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132 Cards in this Set

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Olive Branch Petition
adopted by continental congress in an attempt to avoid a full blown war with Great Britain. The petition affirmed American loyalty to Great Britain and entreated the King to prevent further conflict. Their issues were with Parliament not the King. The king refused to even accept the petition
Thomas Paine
Wrote pamphlet Common Sense-sold 127,000 copies of pamphlet in 3 months. He argued something that everybody felt but was too afraid to say. Who cares if the King doesn't endorse us-we don't want to be a monarchy! He is trying to create a democratic republic.
Declaration of Independence
established independent country and 13 new states. Prepared written constitution. Vermont-separate constitution-all men free and equal-free all slaves
American Revolution as it began was a minority revolution. Over the course of the war it became a major revolution. An American, who during the time of the revolution favored the British side. Also called a Loyalist
Benedict Arnold
was a general during the American Revolutionary War who originally fought for the American Continental Army but defected to the British Army. He did so because of a series of events, beginning with Horatio Gates taking full credit for Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Saratoga
Captured almost the whole British army. Opened door for French support. Generally regarded as a turning point in the war. Conclusively decided the fate of British General John Burgoyne's army.
Horatio Gates
Commander crushed during Battle of Camden. Strengthen British hold on the Carolina's following the capture of Charleston.
Nathaniel Greene
took small number of troops and divided them into 3 troops. 1 he controlled, 1 Daniel Morgan controlled, and 1 Lighthorse Carrol Lee controlled. Begin launching strikes against British garles? rounded up guerrilla or Partisons. He emerged from the revolutionary war as Washington's most dependable and gifted officer.
Hannah's Cowpens
Daniel Morgan in command-position people on slope-> at base rifles first line-British troops were advancing-fired into British-second line composed of militiamen->fired a few rounds and fled->British thought they were retreating and rushed up hill (got tired and slow)-at top of hill they destroyed British troops. From SC american forces went to VA and then back into NC
Guilford Courthouse
fought battle, British occupied battlefield but they had lost many more men (Cornwallis's troops). Cornwallis goes to Wilmington to recharge and then goes to Yorktown VA. Americans are able to regain control over south when Cornwallis marches north. Washington begins collaborating with french general
Battle of Yorktown
French troops came to help fight. Cornwallis surrendered his army-rebels had captured 2 British armies. Britain realized war effort was a disaster and began to more seriously try for negotiations
Treat of Paris
established independent USA-eastern half of our country
Ben Franklin
received instructions to follow french lead but he got sick. He is considered one of the founding fathers of US of A. Since he was sick Jay and Adams take matter s into their own hands. Franklin eventually supports
John Jay
had to come in from Spain to represed United States. Jay was a french Huggenot, hated France. Undertook secret negotiations with Britain. Got Adams to join in, Franklin eventually supported him as well.
John Adams
second president of the united states-supporter of Republicanism. Enlightenment political theorist and leader of American Independence from Great Britain. US got lots of land from British. British granted so much land-paved way for better post-war relations. Drive a wedge between France and USA and Britain.
John Dickinson
had committee
construct a constitution for USA. Got a gov that exist of a congress
bicameral legislature of the federal government of the united states. Power held
-to control military
-to declare war and peace
-to handle disputes between states
-to coin money
-to establish weights and measures
-to oversee trade between Indians outside state boundaries
-to control postals, ETC.
Every power not specifically given to Congress, states had control over-can't tax states. each state gets 1 vote (when congress convenes). Any amendment requires unanimous consent. 9/13 votes for many of the things
Article 2
creates the executive branch of the government, consisting of the president, the vice president, and other executive officers chosen by the president
Western land
frontier land deal-land proposals from Indians aren't official
private Indian land agreement are null and void! You must get land through gov
Financing the War
paying for war and creating a gov-rebels printed vast quantities of paper money
-initially people would use paper money->rebels weren't doing that well so people didn't want to use these paper dollars-value of dollar went down. This causes huge inflation and terrible financial problems. Departments were invented to deal with this
Robert Morris
in charge of finance department-needed Congress to have ability to tax
-Rhode island doesn't agree-they make lots of money from their import tax, they would lose money if congress was allowed to tax
Import task
Rhode Island would lose this tax if congress had right to tax--tense times
NewBurgh Conspiracy
officers were becoming increasingly upset they had to pay for their own food and uniforms out of pocket. They wanted what British officers got-they protested and pegged protests on trees. Army officers were threatening to disband army right before win of the American Rev. Washington wrote letters to friends and read to officers. Reminded them there must be civilian authority over the army-follows orders from gov not the other way around. Closest US has ever come to a military take-over
Alexander Hamilton
was an indentured servant who rose to power-served under Washington. He was like the son Washington never had. He did most of the writing of documents for Washington.
America began making own goods
Britain attempted to regain market share, US should have had a tariff-worsened economic system
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
established a blueprint for the creation of territories and those territories to create states. 5000 free adult males settled in territory-it was allowed to have an elected assembly. Every town had to have a school. Sold land 1 dollar per acre-this would pay off rev. war debt. a person under arrest must be brought before a court or judge
Shay's Rebellion
farmers liked inflation, so when when people were taxed too pay back debt (poll tax) it was really hurting them and they were getting sick of it. The farmers protested and rose up in violent uprising led by Daniel Shay. Amnesty was granted to all individuals who participated in Shay's rebellion. People were scared that rebellions could overturn a gov that was voted for by the people
Annapolis Convention
wanted to establish uniform regulations for commerce (articles of confederation were not working) called for a new constitutional convention-congress agreed to hold a new convention in Philadelphia in May 1767
These federalists are not necessarily members of the federalist party, James Madison is a federalist philosophically, but is an enemy of the federalist party. We need a strong central government because individuals are self-interested and self absorbed. human beings are naturally corrupt. We have to create a gov keeping this assumption in mind-make up for it with checks and balances! separate power to protect peoples rights.
believe in a decentralized government-states should have individual power! yeoman farmers
James Madison
fourth president of the united states
Mass State gov created by John Adams governor-veto
2 houses of reps to pass laws
congress can overturn a veto
2 elements of society people and property!
Virginia Plan
basic blueprint for gov in United States
-National executive
-National judiciary
New Jersey Plan
wanted 1 vote for state
they thought that if you went off population bigger states would overpower smaller states--if not then people in smaller states would have more of a say.... not fair either way
Great Compromise
Equality of the person v. equality of the states
Slavery vs non-slavery
beginning of a strong abolitionist movement in northern states-let states decide for themselves whether or not to have slaves
Frontier vs. original states
original states more power
northwest ordinance-all new states would be equal to the rest of the states
interstates fugitive slaves
congress pass laws controlling this (national level)-a problem of interstate commerce
foreign slave trade
by this point most people realized how wrong this was. Georgia complained that they didn't have access to labor like other states because they weren't allowed to import slaves until later. States would control import of slaves for 20 years and then congress would take over
3/5ths compromise
representations for slaves
1 slave=3/5ths of a person
so southern states got more say with this slave representation and didn't pay higher tax for the higher population-the north got screwed over by this
Federalist Papers
constitution tells federalist gov what powers it has-the rest of the power goes to the people
-Madison, Hamilton, and Jay explain new constitution and convince individuals to support this new constitution. promised..
-distribution and delegation of the people's power
-representation members chosen by the people
-charter of power granted by liberty
once washington would do something others would do it the same way. he had to be careful about his procedures. allowed visiting hours-all congressmen and senators had access to president-host dinners for them. president does certain things and then gets advice and consent from senate
a tax imposed on imports or exports
Bill of Rights
constitutes the first 10 amendments of the us. serve to protect natural rights of liberty and property. 7 states requested bill of rights NC refused to ratify constitution until a Bill of Rights was added.
Judiciary Act of 1789
established federal district courts
1 in every state-13 federal district courts
-appeal court-circuit court
created departments individuals required advice in writing-first congress requested secretary of treasury to provide financial device-Hamilton was first secretary of treasury-his policy revolutionized US
Hamilton's Ideology
future is w/manufacturing and commerce, not just agriculture. Restore good relations w/Britain-have to get gov off of the ground-pay all rev war debts in full w/interest->established credibility-tie wealthy people to gov to prevent it from going under
Federal assumption of state debts
fed gov assume responsibilities for all state and federal debts. renewed bonds with US on them, also paid interest
Tariff, Whiskey Tax
-help raise money to pay off debts
-high tariff supports business industry
-farmers convert excess grain into whiskey-grain rots but alcohol doesn't-they would grow crop, sell some, eat some, and convert rest to whiskey
Bank of United States
1/5 public owned, 4/5 privately owned
-take tax recite and deposit into bank of us-write checks from bank of us to pay employees
-tax revenues always deposited here=lots of $
-accepts deposits of us gov, serve as fiscal agent of us gov
-restrain state banks
-get other banks to act responsibly-$ circulate accurately
Necessary and Proper (elastic) Clause
hamilton was trying to make it clear that federal gov was more powerful than state govs. federal responsibilities are more powerful than state governments
Whiskey Rebellion
rose up in rebellion when people tried to collect whiskey tax-washington and 15000 militia men march to pennsylvania to break up rebellion and put an end to it
District of Colombia
land donated by VA and MA to be District of Colobia
A Site on the Potamic River
capital moves here and is named Washington
Northwest ordinance 0f 1789
established northwest territory-slavery prohibited
southwest ordinance
organized southwest territory-slavery allowed
French Revolution
france became exceedingly unstable and demanded us fight on their behalf
Edmond "citizen" Genet
france sent this guy to US lobbying to get washington to change mind and fight-jefferson took pity and put pressure on washington to help out. Gave talks to american public, Washington said he had to leave. Eventually had to seek refuge in us when France set a death sentence for him
War in Europe
British began stopping US trade w/france (powerful navy)
-could define what was legal and illegal to trade
-no food or cloth for soldiers no war
-british retained fortifications in us soil
assisted Indians in not allowing US to expand west
-essentially acted like big bullies
Jay Treaty
required GB to leave american soil and citizens had to pay britain their debt-limited trade w/west indies. block any attempts to trade w/france-prevented war with great britain-senate ratified but house of reps refused to allocated $ for it
Pickney Treaty w/Spain
Gained full access to Mississippi River-Am have right of deposit in New orleans-deposit goods in warehouses-moved out of warehouse onto ocean going vessels when ready
Battle of Fallen Timbers
final battle of northwest indian war, a struggle between american indian tribes affiliated with the western confederacy and the united states for control of the northwest territory.
Washington's Farewell Address
written by Alexander Hamilton
-warned people about political parties that were beginning to form
-alliances caused unnecessary wars
-greatest words of wisdom--we didn't listen :(
Federalist Party
-confident US
-created divisions within congress
-led by Adams and Hamilton
-strong central go
-strong standing army
-more taxes-pay army and $ goes to gob
Republican Party
madison and jefferson
weak internal gov
support militia
believe in laissez-faire policy-keep gov onto f policies
tend to be anti-british
jefferson was basis for republican party but madison and other republicans built it
election of 1790
adams was elected president, jefferson was vice president
they were best friends before election
jefferson wrote letters to newspapers accusing adams of being a monarchist, when he knew he wasn't
refused to give adams advice
quasi war s/france
an undeclared war fought mostly at sea between the united states and french republic
XYZ affair
france demanded bribe, Adams eventually negotiated an agreement with france in 1800
adams had repudiated hamilton's leadership he had wanted to go to war
Alien Acts
established that an individual who immigrated to the us would have to wait 14 years before becoming a citizen-alienate immigrants-deport immigrants who were dangerous to country. peacetime law lasted for 3 years, during wartime it still exists
Sedition Acts
to silence criticism of the administration-imposed rights of imprisonment for acting or speaking negatively of the gov-issues with free speech?
kentucky state resolution
state has rights to declare federal law unconstitutional
Presidential Election of 1800
republicans have party platform, have political machinery in place, rally around jefferson as president and aaron burr for vice. when it came to electoral college every single republican voted for jefferson and burr so they tied! giving representation to slaves jefferson and burr were able to beat adams. Hamilton told people to vote for jefferson over burr. Jefferson was elected
Twelfth Amedment
established separate ballots for president and vice president
the support, encouragement, privilege, or financial aid that an organization or individual bestows to another
Repeal of Internal Tax
eliminate whiskey tax
cut navy
tariff-gov income based on kindness of british navy
british can block goods going to USA
Judiciary act of 1801
created permanent appeals court reduce size of supreme justice by 1.
-passed legislation to change it back to how it was before
-can't deprive judges of their slaries
-adams appoints john marshall as chief justice of supreme court
John Pickering
commit felony-get impeached-removal of justices
accused of crime, Pickering convicted
-he had never committed felony but was just insane and had to be removed
-if a felony was committed can be removed from position
Trial of Samuel Chase
Justice-strong and outspoken federalist couldn't get a majority vote on any charges
-being Partisan is not a valid basis for removing an individual
Marbury vs Madison (1803)
Madison never delivered appointment letter that marbury had asked him to. Marbury went directly to Supreme Court
-Marshall ruled in favor of Madison-jefferson admin won! Court formed the basis for the exercise of judicial review in the United States under article III of the constitution
Fletcher v. Peck
Florida sold land under shady circumstances. People purchased land from gov. in good faith with signed contract. State gov has no right to aggregate a contract. state law ruled unconstitutional-
Dartmouth College
King George III established charter to create Dartmouth College in New Hampshire-state wanted to convert to State University. Trustees refused-won!
Cohens v. VA (1821)
passed law that prohibited lotteries in VA
-Cohens had lottery
-VA had right to prohibit lotteries
-state laws can't be in violation of U.S. Constitution
McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
Madison creates 2nd bank of US
-Bank of US fulfilled constitutional obligations therefore it was constitutional
-state gov. doesn't have power to tax Bank of US
Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)
-exclusive monopoly between NY and NJ
-Supreme court ruled state of NY had no right to grant a monopoly for Fulton's Company
-state to state interaction
US congress civil rights act of 1964
was a landmark piece of legislation in the United States[1] that outlawed major forms of discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities and women.[2] It ended unequal application of voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, at the workplace and by facilities that served the general public ("public accommodations").
Marshall Court
expanded powers of supreme court greatly
Louisiana Purchase
offered 2,000,000 to purchase new orleans out to gulf of mexico so we could use mississippi river
-sold all land for 15,000,000-us double its size
Lewis and Clark Expedition
walked from KC to pacific coast and back-traveled bulk of distance on foot
-everybody on expedition had to keep a diary
Burr Conspiracy
Aaron Burr-after term ran for gov.
Burr vs. Hamilton dueled-aaron burr killed alexander hamilton
-ny issued warrant for burr->burr fled
-burr was involved with wilkinson
James Wilkinson
wilkinson and burr tried to take back louisiana and give to spain
-wilkinson got cold feet-arrested hamilton and others involved in conspiracy
-burr was tested in trial as a traitor-got off-eventually found his way to paris-spent all his $ on prostitutes
-sired several children in 70s, divorced for adultery ad plundering wife's estate in his 80s
American Colinization Society
would take slaves and return them to africa
-1820 congress imposed death penalty for ship captains trying to smuggle slaves in
of war, food could be eaten by soldiers us merchant ships real victims
-britain blocked france territory and imposed rule of sea on us what they could and couldn't trade with france
6000 american sailors were impressed into british navy seizing cargo based on defs. British would make up about what legal and illegal trade is
Cheapeake-Leopard Affair
Chesapeake US navy warship
-Leopard-British navy warship
-happened 3 miles away from shore
US territory! British onto Chesapeake killed sailors, impressed some and left
1807 Embargo Act
prevented clearance for foreign ports by American owned ships. Created wholesale economic depression in New England and New York because that was where trade was big
-jefferson enforced embargo act with navy and army
-james madison was jefferson's selected successor
-madison was an epilectic-thought he was insane
Election of 1808
james madison defeated federalist candidate
non-intercourse act
no intercourse with britain and france but they can with everybody else
Macon's Bill No. 2
would trade with gr. britain or france and no intercourse with theo there if they agreed to respect our rights too
problem on the frontier
william henry harrison
us sent him to confront tecumseh had militia and military
-prepared dawn attack against shawnee tecumseh wasn't there though
harrison's men eventually won-broke back of tecumseh conspiracy
-us thought britain complied with indians (not true)
Tecumseh Conspiracy
shawnee tecumseh thought that if Indians united they could block westward expansion
War Hawks
congressmen banded together and advocated war with gr. britain
-no response-decided to declare war
-british had decided to comply but we had already declared war when we found out
war of 1812
us had great ideas about conquering canada
-when peace treaty comes we will kept it (both brits and us thought this)
war between britain and us brought on by trade restrictions britain imposed due to their ongoing war with france
impressment of american soldiers and britains alliance with indians?
Oliver Hazard Perry
hero of lake erie
famous for leading american forces in a decisive naval victory at the battle of lake erie
Battle of Put-in-Bay
Americans destroyed British fleet on lake erie
harrison now able to attack parts of canada
Battle of the River Thames
americans won->killed tecumseh
resotred control of northwest territory
-british planned 3-prong attack plan build fleet on lake champlain
thomas macdonough
started building american fleet as well-finished right when british launched attack
battle of lake champlain
macdonough positioned boats with current and wind so that british wold need to engage
-us fired 2 broadsides for every one the british fired
-crushed british! halted british expedition
british fled into capital and burned the whitehouse
Andrew Jackson
was born in north carolina commanded us fleet
battle of new orleans
final major battle of the war of 1812
american forces commanded by andrew jackson defeated an invading british army intent on seizing new orleans and the vast territory the united states had acquired with the louisiana purchase.
british fled in horror and dismay!!
Treaty of Ghent
henry clay, john quincy adams, gallatin over to negotiate with britain
was proposed and signed-Battle of New Orleans fought after
-return status quo ante bellum-return to the way things were before the war
Hartford Convention
gathering in Hartford, CN to discuss grievances
-moderates represented 3 different New England states-not others
-president couldn't be from same state (consecutive presidents)
-put forward a proposal to strike down 3/5ths cause in the us constitution
Samuel Slater
had worked in british tactile factory
-he wrote blue prints of textile factory-smuggled into US
-he built textile factory->triggered textile industry
Eli Whitney
proposed idea interchangeable parts
Erie Canal
really small enables you to connect by water from new york city
financed at cost of 7.6 million paid for by new york
caused enormous expansion of population and trade of nyc
-massive migration to old northwest territory due to erie canal
old northwest
ohio, indiana, illinois
old southwest
alabama, mississippi, missouri
cotton gin revolutionized southern living/farming
sea island cotton
upland cotton
enables you to put cotton in remove burr without damaging fibers
you can grow upland cotton anywhere-massive production
cotton gin transforms region
results in slave expansion
textile industry expanded as well
panic of 1812
huge economic downtown-bank had given people loans and sold lots of land
second bank of us bought papers form western banks and asked them to pay it back-banks had to demand that people with loans pay money back-they sold land-bank acquired land they didn't want-banks and individuals went under
James Monroe
elected president for republican party->backed by madison
foreign policy and domestic affairs
believed in political parties just one though
rush bagot treat
super importnat treaty between us and canada
-established a demilitarized border between US and Canada
-saves tons of money
-still the longest demilitarized border in the world
-established in 1817
owned by spain-slaves would escape here and they couldn't be pursued
raiders would seek refuge here also brought on andrew jackson's raid-invaded spain hung people involved in raid ring
-john quincy adams one of great secretaries of state-adams proposed spain give us florida and we pay them
Adams-Onis Treaty
Spain agreed to this and gave us florida in exchange for money
-we acquired florida
Monroe Doctrine
any attempt by european pose rot intervene in this hemisphere would perceive as an act of unfriendliness to united states
missouri enabling act
An Act to authorize the people of the Missouri territory to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union on an equal footing with the original states, and to prohibit slavery in certain territories.
Tallmadge Amendment-Pst natus law
no further intro of slaves to missouri and all children of slaves would become free after age 25
-gradual emancipation that would put institution of slavery on the road to extinction
passed in house of reps
debate in senate did not work that way though
sen rufus king
opposed slavery
-could not get tallmadge amendment through house of reps after senate had slip it
"necessary evil"
southerners claimed slavery was a necessary evil
-in other words they realized it was evil but thought it was essential
passed through house of reps and senate easily-already lots of slaves here
passed through house of reps and senate easily-not many slaves
Senator JB Thomas
proposed 36 degree 30 mins
northerner who was pro slavery thought he was giving southerners an advantage with this deal
36 degree 30'
admit missouri as slave state, maine as free state and draw a line north of 36 degree 30' free soil, everything south slave soil
Henry Clay
convinced support for senate version of bill was on committee
tallmadge amendment failed in the end
northerners who were soft on slavery
-either pro slavery or no moral opposition to slavery