are antibodies manufactured by plasma cells, has one pair of heavy chains and one pair of light chains attached to each other by disulfide bonds, are glycoproteins that inactivate antigens and elicit an extracellular response, released into the lymph or blood vascular system
protein C3 deficiency
predisposes a person to recurring bacterial infections
epitope binding site on antibody
found on the distal aminto terminal ends, four ends, Fc region, so each antibody molecule can bind to two identical epitopes
antigen binding site on antibody
found on Fab fragment which is the two identical stem fragments of the heavy chains, changes in the sequence of this fragment determine the specificity for certain antigens
how many isotopes of immunoglobulins are there
5 (IgM (pentameric), IgA (dimeric), IgG (monomeric), IgD (B cells), and IgE (basophils and mast cells))
B lymphocytes
responsible for the humorally mediated immune response (antibody), mature cells are CD 40+, upon antigen stimulation B lymphocytes proliferate and differentiate into plasma cells or B memory cells
plasma cells
have a clock face, synthesize/secrete Ab to antigens, responsible for the primary response, produced when the B cell is activated (when the antigen binds to the immunoglobulin),
B memory cells
same as T memory, responsible for the secondary response, long term immunity (corona or mantle layer lymphoid nodule), found in all lymphoid tissues (but very few in thymus medulla)
function of B cells
humoral immunity, antibody production, control of pyogenic bacteria, prevention of blood-borne infections, neutralizations of toxins, 12%, mainly fixed, produced in the germinal center of lymph nodes and spleen
thymic independent antigens
antigens can elicit a humoral immune response without a T-cell intermediary, do not induce B memory cell formation
T lymphocytes
cell mediated immunity against antigens (microorganisms, infected cells, tumor and transplant cells), produce cytokines, TCR present on the surface recognize only protein antigens, can differentiate self from non-self, found in thymus dependent regions of the body
thymus dependent regions of the body
paracortical regions of the lymph nodes, periarterial sheaths of the spleen
subtypes of the T cells
1. T helper cells (TH1 and TH2, are cluster differentiation 4+ cells)
2. T cytotoxic cells (TC; cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL); are CD8+ cells)
3. T suppressor cells (are CD 8+ cells)
4. T memory cell
function of T cells
cell-mediated immunity, protection against intracellular organisms, protozoa and fungi, graft rejection, control of neoplasms, 70-80% mainly circulating long-lived memory cells, produced in paracortical region of lymph nodes, spleen
differences between T cells and B cells
1. T cells have TCRs rather than sIgs on their cell surface
2. T cells recognize only epitopes presented to them by other cells (APCs)
3. T cells response only to protein antigens
4. T cells perform their functions only at short distances
clusters of differentiation proteins (CD markers)
expressed by T cells, bind to specific ligands on target cells, TCR associates with CD3, 4, and 8 to form a TCR complex
major histocompatiblity complex (MHC) complex
TCRs only recognize proteins and epitopes bound to MHC complexes, T cell must bind to both MHC and epitope to become activated, present epitopes of pathogens to T cells, two classes MHCI (all cells) and MHCII (only APCs synthesize and display these), how T cells distinguish self
naïve t cells
possess CD45RA, leave the thymus programmed as immunologically competent cells, but must be activated before it can act like that, when activated forms memory T cells and effector T cells
Memory T cells
two types: (1) central memory T cells (TCMs, CR7+) and (2) effector memory T cells (TEMs, CR7-), are responsible for the immunological memory of the adaptive immune system, have the capability of combating a particular antigen, memory cells can become activated themselves and express effector capabilities
remain in the lymph nodes, incapable of immediate effector function, they interact with and stimulate APCs, this stimulates TCM and differentiates them into TEMs
express receptors that permit these cells to migrate to regions of inflammation, where they have immediate effector function by differentiating into T cells
effector T cells
three types (helper, cytotoxic, and regulatory), these response to an immunological challenge
T helper cells
display CD4 on their membrane and are responsible for the recognition of foreign antigens as well as for mounting an immunological response against them, can also stimulate the humorally mediated immune system, Th0 cells can differentiate into the other two types and is responsible for releasing cytokines
cytotoxic t lymphocytes (CTLs, T killer cells)
display CD8 and are responsible for killing foreign cells, tumor cells and virally altered cells, these recognize the epitopes on foreign cells and kill them (in 1 of 2 ways)
regulatory t cells
possess CD4 and function in suppressing the immune response, two types (natural (from the thymus) and inducible (from naïve T cells))
natural T killer cells
recognize lipid antigens, recognize CD1
antigen presenting cells (APCs)
express both MHCI and MCHII on plasmalemma, phagocytose, catabolize, process, and present antigen, produce cytokines, many belong to the mononuclear phagocytic system, include macrophages, dendritic cells and B cells
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
binds to CD4 molecules of T helper cells and injects ins core into the cell, this incapacitates the cell and affects other T helper cells, causes individuals to become incapable of mounting an immune response against bacterial and viral infections
lymphoid organs
two categories
1. primary (central) lymphoid organs-responsible for the development and maturation of lymphocytes into mature, immunocompetent cells (fetal liver, bone marrow, thymus
2. secondary (peripheral) lymphoid organs-responsible for the proper environment in which immunocompetent cells can react with each other (lymph nodes, spleen and lymphoid tissue)
thymus origin and development
located in the superior mediastinum, derived from both endoderm (epithelial reticular cells) and mesoderm (lymphocytes), growth occurs until mid teens then undergoes involution (atrophy) with fat accumulation
thymus function
maturation and differentiation of T cells
thymus structure
no afferent lymphatics, 99% T cells therefore there are no germinal centers, bilobed and encapsulated (dense irregular CT) which turns inward (giving off septa) dividing the lobe into lobules, lobuels arranged into cortex and medulla
thymic cortex
immunological competency of T cells, elimination of self-intolerant T cells and MHC recognition occur here, stains darker than the medulla, also houses macrophages and epithelial reticular cells
epithelial reticular cells
responsible for forming the separation between the cortex and blood vessels, prevents antigens from contacting thymoctyes, three types in cortex:
1. Type I-separate the cortex from the connective tissue capsule and surround vascular elements in the cortex
2. Type II-located in the midcortex, subdivides the cortex into small, lymphocyte-filled compartments
3. Type III-located in the deep cortex and at the corticomedullary junction, isolate the cortex from the medulla
three types in the medulla:
4. Type IV-found in close associate with type III, assist in the formation of the corticomedullary junction
5. Type V-forms the cytoreticulum of the medulla
6. Type VI-form Hassall’s corpuscles, may be the site of T cell death in the medulla
thymic medulla
characterized by the presence of Hassall’s corpuscles, all thymocytes of the medulla are immunocompetent T cells, stains lighter than the cortex, allow for mature T cells to leave the thymus through veins that drain the thymus
vascular supply of the thymus
the cortical vascular supply forms a very powerful blood-thymus barrier to prevent developing T cells from contacting blood-borne macromolecules, continuous capillaries invested by type I epithelial reticular cells to form a blood-thymus barrier
DiGeorge’s syndrome
congenital failure of the thymus to develop, patient’s cannot produce T cells, have a non-functional cellularly mediated immune response, die at an early age from infection
lymph nodes
they are not glands, situated in course of lymph vessels that allows for lymph to pass through before entering blood stream
lymph node functions
immune filter, remove bacteria and other foreign substances, maintain and produce T and B cells, house T memory cells, APCs and macrophages in paracortical region
lymph node structural features
encapsulated-CT extending inward as trabeculae, afferent lymphatics enter the capsule, hilus for passage of arterioles, venules and efferent lymphatics, separated into cortical and medullary regions, valves on efferent lymph vessels
lymph nodes and infection
in the presence of antigens or bacteria, lymphocytes of the lymph node rapidly proliferate and the node may INC to several times its normal size becoming hard a palpable to the touch
lymph node cortex
subdivided into compartments that house B-cell rich primary and secondary lymphoid nodules
subscapular sinus of lymph node
where lymph is emptied into, located just deep to the capsule, is continuous with the cortical sinuses (paratrabecular sinuses) that parallel the trabeculae and deliver the lymph into the medullary sinuses eventually to enter the efferent lymphatic vessels
lymphoid nodules
two types of nodules (primary and secondary), secondary lymphoid nodules have a germinal center
1. primary-incomplete compartments within the cortex, spherical aggregates of B cells (both virgin and memory)
2. secondary-have germinal centers that stain pale, form only in response to an antigenic challenge, they are the sites of B memory cell and plasma cell generation
corona (mantle zone)
peripheral layer around the germinal center, an accumulation of small lymphocytes migrating away from its site of origin (germinal center)
three zones of a germinal center
1. dark zone-site of the intense proliferation of closely packed B cells (centroblasts), these migrate into the basal light zone
2. basal light zone-where B cells express sIgs, switch immunogloculin class and are known as centrocytes
3. apical light zone-house centrocytes that become either B memory cells or plasma cells
paracortex of the lymph node
region of the lymph node between the cortex and the medulla, houses mostly T cells and is the thymus-dependent zone of the lymph node, APCs migrate here to present their epitope MHC II complex to T helper cells, have high endothelial venules
medulla of the lymph node
composed of large, tortuous lymph sinuses surrounded by lymphoid cells that are organized in cluster known as medullary cords, these cells are enmeshed in a network of reticular fibers and reticular cells, lymphocytes migrate from the cortex to enter the medullary sinuses from which they can enter the efferent lymphatic vessels to leave the lymph node, trabeculae can also be present conveying blood vessels all the way into this region
found in the left hypochondrium, the largest lymphoid organ in the body
spleen functions
hemopoiesis fetus, immunological filter of blood, acts as a blood reservoir, phagocytosis of damaged and aged RBCs, proliferation of B and T cells, production of Abs by plasma cells
spleen structure
no afferent lymphatics, surrounded by a fibrous capsule containing some smooth muscle, has a 3-D network of reticular fibers and associated reticular fibers, trabeular from capsule breakup the parenchyma (or splenic pulp) into incomplete compartments, within the parenchyma there are red and white pulps
periarterial lymphatic sheath (PALS)
a sheath of lymphocytes that infiltrate the tunica adventitia of trabecular arteries, this forms the central artery, frequently PALS also house lymphoid nodules (which are composed of B cells, displace the central artery to the periphery), these lymphoid nodules may display a germinal center
white pulp
composed of the PALS housing T cells and lymphoid nodules housing B cells, with medial germinal center
marginal zone
houses B cells that are specialized to recognize thymic-independent antigens, surround the white pulp and separates it from the red pulp, composed of plasma cells, T and B cells, macrophages and APCs, it is here that blood-borne cells, antigens and particulate matter have their first free access to the parenchyma of the spleen
red pulp
composed of splenic sinuses and splenic cords (of Billroth), resembles a sponge, the spaces within the sponge represent the sinues and the sponge material among the spaces denotes the splenic cords
splenic sinuses
surrounded by reticular fibers that wrap around the sinuses, have a discontinuous basal lamina
splenic cords
composed of a loose network of reticular fibers whose interstices are permeated by extravasated blood, reticular fibers enveloped by stellate reticular cells which prevent coagulation of blood with collagen type III there
lymphoid nodules
mucosal associated lymphatic tissue (MALT) (includes GALT and BALT), found in tonsils, lymph nodes and spleen, not found in the thymus, primarily composed of B cells, lymphoblasts, plasma cells, memory cells, primary nodule = one that has not seen antigen, secondary nodule = one with a germinal center, do not have a connective tissue capsule
aggregate of lymphoid nodules grouped around surface depressions called crypts, no afferent lymphatic vessels, only efferent, form a ring of protection at the openings of the digestive and respiratory tracts, possess an incomplete capsule of CT which acts as a protective barrier against leakage of antigen into pharyngeal CT spaces, possess antigen presenting cells
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
nonencapsulated localized lymphocyte infiltration
Gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)
located in the ileum as Peyer’s patches, composed of lymphoid follicles along the length of the GI tract and may form aggregates, Peyer’s patches composed of B cells surrounded by a looser region of T cells and numerous APCs, lymphocytes destined to enter GALT have homing receptors that are specific for the HEVs of GALT
Bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT)
similar to Peyer’s patches except that it is located in the walls of bronchi, especially in regions where bronchi and bronchioles bifurcate, most are B cells although APCs and T cells may be present, lymphocytes destined to enter BALT have homing receptors that are specific for the HEVs of this lymphoid tissue
incompletely encapsulated aggregates of lymphoid nodules that guard the entrance to the oral pharynx, react to airborne antigens by forming lymphocytes and mounting an immune response
palatine tonsils
located at the boundary of the oral cavity and the oral pharynx, its deep aspect is isolated form the surrounding CT by a dense capsule, superficial aspect is stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium, crypts are present that invaginate the tonsilar parenchyma (freq. contain food debris, dead leukocytes, bacteria and other antigenic substances
pharyngeal tonsil
single, is in the roof of the nasal pharynx, has a thinner incomplete capsule, has shallow pleats instead of crypts, superficial surface is PSCC that is interspersed with stratified squamous epithelium, composed of lymphoid nodules
linguinal tonsil
located on the dorsal surface of the posterior 1/3 of the tongue, covered by stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium, has a flimsy capsule that separates it from the underlying connective tissue, has numerous crypts, parenchyma is composed of lymphoid nodules, which freq. have germinal centers