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36 Cards in this Set

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What makes up a nucleotide?

A phosphate, deoxyribose sugar and a base

Structure of the DNA?

Two strands of antiparallel nucleotides, in a double helix structure. 4 complementary base pairs.

What are the 4 complementary base pairs?

Adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine. A->T. C->G

What organisms contain prokaryotes(circular chromosomes)?

Bacteria, as they lack a membrane bound nucleus. Eukaryotes(linear chromosomes) are animal and plant cells, for example.

What is required for DNA replication?

A DNA template,


Supply of 4 dna nucleotides

Dna Polymerase and ligase


Replication. What happens in step 1?

Double helix unwinds ; hydrogen bonds between bases break,unzipping the molecule.

Step 2?

A primer binds to the 3'end of the strand.

Step 3?

Free DNA Nucleotides align themselves so their bases bond with the exposed complementary base pairs.

Step 4?

Dna Polymerase catalyses formation of the sugar phosphate group between the 3' end of the primer and the adjacent nucleotide.

Step 5?

Dna polymerase moves along the growing strand CONTINUOUSLY adding nucleotides to the 3'end of the strand.

What is the continuous strand called?

The leading strand.

What is the discontinuous strand called?

The lagging strand

What is the polymerase chain reaction?

A method of amplifying a small segment of dna in vitro.

What is needed for PCR?

Dna template

Dna nucleotides


Heat tolerant Dna polymerase

What is step 1 of PCR?

Dna template heated to 95° to denatured it. Breaks the hydrogen bonds between bases, seperately the strands.

What is step 2 of PCR?

Cooled to 55° to allow primers to bind by forming hydrogen bonds between complementary base pairs

What happens in step 3 of PCR?

Heated again to 72° to allow heat tolerant Dna polymerase to add nucleotides to the 3'end of the primers.

What is protein made of?

Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen

Structure of RNA

Phosphate group:

Ribose sugar:


What bases are in RNA?

Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Uracil

Transcription requirements??

Dna template, RNA nucleotides, RNA polymerase (unwinds and unzips double helix)

Where does transcription start?

At a 'promoter' region

What does RNA polymerase do in transcription?

Attaches to the promoter and unzips the DNA molecule

Terminator sequence does what?

Acts as a 'stop' barrier to stop RNA nucleotides being added to the 3' end by RNA polymerase.

What regions of DNA are coding regions?


What regions of DNA are non-coding regions?


What is Splicing?

When the introns are removed from the gene, to only leave exons

What are stem cells?

Cells which have the potential to become almost any cell required by the body

What are embryonic stem cells?

Cells which have the ability to become ANY cell in the body. Although it means a fetus must be sacrificed.

What are the 3 Single gene mutations?




What is substitution?

Where one nucleotide is swapped with another. Result in a wrong amino acid being produced.


A insertion of one or more nucleotides. Changes all the codon, therefore the sequence of amino acids. Non functional protein produced.


One nucleotide is deleted, changes the sequence of all codon and the protein will not function.

What molecule holds the dna together?

A Histone protein

What bonds form between bases?

Weak hydrogen bonds

A cellular process which DNA replication is essential?

Polymerase chain reaction.