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38 Cards in this Set

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also known as Amenhotep IV, he abandoned traditional Egyptian polytheism and introduced worship centered on Aten, which is monotheistic.
people, speaking an indo-european language, who invaded northern india in the 2nd millennium BCE, displacing dravidians and other aboriginal peoples.
trading nation in the area of northern Ethiopia and eritrea. Axum in east Africa, was the first indifenous civilization created in sub-saharan Africa (in 1st-8th century CE). They became part of an indian ocean trade network. They adopted Christianity in the 4th century, and developed sub-saharan africa’s only indigenous writing system, Ge’ez. They created the giant steele of Aksum (65-97 ft tall). However, they disappeared. They exhausted their resources: additionally, there was an environmental change: monsoons shifted and they were unable to maintain their population through extensive agriculture.
Brahman (not Brahmins: priests)
universal soul. The goal was moksha, or the release from rebirth. Then, the soul would be united with the brahman, or universal soul
Caste system
Rigid hindu system of hereditary social distinctions based on castes. If people did good they would come back in a higher caste, if they did bad they would come back in a lower caste. Brahmins were priests, dravidians or sutra were commoners.
Çatal Hüyük
Neolithic proto-city settlement in southern Anatolia, which existed from approximately 7500-5700 BCE. Flourished around 7000 BCE. Egalitarian society. world’s first town (not city).
Chinook society
North American indians from pacific northwest, depended on fishing for survival. They were sedentary, but did not develop agriculture.
Clovis culture
North American hunter gatherers. Distinctive projectile point used for hunting bison and mammoth. Disappeared when large mammals became extinct.
Complex society
surplus agriculture leading to specialization of labor. Social formation described as a formative or developed state. Society is dependent on others for goods and services, within a system regulated by custom and laws. Additionally, the larger the population, the more complex and variegated the coexistence of people tends to become. Political leaders. Reading and writing.
Crowd diseases
flourish in crowds or large, centralized populations of humans. Cholera, smallpox, tuberculosis, plague, diphtheria, and flu; produce epidemics.
Cult of Osiris
Egyptian god of the dead. He was killed, but returned to life. Judge between this world and the next life. Lead to Egyptian belief in resurrection. Compared to religion in Mesopotamia/samaria: they believed that afterlife was depressing (mortal life was depressing, famine, salinization, etc). Egypt: nile continually renewing, bringing life.
indus river valley, native speakers of the language in south asia, especially south India. Subjugated by Aryans, became lower class in India.
Endemic disease
constantly found in a certain geographic region or in a specific race of people.
Epic of Gilgamesh
epic poem from Mesopotamia, dated after 2000 BC. Tells us that the Samarians had a depressing view of the afterlife: Gilgamesh was trying to discover immortality.
Epidemic diseases
spread by close contact with animals and people, and pervaded the first cities, where people and animals lived in confined spaces.
a Babylonian king known for the code of Hammurabi, which is one of the earliest surviving codes of law in history.
inhabitants of Harappa in the indus valley civilization that build houses complete with indoor plumbing, luxurious bathrooms, and private wells. Streets were laid out in a grid-like pattern, and beneath them ran a complete sewage system. Environmental collapse, change of climate, let to the end of their civilization (similar to Axum)
Society whose sacred writings, recorded in the old testament, showed the influence of Mesopotamia in the eye for an eye principle of their legal system and in the story of a flood that destroyed the world. Monotheists, but struggled with polytheism.
people of Anatolia who domesticated the horse by 4000 BCE and later learned to tie it to wheeled carts and chariots. This new technology provided a fearsome military potential that enabled them to threaten ancient civilizations. They sacked Babylon and warred with Egypt.
human-like family of primates. Neanderthals came before homo sapiens, very apelike. Homo sapiens overpowered them because of: bipedalism: easier to use tools, carry things, see further. Fire: broader diet and therefore better health, the ability to survive in cold environments, the ability to travel at night, the ability to ward of predators, fires may have supported community development, and fires were used to nurture the soil and attract animals to hunt. Anatomic variations allowed for greater vocalization. Larger forebrains, which meant a greater capacity for symbolic language; capacity to formulate the environment.
Homo sapiens
bipedalism: easier to use tools, carry things, see further. Fire: broader diet and therefore better health, the ability to survive in cold environments, the ability to travel at night, the ability to ward of predators, fires may have supported community development, and fires were used to nurture the soil and attract animals to hunt. Anatomic variations allowed for greater vocalization. Larger forebrains, which meant a greater capacity for symbolic language; capacity to formulate the environment.
Homogenization of the disease pool
certain diseases, over time, were integrated into the DNA of certain peoples, through exposure from animals and living in cities, and this helped them gain greater overall immunity.
a large, widespread family of languages, the surviving braches of which include italic, Slavic, Baltic, Hellenic, celtic, Germanic, and indo-iranian, spoken by about half the world’s population: English, Spanish, german, latin, greek, Russian, Albanian, Lithuanian, Armenian, Persian, hindi, and Hittite. Linguistic evidence; no artifacts.
Jomon society
Paleolithic society in japan, settled villages by the sea. They created some of the world’s first pottery. Separate cemeteries for dogs.
Magdalenian society
14000-11000 BCE in southern france and northern spain. They hunter reindeer and drew cave paintings.
the doctrine or belief that there is only one god. Akhenaten and the Israelites were monotheistic. Abraham seen as first monotheist. Hebrew religion was different from the polytheistic religions because they believed god was the one supreme god. Moral codes were applied to religion. Their religion was a religion of salvation, and people strove to have a personal relationship with god. Scripture was important, although it took a long time for them to compile it. Nevertheless, they had to keep being reminded that they were monotheistic. Gradually, there was a shift from state-sponsored religion to revealed religion.
Natufian society
Sinai peninsula and Syria. They harvested wheat during a time when it grew in wild abundance. Evidence of sickles and grinding stones. Climate change, like the Harappans or Axum civilizations, led to their demise.
Neolithic era
agriculture and the rise of cities. Social distinctions based on class arose. Why adopt agriculture? Climate change; resources are depleted by farmers, and so in order to survive, hunter gatherers were forced to adopt farming. Less stability? Knowledge of plants wasn’t passed on by farmers; people were forced to remain on the land they farmed even during a famine or invasion. Effects of agriculture: population growth, surplus allows for specialization in arts, crafts, metallurgy, etc. When people began to have more things, people fought more frequently. Comforts became necessities: waterproof housing, cooked food, tools, etc. Another effect of agriculture: decreasing ecological diversity, soil erosion, and a decrease in soil fertility. The need for government became necessary.
Oracle bones
pieces of turtle shell or bone which were used for pyromancy, a form of divination, in ancient china. Mainly during the late Shang dynasty.
Paleolithic society
Small bands. Kinship. Slow rate of population growth. Seasonally nomadic. Little to no surplus. As a result of constant movement, people possessed few goods. Highly egalitarian societies. No chiefs, kinds, bureaucrats, soldiers, nobles, or priests. Fewer working hours and more leisure time. Lower rate of childbirth.
Patriarchal society
Men lead and boys are preferred over girls. Men own property, serve in government, and have an occupation. There was a shift from egalitarian societies when agriculture and cities became widespread, specifically when animals became involved with plowing.
Shang dynasty
enlarged the chinese state, erected lavish tombs, and buried thousands of human sacrificial victims to accompany the emperors in the next world. Oracle bones. The shang rulers told people to talk to their ancestors which gave credibility to their rule. Eventually the practice became widespread in the population.
derive from prisoners of war, criminals, and debtors. Were available for sale; for working in the fields, mines, and shops of their owners, or on occasion for sacrifice. Female prisoners of war were often the first slaves.
Stratified society
social division based on occupation and income. Wealth and social status, or derived power (both social and political). Emerged in the Neolithic period with agriculture and cities. Slaves were at the bottom, then servants, unskilled laborers, soldiers, craftsmen, merchants, scribes, priests, and bureaucrats.
a collection of texts from around 800 BCE which contain some of the central philosophical concepts of Hinduism. Introduced concept of transmigration of the soul (reincarnation into different states). One of the earliest religious texts.
Sanskrit word which means color or class. Ancient hindu literature classified all humankind, and all created beings, in principle into four varnas: the brahmins (priests, teachers, and preachers), the Kshatriyas (kings, governers, warriors and soldiers), the vaishyas (cattle herders, merchants), and the sudra (commoners, peasants, servants).
Oldest Hindu religious texts. Written in Sanskrit.
Xia dynasty
first chinese dynasty, founding ruler introduced flood control.