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46 Cards in this Set

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Gluteus maximus

origin: ilium, sacrum, coccyx
insertion: posterior, proximal femur and iliotibial tract

group: superficial gluteus muscle
location: superficial posterior hip ("butt")

function: extends thigh
Name the muscle
Gluteus medius

origin: ilium
insertion: greater trochanter

group: superficial gluteus muscle
location: under maximus, origin at ilium close to iliac crest

function: abduct and medially rotate thigh, stabilise pelvis
Name the muscle
Guteus Minimus

origin: ilium
insertion: greater trochanter

group: superficial gluteus muscle
location: inferior to medius (origin half way on fossa "wing" of ilium)

function: abduct and medially rotate thigh, stabilise pelvis
Name the muscle
Name the muscle
Tensor fasciae latae

origin: anterior ilium
insertion: iliotibial tract

group: superficial gluteus muscle

function: tense fascia lata, abduct and medially rotate thigh, stabilise pelvis
Name the muscle
Name the muscle

Group: deep gluteus group
Function: lateral hip rotation
Name this muscle
Name this muscle
obturator internus

Group: deep gluteus group
Function: lateral hip rotation
Name this muscle
Name this muscle
gemelli superior

group: deep gluteus group
Function: lateral hip rotation
Name this muscle
Name this muscle
Gemelli inferior

group: deep gluteus group
Function: lateral hip rotation
Name this muscle
Name this muscle
Quadratus Femoris

group: deep gluteus muscle
function: lateral hip rotation
Name this muscle
Name this muscle

origin: ilium (close to iliac crest)
insertion: lesser trochanter

function: flex thigh at hip joint
Name the muscle
Name the muscle
Psoas Major

origin: inferior most thoracic vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae
insertion: lesser trochanter

function: flex thigh at hip joint
Name the muscle
Name the muscle
Psoas minor: superior and anterior to major

origin: vertebrae, superior lumbar region
insertion: pelvic bone
Not everyone has it
Note: does not affect hip joint

Function: flex thigh at hip joint
Name the muscle
Name the muscle

origin: anterior superior iliac spine
insertion: medial surface of proximal tibia (after winding behind the medial aspect of the lower thigh)

Function: flex, abducts, lateral rotate thigh at hip joint; flex knee joint
Name the muscle
Rectus femoris (Quadraceps femoris)

origin: anterior ilium
insertion: patella and tibial tuberosity

Function: extend knee
Name the muscle
Quadriceps femoris group: Vastus lateralis

origin: greater trochanter and linea aspera of femur
insertion: patella and tibial tuberosity

Function: extend knee
Name the muscle
Quadriceps femoris group: Vastus medialis

origin: linea aspera
insertion: patella and tibial tuberosity

Function: extend knee
Name the muscle
Quadriceps femoris group: Vastus intermedius

origin: anterior and lateral surfaces of proximal shaft of femur
insertion: patella and tibial tuberosity

Function: extend knee
Name the muscle
Adductor longus

origin: pubis
insertion: linea aspera

group: medial thigh
innervation: obturator nerve
blood supply: femoral artery
drain into: femoral vein
location: inferior to pectineus, pectineus + adductor longus = most superficial anterior view of medial thigh (under Quadratus femoris from anterior view)

Function: adduct thigh
Name the muscle

origin: pubis
insertion: linea aspera

group: medial thigh
innervation: obturator nerve
blood supply: femoral artery
drain into: femoral vein
location: superior to adductor longus, pectineus +
adductor longus = most superficial anterior view of medial thigh (under Quadratus femoris from anterior view)

Function: adduct and flex thigh
Name the muscle
Adductor magnus
femoral --> adductor hiatus --> popliteal

origin: Ischium and pubis
insertion: linea aspera

group: medial thigh
innervation: obturator nerve
blood supply: femoral artery
drain: femoral vein
location: anterior view - under adductor longus (but can see medial edge slightly), deep posterior - whole muscle, very big (magnus), hole = adductor hiatus, inferior to adductor brevis

Function: adduct thigh at hip
Name the muscle
Adductor Brevis

origin: pubis
insertion: linea aspera

group: medial thigh
innervation: obturator nerve
blood supply: femoral artery
drain: femoral vein
location: anterior view - under adductor longus, superior to adductor magnus, longer and skinnier and deeper (anterior) than pectineus

Function: adduct thigh at hip
Name the muscle

origin: pubis
insertion: medial, proximal tibia

group: medial thigh
innervation: obturator nerve
blood supply: femoral
vein: femoral
location: most medial muscle, more likely directly medial to adductor magnus

Function: adduct thigh at hip, flex leg, medial leg rotation
Name the muscle
Biceps femoris: 2 head

origin: long - ischium, short - linea aspera
insertion: head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia

group: posterior thigh
innervation: tibial nerve (branch sciatic)
blood supply: femoral artery
vein: femoral vein
location: most superficial lateral posterior thigh, long head superficial to short head, common insertion

Function: extend thigh (long head only) , flex and lateral rotate leg
Name the muscle

origin: ischium
insertion: medial, proximal tibial shaft

group: posterior thigh
innervation: tibial nerve (sciatic branch)
blood vessel: femoral artery
vein: femoral vein
location: posterior view - deep to semitendonosus

Function: extend hip, flex knee
Name the muscle
Semitendinosus: tendons between

origin: ischium
insertion; medial, proximal tibia

group: posterior thigh
innervation: tibial nerve (sciatic branch)
blood supply: femoral artery
vein: femoral vein
location: posterior view - superficial to semimembranosus, medial posterior thigh

Function: extend hip, flex knee
Name the muscle
Tibialis anterior

origin: lateral, proximal tibia
insertion: medial, dorsal foot

Group: anterior leg
innervation: fibular nerve (sciatic branch)
blood supply:
drain into:
location: most superficial anterior muscle of leg, most medial of anterior leg group, tendon ends base of first metacarpal
Name the muscle
Name the muscle
Extensor digitorum longus

origin: proximal tibia and fibula
insertion: superior surfaces of phalanges 2-5

group: anterior leg
innervation: fibular nerve (branch sciatic)
blood supply:
drain into:
location: lateral to tibialis anterior, superficial anterior leg, tendon to base of distal phalanges

Name the muscle
Name the muscle
Extensor hallucis longus

origin: anterior surface of tibia
insertion: dorsal, lateral foot

group: anterior leg
innervation: fibular nerve (branch sciatic)
blood supply:
drain into:
location: under extensor digitorum longus, medial to fibularis brevis, lateral to tibialis anterior, proximal and medial to fibularis tertius

Name the muscle
Name the muscle
Fibularis tertius

Origin: distal anterior surface of fibula
Insertion: dorsal lateral foot

group: anterior leg
innervation: fibular nerve (branch sciatic)
blood supply:
drain into:
location: under extensor digitorum longus, most lateral anterior leg muscle, end lateral superficial to extensor digitorum brevis

Name the muscle
Name the muscle
Fibularis longus

origin: proximal fibula
insertion: tendon crosses plantar foot to insert in medial, plantar foot (1st metatarsal)

group: lateral leg
innervation: fibular nerve (branch sciatic)
blood supply:
drain into:
location: superficial lateral leg, superficial to fibularis brevis, lateral to extensor digitorum longus and fibularis brevis, closest posterior muscle: soleus. Tendon wrapped by superior and inferior fibular retinaculum

Function: everts foot + weak plantar flexion
Name the muscle
Name the muscle
Fibularis brevis

origin: lateral, distal fibula
insertion: base of 5th metatarsal

group: lateral leg
innervation: fibular nerve (branch sciatic)
blood vessel:
drain into:
location: under fibularis longus, lateral to extensor hallucis longus & fibularis tertius (under EHL) & extensor digitorum longus (superficial to EHL, FT). Tendon wrapped by superior and inferior retinaculum

Function: everts foot + weak plantar flexion
Name the muscle
Name the muscle
TIbialis posterior

origin: interosseous membrane and adjacent shafts of tibia and fibula
insertion: tarsal and metatarsal bones

group: deep posterior leg
innervation: tibial nerve
blood supply:
location: chunky tendon on tarsal bones, medial to flexor hallucis longus and lateral to flexor digitorum longus, tendon crosses with FDL tendon - tendon then medial to FDL tendon

Function: plantar flex ankle, inverts foot (supinate)
name the muscle
name the muscle
Flexor digitorum longus

origin: posteromedial surface of tibia
insertion:inferior surfaces of distal phalanges 2-5

group: deep posterior leg
innervation: tibial nerve
blood supply:
location: medial leg, tendon crosses tendon of TP - tendon end lateral to TP tendon

Function: plantar flexion, flex 4 digits, support longitudinal arches of foot
Name the muscle
Name the muscle
flexor hallucis longus

origin: posterior surface of fibula
insertion: inferior surface of distal phalanx of great toe

group: deep posterior leg
innervation: tibial nerve (branch sciatic)
blood supply:
location: under and lateral to tibialis posterior

Function: assist plantar flexion, flex big toe, support medial longitudinal arch of foot
Name the muscle
Name the muscle
popliteus: divergent

origin: lateral, distal femur
insertion: posterior proximal tibial shaft

group: deep posterior
innervation: tibial nerve
blood supply:
drain into:
location: under plantaris (& entire superficial group)

function: weak knee flexion, medially rotates tibia (of unplanted limb)
name the muscle
name the muscle
Gastrocnemius: 2 head structure

origin: posterior, distal femur
insertion: calcaneus (calcaneal tendon)

group: superficial posterior leg
innervatioin: tibial nerve (branch sciatic)
blood supply:
drain into:
location: most superficial two headed posterior muscle, inserts into calcaneous tendon

Function: plantar flexion when knee extended + knee flexion + raise heel during walking
Name the muscle, structure

origin: posterior, proximal tibia and fibula
insertion: calcaneous (calcaneous tendon)

group: superficial posterior leg
innervation: tibial nerve (branch sciatic)
blood supply:
drain into:
location: under gastrocnemius, "sole" shaped

Function: plantar flexion when knee extended
Name the muscle
Name the muscle

origin: lateral, distal femus
insertion: calcaneus & sometimes plantar aponeurosis

group: superficial posterior leg
innervation: tibial nerve
blood supply
location: very long tendon from lateral to medial, most proximal and deep of superficial posterior leg

Function: weak gastrocnemius plantarflexing ankle
Name the muscle
Name the muscle
Extensor hallucis brevis (big toe)
Extensor digitorum brevis

No hand equivalent
Extensor hallucis brevis (big toe)
Extensor digitorum brevis

No hand equivalent
Name the two muscles
Name the two muscles
Abductor hallucis
Abductor digiti minimi

Layer 1
Name the two muscles
Name the two muscles
Flexor digitorum brevis

No hand equivalent
Layer 1
Name the muscle
Name the muscle
deep to tendon of flexor digitorum longus

Layer 2
deep to tendon of flexor digitorum longus

Layer 2
Name the muscle
Name the muscle
Quadratus Plantae

No hand equivalent
Layer 2
Name the muscle
Name the muscle
Flexor hallucis brevis
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Adductor hallucis (transverse and oblique head)

layer 3
Flexor hallucis brevis
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Adductor hallucis (transverse and oblique head)

layer 3
Name layer and muscles
Name layer and muscles
Plantar interossei
Name the muscle
Name the muscle
Dorsal interossei
Name muscle
Name muscle