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51 Cards in this Set

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Franz Ferdinand
o Archduke of Austria who would inherit the Throne from Franz Joseph II (his uncle)
o He was married to Sophie and she was revered
o He traveled to Bosnia (Sarejevo) in a convertible and was assassinated along with Sophie
Central Powers:
o Austria – A big country
o Germany – 2nd most powerful countryin Europe
o Ottoman Empire – Turkey
o Serbia – a small country
o Russia – The biggest country
o France – the #1 supplier of food in Europe
o England – Most powerful country in Europe o United States joins the Allies
o A British ocean liner that was sunk by a GermanSubmarine off the coast of Ireland
o American passengers were on board
o Germany met Wilson’s demands to keep the US outof the war.
Zimmerman Telegram:
o A telegram sent to the German Ambassador inMexico City
o The telegram said to get Mexico to declare waron the U.S.
o If they did, Germany would give U.S. land(California to Texas) back to Mexico
o It pushed us into war with Germany
Food Administration:
o Hoover (a Republican) heads the FoodAdministration
o It called upon us to voluntarily conserve food,to grow liberty gardens
o Meatless Mondays and Wheatless Wednesdays
William McAdoo:
o President Wilson’s Son-in-law – Secretary of theTreasury
o Introduced Government Bonds to finance the warand make people feel like part of it
o They didn’t sell well at first until thetargeted the children to donate money @ school
George Creel:
o Committee on Public Information – he was atabloid newspaperman
o A propaganda agency that was formed to counterrumors that were spreading
o And to make sure that we hated Germany
Schenck v. US:
o Schenck read a copy of Lenin’s speech on astreet corner and was arrested.
o The Supreme Court upheld the Sedition Amendmentwhich said that free speech could be taken away when it posed a danger to thenation and its people
Billy Sunday:
o A very popular preacher who held tent revivals
o He hated Germany as well
Treaty of Versailles:
o Had a “war guilt” clause that said that Germanyhad to acknowledge that they were responsible for starting WWI.
o You could only join the League of Nations whenyou signed the Treaty
Warren Harding and Normalcy:
o Warren Harding was not associated with politics,he was not a professional politician, he was a newspaperman
o From Ohio and the media loved him
o Campaign slogan was “Back to Normal (Normalcy)”
o He said it was time to take care of Americafirst
James Cox:
o The Democratic candidate who ran against Warren Harding
o Most of the country was done with progressivism after WWI
o Founder of Cox Communications
Harry Daugherty:
o Harding’s Attorney General
o Went to jail for influence peddling with the mob
o He used law to harass his enemies
o Harding’s Secretary of the Interior
o He let oilmen lease Teapot Dome (an oil reserve)
o He received $200,000 in the deal and went to jail the longest of the 3, because the media was focused on this scandal
o The term “the Fall Guy” is because of him.
Charles Forbes:
o Head of the Veteran’s Bureauo Gutted the money from the Veteran’s Bureau andwent to Europe
o He got caught trying to sneak back into thecountry and went to jail
Calvin Coolidge:
o Warren Harding’s VP who became president afterHarding died while on vacation
o He was perfect at the time – he was a moral andethical man and there was no question that he would clean up the scandals
o The media hated him because he was boring
Herbert Hoover:
o He was previously the head of the FoodAdministration
o He was a Republican who pulled in votes fromDemocrats
o He is associated with Belgian relief
o He was orphaned but was extremely successful
o The Great Depression arrived during hispresidency
Henry Ford:
o Revolutionized our car culture
o Introduced the moving assembly line
o 1st radio station to issue a National Broadcast
o Located in Pittsburgh
o On the air 3 years before any ads were on radio
Listerine & Virginia Slims:
o Kings of advertising in the 20’s
o Listerine’s ads used every approach they couldthink of including threatening people with halitosis (bad breath)
o Listerine had the first recognizable jingle
o Virginia Slims used focused advertising – theyfocused on women and made smoking a civil rights issue
Bruce Barton:
o Wrote the book : The Man Nobody Knows
o The book was about Jesus, but was cast inbusiness terms – it was very popular and business ethics classes were startedbecause of this book
Welfare Capitalism:
o Corporate paternalism – Business making you feellike family
o Because of this and other things, organizedlabor did not grow as much as we thought it would
“The Jazz Singer”:
o The 1st talking picture show
Charles Lindbergh:
o Conducted 1st solo trans-Atlanticflight
o Biggest celebrity of the ‘20’s
The Lost Generation:
o Group of authors who referred to themselves asthe Lost Generation
o They were critical of the U.S. in the 1920’s
F. Scott Fitzgerald and his works:
o Wrote The Great Gatsby which criticizedthe majority of Americans for money, business and climbing the next ladder
o Small group rebelling against the norm in America
o Consisted of a minority of the young people o Tended to come from middle or upper-class families
Hudie Ledbetter:
o Jazz guitarist known as “Led Belly”
Gertrude Rainey:
o Jazz artist known as “Ma Rainey”
o She sang like a man
o She emphasized range over tone
Louis Armstrong:
o Jazz trumpet player
Paul Whiteman:
o Played watered down versions of Jazz to white middle class audiences and spread it’s popularity
o Contributed to the birth of the Harlem Renaissance
Harlem Renaissance:
o Artistic flowering of art in African Americancommunity in 1920’s
o Opened doors for African American artists
o Ends in 1929 because of the Great Depression
Black Tuesday
o The stock market crashed on Black Tuesday,10/29/29
o The first day of the Great Depression
Black Thursday:
o Trading at the Stock Exchange became panicky butthe stock market recovered and did not crash that day (10/24/29)
Middle Class:
o Disappeared during the Great Depression
Matriarchal Society:
o The traditional family eroded as mom was forcedto be in essence, both mom & dad
o Women went to work to help support theirfamilies
o This led to social tensions in the 50’s and 60’s
Fireside Chats:
o Radio addresses by President Roosevelt
o He was good at remaining in touch with thepeople
1st New Deal:
o Temporary Legislation to get the economy jump-started
o Emphasis on Relief and Recovery programs thattried to get some relief for the people and recovery of the economy
2ndNew Deal:
o Reform – permanently changing the way the government deals with its people
o Permanent or open ended
o Agricultural Adjustment Administration
o Established the practice of subsidizing farming
o Civilian Conservation Corps
o The most popular of FDR’s 1st New Deal programs and the idea of his wife Elenor
o Conservation program run by the military
o National Recovery Administration
o Lynchpin of FDR’s 1st New Deal
o He believed this would get the U.S. out of theDepression
o Slogans: “Codes of Fair Competition” and “We doour part”
o Its failure is one of the things that led FDR tolaunch his 2nd New Deal
Fair Labor Standards Act:
o It established a minimum wage
Social Security Act:
o Key act of the 2nd New Deal
o Moderates contend that FDR put the U.S. on theroad to socialism
o It restored some hope to the people.
What got the U.S. out of the Great Depression?:
o A determined group of Communist revolutionariesin Russia
o Lenin mobilized them and they seized power fromthe Provisional Government and established a dictatorship
Spanish Flu:
o Produced more casualties that the war itselfo Spread around the globe, transformed modernmedicine, and altered the course of world history
o Killed millions of people worldwide
Sigmund Freud:
o Founder of modern psychoanalysis
o From Austria – wrote The Interpretation ofDreams
Marcus Garvey / UNIA:
o Crusaded for black nationalism in the 1920’s o Founded the UNIA – Universal Negro Improvement Association
o Called for African Americans to separate themselves from white culture
Frances Perkins:
o 1st woman cabinet member in history –Secretary of Labor
o Designed the Social Security Act