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17 Cards in this Set

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founded in Boston by Mary Kenney
-created alliance between working class and reform minded middle class women
Jane Addams
founder of Hull House
-created housing for reform women
-fought for community wellness and liveable conditions(garbage inspector)
Muller v Oregon
laundry owner made women work 10+ hrs a day....Brandise Breed proposed that long work hours physically harmed women
maternalism (maternal commonewealth)
beleif womanly influence was needed in society
-governement should act as nurturing figure to society
-organized for factory safety, pure food leg., labor reform
NY ShirtwaIst Makers Strike (1909)
women in manufacturing sector had problems gaining labor union support
-worked toward establishing better working conditions and spurred growth of ILGWU
Rose Schneiderman
working class leader of WTUL (helped estab. ILGWU)
-lobbied for healthy working conditions and created alliance between working class women and middle class women....became chief labor organizer for women
NAWSA (National American Womens Suffrage Association)
estab 1890
-national womens suff. assoc. & american womens suff. assoc. merged
-radical activists
-gained attention and lobbied for womens suffrage
National Womens Party (NWP)
-alice paul (branh off of NAWSA)
-gained notariety, press, sypathy for treatment
-very influential in womens suffrage amendment
Mary Church Terrell
educated A.A. women
-member of NACW
-fought for civil and womens rights
-progressive woman
NACW (national association of colored women)
1896 founded
-goals were to: better condtions of A.A. life & create better image of A.A. women
-created daycares, mothers clubs, kindergartens, etc.
for-womens suffrage
against-jim crow laws
1880 Atlanta laundresses Strike
women workers went on strike to establish set laundry prices
-met/organized in churches
higher education
women broke into higher ed. in late 19th century
-beleived that education would physically harm women
-could cause mesntral cyle to cease to exist!
-women should ultimately stay home
settlement houses
places for reform (middle-upper class) women to live
-Hull House--first settlement house
-provided classes and services to people in community (community center/social service)
Womens Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)
women would enter saloon and pray to stop drinking--resulted in closing of 1000 saloons
-overall wanted to better community and stop drinking
General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC)
founded 1890
-umbrella club of many local clubs
-participated in volunteer work
-worked to establish idea of "New Women"
True Womanhood
women should be:
Not same across all races
National Consumers Leage (NCL)
founded 1899
-created white and black lists
-concern for health of products and consumers
(Florence Kelley)
-comprised of Jewish and Catholic women