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89 Cards in this Set

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The End of the (West) European Hegemony
the European influence in the world had decreased and was replaced by the powerful US which had the strongest military and could not be challenged
The Emergence of the Bipolar World
Russia and US emerged as the world superpowers and there were no other countries with enough power to challenge them
Third World
defined countries that remained neutral during the Cold War; also refers to the poorest countries
North/south divide
is the socioeconomic and political division that exists between wealthy developed countries, known as the north, and poorer developing countries, known as the south
Electronic Revolution
essay collection from Burroughs which discussed how human voice could easily influence and be used as a weapon
ongoing process by which regional, economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a globe-spanning network of exchange
Liberal Democracy
feature constitutions that protect people's individual rights from the government gaining too much power
economic and social system in which the means of production (capital) are privately controlled; labor, goods, and capital are traded in market
used democratic centralism, which was when tactical and ideological decisions were made by the internal democracy but once the decision is made, every member of the party must actively support the decision
Russian Revolution - 1917
destroyed the tsarist rule and led to the creation of the Soviet Union; Bolsheviks under the lead of Lenin, took over and transformed the government into the communism
The First Red Scare
the Bolshevik revolution in Russia as well as the Russian Civil War inspired a widespread campaign of violence in the US by anti-government groups
Marriage of Convenience
partnership between groups for mutual benefit
The Second Front
talked about in the Tehran conference; Stalin wanted the Allies to create a second front in western Europe to help the Soviet Union against Germany; Stalin feared that if the second front was not created, the SU would be defeated
Tehran Conference
meeting of Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt and the main discussion was if to create a second front in western Europe but the central plan was to create a plan to defeat Germany
Yalta Conference
meeting between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin to discuss postwar reorganization and discussed the reestablishment of the nations in war torn Europe
Potsdam Conference
meeting of Stalin, Churchill, and Truman to discuss the punishment for Germany and also to discuss post war order, peace treaty issues, and countering the effect of war
Iron Curtain Speech
divided Europe into the East and the West with the SU and the Warsaw Pact being with the east and the US and its allies with the west and south; said by Churchill
Brezhnev Doctrine
justified the invasion of Czechoslovakia that ended the Prague Spring along with earlier Soviet interventions which were meant to put an end to democratic liberalization efforts and uprisings that would put an end to the Soviet's power in the eastern block which were buffers for the SU if a war was to break out
Novikov Telegram
basically said there was an assertion of the Soviet dogmatism and that the US had guaranteed plans for invasion
Truman Doctrine
support anti-communist governments around the world
Marshall Plan
US loans money to European governments; raised confidence of the countries and allowed them to rebuild their economies and as their economies grew, it aided the US because of increased trade
Dulles / rollback
these communists have pushed us too far and we'll use US resources to push them back; suggests US will become militarily more aggressive; massive retaliation - if attacked a little, US will respond drastically
Berlin Blockade and airlift
Germany split into two different occupation zones; Berlin split into four different occupation zones and it's where the tension exists; 1947-48 currency reform in Germany and unite the zones of Germany economically and because of this the West Germany started growing economically; Stalin did not like this and so blockaded West Berlin so that he would force the allies to back down; US airlifted resources (shows American material superiority) for people in Berlin and ultimately Stalin backs down
Warsaw Pact
formed by the Soviet Union in response to demilitarization of west Germany
Two Blocks
mid 1950s Europe is divided into two military alliance blocks
Berlin Wall
1962 - a lot of east Germans were sneaking out of the East and went to the West so the Soviets built the wall to stop it
Korean War
communists support North and US supports South; Kim il Sung - North Korean leader; the US then intervenes militarily and uses the UN to defeat the military aggression in the area; US holds off the North and almost defeats them but then the Chinese invade and they fight each other to a stand still; there is a cease fire and still no treaty till this day
Peaceful coexistence
Soviet Union will rebuild Soviet economy instead of fighting US; wanted to reduce tensions
Geneva Conferences
agreed to end hostilities and restore peace in French Indochina and Vietnam
Cuban Missile Crisis
the Soviet Union deploys missiles on Cuba and so now Soviet Union can hit US easily; Soviets attempting to achieve what the US had for years; US then blockades Cuba and goes close to war; US withdraws its missiles from Turkey as SU withdraws missiles from Cuba
High Point of Détente
Nixon and Breshnev moved towards the SALT and ABM treaties; at the Helsinki - common security agreement
Helsinki Accords
all sides renounce use of force and respect established borders and each side has to respect human rights; 1975; represented respect for the status quo - each side respects the other's sphere of influence
The Second Red Scare
anti-communist consensus in US - many people are anti-communists; McCarthy
Socialism in One Country
Stalin - Russia needed to focus on its own socialism and modernizes economy before spreading its communism abroad
Five Year Plan
state determines what would be produced and how much; Stalin believed that the market is fickle and you can't rely on what it would produce; if you have experts deciding what to be produced and how much you would be able to have a successful economy; focused on producing steel and machine goods to become the basis of economy; aimed at an industrial revolution within 10 years
collectivize small farmers into larger, scientifically watched farms to create more food; Kulaks did not like this
The Great Famine
created because of collectivism because the food was taken to the cities and the peasants starved
they are peasants that are well off; some resist and were persecuted, removed from their farms, or killed; became a word to describe anyone against the government
Radical Centralization
Stalin put power into the hands of one person, or one set of institutions; decisions made in Moscow - don't take in account local circumstances
Gulag System
new soldiers were sent here after WWII because Stalin believed they could have been corrupted by invading other countries
Stalin's Cult of Personality
used propaganda to create a heroic public image for Stalin
Replica States
these Eastern European states become carbon copies; posed Stalin's system on these countries and allowed no deviations; constitutions that gave communist party dictatorships and power; five year plans and collectivism - followed the same thing the Soviet Union did
council for mutual economic assistance; Stalin's answer to the Marshall Plan; Soviet Union is extracting wealth from Eastern European countries as war reparations; furthered impoverished eastern Europe
Tito's Yugoslavia
didn't become dependent on the Soviet Union; his Stalinism though was harsh as well; Stalin hated him and almost went to war because he wanted his own government
Rebellions East Germany & Hungary
Soviets crushed the revolutions
Khrushchev's Secret Speech
Feb 1956; denounces Stalin - his murderous acts, blundering incompetence, his power hungry personality; speech undermined Stalin's legacy and allowed them to deviate; basically, Leninism justifies the party to be able to lead the people; Kh did acknowledge that if communism was to survive it had to loosen up a little because the atmosphere of fear which froze people within the party as well as for the people; using this speech to consolidate his own power as the leader of his party and of the Soviet Union
Guns vs Butter
Khrushchev wanted to increase living standards and wanted to have an economy more focused on meeting the needs of the citizens
Culture of Dissent
people were starting to adopt western clothing and mannerisms and were not as passionate for their government to spread and work
Hungarian Revolt of 1956
Hungarians wanted to create a more humane version of communism tailored to the specific needs of Hungary but Moscow saw the movement and brought in the tanks
Goulash Communism
in Hungary, bargain between people and state; you respect the monopoly of power of the state, keep your mouth shut, and we will loosen up the police state, grant you a degree of autonomy, increase standard of living
Liberal Communism in Poland
reforms designed to produce more consumer goods and improve standard of living and therefore allow the state to gain greater acceptance
Stalinist Holdout
Ceausescu's Romania; one of the most brutal dictators to emerge during this time; continues state centralization and persecutes minorities
Prague Spring
were internal reforms but threatened socialism and Moscow gave military intervention; killed the communistic ideal
Welfare State
safety nets, and society's collective responsibility; pensions, unemployment insurance, health care, education, child care; raised the standard of living
Social/Mixed Economies
new consensus emerges in Europe that governments need to play a major role in the economy, but the goal is to be to raise the standard of living for the most people; this promotes democracy because the more and more well-off people, the more they support the democracy; reduces class conflict; governments recognized that they needed to pursue policies in which they would redistribute the wealth which was usually done through greater tax burden on the rich and a goal is to increase the ranks of the middle class; state also steps in to provide services that the private market couldn't seem to provide for a lot of people
Maastricht Treaty - European Union Treaty
offers a vision for a common foreign policy, common law and justice policy, and a common currency
Ho Chi Minh
born and raised in the north and goes to Paris and hangs out with Vietnamese intellectuals as well as other intellectuals from colonies that left Vietnam to learn in France; here they get ideas for nationalism and also learns about Leninism; works some time in Russia than China and actually forms the Vietnamese Communist Party in China
First French Indo-China War
French militarily trying to get control of Vietnam but the French start to lose and the Viet Minh are better at jungle fighting and US then begins to support the French with money, supplies, and logistics; France looses
Domino Theory
Eisenhower said that if one country in southeast Asia falls to communism, the rest will fall to communism as well
communism appears to be on the march in Asia and US wants to stop it
Dien Bien Phu
French fortress that the French are confident to win at during the first Indo-China war, but the Viet Mihn win - 1954
Geneva Accords of 1954
split Vietnam into north and south with north under Viet Minh and will have an election in 2 years but US backs out and cancels the elections; basically, if there were nation elections Minh would win because he was popular and the US instead decides to prop up a stable south Vietnamese government that is at least anti communist
Ngo Dinh Diem
best available man; Vietnamese saw him as a puppet; he had extensive ties in the catholic community which upset many Vietnamese because they are Buddhist; is a nationalist and didn't like the French so they thought the people would like him; was not a good democrat - his government was corrupt and put his friends and family into the government; looked like continuation of French colonialism backed by the US to the Vietnamese
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Johnson gets a blank check to pursue the war however he saw fit
Operation Rolling Thunder
March 1965 - 1968; bombing across north Vietnam; Napalm and Agent Orange; US drops 7 million tons on Vietnam
Tet Offensive
tactical defeat for US; 1968
Mohammad Daoud Khan
had a military coup and took over Afghanistan
Saur "April" Revolution
Khan was murdered and the People's democratic Party of Afghanistan was created; the communists were divided into two different groups: khalq and parcham
more extreme division of the communists in Afghanistan and came out on top of the power struggle
the banner - wanted gradual move to communism in Afghanistan because it wasn't industrial enough to undergo a true communist revolution
group in Afghanistan that was gaining power and favor during the Soviet occupation; did guerilla war with raids and ambushes
Soviets referred to the mujahideen as spirits because they could attack and disappear
led by Mullah Mohammed Omar; means knowledge seekers; funded by Pakistani secret service; began by getting support in rural areas; did targeted assassinations of the noncompliant rulers and put people they trusted in charge; captured Cabel in 1996 and rest of country falling in line in 2000; were treated enthusiastically but then it was characterized with sharia law
Sharia Law
elaborately details dress codes forced, girls not allowed to go to school, no music, movies, etc, not many sports, theft punished by loosing a hand
Light Footprint
US idea after September 11; small peace keeping force in Kabul but not letting them move around but they didn't want to be like the Soviets and get the locals to hate them; troops in Kabul and some out in the country sides searching for Taliban; no effort to rebuild agriculture and industrial base
Helsinki Accords
1975 high point of détente - all countries of Europe, SU, and US agree to respect each others sovereignty - there will be no revisionism in borders; renounce use of force; respect human rights - this not respected by the communists in Russia and China; represents the status quo - this is the system we have let's make it as livable as possible; this gives opponents of the countries rhetoric to hurl at the regimes
SDI / "star wars"
satellite based missiles that shoot down Soviet missiles; they didn't have the technology for this; American public loves this; fake tests to keep public with it and scare SU
Red Dawn
movie that shows the invasion of the US by the Soviet Union
Mikhail Gorbachev
1985 - wants to reform Soviet communism; policies unleash forces that actually expose the weaknesses of communism; his policies were glasnost and perestroika
openness - people needed to not be afraid to speak up to criticize what's broken; loosens up - people should be able to propose new solutions
restructuring - restructuring of the Soviet economy; wants to create some room for free market mechanisms to operate and for people to have wants to work harder and create small businesses; moved away from the planned economy of 5 year plan; government still has a huge role though
1980 - free trade union formed in Poland; workers in Poland need their own institution to protect them from their government; gains success and looks to form a popular movement that would overthrow a communist government; Soviet union starts conducting military practices near the Polish coast (before end of Brezhnev doctrine); it falls - but after end of Brezhnev doctrine it rises again; 1989 - grows power and has elections and the party won
Mr. Gorbachev's Revolution
Gorbachev leads to the demise of the Soviet Union by ending the Brezhniv doctrine; glasnost - people can come out and criticize; perestroika - exposes weakness of Soviet economic model; allows for political pluralism and allows people to compete against the communist party in government; bargains and gives up a lot in negotiations with Reagan
Reagan won the Cold War
what most people in the US believed; Reagan's policies that brought the Soviet Union to its knees
End of History Thesis
Francis Fukuyama - 1989; History as a process of competing ideas and ideologies came to an end in 1989 - one idea, liberal democracy and capitalism; other ideologies will fail - liberal democracy and capitalism is the best way to govern society, only economic system that can produce wealth and succeed, have peaceful conclusions to challenges
Clash of Civilizations
Samuel Huntington - global ideological struggle was coming to an end but now civilization struggles will appear; West vs Islam, etc
Unipolar Moment
Charles Krauthammer argues that the US remains the only superpower in the world; US unrivaled in unique combination of power it possesses; US needs to act unilaterally to defend its own stability and the stability of the new world order; if you want to gain international support for US leadership in the world and back home you have to look like you're acting multilaterally though only acting unilaterally; good for the whole world - US would provide protection for world economy
First Gulf War
here you have the US against Hussein and other countries jump in; shows massive demonstration of American military power
NATO Expansion
1990s - expands into eastern Europe because Warsaw Pact falls and Russia falls