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36 Cards in this Set

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Pontiac's Rebellion

What Rebellion arose from the French Indian Wars?

Royal Proclamation of 1763

What British proclamation banned settlements West of the Appalachian Mountains?

England can only tax trade (External/Indirect)

What was the Colonial view of British Taxation?

John Locke

Whose views were the colonies inspired by in how they viewed taxes?

Everybody ignores Taxation.

What was salutary neglect?

It ended due to the debt England acquired from the French Indian War

George Grenville

The first prime minister to try taxing the colonies.

He was a devout mercantilist.

Sugar act.

The first tax act made by Grenville that harbored a 3 pence tax.

Molasses Act

The previous tax that carried 6 pence.


What did the sugar act cause?

Writs of Assistance

What was Britain solution to smugglers?

This enabled search and seizure without warrants (Blanket Search Warrants)

Vice-Admiralty Courts

England's right to juries without a fair trial (no jury)

Stamp Act

The second act that enabled Taxation on ALL paper goods.

Virtual Taxes

What kind of taxes were the stamp and sugar acts referred to by the British.

"The king has everyone in mind"

Sons of Liberty

The stamp act caused the birth of what group?

Samuel Adams

Who was the leader of the sons of liberty?

Stamp agents and Gov. Thomas Hutchinson

Who and what were the targets of the Sons of Liberty?

Patrick Henry

Virginia governor that exclaimed "give me liberty, or give me death!"


What was the second solution to the Taxation that wasn't smuggling?

Lord Rockingham

The prime minister that came to fix George Grenville's tax acts. (Repeal stamp act)

Declaratory Act

What Lord Rockingham issued to make sure the colonies knew who was in control.

New Revenue Act

The revision to the Sugar act that lowered the tax from 3 pence to 1.

William Pitt

The mentally incapable prime minister that comes in after Lord Rockingham.

Charles Townsend

The prime minister that comes after the mentally incapable one, and tries to best Lord Rockingham.

Townshend Acts

Acts implemented to force Taxation on many goods such as lead, glass, paper, paint and tea.

Use of revenue from taxed to pay royal officials.

What was the main thing that Townsend did to enforce his new taxes?

Circular Letter

The document written by Samuel Adams and Jame Otis Jr. in protest of the Townshend Acts

John Dickinson

The wealthy man who wrote the protest against the Townshend acts known as "Letter From a Farmer in Pennsylvania"


The riot named after John Hancock's ship that was confiscated that caused 5000 soldiers to come from Britain.

Disassemble Colonial assemblies

What would England do if the colonist did not trash the circular letter?

Crispus Attucks

The first colonist of 5 to die from rising tensions.

Boston Massacre

The term for the incident that caused the first five colonist to die.

John Adams

The lawyer that helped the 20 convicted British soldiers.

Lord North

Who repealed the Townshend acts (except tea) after the Boston Massacre?

Gaspee Incident

The British ship that chased smugglers but was seized and burned by The Sons of Liberty

Committees of Correspondence

The first stable connection between the colonies that was made on the eve of the American Revolution.

Tea Act of 1773

An act to bail out the British East India Company from bankruptcy.