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116 Cards in this Set

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are free and er-bound ribosomes the same
yes, from common pool
what is the metaphase plate composed of
where does translation of acid hydrolases (lysosomal enzymes occur)
on rER
which diffuses through membrane better- lipid or water soluble
lipid soluble
what is responsible for the position of the golgi
chronic barbiturate use increases what
sER in liver cells
does translation of mRNA occur in sER
characteristics of collagen
most ubundant fiber, unbranched flexible, tensile strength, a glycoprotein, has cross-links, banding pattern made of 3 alpha chains to make tropocollagen
______ make antibody and ___incorporates it into receptor
plama cell, mast cell
what is an antigen
ellicits immune response
action of leptin
inhibits food intake, stimulate metabolism-secreted by adipose
adiponectin action
counteracts resistin-secretes by adipost
IL-6 and TNF-alpha action
countributes to low-grade inflammation underlying heart disease and type 2 diabetes-secreted by adipose
which results in severe obesity- hypercellular or hypertrophic
hypercelleular-occurs in early postnatal life
dense reg connective tissue is what type of collage
type I- tendon and ligaments
type of collagen of reticular fibers
type III
where is reticular fibers found
spleen, lymph nodes, bone marrow, between SMCs around acini of glands, beneath epithelium of BV, intestine bladder and uterus, attachment of epithelial cells
what does CT ground substance contain
water, multiadhesive glycoproteins, proteoglycans
characteristice of CT ground substance
diffusion of H2O, regulates growth factors and secreted proteins by binding to them, regulates molecular trafficking, helps w/ compressive forces
most abundant component of CT ground substant
GAG (highly neg charge)
what causes Marfan's syndrom
mutation in fibrillin gene (main component of elastic fibers)
the 2 main components of elastic fibers
elastin and microfibrils (e.g. fibrillin)
will CO2 diffuse across lipid bilyar
are elastic fibers composed of collagen
what are collagen and elastic fibers both synthesized by
why do carbs assoc w/ inner leaflet on lysosomes
to protect membrane from digestion of enzymes
what are astral fibers composed of
what type is astral fibers
are astral fibers an intermediate filament
_______ plays a major role in cytokinesis
What type of disease is I-cell disease
lysosome storage disease
is outer nuclear membrane continuous w/ rER
is outer nuclear membrane continuous w/ sER
what happens to cell treated w/ taxol
mitosis arrest, stabile microtubules, inhibition of movement of secretory vesicles, death. taxol is an anticancer drug
are histone in eu and heterochromatin
yes both
what organelles oxidize fatty acids
mitochondria and peroxisomes
what is responsible of movement of chromosomes during mitosis
kinetochore microtubules
what do plasma cells produce antibodies
spleen, tonsils, lymph nodes, nodules
where are proteins in the nucleus synthesized
on free ribosomes in cytoplasm
nucleolar organizing regions contain________, involve ____ synthesis, organize the _______ and assist in _____the nucleolus after cell division
contain DNA, rRNA synthesis,organize nucleoulus , reform nucleolus
what layer are diffuse lymphatic found
lamina propria
are reticular fibers in stroma of thymus
is brown fat vascular
what are the major cells in injury repair
what cells can activate T-cells
macrophages and APCs
what is the most abundant protein in the body
what type of protein is collagen
are the protein components of ribosomes processed in golgi network
where are nuclear pore protiens synthesized
free ribosomes in cytoplasms
how to determine where cancer in lymph nodes came from
class of intermediate filaments
where is ATP synthase (found in mitochondria) synthesized
on free ribosomes in cytoplasm- NOT processed in golgi
can dense reg connective tissue recoil
yes and produces free energy
can ground substance of CT be used w/ light microscope
no, nor stained w/ resorcin-fuchsin
what is the simplest form of chromatin packing in nucleus
are peroxisomes self-replicating
what does nissl substance indicate
high ribosome content of nerve cell cytoplasm
all membranes have lipids, protein and carbs except the _______membrane
carbs are always located where in PM
outer leaflet
do all cells have glycocalyx
primary fxn of necleolus
rRNA transcription
what are ribosomes mainly composed of
proteins and rRNA
ribosomes are the site of ___ sytnehsis
are ribosomes derived from TGN
what plays important role in synthesis of acid hydrolases in lysosomes
what is synthesized on free polyribosomes in cytoplasm
nuclear pore proteins, urate oxidase and catalase (in peroxisomes), proteins in citric acid cycle, porins and cardiolipin (mitochondrial membrane synthesis)
are mitochondria self-replicating
nissl substance indicated
high ribosome conent it is ergastoplam is not in neuron
fxns of sER
synthesis of membrane lipids, detox of lipid soluble drgs, ca++ storage, synthesis of steroids
what part of golgi is responsible fo protein packaging and sorting
fxn of protein coat in vesicle
capturing specific proteins
what is the most stable of (int filaments, microtubules and microfilaments
int filaments
what is the most diverse in protein composition between int filaments, microtubules and microfilaments
int filaments
which of microtubules, microfilaments and int fil are polarized
microtubules an dmicrofilaments
what are nuclear laminin
int filaments that link chromatin to inner nuclear member
what do int filaments (tonofilaments) assoc w/
when does centriole replication occur
S phase of interphase
do collagen fibers branch
are elastic fibers visible w/ H&E
what are capillaries surrounded by
loose CT
what is found in the reticular lamina
reticular fibers, type I collagen, and produced by CT
does macula adherens link myosin containing intermediate filaments
no- myosin filaments are not a type of intermediate filament
what does the macula adherens (desmosome) link
tonofibrils( made of cytokeratins) of adjecent cells causing adhesion
do epithelia provide much mechanical support
what is an axoneme
9+2 arrangement of microtubules in cilia
what does axoneme depends on
ATPase activity of dyneins
why does each cilium bend
anchored to basal body by microtubules
where do basal bodies come from
procentriolar template
why does germ layer not classify glands
glands are derived from all 3
can basement membrane determine structure of epithelium
yes-through induction
what is dytrophin
cytoskeletal protein that binds actin to sarcolemma and to laminin un extracellular matrix. It supports sarcolemma to prevent damage during contractions
do capillaries from CT cross basal lamina
what is central doublet composed of
does actin participate in ciliary action
what causes mechanical adhesion in stratified squamous epithelium
macula adherens (desmosomes)
what is basement membrane made of
basal lamina and reticular lamina
what is mesothelium
epithelium that lines the body cavities
occludins in major linking protein in:
tight junction
cadherins (desmogleins and desmocollins) major linking protein in:
macula adherens
connexing is major linking protein in:
gap junctions
e-cadhering-catenin complex is major linkin protein in:
zonula adherens
fxn of stratified columnar epithelium
absorption and secretion is fxn of how many layers
1 (simple) epithelium
what type of collagen is in basal lamin
type 4
are type 3 and type 1 collagen produced by epithelium
what makes gap jxns open and close
pH and calcium ion conc.
what causes movement of cilia
sliding of adjacent microtubule pairs past on another due to force generate by dynein
what regulates the length of actin filamens
are tonofibrils (composed of cytokeratin) in basal lamina
no they are intracellular
fxn of zonula adherens
links actin filaments in adjacent cells through ca++ sensitive adherin-catenin complex
can cilia absorb
does bone of BV
does cartilage have bv
osteocytes are dervied from
osteoblasts (not chondrocytes)
what does bone remodeling unit consist of
osteoblast and osteoclast
what are osteoclasts derived from
monocyte precursor cells
what is responsible for bone thickening (process)
intramembranous bone formation