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57 Cards in this Set

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Opposition to the Tariff and Nullification Crisis was centered in
South Carolina
John Calhoun & Doctrine of Nullification:
What did the Doctrine of Nullification say?
every state has the right to nullify a federal law
True or False: Andrew Jackson was a slave owner
Who was Daniel Webster?
Daniel Webster is a U.S. Senator who opposed nullification. He said that the Constitution is an agreement among the citizens not the states, and that if a state opposes a federal law then it is up to the Supreme Court to handle it.
Bank War
Disagreement regarding Bank of U.S.
True or False: Business people up north hated the Bank of the U.S.
Business people up north <i>loved</i> the Bank of the U.S.
Why did farmers out west hate the Bank of the U.S.?
they felt it caused the Panic of 1819
Samuel Slater
"Father of the American Industrial Revolution"
"Father of the American Factory System"

He brought British textile technology (a.k.a. factory technology) to America
True or False:
Most factory workers were women because factory owners could pay them less (a.k.a. cost control)
Most factory workers were women because factory owners could pay them less (a.k.a. cost control)
Railroads were the main form of transportation in the ______.
Construction of the Erie Canal took place during the years _____ through ______.
1817 through 1825
The Erie Canal went all the way to the _____.
Hudson River in New York
Samuel Morse
Invented the telegraph
The first telegraph went from ________ to _________.
Baltimore to Washington D.C.
Congress funded the telegraph in the year _____.
In what part of the country were most railroads located in?
Railroads were mostly in the north (very few in the south)
The European War made it possible for American workers to do what? Why?
The European War made it possible for American workers to do transatlantic trading because Britain was using all its ships for war
Embargo Act
The Embargo Act was a law passed by Congress (and signed by president Thomas Jefferson) in 1807 that prohibited United States vessels from trading with European nations during the Napoleonic Wars
Northern merchants were able to profit from southern cotton
Cotton production in the south helped to finance the industrialization of the NorthEast
main textiles were _____ & ____
shoes and clothes
main crops were ____ & ____
cotton and wheat
What was the main cause of the Panic of 1819?
The war in Europe was over and European farmers were now able to grow wheat again, so the price of U.S. wheat and cotton goes down. Farmers in the U.S. are no longer able to pay back loans to the bank so the bank repossesses their land. Banks go down hill which causes the whole economy to go down hill.
Sugar Creek, Illinois
the population of Sugar Creek decreased by 50% every 10 years because everybody was moving west
Growing influence of markets in people's lives creates...
an opportunity to make more money
McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
Supreme Court case that decides wether the Bank of the U.S. is constitutional
McCulloch v. Maryland:
Does a state have a right to enact a tax on a federal entity?
The Supreme Court says no; however, they also say that a national bank is perfectly legal and constitutional
What is the Supreme Court ruling in the case of McCulloch v. Maryland?
The Supreme Court says that a national bank is perfectly legal and constitutional
Gibbons v. Ogden(1824)
when it comes to business, does a person go by state law or federal law?
Court over-rules the state law.
Whenever there is a conflict between a state and federal law, federal law always wins.
The state of Georgia sold land for far less than it was worth because the legislators were bribed. What was the Supreme Court's reaction?
Supreme Court ruled that the Georgia contract is still valid, even though it was corrupted. You can't go back and just get rid of a contract even if corruption is involved.
Why did citizens oppose the Bank of the U.S.?
people blamed the bank for making the Panic of 1819 even worse
Founders (such as James Madison) opposed factions
Interstate Commerce Clause
The Commerce Clause is an enumerated power listed in the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3). The clause states that the United States Congress shall have power "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes." Courts and commentators[who?] have tended to discuss each of these three areas of commerce as a separate power granted to Congress. Dispute exists within the courts as to the range of powers granted to Congress by the Commerce Clause
What was the goal of Alexander Hamilton's economic program?
Goal: strong federal government (tariff on imported goods)
The Whiskey Rebellion took place in what year?
Whiskey Rebellion
In the early 1790s, angry farmers in western Pennsylvania launched a series of attacks on federal excise agents in response to tax on whiskey imposed by the federal government
________ ________ lead army against the WHiskey Rebellion
Alexander Hamilton
Describe Alexander Hamilton's economic plan. (hint: 4 key components)
1. Federal government pays states' debts
2. Bank of U.S. (modeled on the Bank of England)
3. Goal: strong federal government (tariff on imported goods)
4. Jefferson: Hamilton enriches elites and threatens farmers
Describe the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794. (hint: 3 key components)
1. Farmers refuse to pay tax
2. Hamilton leads army against rebellion
3. Jefferson: Hamilton imposes taxes and tyranny
French Revolution:
1. Jefferson favors ____ over ___
2. Hamilton favors ____ over ___
1. France, Britain
2. Britain, France
WHat was one way in which factory owners controlled cost?
they employed women workers because they would work for less
John Calhoun
Doctrine of Nullification
Sedition Act (1798)
The Sedition Act was a bill passed in the aftermath of the French Revolution. The Sedition Act made it a crime to publish "false, scandalous, and malicious writing" against the government or certain officials. It was enacted on July 14, 1798 with an expiration date of March 3, 1801.
The Federalists were all about two things. What were they?
1. Strong federal government
2. Implied Constitutional powers
The Democratic Republicans were all about two things. What were they?
1. Limited federal government
2. Strict reading of Constitution
Thomas Jefferson was elected president in the year ____
What were the 4 main causes of the War of 1812?
1. British Interference w/ U.S. merchant shipping
2. British support for Native Americans
3. British acceptance of American Independence
4. Access to western land
War of 1812
The War of 1812 was a military conflict fought between the forces of the United States of America and those of the British Empire. The Americans declared war in 1812 for several reasons, including trade restrictions due to Britain's ongoing war with France, the impressment of American merchant sailors into the Royal Navy, British support of American Indian tribes against American expansion, outrage over insults to national honour after humiliations on the high seas and possible American desire to annex Canada.
What were the 3 main results of the War of 1812?
1. Tecumseh's confederacy destroyed
2. Outpouring of national pride
3. Federalist Party destroyed
Treaty of Ghent
Treaty that ended that War of 1812
_______ spearheaded the negotiations with Britain during the War of 1812
John Quincy Adams
Monroe Doctrine (1823)
-James Monroe
-European countries should not interfere with former Spanish colonies
Eli Whitney
Cotton Gin
Cyrus McCormick
Grain Reaper
Who invented the cotton gin?
Eli Whitney
Who invented the grain reaper?
Cyrus McCormick
The Economic Revolution was concentrated in...
the Northeast and the Upper Midwest