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57 Cards in this Set

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after civil war (1865-77), which the confederate states were controlled by federal government and social legislation; included rights for African Americans

10% Plan

once 10% of a confederate state voters swore an oath, then they could be readmitted into the Union.

Wade-Davis Bill

(1864) complete abolition of slavery, 50% of voters must swear an oath.

Freedmen's Burea

(1865) helps former slaves and poor whites after civil war.

Andrew Johnson

president after Lincoln who wanted to pardon the southern states if they took an oath, removed troops, southern states pay off debt

13th Amendment

abolished slavery

14th Amendment

(1868) anyone born or naturalized in the U.S. is a citizen

Military Reconstruction Act

(1867) divided the 10 southern states into 5 military districts

15th Amendment

prohibits the federal and state governments from a citizen the right to vote based on the citizens "race, color, or previous condition of servitude".

Black Codes

(1865-1866) restricted blacks from certain rights. Jim Crow is an example which segregated everything.

Johnson v. M'Intosh

(1823) private citizens could not buy land from Native Americans.

Ulysses S. Grant

politically incompetent; he elected officials who were corrupt which lost him a second term, but he did get the 15th amendment ratified and established a National Park Service.

Dawes Severalty Act

(1887) tried to turn Indians away from their barbaric behavior and culture and turn them into American citizens.

Wars of Peace Policy


Ft Laramie Treaty

(1868) a treaty between the United States and the Lakota people giving them ownership of the Black Hills

Crazy Horse & Sitting Bull

(1877) a chief and leading warrior who lead indians in the Battle of Little Bighorn against Custer and his 7th calvary

General George Custer

leader of United States army (7th calvary) against the indians in the infamous Battle of Little Bighorn.


invented the ghost dance movement to scare of the white men.

Massacre at Wounded Knee

(1890) the Sioux indians were killed.

Homestead Act

(1862) congress made public lands in the West available to settlers without payment (about 160 acres) to be turned into working farms.

Morrill Act

(1862) establish institutions in each state which would educate people in basic needs; Abraham Lincoln signed it.

Pacific Railroad Act

gave railroad owners money an land along the railroad that they built.


black southerners who migrated West

2nd Industrial Revolution

late 19th/early 20th century (steel, oil& gas, electricity)

John D. Rockefeller

standard oil tycoon

Interstate Commerse Commision

(1887) regulate the railroad industry and mostly regulate big railroad monopolies.

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

(1890) made monopolies on products and services illegal.

Andrew Carnegie

steel tycoon

J.P. Morgan

banker, financier, philanthropist

The Great Carnival in Chicago in 1893

celebrated the 400th anniversary of

Christopher Columbus' arrival in America.

Women's Trade Union League

working class women, professional women, and wealthy and prominent women. better wages, hours, and working conditions.

Eugene Debs

5 time socialist candidate who worked for labor movements.

17th Amendement

(1913) direct election of U.S. Senators by popular vote.

Teddy Roosevelt

"Big Stick Policy", Rough Rider Regiment, big trust buster, he loved to be involved in foreign affairs.

Bureau of Corporations

Teddy Roosevelt got congress to pass this, which made an investigatory agency that could investigate business practices.

Newlands Reclamation Act

(1902) created irrigation projects for states out West with little water.

William Howard Taft

chief justice and president, he was a poor politician so he got little done; he did not like stretching his powers

16th Amendment

(1913) gives congress the right to impose income tax without apportioning it among the states

Federal Child Bureau

President Taft (1912) provides safety and supportive systems for children

Woodrow Wilson

lead the United States in WWI and made the League of Nations possible;wanted the world to be safe for democracy.

Federal Reserve System

(1913) economic stability through Central Bank (in charge monetary policy) also gave federal banks the right to print money to ensure economic stability.

Federal Trade Commission

(1913) investigates businesses that are scamming or being unfair and have monopolistic practices also responsible for reviewing mergers.

Clayton Anti-Trust Act

(1914) provides further clarification and substance to Sherman anti-trust act. Tried to prohibit certain actions that lead to anti-competitions.

Samuel "Golden Rule" Jones

worked very hard on getting equality of all men and tried to make life as easy as possible for the people of Toledo (cheap streetcar fare, paid vacations, etc.).

National Child Labor Committee

(1904) they work for the safety and encouragement of education for children. They try to improve the lives of children.

Anti-Saloon League

(1893) began in Ohio, leading organization for prohibition.

War Industries Board

(1917) coordinated war materials. encouraged companies to mass-produce to increase efficiency and limit waste by standardizing products.

Liberty Bonds

during WWI the government pressured Americans to buy these bonds to support the war efforts. they also had interest so you would make your money back.

4 minute men

during the four minute break men would give speeches that were on topics that they were given by the CPI.

Espionage, Sabotage, and Sedition Acts

(late 1917& early 1918) government laws that made it illegal to talk badly about the war and made it illegal to be spying on the government.

American Protective League

private citizens who went undercover to find German sympathizers and to try to counteract them.

14 Points

Woodrow Wilson negotiated fourteen points that would guarantee peace.

Treaty of Versailles

(1919) ended the war between Germany and the Allied Powers.

Installment Plan

paying for items in fixed amounts (the ford T car)

Warren G. Harding

(1920) 29th president

Calvin Collidge

(1923) 30th president

Herbert Hoover

(1928) 31st president