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71 Cards in this Set

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teddy roosevelt
youngest president, took over when mckinley was shot, square deal, trustbuster, conservationist,
square deal
teddy roosevelts plan to act as a referee between labor unions and industry
break up monopolies by lawsuits against them
pure food and drug act
FDA has to inspect all products
meat inspection act
followed up the jungle by upton sinclair
upton sinclair
wrote the jungle
antiquities act
pres can bypass congress to declare a historical spot protected
big stick policy
US will retaliate when provoked
panama canal
roosevelt bought supplies from the french who had failed at it, signed a treaty with colombia, created canal
ottoman empire was falling apart, fighting over who would get that land
battle of the somme
france and britain vs germany
battle of ypres
deadly gas killed all the french
britain, belgium, france, russia
central powers
germany, hungary, austria, bulgaria, ottoman empire
american ship sunk off coast of ireland torpedoed by germans
zimmerman telegraph
german sent to mexico to tell them to attack US
czar nicholas
romonavs were wiped out by bolsheviks, moved toward democracy
espionage act
you cant support the central powers or say pershing is an idiot
sedition act
citizens cant say anything negative about the gov, flag, or military
george creel
appointed to run committee of public information, bombard people with anti-german propaganda to make people support the war
fourteen points
wilson's plan
big 3
US, england, and france
treaty of versailles
grance got alseis loraine, shrank germany and austria and hungary and german navy, army, and germany had to take all blame for war and pay back for damages
weimar republic
germany formed a democratic republic
league of nations
US wasnt a part of it, didnt do much
red scare
everyone was scared communism invading US
a mitchell palmer
palmer raids, anyone could be accused of communism
cold war
soviet union and US competing over technology and trying to spread and stop communism
charles lindbergh
flew first nonstop transatlantic flight
volstead act
alcohol illegal over .05%
al capone
chicago bootleg industry, st valentines day massacre
elliot ness
untouchables, FBI agents that couldnt be bribed
scopes monkey trial
john scopes tought evolution, charles darrow vs william bryan
sacco and vinzetti trial
communist mussolini took over italy, bomb went off in new york, they were blamed for it
national origins act
reduce all immigration except latin america
john edgar hoover
assistant to palmer, took over fbi for 49 years, reformed it
good neighbor policy
US would be on good terms with latin america
hoover plan
set up trade with the south
hoover-stimson doctrine
japan had invaded manchuria
smoot hawly tariff
increased tax on imports, farmers went broke
people who moved west to avoid all the dust
hoover moratorium
cut back on demands for european payback from WWI
march of dimes
created for paralyzed children
new deal
FDRs plan for dealing with the depression
civilian conservation force
gave people jobs in parks to reduce unemployment
securities and exchange commission
watch wal street to make sure they dont crash again
glass steagall banking act
gov regulates banks
social security act
fix govs fault in depression by giving old people money to live on
neutrality act
US wont take any part in war
quarantine speech
FDR called hitler a virus, said we had to quarantine socialism
lendlease act
gave england money to aide them in war and money to china to fight off japan
destroyer for bases agreement
gave american destoryers to england in exchange for access to bases in the carribean
vice pres in roosevelts 4th term, pres when he died
manhattan project
US and british together to make nuclear weapons before hitler
rober oppenheimer
designed first attomic bomb
potsdam declaration
letter to japan of things to do to surrender, japan said no
"little boy"
"fat man"
instrument of surrender
signed by japan to end WWII
united nations
truman thought it would save the world from communism
big 5
us, england, france, russia, china
truman doctrine
Us would do anything to stop the spread of communism
iron curtain
stalin tried to take over countries to protect his spread of communism
marshal plan
us gave money to rebuild europe
if soviet union attacks one member then all would fight back
executive order #9981
desegregated military
mao zedong
winner of chinese civil war who was communist
joseph mccarthy
thought russian spies were everywhere
korean war
forgotten war, north korea turned to communism, US helped south fight, ended in stalemate for a long time
Kim Li Sung
conquered south korea
douglad macarthur
led UN in korea